Ex-leftypol lurker back after alt-right excursions

Hey I used to browse this board a few years back but I can't really buy in to some of the ideology anymore because of Antifa and the ostracization of young white men from the left. I would just like to start a discussion and learn more about what you guys think about issues radicalizing young men to the right and how you all avoided them. Reading material would be nice as well.

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Being anti-fa is a recruiting method if anything. Slamming nazis to the ground so they can reconsider their dumb ideology is the opposite of ostracization

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ANTIFA Did nothing wrong
Most of ANTIFA Are white
No one is "excluding" (SJW Much?) white men from the left

Reminder to sage and lock

OP here. This is not a troll or anything I'm.just trying to understand what's going on here as an extension myself.

At this point in my life I just cannot get over all the left it bullshit I've seen concerning ICE and open borders and the consequences Western countries suffer from putting up with such policies.

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How does potentially consequences free anonymous violence and destruction attract the right people and help your cause?

Antifa is mostly made up of white people. Log off and step outside.

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Why sage and lock? I am starting a discussion and am in no way being offensive. I just want to talk to you guys.

In terms of white exclusion, I'm mostly reffering to pic related. I'm not sure how anyone can condone such statements but sometimes you guys don't seem to care.

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if you actually lurked this board, and for longer than a few minutes, you would know the basic arguments about idpol and how we are different from the liberal "left"

What does that change exactly? You combined to separate statements. What they are, in my opinion, is pathetic and you did not address why you don't agree with such a claim.

You mean gravitating towards their sickening ideology? Have a brain capable of critical thought. It doesn't take much to realize how dysfunctional and empty their worldview is.

Unironically Google Bookchin

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I understand that. As I was likely here long before most, however, I cannot pinpoint where you guys stand on the issues of the left as, while you claim not to buy in to identity politics some seem to be up in arms over "black opression" and ICE's affairs under the guise of "fascism", while ignoring the detiriorating state of Europe and so on.

Please explain this and how it has anything to do with blacks in america and ICE?

we want to abolish private property on the means of production

But are your braincells not capable of identifying that white men like yourself are ridiculed and berated and media and real life for being who they are? Are you not witnessing, at least second hand, Sweden's gradual demise into chaos?

You would prefer that your work go to everyone as opposed to your bloodline? I do not understand that as my bloodline is infinitely more valuable to me than any other lifeform. Can you ellaborwte or offer some reading material? Thanks.

Sorry if my phrasing was vague. I'm not claiming a direct connection by any means. Just offering comparable problems across the globe.

Lets go over the two things you have mentioned
This isn't about fuck white people this is mainly action against a goverment body that keeps people in cages and has been linked to extremely fucked up shit happening to people in detention in the past
The lefts view of Borders and the state is more nuanced then you think lurk moar

Do you even have any children? Anyhow, the only way you can be sure that you don't contribute to the well being of anyone else, only yourself and your descendants, is to become an isolated subsistence farmer.

t. learned what "evolutionary success" meant last week in high school biology class

No. Stop being delusional.

And how about explain how is Europe deteriorating?

How is this not a Zig Forumsyp talking point
The only white men that are berated are Zig Forumsyp tier retards

What's the point of this "overpopulation" image? Leftists don't make this Malthusian ecoliberal argument. We waste so many resources because of the inefficiency of capitalism and as a result people suffer in poverty. Doesn't have to do with too many white or black people "breeding" (eh).

A. It's not so much about "your work going to wards everyone" then it is ending exploitation
B. Caring if someone who has the same genes as you exists decades after your gone is spooky and feels > reals shit


I was cyberbullied into being a nazi; user tells all

I'm not sure why but that's really the only thing that matters to me. I want to have legacy more than just my own very short life ( relative to the universe and all)

I come here with an open mind and multiple of you have continued to poke fun at me. This is not a very effective way to grow your supporters I don't think.

There is no way I could benefit my descendants more than by helping make sure they live in a society where economic exploitation does not exist.

Read Ego and Its Own. Stop being so spooky.

And your labor only going to help some kid that looks kinda like you instead of other people that don't to the same extent is necessary for this why?

Sorry I'm just posting whatever "Alt-Lite" shit I have to identify myself as OP.

Also why do you think having kids is somehow contradictory to socialism?
Do you think people in Cuba the DPRK and china just don't have kids??!!

