Le white genocide meme

Seriously, what the fuck is this shit? It's clearly some kind of creepy Psyop meant to fuck with the minds of vunerable people. Believe it or not, I actually believed this bullshit meme and spewed it like a moronic drone months ago until I bitch-slapped myself and read a fucking book. There is no doubt that mass immigration creates tons of problems and should probably be stopped by a sane government to prevent any further chaos, but fucking genocide? Really? Isn't it simply that the more rich and successful territories have always attracted people? If anything there's a 'brown genocide' being committed by the majority white-skinned Israelis, NATO and US in the Middle East as far as I can see, but no one would call it that because it sounds cringey as fuck. Can you imagine if people in the Roman Empire started accusing other peoples they live in proximity of secretly genociding them by existing in the same Empire as them? Did that shit actually go down then? Obviously Empires and larger states always disintegrate into smaller tribal states throughout history to add. Or the fact that they constantly accuse Jews of plotting this plan, even though plenty of their side who spouts this rhetoric themselves are Jewish (see the guy behind the Bell Curve, Stephen Miller, Tara Mccarthy etc). When some kind of actual genocides occur like against the Poles by the Nazis or on the Bosnians by Serbs they outright support it. Is this all some elaborate ruse to provoke people into violence and cashing in on people's subconscious sexual frustrations like I think it is? The lumping of all 'non-whites' and 'whites' as monolithic entities and victims/enemies is probably the dumbest thing people could possibly believe. And hasn't mixing between different tribal/ethnic groups inevitable in history? Europe itself is not an Island and is more accuratly called Eurasia, a continental landmass by geographers.

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It's classic reactionary projection.

It always warms my heart when people take education into their own hands. Proud of you, OP!
A little tip for you: When critiquing conspiracies and cultural trends from a materialist point of view, start by asking yourself "where is the money going to?" you'll inevitably find it goes to the power of the capitalists, all their actions are motivated by the profit principle which is to make more money, they don't care how they get it. Tricking proles into believing they have freedom instills apathy so they don't rise up rather than if they put the proles into slavery. As Oscar Wilde assures us: "The worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves."

Now onto your question: Immigration brings cheap labour into countries where capitalists can pay them less and work them more because they don't have the same protections as native citizens (See also: The For-Profit Prison Industry in America). So countries start wars not just to sell weapons, but also to encourage worse living conditions; this ends in 3 ways: either the civilians migrate and take up shit jobs for less pay than the natives which makes the cappies richer, or they join extremist groups which goes back into the "terrorist machine" giving countries an excuse to stay in the area, create more war, and sell more weapons. Civilians who stay put risk death; US, NATO, etc. honestly don't give a shit about human life, why else would their bombs kill so many innocent civilians? The media claims that the bombs only target terrorists but we know that's not true, civilians either emigrate, join insurgent groups for revenge, or risk death by doing nothing.

This guy is on-point; nazifags, lacking a materialist conception of history, deign that "the brown hordes" are a hivemind coming for our countries benefits and, of course, this is all being funded by le evil jewz (bonus points for mentioning George Soros).

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shitskins breed like rats in their home countries and then go on to breed like rats when they pour into white european countries where they are given carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want and live on welfare

meanwhile white Europeans in statistical terms are not breeding at all, white Europeans are already minorities in practical terms in their own homelands in the newborn demographic

it's not difficult to understand at all, stop playing dumb


Good. Fuck wh*Toids.

Yeah but why does it matter though?

To my fellow shitskins: let's overrun these motherfuckers

Always relevant.

Ever wondered why the majority of the alt-right are avid gamers?

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Shitskins don't breed like rats. Poor people in poor countries breed like rats.
As the living standards increase, so does the birthrate decrease.

Neoliberal nations import low-skilled workers to replace the native proletariat of western nations to lower wages which have been fought for by majority-white populations, Africa and Asia looking to ride the coattails of European leftism is unfair.

Worldwide worker movements are the only solution to the decay of dignity we see.

Also, the racist populism is a way to divide workers and promote nationalism/fascism to account for modern capitalism's failures.

But they're not??? Do you mean in the future they will be? How do you know that current trends will continue or increase in the future and not decrease??? Are you sure you're being objective here or is it that you want to believe this to be true????

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It has been rebranded "white displacement" also, to dissociate with the term 'genocide' so they can defend their rhetoric.

