Zig Forums: "Those snowflakes will get triggered at anything!"
Zig Forums: "REEEEEEEEEE *sobbing*
Zig Forums_irl
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go back there
I'm more pissed you can't play as a Soviet female soldier
Where that campaign d*ce????
Wanna play as a Nazi-crushing tank waifu
im pissed that you can't rape female soldiers in multiplayer
where is the realism dice
t. anarcho-nihilist gang
Tbh not just Zig Forumsacks are pissed off by this, I don't think I've read any youtube comment in favor of this historical inaccuracy. That being said though I'm surprised the fandom got this mad over something like this, I didn't think they'd care about this detail tbh.
I don't really look to the Battlefield series for examples of historical accuracy in any case. There are uber-nerd hexagonal grid wargames that are closer to the mark. But regardless what are they gonna do? Not buy it? Alright. Just the rage of the alienated "consumer."
This is one of the worst arguments about shit like this and it's disheartening to see people buy into it. Yeah, a woman on the cover of a WWII game is historically inaccurate and worthy of being mad at, but all the other unrealistic shit is totally fine and not worth 45 videos of le radical centrist meltdowns.
It's a shit argument, stop using it.
See like that's what I mean. When I first got into battlefield with BF4, I picked up pretty quickly that the fanbase probably didn't care that much about historical accuracy (bf4 is based on a fictional war but that's the vibe I got). So honestly I got quite surprised when pretty much the entire fanbase got super pissed at the devs for adding shit like women, arm prosthetics, katanas, etc.
Funny how female soldiers and crazy action shit would make 100% historical sense if you played as the Red Army or Soviet Partisans. But we can't have that, because the Soviets were as bad as the Nazis and raped over twenty billion German babies
Ourguy at potential history already covered how historical inaccuracy is dumb in a game like BF4, or any game for that matter.
Why BF4 though if it's based on a fictional war?
At least female combatants are historically inaccurate, even if it's retarded to expect that in a vidya game. Too many people were assblasted about the black characters in BF1 when that shit actually happened in real life. Murica has literally never been involved in a war that blacks have not fought in.
You know what he meant
I only posted three people. There were more and I specifically posted women who were distinguished for their service in the front lines as infantry and tankers, not like snipers or something so people can't go "they weren't le real soldiers semper fi dude xD"
Also the point of videogames is that you're almost always an extraordinary person, not a rank and file grunt. Would people get as butthurt if a game let you play as that British dude who fought in WW2 using a sword and a longbow?
A thread died for this.
Which also tied in with the civil rights movements in the U.S. since black soldiers would get their dicks sucked by white women in France and then come back home and have to sit at the back of the bus.
Sorry I meant complaining about historical inaccuracy being dumb*
You still get shot at and Tue ranges that a tankerman has to hit his target is about the same as a sniper? What are they smoking?