If you were to look at a typical "Rightwing, Republican, Conservative, Zionist, Anti-Abortion, Anti-nigger, Pro-white, Pro-life, Confederate, Christian" you might assume that Jesus was all that and more but the truth is the Jesus found in the bible is nothing like the Jesus these idiots think they worship. If they actually took the time to read about Jesus(They won't) they would hate him. He talks about forsaking your possessions all(Luke 14:33), Loving your enemies(Matthew 5:44), Giving to the poor(Mark 14:7) and all sorts of other things many "christians" would have a problem with. They would call him a "Hippie, Socialist, libtard, Communist, Extremist" and if Jesus is that I am fine with that at least I can say I am more closely following the Jesus of the bible[probably].
Jesus, the hippie, communist, libcuck
Other urls found in this thread:
This is not news for anyone on this board nor anyone else in the world.
Why you americans are so dumb
It's not a meme, it's the truth.
Literally all thought in the USA has been social engineered from birth to support Capitalism.
Dem becoming NutSacs would be the furthermost left they can hope to be.
Problem is not only dumbness when it comes to politics but literally everything else from food to sex, to cars to art americans cannot fully understand
The problem is the dominance of anarchists among the radical left, the world needs scientific socialism
There are a lot of dumb people in the world. Average German or Fin is as dumb as average American. The difference is that English language dominates the world and America has third largest population in the world, and internet is full of videos of dumb Americans. There is less information about dumb Norwegians because there are less Norwegians and Norwegian language is not as widely spoken.
No it's not true. I didn't say ignorant but straight up dumb. Americans are straight up dumb and don't understand how the world works.
It is true. Just go to /int/.
Don't take internet as an example.
Well you could just fly to Europe, but that's expensive. But if you could choose just one country, I would advice fly to UK. Average Britt is as dumb as average American.
Dude I'm Italian and no. It's not the fucking same.
I'm not some self hating American cunt.
I've to America numerous time and they are dumb in a way no other can be
My 2 cents
Jesus is a radical socdem and a pacifist who's fine with rendering unto Ceaser (goverment, bourgeois class etc) because of a magic second life they don't get to go too.
If he was here today he'll be a Berniecrat anti-racist with a creepy apocalyptic cult and might even shout some horse shoe theory memes about le evil Soviets and the Nazi's being both mass killers and anti-god. Certinly not the right winger Americans think but still far off Socialism, and he would be a bit of a shitty antifa uses violence so their bad type of socdem. (good for slave societys though).
Obligatory ">believing in spooks"
Honestly Nazis who use Christianity to justify ethnonationalism make more sense than American Evangelicals who use Christianity to justify laissez faire capitalism and supply side economics. This shit straight up makes no sense.
Also Jesus wasn't a communist, maybe sort of proto-utopian socialist at best
You can't mix social/spiritual conservationism with a liberation movement, especially one that doesn't care about the spiritual aspect of the other movements it's housing. At least not without cherry picking the scripture.
When you look at the context of what is usually sighted (in this case what is in the OP) as evidence for communism, it will makes sense that that is not what is being taught. Just like how the Bible contains many stories of men with multiple wives, yet despite cuckquean or mormon interpretations the bible teaches one man and women per marriage.
In context Jesus is being followed by a large group of people, and not all of them wanted to be his disciple, so he said that to weed out those that really wanted to follow him. That doesn't mean Christians should literally give up everything they own. Charity is definitely a Christian value, but that's not enough to say it's communistic.
In this passage his later goes on to talk about Divorce, so Jesus is speaking about Personal interactions, this means that a governmental entity (that must protect it's citizens) shouldn't "love" it's enemies.
This story is about a women "wasting" expensive perfume to give to Christ, someone complains that it could have been used to help the poor and Jesus says. "“Leave her alone; why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful deed to Me. 7 The poor you will always have with you,c and you can help them whenever you want. But you will not always have Me." So it works against the communist Jesus example as expected from bait, but many of you seem to believe in communist Jesus.
He was always against the religion that will bring the apocalypse, Webm related.
Getting into this, I think there may be more to it -
On the one hand, Jesus's personal philosophy was very clearly SocDem at least and thusly, yeah, way left of where a lot of American Christians are now on economics and violence and community and stuff like that.
On the other hand, it's unclear how much he otherwise veered from Jewish law, and he said something to the effect of "I'm not here to replace the laws" or something like that. And at that point, Jewish law was really, really 'conservative' - with parts of it being the source of modern fundamentalist Christian obsessions. Which is kinda weird, since Christians don't do the "no shellfish" thing and many practicing Jews don't care about buggery.
[spoiler]Jesus was NazBol
I don't think you know what an apocalyptic cult is - Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet. His followers believed the end was coming within the foreseeable future.
Jesus would have been called a commie by right-wingers if he were alive today, not because Jesus was actually a communist, but because right-wingers don't know what a communist is and call literally anyone left of Reagan. Jesus was a left pacifist and nothing more.
Can you prove that?
He can to fulfill the OT, but at the same time, he would turn Judaism into Christianity, the Jews that rejected him became Talmudist jews (or part of what we call today as Judaism.) who reject their own messiah.
Christianity is the result of Judiasm. So the ceremonial laws of the OT were for the jews before Jesus, or else you'd have Christians burning down entire towns because there was a witch living there.
Most average jews don't take the OT in the same way that Christians do.
