Blanquism General /bg/

Am I the only one who thinks Blanqui was more right than wrong? Especially in the West where nearly everyone is spooked out of their minds or have become labor-aristocrats, I think Blanqui’s idea of the establishment of a revolutionary dictatorship not of a class, but a small minority of communists. Is the proletariat today in most of the developed world truly a self-conscious and independent movement as described in the Communist Manifesto? The establishment, in some cases, of a revolutionary dictatorship under which capitalist would be eliminated and the people systematically re-educated until they are ready to rule themselves.

Daily reminder that reforms and compromises merely prolong our slavery and delay our victory

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Have you read Doug Enaa Greene's stuff on Blanqui?

Ideologies centered around coups are failures, the idea that you can have effective political change without participation of the masses has been proven to be wrong time and time again.

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Che was a Blanquist.

Foco is the Blanquism with Marxist Characteristics

Bro, you have little understanding of psychology and what being at the bottom of the totem pole does to it.

There are legit reasons as to why the oppressed/exploited masses don't rise up and revolt. Let me give you an example from my person life: I used to work at a retail outlet run by a manager with an iron fist. My two other coworkers (co-wage slaves) were a 40-year old woman from the Dominican Republic and a 20-something white girl from the suburbs. I remember how every time either of them would get in trouble (boss picked on us for the stupidest shit) the white girl would always invoke her rights in the workplace and claim she did nothing wrong, or would immediately clean up her proverbial spilled milk, whereas the Dominican woman would always beg the boss not to punish her, sometimes to the point of tears. This is a perfect analogy for how shit works out in this society: those who are more oppressed subconsciously know the system isn't going to do what they want, so instead of asserting themselves they ask the system for favors.

This is why vanguardism and Blanquism are the only way to socialism.

They think they are powerless because most first world countries reinforce these feelings via cults of personalities based around individual politicians. Take Bernie for instance. All of his activism is based around himself. He could care less about building a movement to empower the workers. It's always about promoting his own career in order to "save" the working class. In the end he will die or betray the movement, thus demoralizing the working class instead of saving it. Vanguardism that is focused on movement building might have a shot but Blanquism just doesn't work with imperialist states.

This is a pretty bold statement, and while I agree with you Berniecult is a cancer, it doesn't touch at all at what I was trying to argue. Not to mention, Bernism and Blanquism are not at all the same thing.

The more oppressed people are, the less they believe their actions will make a difference. Like I said, the third world immigrant woman never tried to argue with our Czarina boss, she just accepted that the boss was going to punish her regardless so she begged for mercy. Whereas, whitegirl had the mentality of your average Wobbly and never let the boss give her shit for long, because she knew what her rights were and knew she was allowed to call the boss out whenever the boss was overstepping.

To reiterate, you can't expect the poorest of the poor to do shit. Psychologically they won't do it, so why bother convincing them? Just make like an insurrectionary anarkiddie and do what needs to be done.

What I'm trying to articulate here is that the oppressed live in a perpetual culture of fear (NOT a "culture of resistance" like postmodern academics like to claim).

Blanquism != Vanguardism
Legit read Lenin and read Lukacs. Blanquism is entirely devoid of mass politics, something that is essential to the success of communists. This whole idea that a small group of people separated from proletarian consciousness can will the revolution into being on its own is ahistorical and anti-Marxist. These types of notions are part of everything that is wrong with radical politics in the left right now. Out of the two most common types of "socialist" parties in the Western world, so many socialists are joining the politically impotent, out of touch, and dogmatic ones. This shit either breeds terrorism or emasculated irrelevance. Both of which is something that harms working class movements rather than emboldens them. Vanguardism implies that the organization in question is the representative of the proletarian class interest. You can't do that without mass support.

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Doug Enaa makes the point the Bolsheviks were definitely Blanquist to an extent. You should check out his work.


You're not getting it.

Blanquism is the only way, because the working poor are too afraid to fight in any meaningful way.

Bernie has already betrayed the working class long ago

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Y-yeah we really need to trust the mass movement to bring communism!!!!

Remove that flag.

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We oppose the reactionary policies of the U.S. government but we do not oppose the American people. We want to have many good friends in the United States.
-Kim Jong Il

If only I knew what the fuck he was saying. Walter Benjamin was obsessed with the guy, particularly his "Eternity by the Stars." I have no clue, however, what the hell either of them are talking about (at least in that section).

Taking power via coup opens you to being taken out by coup, armed revolution is much more secure and solidifying

*blocks your path*

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Didn't manage to block it for long.

I have the flag out of respect for North Korea during their peace talks with the Americans. However I'm becoming ever more swayed by Blanquism, it's just that Blanquism doesn't have a flag.

when we said "work" we meant last longer than a decade

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It’s Sankara’s own failings that lead to his death. He didn’t even try to fight back. This is why purges are needed in revolutionary situations to prevent your best friend from killing you and inviting in the IMF immediately

Very much related:

'''"Still, the notion that a tiny group of ruthless dedicated revolutionaries accomplished a coup d’etat is not just a myth; there is a crucial grain of truth in it. When popular dissatisfaction grew and Lenin’s idea that there was a chance for the revolution was accepted, the majority of the Bolshevik party leaders were trying to organize a mass popular uprising; Trotsky, however, advocated a view which, to traditional Marxists, couldn’t but appear as “Blanquist”: a narrow well-trained elite should take power. After a short oscillation, Lenin defended Trotsky, specifying why Trotsky is not advocating Blanquism:

“In his letter of October 17, Lenin defended Trotsky’s tactics: ‘Trotsky is not playing with the ideas of Blanqui,’ he said. ‘A military conspiracy is a game of that sort only if it is not organized by the political party of a definite class of people and if the organizers disregard the general political situation and the international situation in particular. There is a great difference between a military conspiracy, which is deplorable from every point of view, and the art of armed insurrection.’”

In this precise sense, “Lenin was the ‘strategus,’ idealist, inspirer, the deus ex machina of the revolution, but the man who invented the technique of the Bolshevik coup d’etat was Trotsky.” Against the latter “Trotskyite” defenders of an (almost) “democratic” Trotsky who advocates authentic mass mobilization and grass-root democracy, one should emphasize that Trotsky was all too well aware of the inertia of the masses – the most one can expect of the “masses” is chaotic dissatisfaction. A narrow well-trained revolutionary striking force should use this chaos to strike at power and thereby open up the space where the masses can really organize themselves… Here, however, the crucial question arises: what does this narrow elite do? In what sense does it “take power”? The true novelty of Trotsky becomes visible here: the striking force does not “take power” in the traditional sense of a palace coup d’etat, occupying government offices and army headquarters; it does not focus on confronting police or army on the barricades. Let us quote some passages from Curzio Malaparte’s unique The Technique of Coup d’Etat (1931) to get the taste of it:

“Kerenski’s police and the military authorities were especially concerned with the defense of the State’s official and political organizations: the Government offices, the Maria Palace where the Republican council sat, the Tauride Palace, seat of the Duma, the Winter Palace, and General Headquarters. When Trotsky discovered this mistake he decided to attack only the technical branches of the national and municipal Government. Insurrection for him was only a question of technique. ‘In order to overthrow the modern State,’ he said, ‘you need a storming party, technical experts and gangs of armed men led by engineers.’”'''

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some might find this too pro-smashy but I don't really care, read it anyway

There is literally nothing wrong with using Blanquist tactics to come to power as long as the revolutionaries who come to hold power implement socialism

Blanquism-Profitism is the future

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