Reminder that the UN definition of Genocide that Zig Forums uses (Wrongly) to justify this arguement was put in place after WW2 so NATO could accuse the USSR of genocide because of Russian people moving to the Baltic and Moldova

I used to believe in it until I decided Jewish conspiracies were improbable and that the causes of globalization and mass-immigration into the first world is a direct product of capitalism. It’s amazing what reading a book can do

What really astounds me is that The Camp of the Saints was ever evaluated as not an irrational racist nightmare. The book has some bit, even, about how racism used to be cool'n'shit and it just meant "acknowledging how the races can't get along." It's pretty much just an inverse Turner Diaries where instead of killing all the evil uncivilized brownskins, the primitive shit-eating brownskins come over for welfare or something and kill all the whites.

That it somehow remains in this vague, dubious light of respect where it's just seen as "xenophobic" (which is somehow less bad) is bizarre. If it colors someone's worldview, they pretty unambiguously believe some really racist shit.

Also lol @ any genocide which could conceivably be stopped by the target group if they just never used condoms.

At least the Turner Diaries has a Fun storyline with 90s NeoNazi Terror-cells teaming up with Posadists and shit

The Real REDpill of the Turner Diaries is that the USA is turned into a Literal S.T.A.L.K.E.R tier Hellscape and the Soviets Likely end up Liberating all of Europe and all that the Zig Forumsyp Heros of the story can do is cheer that at least they owned dem joos epic style

Sounds like something Dugin would want.

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Which is why eastern europe is just booming with births.

Most developed countries just make having children exorbitantly expensive.

Isnt it?
Zig Forums seems to think it does in-between them taking turns of sucking Orban's dick

Eastern Europe went through glorious state socialism which industrialized and urbanized it
Compare that to failed states of africa and middle east

As capitalism collapses and third world begins to ascend above the anglo west and its allies this type of thinking will only become more dominant among pretty much all of their "white" people, especially the petit bourg, bourg, and "professional" whites. The west is dying. It should be left to rot and put down (forever) by force if it tries to re-assert itself with military force.

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what kind of retard looks at this and says "yep, anuddah shoah", after "genociding" literally every other people into becoming one black blob but leaving out some few white dots? thats really shit quality for "anuddah shoah" propaganda

Lmao that first picture

Where is this mystical magical place where you get free money for being not white and never need to work?

In schizophrenic mind of a Zig Forumsyp who knows nothing of reality

Black dudes looking /fit/ No wonder whitey is getting decapitated.

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Don't hate the player, hate the game swarthys.

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Literally New Jersey, go to any social services office and see for yourself.

But white people receive financial assistance as well and there are no racial qualifications to receiving financial assistance you dips hit.

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Also how do you know what the inside of a social security office looks like anyways unless you use it or you work there? Besides you can do all that shit over the phone without ever stepping foot in the office anyways. Which I assume would be the method of choice for the embarrassed well-to-do whiteys living off the government handout.


Zig Forums is full of self hating mutts and larping indeterminate whites who like to jerk off to le based slavs epic style. I live in an eastern euro country and we lose a small city every year due to both heavy emigration and shit birth rates which aren't replacing the old folks. During the socialist regimes the population here was growing steady, though. Our actual average pays are much lower than what the government reports and the unemployment is very high. Overall the country is pretty poor and shitty, but that has yet to help the birth rates.

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At it's current trajectory I think this is a fantasy. The west is far more developed and has more weapons, infrastructure and capital goods at the moment. It's also a pivotal moment in the history of industry because we are trying to move off of fossil fuels, and if we don't it is likely that huge parts of the developing and underdeveloped world are going to lose arable land. The already developed global north will have a favorable shift, while large and powerful states like the US both have the industrial base to create more expensive solutions to the loss of arable land, and it has more marginal space to lose. In the worst case scenario, the developing world is going to be left to experience the worst consequences of climate change with large changes in their populations from deaths and migration. In the best case scenario, the west dials down its fossil fuel use significantly and becomes the steward of the developing world, essentially coming in and assisting them in transforming to sustainable modes of industrialization. This will require a big slow down in the rate of development, ensuring the west's dominance for a long time to come.

The other alternative is that the developing world takes down the west by mass migration and war, possibly nuclear. But I don't think that future really serves anybody's interests. It would just be a massive, vengeful bloodletting that would be over ownership of or right to inclusion in the developed world.

Yeah, same here.
My country is full of abandoned "ghost" villages, because newer generations all moved to cities, while those that remained died of old age.

There is absolutely no chance that the west is going to curb its fossil fuel emissions unless they can fully replace those fuels with a carbon neutral source that has the same/greater energy ROI. Since this is not going to happen the west or at the very least America is doomed.

