Hey whats my tendency if I want to do communism but without the idpol freaks? I don't mean legitimately oppressed people like blacks and third worlders, I mean trannies and "demisexuals" and other confused weirdos. Every leftist group I've tried to join is infested with purple haired men in dresses and they're all shit tier anime pedos and anarchists.
Hey whats my tendency if I want to do communism but without the idpol freaks...
What's your opinion on feminism and traditional gender roles?
Just remember that pic related.
Strasserism / Nazbol propably
Do you oppose "abortion"?
fuck off tbh
I dunno. Theres probably a weak correlation between sex and certain behaviors, but if you're asking whether I think women can't do science and men are biologically designed to take out the garbage, then no thats retarded.
Its not my business what women do really
Isn't Christian Socialism opposed to societal decadence?
that shit is a non-issue
the opposition to some identity is itself idpol you fucking moron
pushing identity, against or forward, as relevant, is idpol, you cancerous dumbass little twat
there's a branch of socialism for you
just look for it somewhere outside of your house, take a noose with you and hang yourself on it, faggot
No thanks I'm not that spooked I'm just an effeminate gay man who hates it when men ruin their bodies by becoming ugly "women".
why are you fags always so obvious
just go eat a bunch of dicks, it's really all the use there is for a faggot like you
Its not out of some fundamental opposition to identity. Capitalism atomizes individuals so that we can't avoid it. I certainly don't. I'm just viscerally disgusted by degenerate behavior and leftists who enable it.
you're just retarded, son
the only solution for that advanced form of faggotry is suicide
Avatarfagging with anime girls is peak MtT behavior. Stay mad, dude.
and that's what your faggotry boils down to: "hurr but i dont like something you do that means ur stupid, socialism established guys :DDD"
nobody needs a pathetic joke like you
become an anarchist for all i care you liberal dimwit cancerous idpolack little shit
i mean of all the questions you could have on socialism and its schools and you choose to go with "idpol is shit but trannies amirite guys?"
fucking hell
Please take your estrogen sir. It might soothe your bruised male ego.
really trying to hurt muh feefees, big bully talk right there
is this already end for your bullshit ipdol apologism that you cry me your "hurr ur tranny gottcha now ur a dude X-D" rants, you little "effeminate" faggot boy?
I don't think the opposition to identity is itself based on an identity, unless we're to suppose every position implies a certain, definite identity.
you dont have to base your idpol on your own identity, it's idpol, as i said, when it is in opposition to an identity
this is not hard to grasp
this specimen here however is a faggot that loves dick
it's grossly apparent that his obsession with cocks is what upsets him about trannies
it's an example that every idpol is always based on unresolved identity issues of oneself
be it this faggot or an amerimutt "white nationalist"
Oi tomoko poster, that ⛏️rotsky-fag posted his 'rebuttal' going to try your hand at it?
cant be arsed with these level of non-arguments but i replied anyway, hope you're happy
This is also against the CPGB-ML party line
Don't listen to him
with 'nazbols' it's either where you don't know where the 'naz' comes in, or you don't know where the 'bol' comes in
I assume you would be an ML.
It would be "retard".
What about your ideas on revolution, the state, workers' organization, literally anything that is actually relevant to leftism?
Leftism is essentially a hobby. There is going to be no proletarian revolution. Nothing is going to change the status quo and we're all going to burn alive because of climate change. Might as well enjoy the memes while theres still a working electric grid.
Retard it is then
so that's what it means? "i am a faggot who likes to suck dick, so trannies are icky because they get it cut off" like that cocksucker said?
how profound
good one
The revolution will not happen unless you stop doing nothing.
The very first step you must make is to observe the situation.
If someone's hormones or similar develop them incorrectly in the womb somehow and they require treatment for it that is a material condition of their existence.
Transgenderism is not an identity. Its a condition/illness like anorexia. Why is this a political issue
No offence brother but jesus you always pop up on shity threads(not saying that the maoist user is not retarded)
Also whats with all those shitty anti-homo threads
Because the right is outraged at people who don't conform to a very narrow status quo and mistreats people who don't share their narrow beliefs.
Cause right wingers only have their identity so they are emotional about it
So any other identity makes them feel threatened
Methinks Stacheposter is a bit autistic, but they seem nice otherwise so it shouldn't matter much.
Identity politics rises from the assertion that certain groups of people are being discriminated against. To prove this assertion liberals present statistics about things like income levels or positions in society (or other things which could easily be causally linked to those like mental health statistics)
But let us take a closer look at what is being said. It is being said that the problem is that not enough people of a certain type are currently occupying the correct classes, specifically the top. It is saying exploiting the lower classes would be fine if only it was just as easy for these discriminated against groups to have as many representatives at the top shitting on everyone else. That this is the problem - not that people are being exploited, but merely who is doing it.
With out class there is no method for these discriminations to be realized, because everyone is already on even footing inherently.
Therefore, regardless of which groups you think are or arent, or which groups are or arent, being oppressed, the solution is the same. By creating a socialist society the means of oppression vanish. Which can be seen by examining what is typical of various groups under communism compared to the west, usually the condition improves under communism even with out any specific effort placed in doing so.
You must pick your battles.
i only "pop up in shitty threads" because i like shitting on people
i'm autistic like that, yes, it's just how i was "raised" on the internet
good threads i usually refrain from commenting and just observe
for serious shit i leave it to better MLs that have more patience to adress the same old arguments i'm just sick and tired of
i know my place, and it's yelling at scum even more worthless than me
while i'm a massive autistic faggot i still know a thing or two
like that maoism is a cancer, just like hoxhaism, and its disciples need to be gulagd for being even more of an embarrassment than fucking me
thats quite the accomplishment, i really have no high opinion of myself
Good to know your place NEET
you are not that bad tbh
Maoism,hoxaism,trotism and StaliNEETism should all be purged imho
We have summoned the resident failed science experiment!
How does it feel to be Frankenstein's monster?
It's not his autism that draws him to these threads, he is very obviously a tranny. One of the butthurt type that moan on twitter all day.
there's a simple solution to that shit:
don't push your retarded idopol you fucking moron
i honestly don't care if you call me a dude or think i'm ugly or whatever the shit
just seize the means or suck on my dick
i agree to the most part but idpol also extends to, well, not "oppressing identities", but also using them as a distraction in general
they do not fucking matter, at fucking all
they have their own peculiarities, but that's all it is and the only extend to which it should be addressed insofar their experience of capitalism is concerned
everything else is idpol cancer, period
i was called out earlier, multiple times, for being too much of an angry sperg
might as well post best girl to go with it and be occasionally nice for a change so i feel less bad about myself
could be worse i guess?
also stop replying like that to me, i'm a faggot, don't give me unwarranted attention
Why do they call you frankestine?
because i'm cool and smart and fun
nice samefagging retard
1. I am not MLM, I believe that there are lessons to be learnt from the Chinese Revolution
2. Hoxhaism isn't a thing.
Am I not allowed to post multiple times?
The Virgin Tomoko reaction folder vs the chad white luciferian juche reaction folder
no one likes a tripleposter