It feels like I'm the only one who actually gets anything out of watching the fucking news.
Here's what other people see when they watch the news:
It feels like I'm the only one who actually gets anything out of watching the fucking news.
Here's what other people see when they watch the news:
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NATO is like the rebel alliance and Russia is like the Empire…
Read 198x history of Afghanistan - the history about struggle local clascukucked rebels against education, health care and social security.
You mean Soviet imperalism.
Socialist societies BY DEFINITION cannot by imperialist you fucking retard
If they can engage in world market they can be imperalist.
back to /r/politics, liberal
Usually imperialists pump out resources from occupied countries, but Soviet Russian imperialists pump t resources in occupied countries.
would it be fair to say the USSR military stuff was, if not imperialism, similar enough to US military imperialism as to make the difference mostly semantic?
No. Imperialism is not when "military does stuff".
Imperialism is the economic exploitation of one nation by another. This can be done through war, yes, but invading a country, pumping money into it's economy, and building schools and libraries is not imperialism. Destroying an entire region to get to it's resources (I'm looking at you, America) most definitely is.
I think the destruction of the Aral Sea fits that definition, as while it was not intentional, the Soviet government ignored the problem.
There has never been told what exactly was exchanged between leader and Khadaffi before bomardments began, nor was it revealed what kind of power Khadaffi had over western leaders. We know Sarkozy took bribes from him who at the time was the first one to start bombing Libya. Kind of disappointed nothing came out of it, since to me it was obvious Khadaffi himself had some very damaging information on some leaders who were bombing him.
And poor empire a fucking declining right now
The Nazi's infiltrated the US through Operation Paperclip. They gained positions of power, some of them in the CIA. Then through Operation Mockingbird and the like they now control the media. People are brainwashed.
None of that is true though, while the roots of the problem were from the Soviet era there were times when the Soviet authorities took steps towards conservation and no major lasting damage was done. It was precisely when Uzbekistan became independent and the country's economy unsupported by the soviet union and the mercy of the global market that the pace of destruction accelerated massively as the tributary rivers of the sea were fully exploited for the purpose of irrigating cotton fields which sustained the economy.
Imperialism destroyed the Aral sea, yes, but it was western economic imperialism.
To be fair the Americans did that in Vietnam but we still call that war an imperialist war.
maybe because the americans fought an all out conventional war against the north vietnamese in the name of preventing communism from spreading and threatening U.S. interests in asia, and supported a capitalist puppet state against a peoples movement.
afghanistan, on the other hand, was a socialist government being attacked by literal american and chinese backed islamic extremist groups who wanted to revert the country back to it's old reactionary system of government.
Remember to check up on the Powell Memorandum, people. Every time Zig Forumstards whine about "the left" being in control of the media and higher education, the existence and influence of this memorandum proves their stance to be –once again– mere projection.
Brother Gaddafi was a hero and we must NEVER forget his struggle
The average I Q of the US is 95 for a reasom famalam.
Yeah, they're called brown people
wew lol
There's hardly a correlation between both maps.
and then I get my throat jumped on when I say "no I don't want to be comrades with a bunch of ex-pol nazis, we should just kill them as they show up on our doorstep"
>even if the differences were caused by genetics and not by environmental factors, the correlation is extremely weak and the difference would be something like 5 Autism Level points
I have seen this brought up so many times here and everytime it gets debunked yet people keep crawling back with "soviets ruined the aral sea".
It also makes me wonder where they get it from. Most anti-communist staples have the same source.
Nazis didn't infiltrate anything. Fascism was already supported by the Anglo-American ruling class before the war.
Pretty sure this guy is just actually from Zig Forums, he showed up out of nowhere posting with the tank flag and spams race realism everywhere. Not even the tiny amount of unironic Nazbols when we had the flag were as cancerous as this dude.
The Taliban was basically holding OBL under house arrest at the time and openly said they were open to handing him over if he was given a open trial instead of a Proto-Patriot act Kangaroo court
The Reason this was refused was because it would have forced the US to admit that Osama was a CIA asset if questioned about it
He's also been banned multiple times and is evading btw.
Bruh. If your melanin makes you so smart, why can't you do basic logic.
Maine and Vermont are the Whitest states in the country and have the highest Autism Level. Cool. But the average Autism Level is still 104.
Let's see what the experts say a 104 means:
Scores in the middle of the scale, between 90 and 109, are considered average.
WOW whiter states score on the high side of average! Truly the master race!