Brazil fio Daqui pra frente é com 'z' mesmo edição Fio velho:
Espalhem aos 4 ventos: Eu sei que é tarde demais para virar o jogo, mas erodir a imagem do dito-cujo é essencial, não importa quem ganhe.
Resumo da ópera: vai ter golpe, playboy! Alguns líderes de esquerda serão, digamos, suicidados, mas não haverá tanques nas ruas porque a esquerda está desarmada em coma. Mas a festa do pijama e seus fãs fascistóides querem mais mandato do que uma democracia liberal permite, então vão fazer uma firula legal, algo mais ameno que um golpe militar mas pior que um "golpe constitucional" tipo Honduras e Paraguai, e Toffoli vai estar na cena do crime para nos assegurar que está tudo dentro da lei. Não se surpreenda se Bolsonaro for assassinado por malditos comunas! usando armas exclusivas da CIA e táticas extraídas do manual dela. Ele só tem valor até a eleição, já que não é preciso ter competência ou encéfalo para ganhar, mas depois disso, ele é mais útil como mártir morto do que como bufão vivo.
Sugestão à boca pequena: anote nomes e profiles e salve todas as fotos e vídeos de apoiadores dele.
Nibba, ou ancora a minha ou a tua. Por minha pode ancorar a minha mesmo kkk. Ai ai…. vetar o comunismo.
Asher Hernandez
Porra, eu podia jurar que dei search antes de postar este fio e não achei nenhuma sobre o Brasil.
Eu deleto esta mais tarde, caso algum gato pingado esteja esperando aqui. Mas nem o OP pode ancorar o próprio fio, pode? Pelo menos no meu menu, não tem essa opção.
Wyatt Hernandez
Shit, the site says my password is wrong when I try to delete the OP. If a mod or janitor is seeing this, please send this down the memory hole.
Colton Howard
Why's there no communist armed resistance against neoliberals in brazil while right wingers are organized?
Why are brazilian workers so cucked and dont massively strike
Why were evangelical missionaries allowed to brainwash so many brazilians to support zionism and worship the US?
Why is the bourgeois media in Brazil allowed to brainwash huge swathes of the population?
Why are brazilians so anti-environmentalist?
Also why are there so few english language threads about brazil and how to create a movement to prove that neoliberals will cause constant suffering? Only one thread in portuguese while there are threads every week about traps, trot books and gays.
Andrew Davis
Dude, wrong thread. but to answer your questions: 1. It's a long history. Brazil's left wing has been pacifist and cucked since ages ago. We never had a proper communist movement. 2. They're retarded morons spooked into thinking that neoliberalism will take them out of poverty, thinking that removing their worker rights will ensure more competion, therefore rewarding the ones who put more effort. 3.Because we lack laws that prevent this cancer. Not only that, we have laws that force certain courtrooms to have crosses. 4.Because there are no laws against that. 5.Because those morons are so ignorant that they would rather believe that global warming is a fairy tale. 6.Not enough brazilian anons, I suppose.
Jason Thomas
It takes a special type of retard to believe that neoliberalism will stop favelas when every single latin american country has been neoliberal for decades and favelas still exist. Either that or bolsonaro's propaganda is the best in the world.
From where did the perception that brazilian workers are lazy come from? It seems like most brazilians think that reaganomics: instant suburbia.
Latin America seems to look more and more like the dumbest fucking place on earth. Even most amerimutts understand that wages dont rise with less worker's rights and that destroying ecosystems is bad.
Luke Wright
Surely there must be some influential left wing media that exists to counter the easily disprovable statements bullshitnaro makes?
If during the cold war western media used the arguments the right wing makes in latin america, europe would've turned communist by now.
Angel Ramirez
Please do not say that. It's disrepectful towards other south american countries that are way less retarded than our shithole known as Brasil.
There literally isn't one. At best you have those small youtube channels.
