When Gab is back up, I think we should make a concerted effort to establish a leftist sphere of the site. I don't care if you're a ☭TANKIE☭, an anarchist, or a demsoc. United front, let's fuck their shit up.

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Unironically this. The left is going to be purged big time from most social networks.

Ah but communists will surely be allowed to thrive on a site controlled by and for nazis. Indeed, the nazis are our greatest allies in this struggle against feminists and other pink haired creatures.

Attached: 158.png (447x378, 11.3K)

If you don't think free speech helps the left, then I can't help you. If the nazis are going to be the ones who give us a platform, then so be it.

Not at all what I said.
They aren't.

Unless we somehow manage to turn the momentum of simple contrarian fanaticism into a ground which can be used for organisation and discussion, this is something that only an idiot could think of. We know that any necessarily-clandestine parts of organising a particular revolutionary movement cannot use public networking sites like this. Gab can only be used to spread propaganda as far as I can see, but we must keep in mind who the kinds of people who flock to the site will be. So who are they? Contrarians, mostly young, some old. They are after an escape from what they identify as being ruling trends of thought. Is it not the same with those reactionaries who are often within a click of us? Do they not see themselves as being up against corrupt swine who assume control of the machines which govern the world, winning or losing, which denies their thought some kind of supremacy? Are they not consciously-identifying with this movement even if they poorly act it out - e.g. as some sort of LARP? Similarly to an infant, they are looking for something to latch onto and identify with. They seek a completely new Other, if not more of the doctrines of the Other which they hold dear. They are looking for adventure, but they do not want more than they bargain for. This is true even of the people who seek to 'gather ideas from all sides' or whatever the hell they say they want to do - something has to be rejected. If Communists are to set up there, they are going to have to demonstrate to them that it is Communism which is the most terrifying and obscene thing by the standards of ruling ideology in all its forms. This terror cannot be highlighted through the kinds of meme formats which we are used to, including many of those which anons over the years have shoved onto Leftybooru and other such sites. We are going to have to somehow demonstrate that if they really are after deep and transgressive change, then they must become Communists.

You no step my snek, I no step you snek.

we already have gnusocial/mastodon and the federation.

Nazi lies. You're just waiting for me to calm down so you can step.

uhm flox don't say d*mb that's ableist uwu

same with gnusocial but at least it's not proprietary garbage owned by retards.

I'd rather use Mastodon.

is a concept about how the government handles criticism. It's not your right that a newspaper has to publish a letter by you or that a radio station has to broadcast your words whenever you call them or that a blog has to publish your comments. Same for Gab. And even if a service is very permissive at the moment, they can change that any time; and even if they stay permissive, there is the question what they do with your data.

I never used gab, it seemd kiked tbh.
Probably conjecture, I'll stop shitposting.
My real gripe is that the central problem isn't adressed, it still isn't solving the issue of things being possible to censor, because as has been exhaustively demonstrated time and time again it doesn't matter who is the censor or the one wielding that power (in the beginning) it always turns to shit later on.
Even 4chan has its issues with censoring, it has to be resitant by design.
I may hate the guts of you guys, but we are both essentially fringes and small out-government groups, regardless if one says obongo is actually a commie or the other says drumpf is actually hitler, we can probably agree in a strategic sense on "free speech".
Thus a platform that I have heard and that is supposed to be good is called "mastodon" or another by the name of "GNU social".
I don't know which one it was, but I think both of them were decentralized and one even gave you the option to migrate your account onto other servers.
If we go anywhere else other than twatter or faceberg, then one of these two is it.
And the best part is that I can't accuse them of being commies and you can't accuse them of being Nazis as the software runs in a decentralized fashion.
=GNU social

Now, you should gather from the fact that I actually put half an amount of effort into this post that I actually care about the word of these platforms spreading.
I'd have to do more reasearch and actually read their sites to find out which one I would support specifically and whether there is another one that is better than all the others, but if we on the imageboards decide for one service or at least find commonality in a list of services to peddle to our friends, then I think a shift can happen.
I think part of what could help normies switch, especially those that are slightly non-conformist, is simply raiding the sites from the other, free services.
But at any rate, the word has to spread.
See you later (on a noose).

some leftist you are

I think this is a false equivalency, especially considering that facebook, google, twatter an Co. aren't really "publishers".
But they sure are pushing their behaviour in that direction, I hope it blows up back into their weasel faces and they then get forced to double down on their policing from outsiders that like to use their rules against them.
Either way, it's making effective speech impossible.
Sure, it's not directly linked to "free speech", but it's also not completely disconnected.
Aside from that one final foundational idea that I have thought of in that context, is that in principle laws have to be designed in a way to permit a fair way to deal with the realities of living in societies. Why should there not be legislature to adapt to this? Just because it's in a law-book doesn't mean it's just, especially when the preliminaries of the entire situation that is regulated by said laws change.

