How Can This Be Argued?

I've seen alot of posts like this on various sites and what can really be said about it, it isnt wrong.

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The definition is semi-true. They are conquerors, not colonizers, but otherwise that is not the case in real life.


The west is accepting migrants because people can't afford homes and to have kids, and so the western countries are ageing.
Additionally people are emigrating to begin with because of war and ecological problems. All caused by capitalism. Communism is the best tool for white nationalists. It will fix the birthrates and stop emigrants from coming.

There is no "foreign country" to proletarians. We will seize political control from the bloody hands of the the bourgeoisie everywhere.

Wrong wording. It will get rid of reasons why emigrants are coming.

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-turning point Neander Valley-

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Oi m8, it's like annudah Gorta Mor, delet dis!

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Begorrah! Shut it down laddies.

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wait fuck that's real?

>American Nazi Party. COMMUNISM IS IRISH! Arlington VA: American Nazi Party, no date (1960? No zip code). Paper Wrappers, 8vo, [4] pages. *Sarcastically apologetic* Nazi tract: "So we apologize. We were wrong. Communist is NOT JEWISH!—It is Irish! Marx was Irish, The Atom spies were Irish, the Hollywood Ten were Irish, the Canadian spy ring, with O'Rosenberg and O'Cohen as leaders, - was Irish…" No copies listed on OCLC. Scarce. Very Good Condition. (#13033) $125.00


you realize this vindicates our worldview entirely? are you going to post pictures of Amerindians next?

lol, just lol

Whoever made this is just manipulating language to obfuscate reality.

Except that evidence shows the Neanderthal population decrease and eventual extinction coming from a series of natural phenomena and spooky scary race mixing with Homo sapiens

Was getting caught part of your plan?
No one is fucking colonizing anything unless they are actually colonizing something you gigantic retard.

99% sure that unless you live in some RadLib state like Cali where voting rolls and showing a liscence to vote don't exist illegals can't vote

you mean brutal tribal war?
you mean brutal war rape?

Yep, this one is definitely going into my cringe collection

There was a massive volcanic eruption in Italy that effecitvily killed of agriculture and animal life and in effect the neanderthalic peoples of eastern / Central Europe this only left significant Neanderthal population west of the Rhine river in France Spain and isolated in the U.K.
This plus disease and the inability for the population to bounce back led to their eventual mixing with Homo sapiens
When the Homo sapiens began to colonise Europe most of it was already fucking empty

neanderthals did not participate in agriculture and neither did the cro magnids who brutally wiped them out. they were wiped out by being "out competed" by invasive cro magnids (see: brutally hunted and genocided) into extinction

Wait, aren't the Neanderthals the Jews though?

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No, I don't think so.

so is twilight the most redpilled text out there?

damn dude, really made me think. mexican illegal immigrants are like,,,, the new imperialism fuck.


What the populist right does not understand is that mass migration has a fundamentally economic basis: in the US, cheap unskilled labor is extremely valuable, and "welfare culture" is a facet of American life, not nonwhite behavior.

how tho, my dude.


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Oh they do understand that, they just don't care. Right populists aren't necessarily just spooked proles. In the US at least they are usually petit bourg or petit bourg wannabes who are terrified of an organized Latin American immigrant community.

that land was mexican before it was american, they are liberators.
the united states cannot be colonised, only recovered.

maybe you don't get this but to be a hunter-gatherer you need something to HUNT and something to GATHER and if a volcanic eruption kills those things off you starve to death

If you're an idealist brainlet maybe

Well, they arn't really wrong. We are Irish after all.

would you say the same to mexico invading guatemala? after all central America once belong to mexico

The people that flee from broken countries and stand in months on improvised barracks depending charity to feed, only to then move into slums, work on the jobs the europeans don't want to work in, and get chastised for not "assimilating"(europe is the borg continent apparently) are somehow equivalent to the Europeans that got into virgin rich territories, killed 80% of a civilization with little effort using far more advanced weapons, subjugated the rest and forced them to assimilate to a foreign culture, got precious materials by the boat load and further increased their profits using slave labor.

Just how fucking retard must someone be to think this way?
