New Chinese Game Show: "Studying Xi in the New Era"
Well he got that right.
mao is rolling in his grave
or his mausoleum i guess
Can anyone actually tell me what "Xi Jingping thought" actually is? The whole thing looks like a scam. I've tried to read about but it's really just verbiage with fortune cookie wisdom, with not a single concrete political goal. Strenghenin Marxism, yes, but was is Marxism according to the CPCh? "Modern developed country by 2050", yes, but what does that mean? Unless Xi actually says what he wants to do economically I am not hopping on the China train, as for now he just seems to simultanously strengthen private investment, firms and trade, and rationalize SoE, while cracking down on opposition and corruption.
recently back from china: his name and face is usually on the front page of every newspaper and tv show every day (even in the embassy). its basically a vast PR department that makes him say everything positivist. there is nothing uniquely Marxist about his thought. the Party thinks they can keep a lid on private enterprise and so far they have been correct.
I could be wrong, but doesn't it seem like the New York Times has had a lot more negative coverage of China recently?
Just read The Governance of China if you want to understand Xi's guiding ideology
Don't think so, it's mostly that it's a hot topic on Zig Forums right now because of unironic dengoids and marcyites who weren't here two years ago.
I just want the anti-revisionist ☭TANKIE☭ gang to come back
Holy smokes this owns
You're fucking retarded even for an anarchist.
Also will prepare you to win prizes on the show.
I don't know about Xi. Naming your own "thought" with your name while you're still alive is pretty arrogant.
Tell that to Mao and Gonzalo
Shit like this is why I'm still convinced the PRC, no matter how corrupt or how far it has gone toward restoring capitalism, is still a deformed workers' state.
Bourgeois regimes don't promote Marxism; not even a bastardized, shallow version of Marxism. They just don't fucking do it; they have nothing to gain by doing so and everything to lose.
So are we going to get these two with English subtitles anytime soon? Marx Got it Right is up on YouTube but it's in Mandarin with no subtitles.
If these critics were alive in Lenin's days they would call him a revisionist too.
I don't know about this show, but some CCTV shows have English subtitles, and it may be on some CGTN channels subtitled.
NYT is such a bad magazine. They really do their best to insulate their readers from knowing anything about modern China and control exactly what they hear about it. I hope eventually the country is able to break out on its own and Western people are forced to get a more complete and accurate picture of China. Not this pathetic narrative controlling propaganda shit.
I swear to god. NYT readers probably are so insanely misinformed about China they think there is score that will go down if you don't shout Long Live Emperor Xi in the bathroom mirror every morning.
here's the actual quiz show if anyone wants to watch it, no english subtitles though: theory.people.com.cn
click for the totally over-the-top star trek intro, stay for the xi jinping thought. fun fact, the title 学习大会 literally translates as "study session" or "study meeting" but because 习 is the character for xi's last name it's also a clever pun.
"marx got it right" was the first part of the series, and the series is titled "socialism is pretty cool."
their reporters may be well-meaning (or at least think of themselves that way) but they also live in the expat bubble where the only people they talk to are other expats or critics of the government – or at least that's who ends up getting quoted. it's like the chomsky snark at the reporter where he said "i'm sure you believe every word you're saying, but if you thought differently, you wouldn't be sitting where you're sitting."
where can I downroad the full animu with engrish subtutturuu?
Lmao this place loves literal propaganda from a fascist nation, you mfs are really as dumb as the nazis on POL say
I pretty much am on their side rn so heil hitler or wtv
I'm also a white male, so I'm a rapist to you people. Don't you think the Kavanaugh thing went just a little bit too far lol
It is a fascist nation you dumb fuck.
How many billionaires do they have to have for you for you to start to suspect that they aren't Marxist, Communist, Maoist or even Socialist? Their society is even more unequal than the US or even Brazil for that matter, they're like 3 places above India, have 3 million slaves (To India's 14m, that is by far the first on the list of most people on slave-like conditions)
But whatever, big refutation as expected
Is this place satire?
Things like this are why I really do believe that the west (America especially) are on borrowed time. The younger generations are just getting poorer and poorer while the third world is becoming less attached to America. That can't be good for the empire (God willing.)
I would like to share with you this most amazing book. It's a book about China and its development. It has so many awesome parts, you have no idea.
care to define fascism?