If my ambitions contribute to the happiness of others fine, I'm.just saying I prioritise my family over lazy fuckers.

Now where did that come from OP?

That's not what I said at all. Just that within socialism I assume my own individual work gets divided among all others as opposed to being concentrated predominantly on my future generations.

Are you being open minded?

The science is clear. Race is bunk. Stop obsessing over phantoms and goblins. Focus on what's real.

What's real:
People Need food
People Need Housing
People Need better pay

People need things to thrive rather than barely making it. Focus on creating a system that has an actual positive impact in a real sense. Worrying about your white ancestry or your "bloodline" serves nothing. All of these phony issues are distractions from the real problems we all face and only further weakens your class consciousness.

If you ever were actually on here you'd know that from the outset this board has been against Liberalism, IdPol, Intersectionality and what you term "SJWs" or whatever from the outset, but you haven't, because you're fag attempting to own the libs epic style without realising where you are.

I'm pretty sure the working class aren't lazy.

And I can guarantee you, if you actually did your DNA test, your blood wouldn't be as "pure" as you thought. You might be part Mexican for all you know. It happens all the time.

You adopted a political stance because people said mean things on the internet, not in response to real problems you have faced or observed while going about your life.

Oh, yes, of course, I too remember when the Communist party banned young white men. Or when they excluded them unofficially. You are a fucking retard for thinking any left exists right now that is ostracizing white men.
Do you all not understand materialism? Think, for one moment, in a materialist way. I will walk you through it.
1.) We live in a Capitalist society.
2.) Capitalists have A.) lots of money and B.) literal ownership of 99.9999% of business.
3.) We have a Capitalist culture
Because of these facts, people are Capitalists, as in they support Capitalism, or are unaware politically/economically. There is no other option for them. There is literally no reasonable way for you to not expect them to be Capitalist. All of the media businesses are owned by Capitalists. Even if the Capitalists exerted no influence, they are still ran by supporters of Capitalism. Everything around them is Capitalist. They are taught to accept it and support it, and when they arent, they are passively condition to accept these things. All of their 100% progressive beliefs are caught up in Capitalism. Their gay rights is a Capitalist conception, their immigration is a Capitalist conception, etc… To womder why people arent Communists is to wonder why the Greeks didnt have rocket ships. It is completely ignorant of the material reality of the society. By the way, material reality isnt a throwaway phrase. Its a real call for Marxists to inspect the actual reality, and not to think metaphysically, as if the right was spurned into existence by a current event, or even current events. Thats why these Zig Forums threads are always seen as useless and saged, ignoring the fact that you are obviously not a Socialist. Any Socialist knows that being a liberal isnt Socialist. Its literally impossible.
But back to the Greeks and rocket ships.
You can not look at a Capitalist society, dominated by Capitalist thoughts, politics, anything, and then wonder why it has men joining the right wing. It is like standing in the rain and wondering why you are wet, but not why you are wet as a whole, no, you wonder what specific rain drops have made you wet.

The very reason you think in terms of "helping your family" is because you live in a society gamers rise up where you have to pick up scraps after capitalists to survive. We want to build a world where your children would be guaranteed a fulfilling and prosperous life no matter what.


I agree however, few acknowledge this and the mainstream left works in complete opposition. They have made race matter more and more. I suppose I'm just frustrated because you guys share an unfortunate moniker with masked neolibs.

This sounds nice but I'm concerned about some people who don't care about any one. Socialism won't just turn everyone into good people.

They aren't the left. They are liberals. They propone policies that are right-wing or centrist at best.

Once more you sya this but I do not see you people ridiculing your own ranks for chanting "kill white" and destroying cities aimlessly.

Many people here hate IDPOL so please be aware of it.

Regardless, race doesn't have to exist to realize how that perceived difference between people end up being treated differently for that same perceived difference. People subconsciously attribute certain traits to certain groups as a generalization and this in turn can alter a person's treatment of a person without that perceived grouping. The most identifying trait is their skin being darker.

Everyone's a victim of political brutality, but it's overall worse, provably so when you live under an American culture with it's own historical background.

Besides, what you call "the left" are moderate at best. American "left" is more akin to European right. America is extremely backwards and no one's more hostile towards worker parties than the American people.

And capitalism will?

