How much have you actually done for Socialism other than arguing on the internet? Have you unionized yet, user? Looking for actual answers because I'm a dataminer curious.
Actual IRL Praxis Thread
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I shidded and farded and camed my pant
I post on the Internet and hope someone else does something.
I burned down the Texas Governor's Mansion in 2008.
I pissed off a lot of christfags, SJWs, Zig Forumstards, tankfags, ayncraps, and pirated shitloads of intellectual property, I LARPed as an american antifa-egoist anarchist hybrid and convinced some liberals to drop the free speech spook and confederate statue idoltry, I directly donated a bunch of money to homeless people living under a bridge, I carried a gun around without a license, I bonded with a weeaboo club at college with our mutual love of holocaust jokes, AND I worked up the courage to send in a job application.
I jerked off thinking about Stalin. I ofc came on my soviet flag hanged on my wall, it shot up pretty hard.
I'm a freelancer and freelancer unions unfortunately don't exist in any real capacity.
I am trying to get a website off the ground and monetize it though so that I can fund future political activities. It's slow work so far, but I have faith in the project.
I'm not even leftist lol, I like my first world luxuries and legit don't care if Africans suffer from it
I believe that in the Modern first world where De-Industrialization has occured and the threat of general Strike has become a thing of the past to some extent that the best course of action is a Ideologically hardened Committee of Intellectuals Socialist/Communist-Politicians and Sympathetic members of the Armed forces staging a Coup (See : Yugoslavia Peru Chile (1932) Venezuela Afghanistan Ethiopia etc)
youre a trot then?
Socialism is dead
Really though. Converting m8s, family and co-workers to become socialists and gaining support and possible funds.
Jesus though it takes a while and half the time you can't openly praise communism or it will spook em
I was going to see if there were any student organizations for Marxism when I move to a bigger university next year when I get enough hours. Until then I’ve just been reading theory.
I worked on a state legislative campaign in 2016
I followed my ego
fuck your mother's ancestors!
Helping with a political campaign.
I'm not being an idiot who thinks that black stands for anarchists in that sentence.
What does it stands for then?
I didn't see that coming. Good luck comrade!
No, Catholics
what kind of website?
Reminder there is no actual evidence Bismark ever said that
The closest to that quote in a verified format i could find with similar meaning was a Socialist in the US saying "LANDED heads wealth and privilege etc"
my greatest contribution is staying at home and containing my autism on the internet
You do you, fam. You do you.
What exactly is stopping you from getting a job? What high school did you get?
long story, it's not that i don't try though, just had to drop out from some work rehab thing recently because of bureaucratic madness
best rehab you can get is hard work, for decent wage. A month in factory and you won't have time to feel so miserable, being able to sustain yourself with your own labour is good feeling. And honest factory work will teach you to either get better job or be happy with what you have.
This hits home
funny you'd say that
doing just that i started getting migraines regularly and got fired because i kept throwing up
since i had to show up for "roll call" to then being told a bunch of times that i wasted money on fuel coming that day because there's no machine left i could slave away at i don't really mind though
you sound like an edgy 16 yo that never worked a day in his life
Just spent all my money on Communist and other books and I'm left moneyless. Papa Lenin would be so proud of me.
Too far out man, anti-semitism isn't cool and isn't leftist.
You don't really have to pay for your books. I headed to my country's local irrelevant splitter maoist party no.1067 and they just borrow me books for free. Probably because they're desperate for new members.
I like collecting books though. Feels nice to always have something to read whenever I want, and they're make for good conversations when I have guests.
Nothing can be done really, climate change is destroying the world and the capitalists won the class war so hard that proles have started deifying the capitalist mode of production and its disciples.
I'm part of a political organization but even I realize the futility of what we're actually discussing, ever since the soviet project failed the left wing around the world has lost teeth and claw and we are practically begging the capitalists to be nice.
I don't think you'll get any substantial answers on praxis since the police carefully monitor leftists
Ive been on permanent strike my entire life
Until your parents kick you out, then you're forced to grow up
I will never betray my dreams, i am the most heroic figure.
tbh i kind of actually do this
It's just jokes fam. I don't get mad when people make fun of me for being autistic.
Comrade you really need to start using this site:
wtf? What specific thing caused that?
That's extremely fucked up, comrade.
