Should I actually read this book or is it a meme?
Will I understand any of what he's talking about?
Society of the Spectacle
if you feel like reading, then you definitely should
the more you know, the better, even if it turns out that you think it's shit, at least you then actually know and can rip it apart better
i envy people that still haven't lost their curiosity and motivation
dont you dare let that just go by because someone tells you what to read and what not
When I read it I was also expecting a bunch of po-mo mumbo jumbo but it's actually not hard to read and mainly operates familiar Marxist terms. Just skip the parts where he memes on the Eastern Bloc and it's a decent analysis
yes and follow it up with something on public relations and marketing
it's easy enough. white girls love it
I watched a film version of it and fell asleep part way. I am not sure I understood it but what I got was something about how capitalism distorts reality for people and this fake reality becomes a part of our reality and this distorted reality alienates people which furthers the cycle of distortion and alienation. ..? I might eventually read the book to see if I absorb more better.
It's not a meme, Debord predicts the NPC phenomenon 50 years before it arrives. In a way, so does Baudrillard.
There is little in common between the concept of spectacle and the NPC meme.
yeah, seeing how unlike the works of other french circlejerkers of the time debord's theory was in line with the conditions for revolutionary struggle in western europe
please visit the nearest tree and hang yourself
Don't read it. It will turn you into a pretentious hipster fuckwit similar to this person:
It's a really good book
Debord was a Marxist unlike most of the French thinkers at the time and realized that the modern consumerist society had different materialistic properties than in Marx's time that needed to be addressed
It's pretty good until the last chapter where he fucking veers off a cliff and conceptualizes communism as the abolishment of linear time. Like what the fuck is that?
What do you think history is?
lmoa retard
Didn't Benjamin say essentially the same thing? Then again kaballah magick isn't materialist.
He stated that our SUBJECTIVE UNDERSTANDING of time changed to something more linear with the development of capitalism due to its importance in industrial production, compared to a sense of permanence within times of greater leisure. You're putting way too much of a metaphysical spin on this, there's no ontological argument being made on either side.
He doesn't even say communism would end that subjective sense of linear time, he just hopes that we can square the difference and allow societal development and improvement, which a linear sense of time is conducive to, to continue, without creating the alienation of peoples lives being tied to a punch-in clocks or an impulse for perpetual growth.
Just to avoid being misinterpreted "greater leisure" refers to agrarian and feudal societies where there were times where work was nearly impossible, i.e. the winter, not some time of comfort.
To elaborate further, the feudal "cyclical" time isn't some sort of eternal return either, it's just that since production and subsistence was tied to directly to the seasons, the idea of time as an inherent factor in the change of politics or society or economics wasn't yet possible. No one is seriously suggesting that a serf sees time nonlinearly going from 1302 to 1322 back to 1287 at random.
It has some important ideas, the sections on the USSR are typical European garbage though. short book so why not just read it?
funny cuz situationists made a documentary called "Call it sleep," guess they meant they actually were trying to put people to sleep
If I've already seen adam curtis movies will I just be reading things I already know
Century of the self is not society of the spectacle.
Besides, that century of the self was fucking weird in its conclusions. Typical liberal tripe that criticizes everything except capitalism itself.
What's wrong with noticing how the Spectacle plays out in modern music?
I've been posting what détourned comics I can google on halfchan /co/ (I'm jokingly trying to pretend it's a regular thread of regular comics to throw off people when they actually read the content)
If anybody's got any more, feel free to join in.
Lol nvm
Reactionary detected.
Hey if you like movies by the Situationists, check this one out: