
Do you have a communist girlfriend? or at least a class conscious partner?

No i'm not talking about a liberal who's woke about "empowering western bourgouise feminism/identity". i mean like actual communist girlfriend?

pic related, have been with her for a year and a half now. still in love as we were day 1 and engaged.

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as an american its almost impossible

Okay, this is epic

there is no stronger love than that of comrades. i would argue that if you aren't a socialist you can't feel love

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The chad Mao versus the virgin Che

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Holy fuck why was this nigga such an edgelord

Mao has great quotes, I like the way he writes

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I mean yeah these quotes here are fine but that love one is pretty edgy.


You look really short OP. A manmore.

Dating someone based on their politics is a terrible fucking idea, OP. Eventually, your politics will start to evolve in different directions as the two of you grow older and learn more, which will ultimately put a huge strain on your relationship. Either you or your partner will become the asshole one and try to "convert" the other, which in practice is really just another form of narcissistic manipulation AKA abuse.

You do NOT want a "Leila Khaled gf" or an "Ulike Meinhoff gf". STAY AWAY from political women and instead date a normie girl with a good personality and open mind.

May i ask how old you are?

Just because you shaved and have some cute underwear does not mean you know how to be sexy.

This, the body is fine but the presentation is overlong and boring.
just accept that your a big flaming twink-loving faggot smh

I'd prefer not to have some boring normie gf tbh.

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Dating a "Leila" will be a headache. She will drift either more extreme or more reformist, i.e. she will go from full radical to Bernie supporter. If she goes more extreme, she will demand you become more extreme with her and will throw you to the curve if you don't. If she goes more reformist, you will ALWAYS feel as if you lost her, like that brave revolutionary women whom you fell in love with is no longer there. It's a much, much better idea to go with a normie chick and educate her without expecting her to fully adopt your views.

t. had both scenarios happen to me

I can't relate to normie girls though. For me to have a relationship with a girl they have to be fairly alienated which means that they often are radicalized.

i’ve had 2 communist girlfriends and 1 demsucc since 2015, its not that important to me it’s just chance

5'9. i stunted that shit hard in highschool.

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i'm not engaged to her for her politics. its just a huge bonus that we are both marxists.

and if anything she radicalized me more

23-28 range


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I like your optimism.

Optimism over despair

This TBH

Plus Leilas tend to be highly insecure in my experience.

First of all that's just a Twink, and second

Do you guys play dress up often?

Fuck your subtle brag thread and kys. Probably the only achievement you have.

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user, most normal human beings have some sort of partner

are you retarded enough to think that no one has a significant other and that having one and discussing it is bragging, this isn't Zig Forums, leftists actually have relationships

Not real leftists though. Just liberals who want to be edgy.

I’m an incel that jacks off to anime.
Atleast I will be worth something in the revolution.

Either you or her will become a non-Marxist soon enough, and your relationship will be ruined.

No, women consider me subhuman and unworthy.

Tell your gf that makeup is bourgeois. A communist is attractive because of the labor she can do, not because of her appearance.

No, women with political opinions are usually crazy

Just be yourself bro!

You're not a real communist if you're not a wizard.

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Everyone considers you subhuman and unworthy. Kill yourself.

2 years to go!

Imagine having a political gf.

How do I get a theory thot, particularly one of the Deleuzian-Althusserian-Adornoist variety?

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Hang out in Paris cafes.

Plot twist: She has a dick.

I’d argue most thots into theory or philosophy at all probably are practically neo-deluezians

90% of women who I know from the party or other political organizations are thots,already taken or lesbians.

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There is literally nothing wrong with not wanting to fuck a dick.

Y u keep bumping this gay shit

Love a little

you could be a martyr comrade

we need people like you for suicide missions against the reactionary forces of the bourgouise

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We often shit on identity politics around here, broadly defined as politics based on "identity" such as being of a certain ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. But the inverse of that, basing your identity around your political views, is fucking cancerous as well. Advertising your "support" for a country that doesn't exist anymore on an ugly ass t-shirt is fucking lame and bragging about your "commie gf" to a bunch of strangers online is fucking lame. People whose main hobby is politics are incredibly fucking lame nine times out of ten.

I hope you and your gf are happy OP and I wish you well with the engagement and everything, but you seem like a total faggot to me.

So salty

Fuck off philistine lmao, the political is all encompassing, and whether we know it or not, it leaks into every day life. To act as if it isn’t and repress it only makes it so that you become even more of an ideological subject.

I have a bf whos a right wing capitalist conservative who hates jews and blacks and trannies
doesnt help that im a tranny, and he doesnt know

ok Zig Forums

Why not? That's literally the best kind there is. I find intellectual conversations on complex topics to be exhausting. I love simple minded apolitical girls for this reason.

You look like a vapid faggot and your "gf" has the eyes of a typical western whore



Being that close to anyone terrifies me.

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mad incel is mad


Then go to online forums discussing these topics.

Zig Forums tier response

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Every "Leila" I've dated has been mentally unstable. Imagine dating the most badass leftist gf only to find out she's a gigantic idpoler who goes apeshit on your ass if you use the word "stupid".

How do I get a smashie gf?

I'm 25 and have never had sex or been in a relationship, against my wishes of course.

FFS how come all leftist women have those "I'm going to stare you down and kill you" eyebrows?

That doesn’t even seem hard to put up with, fuck, lots of normie girls are like that for way dumber reasons(“you’re not supposed to cuss around girls!1!!”), so that doesn’t seem too bad of a trade off

women but really people in general at Democrat Cops of America meetings and the PSL/IWW/etc people i've run into at various events tend to play out like that pick two game, you know? good-looking, sane, not a crypto-liberal, pick two

can you be communist and a wizard

His quote isn't about love, it's about communism. And from the point of substance Mao is correct, while Che is merely doing hippie liberal platitude on this one.

Nah, a pretty apolitical person.

Picrelated, I hope you both grow out of this (edgy outfits) and have children, because you'll eventually separate if you don't.

IDK but Lenin was surrounded by women that were both devoted to him and active revolutionaries. Or Mao, but he did more of the inverse: fucked women into devotion who then followed Mao into politics.

Truly happy for OP; he's living my dream.

Lenin was ascetic towards sex. He didn't think debauchery had any place in the revolution and didn't understand why anyone would put emphasis on 'free love' and the like. Discipline above the rest and all that.

go to events at art museums

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I come here to learn/discuss theory, not to see people brag about relationships. GTFO.

do you collectively share the means of reproduction?
do you let your gf get gang banged by fellow proles?

chinks have no respect for human life or dignity

The silver fan can't wriggle the sex.

You tell me