The left can't meme

let's face it guys, our movement is inherently autistic since our ideas aren't based in the real world.
Let's share cringe of our fellow comrades.

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Nice false flag, Zig Forums

I've been posting on Zig Forums for 3 years newfag. Fuck off.

welp it seems like we've been completely owned with epicness o_O


this is embarrassing guys. I mean can we really not own up to such an obvious thing as our memes being worse than Zig Forums's?

Stop being triggered.
"Left can't meme" should be a compliment.

I've never been more mbarrassed to be a leftist than when reading butthurt posts like these (you)

at least post a better example, what exactly is wrong about OP? looks like a standard banepost to me

it's pointless denying it, isn't it? our memes are shit and never spread, not even to reddit

that's every meme we come up with. I wish I had photoshop / microsoft paint skills so I could create memes. The left is abysmal at trying to be funny.

And what about socialism/communism isn't based in the real world? I don't give a shit how long you've been posting for, idealism is still idealism. Communism is inherently materialist.

Any revolutionary movement shaped simply by ideas won't be successful. Movements form from the material conditions that shape them.

when I read a Zig Forums meme I want to kill myself. We're simply unfunny, to the point of being cringey. At least most threads don't have memes but when some user does attempt one it's shit and forced.

Hello how new are you?

well I'm an anarchist and communism is inherently utopian (utopian = idealistic). Every attempt at communism (China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea) has been an abysmal failure. Totalitarianism is bad. We need equality, not everyone living in abject poverty and famines under the rule of a psychopathic despot.

Haha based GOD EMPEROR shadilay praise kek stfu nigger kike shill oh vey the left can't meme cuckcuckcuckcuck~~
Put me in the screenshot

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actually think you may not be a falseflagger, anarchists really do be retarded like that

Utopian and idealism are COMPLETELY different concepts. Next you'll tell me that Marx loved to buy shit because he was a materialist…

How are you going to achieve equality through anarchism? Revolution isn't an immediate process. People will resist. A socialist revolution must wield the state apparatus to deal with counterrevolutionary forces in order to not fall to capitalism, and organize the working class towards building socialism. That said, there are MANY ways that future socialist states could dramatically improve over past ones.

Fuck off


Do not try to talk to this troll jeez, he's obviously not an anarchist

I am an anarchist retard

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Back when Bat'ko was good.

Imagine being so utterly fucktarded

Imagine being such a moron that you think communism can work

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It isn't nice to laugh at the mentally ill even though they can be pretty damn funny sometimes.

Attached: Right wingers are by default mentally ill _203759bb6f91f4119dc9c9929a0c7052.jpg (600x404, 67.44K)


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You wanna know why the right-wing has such successful memes?
It's because they are memes. That's their secret.
There is nothing to right-wing ideology but memes. Without memes, they're entirely powerless.
For this reason, leftists should adopt a strategy of pure anti-memery.
Our goal is to stop memes from functioning.
Directly opposing them only goes so far. Good anti-memery is a surgical procedure that breaks memes apart internally.
We follow the meme through to the point where it negates itself. Embody their narrative to the proper end, where even they cannot follow.

Attached: snab.gif (680x499, 1.64M)

Attached: Liberalism is a mental disorder.webm (480x360, 2.83M)

The right's memes have been effective in 2012-2016 but I highly doubt that the right will be able to grab the attention of the newer generation of children. The fact of the matter is that Trump is more or less fucking hated by Gen Z and the Millenials (though white ones are more 50/50 on him). IMO the right's memes were pretty okay, but the NPC shit is so pathetic and stupid that I lost most of my fear of them being able to take over jack fuck shit. The right is more or less fragmenting in memespheres and rightwing youtubers are mostly propped up by the Koch brothers and associates who wish to project that they are more popular than they actually are. In any community where actually forming bonds and talking to people is paramount, the right will almost always lose. The only refuge they have is internet forums, youtube and various chans. Even on 4chan, people there are largely reactionary, but have no actual desire to do much outside of vote for memelords like Trump and Little from California.
I'm not sure about Europe, but in America and the UK rightwingers literally can't get fucking laid unless they are old fucks.

Is this video an example of a good right-wing meme without too many words?

No, this is

Attached: 1487022668141.jpg (1024x537, 90.35K)

lol sure

Memes negated themselves the moment they became mainstream. Now they're just seen as autistic.


Why can't we banter guys? One user comes in here with some milf shittalk and we sperg and have a meltdown. It doesn't look good for the cause if we have no sense of humor.

Yup, people entering the electorate are overwhelmingly left wing in the UK.

Banter/bantz has been used as a cover for being an unfunny faggot on imageboards for years. It's Americunts taking up British language and not getting that you have to actually be funny when saying it.

Attached: w1jclyh584s11.jpg (945x960, 89.23K)

You need to be cringy.
Cringy and proud.
The right can't handle that. They see your cringe as a weakness.
It is their weakness. They will crumble to the cringe.
Post-ironic shitposting. The point at which the patterns of the shitposter get embraced as fundamentally GOOD, completely UNIRONICALLY.
Cringe is then demonstrated to be NOTHING but a matter of AESTHETICS. It has no content.
This is our weapon. We shouldn't fear being cringy. Being cringy is our power.
I am cringy hear me roar. I am CRINGY HEAR ME ROAR.
Move past Poe's law. No longer is the world made up of truth and satire. Now also there will be a third. The truth that is already satired, on which no more can be said.
Speaking would be to miss the point. For it is exactly the purpose that you should speak. We know what triggers your speech and will control you like a PUPPET.
Show your inner "NPC" to the world. It is the way we shall defeat you.
Defeat you once and for all foul foe.

Fuck off back to chapo, bucko.

In this particular case it looks like a pol meme that was stolen to create a left meme, in which case derivatives are always impure, ie, not memetic.

"back to chapo" the man says
yet this is only proof that my strategy is succeeding
i brought out the dreaded NPC response
what joy what happiness
i have truly found the most insidious of means to stifle memery
could there be anything more tiring than a transparent troll? is there a better way to kill a thread?
there cannot be. it is the ultimate strategy
if people could only recognize my genius. alas, i am far ahead of my time
i declare my intention to troll and then do it, yet only to defeat those who are already trolling
the lines between cringe and noncringe are now absolutely nonexistent
how can cringe be cringe if it is purposeful? when the perpetrator is aiming to cause cringe
is cringe then not the expression of his success? of superior abilities than the person who cringes
and then how can this person cringe?
ah what beautiful paradox
cringe is such a potent weapon
be gone


Back to chapo etc.

the problem is that this is not an original left meme, it was stolen from pol and applied to pol

damn, all this is cringe,

Zig Forums has never come up with their own meme. I don't know where NPC came from but everyone and their mother knows it wasn't Zig Forums

The npc meme started on /r9k/. The idea that a meme can be "stolen" is retarded anyway, the entire point of a meme is to be shared and remixed not labeled with the ideological eqivalent of a watermark. A majority of Zig Forums's memes originated from /int/ as well.