Some people have pointed out that if america would turn communist it would be a throwback to the Stalin era.
However I have reason to believe that it'd be more like Cuba.
We would have far more resources available and the country would have means to defend itself.
So it'd take a far more relaxed attitude.
Yes the state would take control of the media and you wouldn't be able to criticize the state.
But is the modern capitalist controlled media really any better?
Like cuba I think the church would also be tolerated.
Just think of it as if the entire country worked for the government.
Just a thought.
How communism would look like in america
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Karl Marx said religion was the heart of a heartless world.
Not religion must be stamped out.
Religion and religious institutions aren't the same thing.
It would probably be more libertarian than what most socialist states have been, yeah. But other than that I don't see what much else would be different.
Amerimutt Evangelicals are absolutely batshit insane, and should be monitored very closely by any communist party.
Oh no I meant the centralized religion like the catholic church would be tolerated.
This build your own church and preach whatever you want would not be tolerated ofcource.
As long as the catholic priests are Liberation Theologians I don't see the problem
yes christianity is very compatible with communism.
Christianity teaches that one is to obey and not question authority, that wealth is bad, that usury is bad, that pop culture is bad…
I'd say its even more compatible than capitalism.
Depends on what you mean by “communism”. Considering how America is the imperial core, i doubt whatever workers state in power would have to defend itself against much besides other competing imperial powers. I think that if some kind of revolution happened in the united states much of the world would follow now that the big bully on the block is dealt with. That being said, any revolution that happens in the imperialist core must be internationalist in character or else we’re right back to square one.
I have not doubt Mormons and Flyover Prots would go literal Christian Wahhabi mode with some porky aid (Mormons already did that once in the 1800s)
A decent chunk of the McMansion republican voter types and the small Buisness Lolbergs types and the Petite Bougie Liberal types in L.A / NYC would need to be literally culturally revolutionised and sent to the flyover to do agricultural labor
I’d say part of the task communists have in front of them is to root out all the old superstitions and do away with them for good. The church has no place in communism, period.
I think the cpusa would like a word with you
Well there would also be cybernetic planning of the economy.
That’s actually the more sensible stance imo, and this is coming from someone who is antitheistic. Too bad the CPUSA is the left-wing of the Dems
ok retard.
Current global empire times 10.
Oh that goes without saying
Fucking delete this my god
I can't but what's the problem.
It’d be similar to theSoviet Union in that both would do social imperialism.
It’d be pretty militarized, because if there was a Communist Revolution in America, the government being though out would escape to Europe, and invoke the NATO treaty which would cause a war between NATO and the new American Socialist Government.
Europe would fall in line, they already like gommunism anyways.
I wish
It probably wouldnt be similar at all to existing socialist states due to the massive developmental differences. One problem it presents that ee haven't had to deal with is not being able to industrialize from the ground up in a socialized way. Lots of infrastructure would probably have to be torn down and rebuilt, or policy oriented around adjusting to what is already here. With the technology we have we would probably be able to move to a labor accounting system and eliminate money fairly quickly. With the example of a socialist America a lot of countries may come to revolution. This will probably be a bix policy debate about joining other countries into the union, as well as with helping to develop lesser developed countries. This obviously the socialist stance in line with internationalism but it may well prove not popular politically in order to keep wealth in the country for short term gains.
Not an original thought but all the suburbs and exurbs would have to be torn down and redesigned if not abolished entirely, thanks to how reactionary the geography of those things make people. Car ownership in general creates anti-people sentiment, which is exacerbated by local news crime reporting and cop dramas on TV. We'll have to build nationwide public transportation from essentially scratch.
God I hope so.
Stalin offed the rest of the bolsheviks for being scheming know it alls who turned their noses up at him, Trotsky especially
Metal thieves have the right idea: strip the suburbs for parts.
It will be similar to the ideals of the founding fathers and old American thinkers. The most revolutionary thing an American Communist can do, right now, is to read and preach the doctrine of the founding fathers (while subjecting it, somewhat, to revisionism in order to modernize the philosophy and adapt the economics accordingly)
Not to mention, a lot of Industry in America has been offshored, so we’ll have to rebuild a lot of it, however unlike third world revolutionaries we’d still start with a lot of Industry, though it’d be in inconvenient places because American Industry is mostly in rural areas.
Definitely will have to be large scale redesign on suburbs, but I dont think that is really limited to the suburbs. Cities will have to be scaled down, rural areas scaled up(the old abolition of differrences of town and country). I think most of the country would actually be "suburban" though obviously with total redesign towards more social living and community. Im right with you on cars. Personal car ownership will have to be phased out and massive public transport projects taken up.
I actually think industry being concentrated in rural areas is a good thing for socialist construction. It would make the task of building up rural areas easier, while in urban areas it would be easier to build industry in places that are already urbanized.
Is there any use in trying to ban criticism of the state in the modern day?
Like with the internet and all that, even if you tried you wouldn't be able to prevent it. I simply don't see any use in it. Of course, take action against out right violent counter revolutinaries, but is there any use in preventing state criticism in the modern era?
No, not really.
America is incapable of revolution. Even if it managed to be socialist it would turn into a shit hole gangweed of Isis mutualism banning and cucking eachother in the streets while technically not having a centralized ownership over land or commodity.
If you want to see what leftist America would look like, look at the middle east just with more unions and shit controlling the oil rigs or whatever bullshit they're running.
This makes no sense
This is correct. America is too propagandised to do anything with. They'll never stopped being cuckolded. I'm genuinely sad to say it.
Even the "leftists" in America are just liberals.
and what conclusion do you draw from that defeatism?
The intelligence of the average American.
Not him, but the only route to socialism I see is for commies to congregate and wait for the inevitable environmental catastrophe that will spur the "blackest reaction" and hopefully turn the vast majority of workers and even lumpens to turn violently on the US state and bourgeoisie.
They would never accept marxist-leninist methods of a strong state ruled by one party but anarcho-socialism could fit the american mindset of freedoms.
You might want to look up into the socialist labor party of america