Translation user here. So I translate a lot of cyryllic language posts on leftybooru, however since not a lot of people visit that site and because Tomoko-Stalinstache poster suggested it, I'm making a translation thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can help with translating Russian, personally.
First translation
"- And who are these policemen?" asked Herring.
- Bandits! said Kolosok with irritation. "Honestly, gangsters!" the duty of policemen is supposed to be to protect the population from robbers, in reality they protect only the rich. And the rich are the real robbers. Only they rob us, under the guise of laws that they themselves come up with. And what, tell me, is the difference, according to the law that I will be robbed or not by law? I do not care!
- How quaint you are! said Vintik. "Why do you listen to the police and these… as you call them, rich people?"
"Try not to listen to them when everything is in their hands: land, factories, money, and also weapons!" - Kolosok prigoryunilsya (bitterly smiled). "Now I'm coming home," he said, "and the police will grab me and put me in a jail." And the seeds will be taken away. It is clear! The rich will not allow anyone to plant giant plants. It is not destined, apparently, to us to get rid of poverty!
Neznayka (Dunno) on the Moon, Nikolai Nosov.
Honestly translation of Japanese would be more helpful, I can cover the Russian. The only Japanese translations I've managed to do were simply knowledge of basic kanji format and I'm no good at lengthy Japanese
"When things in the country become bad, and to people say its time to 'scram', the liberal asks 'where?' and the patriot asks 'who'?
(and the communist shoots both, because fuck it)
The phrase валить means can mean to 'get out' and also is used as slang for 'shoot dead'.
Can anyone translate these moon runes?
All wave-length Radiola Octava-57
By now the country is gone, as is the factory it was made in, and it continues to work!
Do you remember the London-Sydney 1968 (car rally race)
Porsche, Mercedes, Citroen, Lotus, Volvo and Alpha-Romeo, remember. They lost to a Moskvitch
OP here, FYI, post translation requests and post your own translations of any stuff. Anyway, i'm going to bed. Sleep tight, leftybright.
just to have it saved where it belongs so others can find
also bump because i like this thread
would it be okay to go through the booru and bring the translated images over here?
don't have any requests yet myself
there's a bunch of stuff i was wondering about but can't think of anymore
shit sucks
where do you even get those from?
Go ahead, please do bring them over!
I find them either through my own cultural knowledge, 2ch. or demotivator and VK. Russian social media in other words.
not sure since this like a whole song but can you at least give me idea what this is about?
Прекрасное далеко - песня из фильма Гостья из будущего.
are all your translation tagged with "translation request" or is there something else to look out for?
If you want the whole context, then Alice is a series by a Soviet sci-fi author Kir Bulychov that describes the adventures of a girl from a full automated luxury communist future. It's been adapted into film and cartoons.
I hear a voice from beautiful tomorrow
Morning voice in silver dew
I hear this voice, and the beckoning road
Makes my head spin, like a merry-go-round from childhood
Beautiful tomorrow
Do not be cruel to me
Do not be cruel to me,
Do not be cruel
From a clean source
Into beautiful tomorrow
Into beautiful tomorrow
I begin my journey.
I hear a voice from beautiful tomorrow
It calls me into wonderful places
I hear this voice, it asks sternly:
What have I done for tomorrow today?
Beautiful tomorrow
Do not be cruel to me
Do not be cruel to me,
Do not be cruel
From a clean source
Into beautiful tomorrow
Into beautiful tomorrow
I begin my journey.
I swear to be purer and kinder
I will never abandon a friend in need
I hear the voice and quickly follow the call,
Along this untraveled road
ayy i recognise that girl
neat, i love those lyrics
she's a real beauty
also i think there was an image posted of some futuristic soviet art with a girl in a red dress just like hers
This one?
Yes all MY translations (and several I have found) are tagged that way. new posts should also be tagged with that if they're foreign.
Thanks for getting that done, I only came back home just now.
In the USSR they were able to build this.
In Russian federation they aren't even able to fix this.
ah yes, that's the one
is this her, just grown up?
okay, i hope i can get my lazy ass to actually do it then and just go through this tag
still feels a bit like stealing your efforts though
Could use help
No worries, it's a shared effort!
