Francis Fukuyama interview: “Socialism ought to come back”


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But I thought history had already ended?

de dialegdick is in moshion

he's just arguing for social democracy due to rising discontent


Francis Fuk-"my shit up"-uyama

Oh shit someone call Nick Land.

Fukuyama is a Neocon. That just means he's a Trotskyite who makes six figures.

He's more broken then a broken clock.

This timeline is getting quite confusing.

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Oh. so now i can see why the Brazilian far-right call Fukuyama a communist.

His famous book was a mess and only got so much attention because the world was trying to cognitively map the breakdown of communism.

Here's a pretty good TL;DR of it:


I wish people thought about this more or that more people knew it. The yanks were so sure that there'd be all this Liberal Democracy after the fall of Communism, and 20 years later it's turning into a fascist hell hole. I think I saw something on Al Jazeera (could've been a different one) where they were pretty much scratching their heads wondering why reactionary thought was on the rise in Eastern Europe.

Pretty much, it's the smart move for the status quo.

I can't fucking stand smug academics like these, 10 years ago they were all drunk on liberal triumphalism. But now that there's social unrest, suddenly "HMM, MAYBE SOME THINGS THIS GUY MARX SAID HAVE MERIT" - Fuck you and your opportunism, you're a supposed intellectual who writes about politics, there is zero justification for not understanding Marxist theory. Read a book you bourgeois cunt.

Huh, so the economic order of western powers is democracy, in antithesis to the chinese economic model which is "not democracy".

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But even Fukuyama is wrong about the Chinese saying their model is superior. I'm kinda quibbling but they tend to say that theirs is what works for them, and they don't like the U.S. model and its pretensions for being what's right for everyone in the world.

Yeah, the end of history stuff is still implicit in what Fukuyama is saying. In fact liberal democracy only thrived in some places, but most people refused the idea that there was something intrinsic about the American landscape that made liberal democracy a very successful system there. This is because there are a lot of ways that this criticism was able to convincingly rebuked (via criticism of racism especially when it is presented as racism by racists, by appealing to the enlightenment and universal human rights, by the historical facts of the 20th century) and so it was put away, but it seems these days now that there are many liberal democracies are heroically struggling against ruinous fascism and other systems are still productive…

I don't think this quote is very predictive. I mean even if China keeps developing and becomes a fully mature and developed country by the time I'm 60 I don't think USians are going to start to think Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the right path for them. Why would it be?


No, Fuk U yama

Does this nigga even hismat?

Good god watching this was like having a fever dream. Were people really this delusional in the 90s?

liberal democracy in itself remains a huge meme as it's simply a smokescreen for oligarchs and generally functions as a soft police state

The only reason for that is because they hunted the entire population of horse, camel, and oxen to extinction.

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"Go West" is generally understood as an expression of the 1970s sentiment of San Francisco as a utopia for the Gay Liberation movement.[2]

americas only successful because its imperialist.

and it had some of that there new deal