Nathan Martinez
we have 4 major tv channels that also controll most radio and web news, They are all right wing and responsible for destroying PT's reputation for the last 16 years. This the major reason bolsonaro grew so much, the irony is that he is so shitty that even those companies are not 100% on him. The smaller leftist websites are powerless, their info never reaches rightwingers and they woukd probably not belive it anyway.
Brazilian right wingers are absolutely brain dead, they will belive anything they hear, we rached a level where youtubers are being elected for national positions (those same guys built their channels saying they hated all political parties and were not associated with any).
David Rogers
Like which? Argentina has superpopular neoliberal Macri. Columbia is cucked by the US for 2 decades already, and the population is completely neocon. Chile is full of neolib shitstaind. Uruguayans are extremely anti-communist. Idk about Paraguay. Bolivia is admittedly based. Ecuador and and Peru are run of the mill neoliberal states with a favela underclass and right wing gated community ruling class. Majority of Venezuelans believe that maduro is responsible for the crisis and are calling for US invasion.
Isaiah Gutierrez
If the entire major media of Brazil is neoliberal wouldnt the poorer brazilians learn to not trust it after numerous neolib governments have detoriorated their living standards? In thoery this is perfect ground for the rise of (leftist in this case) anti-establishment alternative . media.
Tyler Edwards
Nah, it's not. You see, PT(Worker's party) was SUPPOSED to be left wing…. and of course, it wasn't, nor did it stop the neolib policies. Therefore, those braindead subhumans were led to believe that all the country's issues stem from PT, and by extension, the left and communism. It's hilarious. Oh, and PT had been winning the elections for like 16 years, which gave them time to feed their schizophrenic belief.
Bolivia, Venezuela, and Chile mostly. I mean, even the morons from Argentina aren't as bad as we are.
Logan Martinez
So how long do you think Bolsonaro has until he's hated? Will he remain to be popular or will he shit the bed almost immediately like Macron did?
Carter Sanchez
Eeeeh maybe 2 years. Not sure.
Sebastian Ward
you sound like someone who doesn't interact with people at all
Nolan Stewart
I mean a huge portion of people in the USSR and more recently in the US stopped believing in the mainstream media and look for more alternative or independent sources.
Brandon Lewis
yes they did and what wonderful sources they found - infowars, breitbart, the daily shoah, Zig Forums, reddit's various rightwing boards etc etc
Christian Stewart
This. All going for alternative media did was turn all Brazilians into AnCap Monarchists. Literally every Brazilian on the Internet is an AnCap Monarchist.
Samuel Watson
What? Much like in every other country, our corporate media is very left leaning.
Wyatt Gonzalez
What drugs are you on?
Michael Sanchez
Nigga, have you actually ever turn on the news once in your life? I've never seen a right wing view on any corporate media outlet; when a barely right wing political candidate shows up (see the Trump campaign in American media, and Bolsonaro in this piece of Congo we live in) the media goes completely apoplectic.
Angel Cooper
You are so deep in the ideology you don't see it anymore.
Gente de Deus, parece que o Bolsonaro vai ganhar. Será que algum dia as pessoas vão se esquecer do século passado e talvez o comunismo deixe de ser um fracasso tão humilhante?
Camden Moore
does that exist anywhere in the world? anyway, like >>2697468aid the liberal media spent the last 16 years tearing PT apart (which was the main proponent of bolsonaro's campaign) and now they can't stop the monster they created. kinda like the situation on the US, where the DNC establishment rigged the primaries and thought "hilary will do", but in brazi they jailed lula and the establishment candidate was alckmin, who had like a fuckton of television time and didn't even get 5% of the vote, truly pathetic.
Brandon Edwards
nigger, what media *isn't* leftist? our entire population is endlessly crying, "racism, homophobia, sexism!", who do you think taught them this bullshit?
It's not even possible to know if they can so much as spell globalism. Besides the upper classes, his voters are representatives of the worst side of the I Q curve of just about all demographics. This election can be summed up as Special Class: Revenge of the Short Bus.