New translation
"I am proud of the USSR!
Until recently this was the worlds most powerful electro-locomotive. Its record was beaten recently (2012) by China.
(Russia is currently upgrading them, so like always under the RF they're using old soviet designs, ideas and plans and pushing them to their limit in exploitation).
1) Want to be like this - TRAIN!
2) Raising a generation, selflessly loyal to the Communist cause
3) Energy, Talant of everone into the single workers flow!
4) I swear to beat the enemy!
"It's purging time!!!"
The furigana (small text indicating pronunciation) next to the kanji for "purge" say "event". I think it's making a joke about newspeak-style naming. Read according to the furigana, it would say "It's time for the event!!!".
Tank, you… I mean thank you, very much. Although this is but a suggestion but since you seem to know kanji fairly well (better than me for sure). Could you cover those translations in the future, (if you feel like it of course), because I am ass at it… Russian and Spanish caps are my strong point, and I've barely started learning German.
I don't really know many kanji. I just used an OCR program called Kanjitomo to identify them. Honestly most of my Japanese vocabulary comes from weird ecchi doujins.
If I see any more translation requests I might do them, but I make no promises.
No shame in that
New translation:
In the USSR carrying weapons is the privilege of the worker
Social consistency of the Red Army
The Red Army - Army of the Workers and Peasants
The statistics:
Red; Officer make up of the Red Army -
Left to right
Peasants 57%, Others 23.7%, Proletariat 19.3%
Black; Officers of the Tsarist Army (Russian Empire)
Left - Right: Proletariat 0%, Kulaks etc. 10~%, (Indiscernible) 38%, Nobles and elite, 50~%
Ruins of an ancient civilization
Workers, not Proletariat. That bit is important, since your version would imply that peasants can't be Proletariat.
I think upper bit is "F(ormer) Merchants". Below could be priesthood. I.e. "F.(ormer) Merchants and Priesthood".
Nobles and estate-owners (i.e. large landowners).
I think it's "bourgeoisie"
If I might make a request: please translate this, maybe open up MSPaint or such and use the text tool to replace the cyrilic into english? Or whatever. Anyway the pic is explaining some details on how to draw Sergals, it's this fantasy race.
user I'll do this but I am judging you very harshly.
thx m8
I just like the way they look :<
and I am learning how to draw.
In what sense? Russians didn't really use the term "bourgeois" to refer to upper class of citizens, and in class sense plenty of others were Bourgeois (ex. nobility and kulaks).
I'm quite certain it's clergy since statistics rely on estates of Russian Empire - of which clergy was one of. Moreover, it would make little sense to add them to kulak column since they were clearly above lower classes (and below actual estate-owners/nobility).
If you look closely it almost definitely says буржуазия and not духовенство or whatever. Neither kulaks nor aristocrats were bourgeois (kulaks were sort of petit-bourgeois and aristocrats were well, aristocrats). It makes complete sense they would separate "former merchants and bourgeoisie", and the term "bourgeoisie" was used widely.
Actually the original idea of proletariat is a worker who is more or less specialized in industries. Peasants are agriculture only. In Soviet/Russian language the term proletariat and worker were interchangeable
Regardless, thanks for the attempt at discerning the picture, I couldn't find a better resolution and struggled to read them.
Oh and for those curious the picture I posted says
shit thats giving me the feels
what could've been
i'm wondering about this band here:
they make really beautiful music but what is their acting about? it comes across like mockery, but then why is the music so good? are they just not taking themself too serious and it's just that and not anticommunism?
They seem lowkey USSR sympathetic. They do some covers of old Soviet songs and the visuals are just for the sake of aesthetics, not intended to mock. Also I looked at their page and they hung out with Pavel Grudinin apparently.
This one is a cover of
It's not a mockery its a short narrative piece, about a photoshoot of a soviet pioneers cosplay turning into a Music Video. The beginning is rather poorly set up but the video itself is not mocking. So no, it isn't anti-communism. It's a string instrument take of this:
Chase him out! Laugh at him!
It shall rise again, user, I promise.