Torba, the guy who runs Gab, is a right wing libertarian and basically alt right. However, keep in mind that Hot Wheels is also a libertarian (though thankfully not alt right). If we joined Gab, they wouldn't be able to stop us, because if they tried then they would be giving clear support to the Nazis they host.

Hot Wheels has had nothing to do with this website in years.

So the lads of twatter banning "nazis" are clearly commies by your logic?

Yes he does. He doesn't run it anymore, but he's a top employee and engineer. Do you know anything about this site?

That makes no fucking sense, and is a completely retarded point.

Okay, let me analyze how I read and understood
again then:
If we joined Gab, they wouldn't be able to stop us, because if they tried then they would be giving clear support to the Nazis they host.
This is a direct quote from that comment, I am not misquoting yet, am I?
Probably due to an implicit public expectation to adgere to principle?
the condition upon which the truth of the following statement relies
Okay, so this is the chain of "logic" that I can only deduce from this:



But let's get back on topic:
or rather
GNU social
Which would you rather envision to be used by more people?
I personally have the feeling that GNUsocial is the service that has more flexibility but might also be harder to get started due to more technicalities.
What I like is that everyone can make a server and accounts can migrate from server to server which could be a nightmare for our beloved governments which we cherish so much and thank daily for the freedoms that they afford us and the danger they protect us from. :^)
That said, the same thing with the server-hosting and decentralization may well also be a part of Mastodon, I have to do some reading, see you around.
I thought this place would at least haughtily and superficially pride itself in "focusing more on discussion" or go for the "me an intellectual" meme.

Mastodon is completely infested with radlibs and people who police ableist slurs like "d*mb" and "st*pid"

Okay, but is the platform itself censorship resistant, or can they somehow get stuff taken down by puttin in complaints?
Because if it's the former then it doesn't matter, let's rile up a few ☭TANKIE☭s and skinheads and get going?

If they start banning leftists they'd prove themselves to be "against free speech" and be rightfully called hypocrites.

No they can't get your instance taken down if I'm remembering right, but they cant have the admins of their instance(s) block communications between users of your instance and their instance(s)

You mean twitter? There's an uncountable army of blue checkmark gender confused blue haired marxists, what you talkin bout, Willis?


Attached: johnoliver-lastweektonight11[1].jpg (1500x842, 346.95K)

Hmm… so we have the same problem that you have with news corporations giving info """truthfully""" but selectively.
Shit, it's basically re-packaged only, since the principle of Zipf is sure to effect the instances and the usage of them too.
I guess GNU social is about the same.
Is there anything that is truly p2p in a way where anyone that joins can only regulate his own information-intake?

Fug, why was it anchored by the way?
I come from Zig Forums so I'd have found it interesting to hear which platforms the opposite side thinks are safe for free speech.

Put your phone in your fridge and speak in a low volume.

they can only police language in their own moderated group on mastodon though.

As i understand it mastodon consists of several instances running on their own servers that can but don't have to connect to each other, so that users on one instance can follow or get followed by users of other instances. Those instances are moderated but the people who run them. So someone could for example open a leftypol instance.

Literally the closest your going to get is some IRC chat in which the room is kept under tight wraps and the password is shared cautiously. Anywhere else anything you say can more or less be traced back to you with enough effort or shut down/censored.


Gab going down is a bad precedent.
Going after Gab is unnecessary. Honestly, it'd be better to establish a leftist sphere as a defense of the site - which would effectively require that we shill for the site owners and let them take a bunch of screenshots of us to say "see we aren't all Nazis!!!"

Of course, they are pretty much all Nazis and they'd also probably be too fucking stupid to even pull that off because Gab's entire narrative actually relies on being a refuge for poor innocent persecuted conservatives who just think the Holocaust never happened but also have hopes that it will. If they even tried to coherently present themselves as anything else, their base would be let down.

Also, working with Nazis is stupid. But I do maintain that it's in our interests to stop this shit from getting taken down and advocate free speech because we're already being targeted by Facebook and cut out of most mainstream discussion. As shit as Gab is, they're also clearly a scapegoat here.

As for joining Gab to 'fuck their shit up,' that's a completely stupid plan - we'd just end up saturating their userbase and making them bigger.

There are loads of right-wing posters on Twitter.
Also genderqueer panMarxtheism is… I don't know what it is, but I can believe quite easily that those people aren't stepping on the status quo's toes.

Also, this. Obviously.

this, we have the fediverse.

just make an account on soc.ialis.me and enjoy

OP here
you guys are right, that site is fucked, and this is a dumb thread. I gotta stop making threads early in the morning.

It's actually nice to see how hard everybody's going against Torba. I just hope things will get a little better now, instead of just quieting down for a week and then getting more fascist

That would be a glorious test. If they truly are pro-free speech then lefties should thrive and you gain another platform, if they are just a cover for the alt-right then you get to expose them with incontrovertible evidence.

It is a win-win situation.

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