Corbyn and the so-called "working definition of antisemitism"

After I saw outrage on Twitter by some blue checks concerning Corbyn, Labour supporters and the so-called "working definition of antisemitism" which was conceived in 2004 and then adopted by the EMUC (European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, which is an independent agency of the EU) and is now used to get people banned from social media by mass-flagging accounts which express solidarity with Palestinians, I looked into this. Pic related.

Seriously, what the fuck is this? I know this is not legally binding or whatever, but if this is adopted by social media corporations to purge politically incorrect accounts the left might be completely neutered on there. Highlights include:
>accusing Israel of inventing the Holocaust
Okay, this is okay-ish, but then it goes further:
>denying Israel's right to self-determination
>claiming Israel is a racist state (e.g. a settler state)
>demanding things from Israel which are not expected from other democratic nations (lol)
>drawing comparisons between Israelian policy and Nazi policies

According to this definition, most Jews critical of Zionism are anti-semetic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why hate Israel though? Labor Zionism was pretty based. Of course, Israel has strayed from its NazBol roots nowadays, and now they're socdem revisionists, but back in the day it used to be a pretty based country. Read Borochov.
Also read Syrkin. LA VISTA SIONISTA)


I'm not a Jew, honest..
Take it off.


We told you so.

Zionism is inherently nationalistic and divides the working class solely on carachteristics unrelated to class. It's history is littered with anti-leftist activity spanning the globe from support of South Africa's apartheid regime to weapons testing on revolutionaries in Latin America as well as support for every imperialist action in the middle East by all the players from the mid-20th century Baghdad pact.

I maintain you cannot be a Zionist and a leftist in this day and age, they are utterly incompatible. in no way does it meet the requirements of bringing the working classes closer to owning the means of production.

Stand with the diaspora, fuck the Zionists

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Need link to Image 2 / 3

Omg, what in the fuck. Seriously I couldn't possible give less of a fuck if Pissrael is turned into a nuclear blast crater. Rats fucking deserve it.

These are the posters Hodges is talking about btw. Jej

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Hodges is a fucking joke, pic related.
Also btw he isn't right. The definition says A state or Israel, not Israel itself.

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Dumbfuck Corbyn should have told the Israel lobby to suck his dick like Boris Johnson did over that burka row.

They literally have settlements.

This one is such profound bullshit. Routinely expressed as "oh, but look what these other barbarians in the middle east do" - but nobody's apologizing for them. If one of these guys says "SA does bad things, let's cut the ties," most of the anti-Israel people would be glad to hear it, but instead Zionist sympathizers just support bad things when Israel does it and pretend like it's the only country anyone disagrees with.

I know ya'll know this stuff, but it bears repeating that Israel literally forcibly sterilized Jews.

They were darkies. Dem Israelis don't like darkies for some reason. Also according to a 90's Sunday Times article they committed Unit 731 tier shit on Africans.

Shame that Corbyn cucked out tbh.

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Isn't Israel pretty much a white ethnostate because "jews" from the former USSR have all the political power? Zig Forums should stop larping as black hundredists and just accept Israel as their dream country already tbh.

Literally Israel and Iran are both model Alt-right states (although in very different ways).

When's the last time you heard about anything the tories are doing? It's just labour anti-semitism corbyn party whip anti-semitism row corbyn anti-semitism labour anti-semitism corbyn corbyn anti-semitism

Attached: corbyn greggs.png (600x546, 350.31K)

And most people don't give a shit.

is that a function of everyone knowing that its just a smear campaign against /ourboy/ or that anti-semitism in general doesn't carry the same gravitas?

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Q predicted this.

Zionist Jews are always willing to throw other Jews under the bus who don't agree with their reactionary ideas. Jews hating other jews is as old as the old testament.

Both and also "x is racist" isn't really bought by people who also voted UKIP 3 years ago.

Merely 4d chess, based MAGA Trump will use this to build databases of kikes to send to the camps when he starts the RaHoWa

Corbyn's (and many leftists') problem is not anti-semitism but a form structural anti-semitism: Zionism, like white supremacy, is not a force that is concrete, but abstract: it operates through the locus of bourgeois nationalism, with uniquely bourgeois interests. The only transhistorical (to the CMP) alliances are to capital, whose vehicles may at point A be X or Y nation/firm, but X or Y nation/firm is itself only a historical form.

Boris has the full backing of the powers that be.

omegalul, based hotpockets

At least he showed where he stands. The party he leads decided to willingly run to support the apartheid state Israel, and Corbyn felt he could not stop them. Still, he has made it clear through his proposed addendum that he will not be stopped from being critical of the state of Israel in it's persecution of Palestine.

Gay rape

Your link seems to be saying that if you aren't ultra-sensitive about possible anti-semitic implications, you are yourself guilty of 'left anti-semitism'. That's ridiculous.

But anti-semitic conspiracy theorists absolutely are closer to becoming leftist than liberals are.

Like not basing the existance of their state on a religion?
Or is it only bad when Islam is doing it?


Oh wait… Right… Jew is a race… And a religion… And a nationality…