Comrade protect your weapons
The hand of the enemy stretches to grab it!
The vast majority of material of and about Soviet cybernetics have never been translated, in case you have a lifetime to waste.
A bit vague… Any examples? Because if its a book then that can be run through a translator system. I was doing more individual stuff, though I'm planning to start a translation of a 3 page summary of all soviet 5 year plans.
Honestly, so little has been translated that I can't cite any works in particular. Altho there is a mountain of academic papers from the 40 onwards, about whose availability on the internet I also have no idea. At any rate, I confess I was being facetious, because these papers are highly technical and the books about history of Soviet cybernetics are, well, book-length.
At any rate, I think that our 🅱OCKSHOTT 🅱ANG faction has already explained it better than I could sum up here. I take it you're not familiar with our glorious cybernetics thread, it goes on at length about the sad lack of literature in English on the topic, almost all of it by Slava Gerovitch, who does name examples actually. I recommend a read regardless of any translation business:
I think there was a great sequel thread to that one, but I missed it completely.
And soon after I posted , I find what seems to be a pirate library of Russian work.
So, what's the deal with that site?
It's not a pirate library, lib.rus has been used for years. Russians are simply far more generous in what they allow to be free on the internet. I can find for free almost an book in Russian, but not so in English.
It definitely is, even the mascot is a pirate, and it's accordingly blocked on my ISP.
For all intents and purposes it is pirate library.
It's hosted in goddamn Ecuador.
And it's a Russian site, There are plenty of russian sites under the .su host which is the Soviet Union, but those sites didn't exist in 1991, they're just using a host name.
Depends on your definition of piracy. You're not stealing something that is already publically available. The only problem is the paywalls in places like JSTOR which are created arbitrarily to skin people of money even when the books and articles are public property.
Our mascot is an anarchist cat that originates from a pun on Catalonia, but we aren't all anarchists or FALangists.
There are plenty of non-pirate sites that can be blocked by an ISP, just whitelist it, or use a VPN.
Regardless WHO CARES?
Regardless librusec does host a lot of copyrighted stuff, so it's tehnically "pirate". Which is only a good thing of course.
Anyway, I plan to translate some articles in the future, does anyone know of a better text hosting website than pastebin? Or should I just convert to a pdf?
Technically there are many soviet songs that are copyrighted by western companies. Just because some capitalist law dictates it as legal or not, does not make said copyright real.
that's not a good idea, pdfs are the most optimal IMO. If you can sign up on, you can probably post yoru translations there.
Besides things like encryption, passwords, hiding from search engines etc. which don't matter in your case, the only difference is that some accept different syntaxes like Markdown, Latex etc. The one which had by far the most syntaxes to choose from,, is ded.
Since I'm guessing you'll only need common TXT formatting, use PDF since it can be easily uploaded here.
Incidentally, does that site have a cybernetics section? Not in the modern IT meaning, but the original field of cybernetics.
"Zionism is the weapon of the imperialism”. May Day demonstration. Photo by Vladimir Sychev, USSR, 1970s
A translation of the Commissar Order, the original documents are the pictures
Memorandum of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR to the Swedish Mission in the USSR.
“In response to the memorandum of the Swedish in Moscow of 14 July, in which the Swedish government asks to inform it whether the Soviet Union in the present war with Germany recognizes itself bound by the Hague Convention of 18 October 1907 on laws and customs of war on land, the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs has an honor to report the following:
The Soviet Government recognizes itself bound by the Hague Convention of 18 October 1907 on laws and customs of war on land. However, the Soviet government finds it necessary to emphasize that in the war with the fascist Germany the Soviet Union is dealing such an enemy which systematically rudely violates all the international treaties and conventions. That presents the Soviet government with a necessity to observe the above mentioned Hague Convention in regard to the fascist Germany only as far as this convention is observed by Germany itself.”
Moscow. 17 July 1941
More precise link
The first column of both US and USSR is military expenditure in rubles (for both and taking into account the differences of monetary value of the ruble and dollar at each date), the next column is percentage of the budget that is dedicated to military expenditure, then the amount of money the military expends per person, then the percentage of the GNP that military expenditure takes up. All for the years 1960 to 1990, every 10 years.