If you ask people whether or not they think their future will be better or worse, Chinese overwhelmingly say better while it's the complete opposite in the United States. Young people in the U.S. are not building wealth anywhere like their parents; they're just having it extracted from them. It's going to be grim and it's going to get worse as the boomers continue to retire.
I'm admittedly no expert on Chinese relations with the third world but I think there's a reason why African countries for instance prefer to make deals with the Chinese who come in and build highways and bridges instead of the IMF with all its strings attached.
No I don't. you just want to turn the discussion into matters of principle and bog it down into dictionary definitions so spare me the sophistry.
you have no idea how much i'm familiar with China big guy. But if you're reading about Jinping, you won't find the origin of this bizarre system. Look into his predecessors.
And it's not like I'm saying FASHISM IS BAD or something like that. If you people got too much power, I'd be a fascist too. You're dumb, authoritarian, deluded deeply triggering and problematic racist schizos that want someone holding you down into mandatory mediocrity and you worship political violence and terrorism because you're so low-IQ you can't imagine there might be backlash at all. I just want to live in a country where people like you are not allowed to hold power.
bitch spare me the bullshit this is leftypol not reddit
Also not only is China a Fascist regime, it's an ethnostate, 91% of the people there are one single ethnic group, the Han Chinese.
Now let's see you gender studies majors tell me why ethnostates are a good thing now. Give me your best Vice articles.
said the fascis
ugh weak
can't you fuckers just give me some good banter? what a letdown.
Trump is basically a turbo Zionist supremacist,but how many of you care about it? There was never a US president as compromised with Israel as he is, and that's a huge fucking claim I'm making, but I'm sure or it.
There are a lot of minorities in China and the Han ethnicity is so diverse a lot of people want to insist it doesn't rightly exist.
An ethnostate isn't just whenever most members are the same race. China doesn't have race laws the same way Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy did.
I've noticed that if you get sucked into China-Watcher twitter the mood almost instantly become anxious, sad and terrified. I've always thought this was bizarre because when I lived in China I never felt that way. They definitely do this to themselves, and it's something expats-who-only-talk-to-expats tend to feel, from my experience.
So do you consider Lenin a Fascist because of the New Economic Policy?
Man just a year ago amerifats were mostly ambivalent towards china. Now they can go five seconds without panicking about them. Really makes you think.
China's been crushin' it my whole life and unless someone is ready to honestly engage with how much things have improved there (in the 80s, the entire country was totally discounted as a permanently backwards grain importer and nothing more), I think they have to work to say anything meaningful. Even leftist darling Chuang refused to acknowledge their phenomenal successes and development, which I think is very strange, and it makes this publication somewhat suspect imo.
Every year I go back there I'm almost shocked again by how much things have improved since the last time. They are clearly still have a lot of steam left, too. And it's not just about money, I feel theres an attitude there that is not here in the US, where people are ready to embrace the future and want to meet it. And there is more to politics than what the CCP says there is. All the local people seem to know the local news, and almost everyone's got an opinion. I guess right now the party is trying to convince people that just because you might be rich and know a lot, doesn't mean you should have an official role in politics, but I don't know if that is a tenable position long term. It's Xi's position, I think, but we'll see I guess.
It's about to get extremely bad. There are signs everywhere that the US is going to start an "all of government" effort to build anti-pathy towards China. Think of what they've done to Russian relations. Okay they are going to do that to China to, twice as hard and twice as fast. I feel sure about that.
The tariffs negotiations being a complete sham seem to make it obvious. Now they are leaning in hard with the Navy. It's gunna suck.
China was originally the neoconservative target in the 90s, then 9/11 happened and the U.S. military-industrial state shifted gears. But if go back and look at Commentary magazine in the 90s it was full-on hate China.
No, people are more frequently posting articles about China. I'm pretty sure NYT still writes them at the same rate.
Since the Chinese are one of the biggest shill lords and astroturfing lords on social media (behind the Russians), I am 100% sure that they got hold of the "fully automated space communism" meme and are now taking advantage of it. I mean, this is ridiculous, and clearly tries to appeal to a new generation of communists.
Not necessarily a bad thing, I mean.
No, the NYT has been writing them at a sharply higher rate.
t. riggerred
I don't know if the Chinese are doing this – at least abroad – but I hope they do tbh. I have some anecdotes that they *might* be dipping their toes in these waters but I don't know for certain.