It's funny, liberals are willing to concede on the point of "brain drain" when it comes to the global south, but not so much otherwise. I'd like to read more on this, but I always thought it was difficult to navigate the moral dilemma of restricted movement in 20th century socialism. Mostly in the context of talking to people about socialist deprivations and human rights abuses. Freedom of movement is considered a human right in the west, but between two incompatible ways of life this right comes into question. The west offers more opportunity for income through ownership and the labor aristocracy, and if the socialist nations are trying to adhere to their principles they can struggle to match the west for the luxuries it can provide to that upper stratum. So it seems to be necessary that emigration is restricted. Is it defensible that a state, for the benefit of its people, might force the highly skilled workers, that the working people as a whole have essentially provided for, to stay and live/work within that state rather than be bought somewhere else when the basis of that transaction's possibility is the revolt against the stratified class system of ownership that can provide that wage difference?

Yeah, there's dead villages here too. Another bad thing is that the capital city has basically become the nation and is conducting imperialism upon the rest of the country. Basically most of the money that other regions give to the state seem to just be directed into the main city, and of course to the ruling party's pocket. Aside from that the rest of the country is moving in large numbers to the capital because that's where most of the schools, colleges and jobs are. So the cycle of pouring money into the disgusting gray meat grinder of a city continues while the rest of the country decays. But hey thats okay because foreigners are building/buying business' here! Even though we're actually making a net loss on most of those, like the fiat factory from which we only earn a couple million iirc despite the large investment.

Imo it's quite defensible. You have to take responsibility to pay back the society that took care of you, and going over to help the capitalists in other countries is against the interest of the workers. It's basically being a spoiled brat and wanting cool gadgets at the expense of your own people. But the entire issue is most problematic in situations that have occurred IRL where socialism is established in previously backward and industrially undeveloped or exploited nations. Socialism is supposed to rise up in capitalist empires in order for us to have a good chance of winning. If we just redo the events of the 20th century we'll be at a disadvantage like we were then.

Are you Russian?

Zig Forums needs to step up its game

Zig Forums and basically all amerifats are revisionists when it comes to "race theory." Most of them aren't really white by it's traditional definition. In fact pointing this out is a really easy way to ruin threads over there. America truly is a disease.

No, I'm from Serbia. Not sure what relationship Moscow has with the rest of Russia.

Basically what you wrote.

Turd worlders will never ever defend the Whites' right of self determination and think their solidarity is evil. Whites are the jews in their minds that have to be plundered and raped for merely existing.

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If Asian countries dont allow non asians citizenship, why should white countries allow nonwhites citizenship?

Why is antinatalism solely pushed on an educated white demographic in white countries? Why not push it in Zambia or Detroit?

Orthodox Jews are both educated and tend to have 4+ children. This used to exist in white culture, but liberal propaganda has shunned that way of life among whites.

Also, allowing nonwhites that breed like rabbits into white countries WHILE WHITES ARE IN A DEMOGRAPHIC CRISIS is genocide.

Germany. Just claim that you're an oppressed muslim fleeing animal assad.

Western liberal ignorance everyone.

Education != wealth.

True, and it's very sad and painful.

Yes…and a general in Germany earns 12k € every month. How many muslims welfare is that?
What does a general contribute to society to make that much money? Fuck all!

Why is it always necessary to bring up Eastern Europe? It has higher home ownership,and people are less in depth than in the west. It also outperforms the west in many metrics.




Whats the point of all that if its going extinct and people are emigrating en masse?

I guess it was better if eastern europe was arural shithole. At least its population growth would be positive.

2 wrongs dont make a right

This is not the case anymore.

What's not the case anymore? Bulgarians, Serbs, and Ukrainians are set to die out in the next 40 years.


Proof to the contrary?

Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia,Slovenia and many other countries have positive population growth. I am sure sooner or latter other worse of countries like Lithuania and Bulgaria will also start to grow.

Man, it’s almost like there’s some sort of re-occurring theme that’s ultra fucking pervasive in media/entertainment/journalism, that’s causing people to shift right.

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So predictable. I wrote about this sore of nonsense here.

And that's due to immigration? Ukraine is a neo-nazi shithole that literally has pogroms daily. What more do you want?

And don't forget it hwite boi

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The one and only reason the west allows immigrants in is because the west is ageing rapidly.

anuddah shoah on the other hand is not real.

The one and only reason the west allows immigrants in is because the west is ageing rapidly.

Whit.e genocid.e on the other hand is not real.


That's an interesting way to spell "white land owner."

Those are gonna come quite handy for the albanians who are going to replace us by the end of the century. Feels good to contribute.