What we see is that the idea that the USSR expended more money than the USA on the military is false, despite claims to the contrary I have seen on the internet, mostly by those who claim the USSR spent all its money on military.
In 1960 the US spent more than 3x the amount of cash the USSR did, which consisted of 45% of the federal budget 8.7% of the Gross National Product, or 251 rubles per person. The USSR’s military consisted of 21% of the Budget, which was 7.5% of the GNP or 75 rubles per person. The difference is staggering. Now take note, this was long before Reagan’s ‘brilliant’ plan to outspend the USSR into economic collapse, (a faulty idea, used by the economically ignorant to praise him as the destroyer of communism). In 1970 the USA’s expenditure was 39.4% of the federal budget, a federal budget which had significantly rose since 1960. The Soviet budget rose as well, but just as in 1960, the expenditure was 3x lower and dropped in terms of GNP and budget.
Can anyone translate Polish?
Don't Continue, I know you're an idiot
Anyone know what this is saying?
It's just "Soviet!"
Do you translate spoken language, OP?
Well I wouldn't know, I don't know much kanji
If you mean that I can translate audio, yes I can translate that, though I don't do so often.
Could you translate the 9 lives of Nestor Makhno?
I'd need the script to do that level of translation, 540 minutes is no joke.
translation: Comrade, get up, it's time to work! Production will not wait! Engineering, technology are our environment. Be proud friend, of soviet science!
Police and militia in the USSR and Russian Federation
USSR 1990: 628,139 members in militia for a population of 293,047,571 people in an area of 22,402,400 square kilometers. 1 militiaman for 467 people, 1 militiaman for 35square kilometer of land.
Russian Federation 2012: 1,106,472 police members for a population of 143,030,106 people on a land area of 17,098,256 square km. 1 policeman for 129 people, 1 policeman for 15 square kilometers.
yet crime rate differences…
(Soviet crime rates were excessively low, whilst today's Russia deals with horrifying levels of criminality)
This was not intended to be so poorly spaced, I forgot Copy+Paste does that.
Oh well. The follwoing image from the 90s protests, saying "Sobchak get out of this city!". For those who don't know, Sobchak is an oligarch related to Yeltsin and under whom Putin began his political career. He and his family are hated by many Russians.
"Some say that the American iphone is the embodiment of technical and aesthetic design"
"But they have not seen the sleeve of a Mi-26's main rotor"
The USSR was so "ungodly, pitiful and bad", that its mark of quality is used today, 30 years later (by the captalist Russian Federation) to increase sales of shitty products that withstand no comparison with their soviet counterparts.
Translation: Civilized Europe, Belgium 1958. An African girl in a human zoo. Can you imagine such a thing in the USSR?
"… I would definitely prefer to be a Soviet worker with a wife and two children living on 125 roubles a month, with all the additional assistance, opportunity and security that the Soviet state affords, than an unemployed man with the same family in England, with no hope for the future and nothing but the dole for the present"
- Paul Winterton, Russia – with open eyes, Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1937
Полная цитата:
Fuck, satan forgot to post the picture, here:
detailed soviet quality mark
Meanwhile Sputnik had already been launched and the USSR was swiftly moving to put the first man in space. The same rockets used then were so well made that their modernized versions are still used today.
really nice get and well deserved
thank you
You can count on me if you need portuguese translations.
Although I don't think there are any current Portuguese translation requests as of now, your offer is most welcome for the future! If you have any Portuguese lefty memes feel free to post them here with translations.
arigato tomoko-chan, satan is here for ya!
Here is a translated pic I found that may be of interest:
November 6, 1991 - In protest of the demolition of a Lenin statue in former East Germany (after annexation by the West), a sign read: "You, the occupants of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) ! Are you afraid of Lenin even when made of stone?"
In the Restaurant "Union of Labour and Capital"
- This gentleman will pay for everything
Artist is B. Yefimov
History has the qualities of a Spiral
Ukraine Before the USSR
Ukraine during the USSR
Ukraine after the USSR.
