Polarizing events and/or decisions

Pic related. I can be quite ☭TANKIE☭, but I think I'll forever be undecided over it, even if the realist in me knows I shouldn't be. On the one hand they were Soviets and had a fair list of demands, but on the other they were directly challenging the established Bolsheviks, during/right after a disastrous conflict to boot.

Attached: Pollack_Kronstadt_PhilosophicalLibrary59.jpg (600x914, 194.21K)

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If Bukharin had prevailed, it never would have happened. Lowkey Bukharin was the best choice to succeed Lenin.


we're not talking about China right now.

This word has lost all meaning

Read Lenin's post civil war works, that was his plan.

For me it's Stalin going a bit too hard on nationalism during WW2: glorifying tsarist generals, reinstating officer ranks, ministers instead of people's commissars, replacing the Internationale, being buddy buddy with the church and so on.

I am pretty much convinced Stalin didn't do anything wrong as far as his alleged """crimes""" are concerned and USSR under him was definitely real socialism, but I can't help but feel like bringing back all that tsarist paraphernalia eroded revolutionary consciousness and led to the nomenklatura larping as White Guards in the 80s and ruining everything.

I need Tomokoposter to tell me why it was good.

China Barely had any industry in the 80s and was decades behind in technology
thus a much more comprehensive and long lasting NEP is essential to build the economy

Meanwhile the USSR in the 20s was under constant attack and needed to industrialize rapidly to stop counter revolution

i don't know how to respond to generalizations of that sort other than
not saying that there were no issues and developments resulting from any of his policies that needed revision, and just flat out denying mistakes or problematic decisions, it's not like i'm an idealizing Stalinist
but it's nothing really worth of condemnation imo
even if i cared to write a proper effort post in response, which you probably deserve, it'd essentially come down to just that same conclusion

honestly you should ask any other proper ML for that sort of stuff, but me
the very few times i care enough to go past messing with idiots literally anyone does a better job than what i could do
theres literally no reason to ask for my take other than that i'm a faggot you happen to recognize, be it "tomoko fag" or "angry stache", and thats a really bad one, so don't

Attached: 29435798.PNG (644x692, 249.54K)

Meh, you seem knowledgeable enough and well-versed on defending Stalin so I just wanted to know if you have some particular take on Stalins adoption of the more nationalist rhetorics and aesthetics in the 40s. Any perspective'd help to sort it out in my head. Not putting you on the spot or anything.

it made for some pretty badass music though

Use Mia if you actually want to learn about soviet history

Aren't you also Jim Profit's biggest fanwhich is more damning than if it is just Jimmy P shilling for himself

I didn't. Care to debunk or provide any concrete sources on any of it though?

maybe ask your loverboy jason for that ice dildo to cool your sour gay ass
tbh i never cared enough to even look up who "jim profit" is but he sounds like a giant fruit, i guess you must be into him to bring him up out of nowhere

jason is a good source of news.
I don't watch him for theory thou

you gotta be kidding me

where do you want me to get my daily news faggot

I watch Jason for both news and theory. Come at me but hurt Marxist and let me make your tears my property.

They weren't and their demands were batshit crazy.

Get lost, "fellow leftist".

jason is a useless retard
just read Die Rote Fahne as it is available or whichever parties central organ you can get a hold of
also the CPGB-ML doesn't do "news videos"
should be obvious

CPGB-ML is a fucking joke and should be ignored

ur mum gay

Wait, so there are two Stalin-staches? I thought Tomoko Stalin and Jim Profit Stalin were one and the same this whole time!
sage for off-topic

maybe we are? you will never know
and what if i told you there's someone else posting tomoko? would you believe it?

Not really an event but was Kruschev really a revisionist all along and just acted all true bolshevik and socialist under Stalin's government? Why did he decide to do what he did between 1953-1964?

The anarchists should've been given autonomous zones. That way, they would've been more likely to accept the leadership of the CPSU and a bloodshed would've been avoided.

why couldn't the soviets have at least tried to negotiate with the saliors?


The rebellion should have been crushed, the rebels imprisoned (rather than killed) and their more reasonable demands implemented anyway.

I think it was an overreaction based upon reports they received. bear in mind that the communist party was having their party congress at the time when Kronstadt happened and the mutiny (so close to st. petersburg) probably caused them to panic.

They did Bukharin met with the sailors and thought he had hammered out an agreement. Then the central committee went behind his back and declared them to be mutinying.



Kaganovich said that Khruschev was a ⛏️rotskyite in the 30s so he either just believed in whatever was convenient at the time, or was a crypto-Trot all along. Anti-Stalinism was a neat excuse to get rid of strong political opponents anyway.

They were more like leftcoms if anything.