I know what you mean, and i know that at a surface level interpretation Christianity can seem like that. Cults have a distinct structure to mentally cage people into their ideology, Christianity must be voluntary, you're not being backmailed or love bombed into it, God values free will. Just because Jesus revealed the end of the world doesn't mean that you're suppose to drink the koolaid and mass suicide to arrival of Jesus.
Except he wasn't, he used his authory as the essence of God to chase money changers from the church with whips
Why the fuck are we listening to a bunch of kikes talk about Jesus or the messiah or whatever the fuck they believe in their dreaded Talmud?
I believe the Abrahamic God is a false and corrupt distortion of a Semitic God which would have existed within a pantheon. Perhaps the God got selfish and wanted all the worship to Himself, hence Abrahamic religion obsession with muh one gawd.
You fuckers need to accept Satan as your lord and savior. Satan has always been associated with the transgression of the social norms. One should always remember that the name "Satan" means "He who stands against". Satan is the symbol of the upending of order into anarchy. and the chaos and destruction that follows: the most truly Satanic holiday isn't Hexenacht or Friday the 13th, but the Feast of Fools, where the beggar becomes king and nobles wait on their servants.
"Satan is the first free-thinker and Saviour of the World.
He frees Adam and impresses the seal of humanity and liberty
on his forehead, by making him disobedient."
Thus stated Mikhail Bakunin, the Russian Anarchist philosopher.
This is the same post where you cite the incident where he drives money changers out of the temple.
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
If you look at Jesus and then look at a modern megachurch or prosperity preacher, a contradiction is immediately apparent.
Ok, but did he eat shellfish?
Saying "my fellow Jews are corrupt" is a bit different from saying "the old testament laws are wrong, ignore them."
I don't think the distinction even existed until after Jesus's death.
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
I don't think even the new covenant ever actually explicitly contradicts this.
Goes without saying, really.
This isn't really true, though. Historically, cults were just small or nascent religions or religious groups venerating a particular figure (IE a saint, a specific God within a polytheistic religion, etc.).
Hey Zig Forums watcha doing
Inb4 Ban
Not Saying Israels good but
Bruh have you listened to the stuff that the chief rabbi of Israel has said literally calling goyim cattle?
That shit is toxic as fuck and is nothing but a supremacy cult.
Where in my post did i say i supported Israel?
So monasteries are actually existing socialism?
>John 2:13 When the Jewish Passover was near, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers seated at their tables. 15So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a marketplace!”
Matthew 19:21 is about devotion to God, it's really not enough to be anti-capitalist, more on the spiritual aspect of charity. Being wealthy is not a sin, greed is, and charity is a Christian value. The disciples gave all their possession away because they living a unique life to show their devotion to Jesus. There was also a man who misses his father's funeral to join Jesus, that doesn't we every Christian should not go to their father's funeral. Statements from the bible, not stories, just because everyone sold their property in the church doesn't mean for the church to sell everything.
Also this was voluntary, so in a society where it everything was already established as such, it wouldn't be charity. In the time of period of the church (when Christ died and was resurrected) was special. These people are out and preaching the bible, the point is Christianity in a exciting time period of growth, that is why people are throwing away their possessions and joining God without a job. So it's not a command, it's a product of the time.
Jesus fulfilled the law, yet the Jews rejected him for it, because he didn't complete it in the way they though. The pic in Should clear up your misunderstanding. Simplistically it's why we don't have to sacrifice animal every time we sin to avoid death. Regarding shellfish. It's the difference between the ceremonial law, the moral law, and the judicial law. gotquestions.org
Pic related. The Jews that rejected Christ went on to become the religion in revelation, waiting for another messiah and rejecting Christ.
People have sooo many misconceptions of Christianity, especially Zig Forums just can't seem to accept that it's deeper than simply saying jews = Christianity, or that Jesus isn't a copy of pagan gods.
I'm going by an american definition of the word cults as dangerous brainwashing centers of blackmail, in other places they're used as another world for religious groups. Regardless it's not a doomsday religious group, it's suppose to resist the apocalypse not welcome it.
Yes, thank you for adopting the modernist/liberal view of the bible that has surfaced only in the last 50 years or so. Truly enlightened, and #woke.
200 Autism Level
yes, they are communal and they share their property, but this only works for purified people who take vows of poverty/celibacy and basically renounce the world.
This setup would self implode if the people remained to be greedy, lustful, and interested in the things of the world and making "progress" and basically if normies do it it results in gulags, death, famine, catastrophe and genocide.
I'm okay with gulags and death, but the last three come from failing to gulag or kill all the fucking counter-revolutionary scum.
and this is why all such movements self implode and are so temporary
Wouldn't that mean that they would receive food and money from the government? Monasteries exist outside society & government, like monks. wouldn't it be more like Christian anarchism than socialism?
Also these pics have been debunked in this thread.
While Christianity is completely incompatible with Socialism or Communism and Socialist Movements in the 21st century that shouldnt de-Value Christianity's Progressive contributions to Societies and its Role in Progressive uprisings (Germanic Peasents Revolt Taiping Rebellion and Korean Anti-Colonial Revolts etc)
I would put on a popes hat if it meant I could achieve communism.
Even if you wished to it wont happen as the Vast Majority of Religious Beliefs now acclaim either acceptance of the Status Quo and in some Cases open Reaction
The time Christianity was useful has already passed
The Church became our enemies in 1789
what happened in 1789?
But Christianity no longer upholds the capitalists status quo.
Secularism and Atheism are now the bulwark of Globo homo liberal capitalism.