Don't just bump it FFS, this isn't cuck-chan. Post a request or some shit.
"I was a little nervous when I landed in the USSR. I thought that maybe I would see a hunted country with a crowd of gloomy people, thinking like robots, and intelligence agents listening to my room. I saw a country of one hundred nationalities living together in harmony. No weapons. No crime. No prostitutes. And not a single homosexual…"
well that last part is a bit shitty ._.
i just read an article about this
70s soviet union sounded so comfy
pic unrelated btw
Well he was Muslim so… and I think it was meant that there weren't any homosexuals in the sense of bearded, hairy men walking around in tootoos and wearing makeup, like the idpol SJW shit in the USA
It really was. It wasn' perfect, but the steady growth would have let them out-do the USA in all parameters in less than 40 years… then Gorbachev came along.
yeah i guess you can be gay without being a faggot about it
i actually wrote a very few translations of things myself i totally forgot about, i'll post them now here
"Without Sovietization and industrialization, the Soviet Union would have been destroyed during the Second World War"
One must distinguish two different sides in my position. My personal attitude to different events and the results of my scientific work. Our village has completely disappeared. If we look at collectivization only from this standpoint, then one can say that collectivization was a crime or a mistake. But you have to consider the whole situation in the country. The industry needed workers. The country needed not only laborers but also doctors, teachers, engineers, officers, etc. Without collectivization it would have been impossible to get so many people for the development of the country. We have lost everything in the country. And our family has left the country. But I became a professor. My brother became colonel. My older brother's director of a factory. Other of my brothers were engineers, etc. Many millions of Russian families have undergone such a development. For many millions of families, therefore, revolution was our revolution. Stalin's time was, of course, a great tragedy. But at the same time these years were the best years in Soviet history. They can not understand in what living conditions we lived. Our family lived in a room of 10 sqm. And in this room we lived to eight, sometimes to ten. And we were happy. Why? We visited the school. Everything was for us, the whole culture was open to us.
On the other hand, all claim that the productivity of the collective farms was very low, and private farms production was much higher. That's a lie. All those who say that make a wrong comparison. They take e.g. A small parcel and say: Look, on this parcel works a woman or two and they sell so and so much vegetables etc. But on the collective farm work 300 humans. Now they are investigating how these people work on the small parcel, how many forces they need on the small parcel. In the kolkhoz, living conditions were much easier, shorter working hours and, above all, the main result: the state has got enough bread. Without collective farms this would be impossible.
I am against collectivization. My family suffered from it. But as a scientist I must say, this was the only way for the country to survive. If Stalin had not done this policy, the country would have been destroyed immediately during the war. And industrialization and even these repressions were inevitable.
See today's situation in the Soviet Union, try to restore order, without arrests, which is impossible. Now many are already arrested and become more and more. At Stalin's time the situation in Russia was even worse.
It is a false ideology to assert: all the people were innocent, and only the evil man Stalin and some evil people have raped all men. This is a lie, an ideological lie. It was a struggle for survival, life and death.
It is perhaps the greatest injustice in history when Stalin is so slandered - it is particularly bad when Soviet people forget their own great history. In Russian history these years were the greatest years ever
I repeat, I am not a Communist. I criticized Communism since my youth. I was always an antistallist. But now I'm an old man, I do not want to lie during my life.
Why do so many people hate Stalin and the Soviet Union at all? Because the development of this country was immeasurably fast, incomparably fast. All the capitalist countries were afraid. They were convinced that this system could be fought everywhere. And then began the war against communism. The Second World War was against the Soviet Union. The West has attacked Hitler
Soviet Union. This was not Hitler alone. Now everyone says Stalin is to blame. This is also an ideological lie. Practically the West was to blame for this war. The West has done everything to direct Hitler against the Soviet Union. Before the war, after the war and in the war.
The development of the Soviet Union today is the result not only of internal development, but also a result of the relations between the Soviet Union and the West. The Cold War was a real war, no less than World War II. The Soviet Union was defeated. This situation is not simply the crisis of communism. This is the destruction of communism, from within, but from the outside as well.