Seems like Zig Forums is pretty butthurt over this thread and are shitposting here now. Seems like they also made a response?


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Why are they talking about tranies?

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Meanwhile all the right wingers in the world supported pic related back in the day

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Kill yourself imperialist apologist. Reported.

As far as I know this is incorrect because central Asia has very highly growing population.

Japan and S.korea is ageing rapidly and they're doing just fine without allowing nonasians.

While this is true, England for example did not come to be ruled by Anglo-Saxons by peaceful means. Neither did the Franks acquire France nor Visigoths take over Hispania underneath peaceful means. those historic cultural swings are tied to conquests by means of force.


If a white country is ageing rapidly, you encourage white people to have more children, not import shitskins to replace them permanently.

Europe should be a white continent just like Africa should be black, Americas should be native, and Asia should be yellow. Period.

Except its true. You cannot be a PRC, SK, DPRK, or Japanese citizen without having chinese, korean, or japanese heritage. This should be for white countries too.

But that costs money and the capitalist state doesn't want to pay for something it can get for free. It's over user.

So what do we do with all the American mongrels then?
Since there's no such thing as a "white" american

Western anti-socialist propaganda

Race != ethnicity

Never has there been mass replacement of whites by nonwhites(with the possible exception of the ottomans and moors) in Europe.

You lying fucking asshole,that's what the west is fucking doing. The west has massive benefits and welfare for parents.

It's untrue, both countries have very high retirement age and their economies are starting to suffer and as resultant th e governemtns are doing reforms.



Theres plenty of white Americans in the Midwest, New England, etc. They should be returned to the UK, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Italy and Scandinavia depending on the heritage they identify the mot as(i.e. their choice) Mongrels can go to the Carribeans and Brazil amongst their own kind.

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Neoliberalist capitalism prevents whites in all white countries from having more children due to stagnating wages, higher property costs, and outsourcing jobs to shitskins preventing them from raising a family. The solution is national bolshevism.

Also, as I said, whites are the sole target of anti-natalist liberal propaganda.

wrong. Eastern Europe offers no such thing(with the exception of Russia, but Russians are brainwashed by western propaganda to emigrate and not benefit from that). In western europe, only nonwhite refugees can get welfare. In all western countries, nonwhites are far more likely to be accepted for welfare than whites.

Fuck that nativist bullshit. Minority native populations are a pain in the ass, just ask any Finn,Swede or Norwergian about the Sami. Integration of smaller ethnic,linguistic and cultural minorities should be a priority for any state for the sake of national harmony and homogeneity, there is no point in pouring for example millions of Euros for Sami language and cultural progammes when we know that due to their numbers they will be gone within next 60 years.

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None of them are European, and they shouldn't be accepted in Europe.
For a Zig Forumsyp claiming the way to go is unironic NazBol shit, you sure contradict yourself.

that's just crapitalism and not whit.e genocid.e.

Have you been to eastern Europe, huh? All of Europe, including Eastern Europe gives parents welfare,

Stop lying you american nazi pig, every single citizen and every single parent is eligible to welfare, every single one.

Stop lying american't faggot.

Why go full retard?

But the Serbs weren't actually socialist? Also I wasn't defending NATO/America in the OP, I just don't agree with Milosevic being pro-Yugoslavia, instead he seems pretty chavunistic to me. Are you also going to defend Pol Pot and Henry Kissenger?

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Do you actually understand Biology/genetics? You guys claim to but you keep refering to 'races' named after mere skin-color while Conveniently ignoring ethnicities.

Russia is neolib as fuck, it's in a near-revolutionary situation right now because of cutting pensions

Why does it matter?

It baffles me how the leftists ignore this. It's as if whites were the only race capable of being responsible for their actions and thoughts, and as such, was the sole race chosen to bear witness to racial discrimination and have a purely clinical and scientific take on it. Whereas the subhumans get to have a reaction towards it.

If people think of themselves being White, Black, Asian, or Native it will help achieve Continental nations which would help make everything better. It would require the removal of ethnic group identity but Burma is a clear case of what happens when 150+ ethnic groups exist in one nation.

People have identities and traditions. In the ideal world, we'd get to evolve to distinct species by the standards of our religions and cultures.

But what do we do with you American mongrels then though? \

Kingdom of Yugoslavia tried that, look where it got them.

But what do we do with you American mongrels then though? \

Kingdom of Yugoslavia tried that, look where it got them.

Reminder that Serbia didn't take part in the civil war, and that the armed conflicts that did happen were Serbs that wanted to stay in Yugoslavia.