I wish I was.
papa makhno will remember this
sorry for being a cunt towards you with that shitty accusation
i don't know why i keep doing that shit
issue was mainly just anxiety and being oversensitive to stressful situations, it's why i went to that rehab that goes easier on people and tests them out first
now imagine i'd try join a party, be at a protest and then leave them hanging by dropping out and having someone take care of me
besides being a dumbass and useless piece of shit the rest of the time that alone is reason not to be a drain on any party i'd have a high enough opinion of
"comrades" like me really should just stay the fuck away, maybe safe up some money to make donations but then leave it at that and maybe try to sort their shit out before taking any other serious steps like organizing and participating when the party is reliant on functional and dedicated people in their ranks
I watch anime
It doesn't actually have anything to do with leftism, unfortunately. Right now it's pretty much just a blog, but the idea is for it to be a central location for people of many different niches and underground subcultures; imagine if you took 4chan or Reddit, for example, and also integrated non-forum features into the board/subreddit, like a news source, store, web games, and collaborative art applications.
I think the idea is pretty rock solid, it's just a matter of getting some sizable traffic to its primitive and early form. From there I can expand, completely recreate the design from the ground up, and start to have a respectable website. It's going to be a multiyear endeavor if I stick to it, which I might not depending on the rate of traffic increase I see.
i made that meme forever ago and im really glad that its being shared around. i only shared it with my local group: Socialist Organization of North Georgia but i see theyve shared it too
have another meme
Remember that this is a disputed quote, you only have some source from an american essay, if he did say that this would have been what he meant:
crowned heads, wealth and privilige dont crumble due to fascists u dope
It is the center catholic party in Germany.
Zentrum aren't fascists, btw.
The Zentrum's colour was blue.
aight, still dumb af
In itself it was a true danger at that time, the kulturkampf had failed and Bismarck was worried that the two strongest opposition forces would unite, this would be the socialist "reds" that had already made a show of force with the Commune of Paris and the Zentrum Catholic "Black" force that had survived the kulturkampf, I do not know if it is valid since as a reactionary I can definitely point out how the anti-modernity praxis has been dropped out very slowly, even then it is a beautifull quote that shows the clear drastic change of power with the introduction of marxist groups in Europe during the Victorian Era.
Post 1930-45, check the photo, they changed it since it now carried the weight of being a "Fascist" colour
I do that often on chans too, don't apologize for pretty-much just following etiquette.
Well, I do not have as bad condition as you, but I remember that when I was buying weed for first time alone, I was literally shaking. Second time was much better. Now it's pretty normal. My boss at work keeps telling me to be more assertive, because of stuff like this, and sales office is making still fun of me because I was "tiptoeing"idiom of going stealthy somewhere in my language, no idea how it is said in english while going for a free drink in their office about a month ago. The trick which helped me is not thinking about how I embarrassed myself, and put myself into similar situation again, trying to act more confident. What more did you learned at rehab? I can imagine they can prescribe you some drugs, but what about having a shot or two of strong alcohol when expecting such situation?
Those are very different things. Parities are good only for embarrassing yourself, but being at protest, crowd psychosis is going to make sure that you are not going to freeze.
You are never going to be a new lenin, that is sure. But do not underestimate yourself. You have curable, not chronic disease. I am sure of that because (you) are trying to cure yourself. There will always be room for people trying to better themselves in every communist organization.
So you are trying to recreate facebook. Good luck with blaming your failure of not trying to create more value in this world on porky.
Except what I just described sounds literally nothing like Facebook and you would realize that if you weren't certifiably retarded.
and probs other shite too
1) been (critically) involved w several electoral campaigns;
2) organized a study group that's been going on for 2 yrs;
3) in the process of translating TaNS;
4) kept agitating between proles.
>le argued and convinced everyday peypole -> grow the fuck up!
Alright lads I live in a "small" city of 80,000 what are the chances of meeting anarchists? And making a chapter here
Apparently SRA has taken up disaster relief to sow goodwill among the populace in the wake of hurricane Florence. Looks good and is above all in the spirit of mutual aid and solidarity.
Reminds me a bit of Mutual Aid Disaster relief, who have also rallied for Florence. They grabbed some headlines back when Maria had hit when the Feds tried to scare them out and shut them down as "suspected militants".
I don't care if it hurts my Marxist street cred to say this: Mutual aid/disaster relief is objectively good praxis and should be embraced by socialists everywhere.
you'd had none to begin with lol
Which of those things I can't do on facebook?
Why do people point out that I'm a Trot like it's an insult? If I'm wearing the Trot flag I'm obviously not fucking ashamed of being a Trot, dingus.