The development was complex. On the one hand, the ideological work under Suslow (under Breschnew for ideology, the Red) was immensely strong. But at the same time the Soviet ideology, the Marxist foundation, was abandoned. Formally, the Soviet ideology was Marxist-Leninist. Only in words, assertions, etc. But, indeed, the Soviet ideology had already lost its Marxist-Leninist foundation. And that was one of the conditions of today's crisis.
The crisis existed even in the 1960s. It did not begin in the economy, but first in the ideology and in the moral state of the higher classes. How to say in Russian: A fish starts to stink at the head.
But in the present situation in the Soviet Union, the people like Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Sobchak, etc., are guilty. This is the result of their activity. They are criminals. I am sure that future generations will condemn these people mercilessly.
These perestroika people now have only fear for their own skin. They have betrayed our country and our people. If it is possible to keep their position, they are ready to sell the land. Practically they play the role of a 5th column of the West.
I am not a communist. I say this only as a scientist. This is the result of my scientific research.
The conversation was conducted by Dorothea Jauernig in 1991.
i think i found some part where i messed up, looks like text got lost
confusing, dunno how that happened
Correcting some of my old mistakes
*Instead I saw a country of one hundred nationalities living together in harmony
it's even worse when anti-communists will still cry about muh poverty and shit when there's actual stories written by people who lived or visited the soviet union/eastern bloc who talk about how much nicer it was compared to the average american cities.
it probably meant *the west backed Hitler against the Soviet Union
and i just noticed the article is gone from the source
well shit
"We did not resist, we did not throw hurdles into the way of the victorious political opponent", wrote the author. "The old ones (in the SPD leadership) are concerned about their fame. Like old, ridiculous actors or singers they never notice when the curtain has fallen."
"We were, and stayed, in all the full blood parliamentarians, that is, we talked about things, but they did, they mastered them. While concentration camps were already being built and many of our followers were shot dead we got into fierce struggle for seats."
When the Not Socialists entered in 1932 on a ford with the Zentrum and thus won a majority in the Reichstag, Hoegner and his comrades considered it merely an "enjoyable game". It is true that the Social Democrats sensed that "a black and brown government was in the air," but they had no other idea than to "annoy our Zentrum colleagues with the song of the black-brown girl."
On March 23, 1933, the SPD alone voted against the Enforcement Act, which gave the Hitler government an almost unlimited power of power. And when the SPD chairman, Otto Wels, had explained the reasons why his party had to refuse to approve this law, Hitler once again hurried to the podium, kicked off the SPD, and concluded, "You, gentlemen, are no longer needed I do not want you to vote for the Enabling Act, but Germany should be free, but not through you. "
Hoegner: "That clapped and snapped like a whip on our heads, that fell like a fierce fire on us."
Nevertheless, at the Reichstag meeting of May 17, 1933, the SPD, together with the Not Socialists, voted in favor of the program proclaimed by Hitler to remove the restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles ("equality of Germany"), which caused astonishment
The last Reichstag meeting, to which Social Democrats were admitted, was "even more agonizing for many of us than our presence at the meeting of March 23, 1933. At the time we had expected to lose our lives in the worst case, but this time Some of us felt that we were losing our honor. "
But when Hitler began his speech, the comrades experienced a surprise. The new chancellor avoided any attack on the SPD, even for the Nazi opponent Hoegner sounded the speech "extremely moderate": "A more gentle peace speech could not have been held by Stresemann." When Göring called for the vote, the members of the SPD parliamentary group rose and voted in favor of the Reichstag declaration.
Hoegner described this as follows: "Thereupon an agitator of the other deputies broke loose, and even our most implacable adversary, Adolf Hitler, seemed to be moved for a moment, and he rose and clapped us applause, but the President of the Reichstag, Goering, stood up Spoke magnificently: "The German people are always united when their destiny is. Then the German national deputies began to sing the German song. Most of our ranks were singing. Some ran tears down their cheeks. It was as if social democrats, who were always cursed as the lost sons of the fatherland, had for a moment immortalized the common mother of Germany. "
only partly translated article focusing on quotations by Wilhelm Hoegner from his book Fleeing from Hitler