You CAN do these things on Facebook, but Facebook is not intended for niche subcultures and its features and layout are certainly not ideal for people who want to discuss anime, video games, tabletop gaming, etc.
That's why sites like Reddit and 4chan exist in the first place.
He was insulting you for being a Trot.
It's a subtle distinction, and I'm not surprised a Trot like you doesn't understand it.
No, you fucking moron, I'm saying that "HURR DURR LOOK YOU"RE A TROT" when I'm wearing a Trot flag and anyone who with an Autism Level above 50 can fucking SEE that I'm a Trot isn't an insult.
Everybody does it like it makes them clever or something to point out something everyone can already see.
Why (you) expect you'll to get good enough to be relevant?
I mean, you are certainly going in good direction. User generated content is the most profitable (read porkiest) thing you can wish for, it's like having free workers AND profiting from selling them stuff. I had similar idea about creating niche wiki about some stuff (mostly agriculture stuff like permaculture, shroom growing and so on) but making too broad website is too much effort for nothing.
this is what trots actually believe
I was half-joking, but you really don't understand his insult do you?
He wasn't just saying "You're a Trot!".
He was saying "You're a Trot so you had no street cred to begin with.".
I think that this idea hasn't been executed very well, if at all, in the past so I'm not dealing with a whole lot of competition.
Everyone tries to make another Reddit, for example, but nobody tries to actually make a more useful Reddit. Likewise, everybody tries to make a news site for geeks, but nobody tries to integrate that with, as you said, substantial user-generated content.
It's honestly pure folly that nobody has real tried such an obvious idea, but maybe a company will buy me out really early in the process so I have to do even less work. That I wouldn't mind at all.
please stop bullying me
No, I get his insult, but it doesn't take any wit or knowledge to make that kind of 'insult'. It honestly probably would have been funnier if he just said "But you're a Trot, so you're a faggot anyway."
You should read Lenin's critique on labour unions my dude. There's a reason not only nazis did made labour unions illegal and fused them into a state one, but soviets did that as well.
Unions are prone to revisionism.
Lenin didn't reject labor unions, he just (correctly) pointed out that the level of consciousness labor unions are capable of reaching on their own is limited and that their leadership in first world countries tend to be bureaucratic, bourgeois-friendly, and anti-revolutionary.
But, and I cannot stress this enough, he still believed labor unions were a crucial and irreplaceable component of class war and that the more workers unionized, the better.
Lenin was one of only a handful of 20th century Marxists who didn't actively try to revise Marx, so I don't know what on Earth you're talking about.
Got fucking damn it the ice pick got stuck, I am talking about how ML theory fell to revisionism.
You didn't criticize ML revisionism, you criticized Lenin as a revisionist.
Should have placed ML instead of Leninism, sure that was my mistake.
I support the communist party (both monetarily and in protests) and am well read in theory. will unionize when employed obviously
most people on Zig Forums are internet larpers, as demonstrated by this thread
Zig Forums comedy hour
I just joined the local communist youth organization. Feels really good actually, doing something instead of sitting on my hands and shitposting.
This is a combo that would roll over every possible opponent as an unstoppable juggernaut.
For this reason, the establishment has sown seeds of hatred and mutual distrust deep into both of these communities. Because if they ever united they would be able to bring about a paradigm shift in global politics.
I've got a question: What can I do as a teacher?
I'd get fired. Not gonna happen. I don't teach a subject like history or anything that I could throw some subtle shit into either.
I mean demographic wise yeah, frankly tho I see and ever more precarious urban white middle class be more likely in this picture than your average redneck who’s near almost too far gone ideologically.
At least you get a couple decent people, like the redneck revolt crowd in there
you should delete this, even if its a joke
absolutely nothing but arguing on the internet and changing irl liberals and centrists minds about class consciousness
you are an idiot if you think thats what being a leftist means
It is easier to flip the loyalty of a radical than a moderate.
Your lack of compassion and concern is expected user. We don't care one way or the other. Your entire society is death, and it is dying more and more each day. No matter how much you struggle you cannot delay the inevitable. Your sins weigh you down.
was admitted to my countries officer academy
hope i don't get assassinated my country is a shithole in latin america
god fuck
any tips on how to estabilish myself as generalissimo (crypto-socialist) here??????
Im sorry i'm nervous, this was just a joke referencing military officers who did coup d'eats in their countries.
Honestly if I was you I wouldn't mention anything military related that could get you in trouble.
Even the shittiest of governments are capable of tracking what their citizens are doing.