Unless your talking about some insane Black Bationalist group like NOI or some shit that literally Dosent happen on a general level in the left

Sorry for double post.

OP here. I'm going to take break, eat a meal and organize my thoughts. I will be back soon. This is fairly enlightening but I think you guys think I'm much more of a pleb than I am.

See, this is just sad. Ill write it out for you.
There is NO Socialist movement currently. Thusly, it is L I T E R A L L Y impossible for a leftist movement to be excluding white men.

It isn't 1968 anymore. CNN showed hours and hours of footage of a single convenience store in suburban Baltimore being torched, and that seems to have given people a warped impression of things.

People are naturally cooperative. We wouldn't have survived this harsh world evolutionarily if we were not.

Capitalism acts as a barrier between cooperation and mutual aid. We are taught, and adapt accordingly, to a system that requires one to be selfish to survive.

Portland Antifa boys just destoryed like 6 cop cars and put hammers through marine recruiting building just last week.

By what you're saying you just sound like a regular Zig Forumsyp but without the vocal edgy vitriol.

Sorry for breaking my rule but I simply don't agree here. Capitalism cannot function without cooperation as it's based on people buying your shit and employing people to make that shit. While πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§someπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ abuse this and adjust the ratios to pig-levels, cooperation is still necessary for it to work.

Yes I agree the eternal anglo is the biggest proper of capitalism in the world.

There is literally nothing wrong with attacking the police.

Is it really cooperation if people work jobs they don't want just so they don't starve or end up on the street.

that's going a bit too far man

Capitalism is exploitation at it's core. Marx proved this. Ironically, he even thought that capitalism did amazing things. Focusing on the human element isn't one of those things. Capitalism doesn't care about anything but profits. It pushes people into selling their labor for less than it's worth and many times are put in a rock and a hard spot. Workers know there are multiple people looking for work, and so do employees. They also know that because of this they can force them to take on overtime without pay. Just look at Amazon employees. They aren't even allowed to talk to each other. They are literally pulled apart from each other.

Listen/read some Richard Wolff, Piketty,

Also, watch Philosophy Tube's video explaining antifa. Watching that will help you understand that antifa isn't this insidious ugly thing but a barrier against literal fascism.

I sense the sadness in this post and it affects me as well brother. My problem is that if the modern state is one of such despair, what do you have to lose by starting the movement of which you speak. I don't mean this in jest.

… not really sure what you want us to tell you. most of the stuff Zig Forums whines about is just non-issues i mean just look at the two non-issues you brought up.
what about it do you have trouble "buying into"?
no fucking clue what you're referring to here

will you shut the fuck up already? those cartoons are cringey as fuck and you're better off just reading marx

Hey guys OP back. I want to reminisce to let you guys in on my mental at the moment. Back when Bernie was still in the running before getting gulaged by the DNC, I did not run in such stark contrast to his policies. That being said, Bernie ceased to exist for me as soon as that video of his Seattle rally surfaced, where the man willingly gave up his podium and potentially thousands of his backers dollars to let some utterly inconsequential BLM hogs. As far as Im aware, Bernie is the closest you boys have ever come to being represented in the mainstream, reformist as he may be, so this had to have been jarring.

I struggle to see how LARPING as revolutionaries and breaking shit and whining about consequences on twitter contributes to the overall goal. In my eyes it does nothing but ridicule your ideology and make it harder to break through to the mainstream.

Bernie is a succdem

I was around some squishily liberal types (not leftists) for awhile who would say "ew white people" and the like (they were all white by the way) and I had something like proto-alt-right sympathies as a result of it, I think.

Most people my generation have been economically shafted and are part of a "precariat" with zero in the way of stability. The endless harping on about white privilege – from a tottering liberal regime at that – was pushing people away and that was quite obvious. Recently, I was catching up with some old friends, and they told me one of the girls who talked in that manner is now one of these Handmaid's Tale larpers who thinks the solution is to #Resist and get another Hillary Clinton into power. I'm sick of it.

But ultimately I got over it and went further left and became interested in Marx. The alt-right that did develop from people like me a few years ago is a bullshit victim ideology with a lot of bad people in the mix. And it's bullshit because what matters is who has money and who doesn't. You either got it or you don't – and rallying around the cause of being "white" isn't going to count for much if you're broke. If you make less than $100,000 per year you have every reason to be an anti-capitalist. But a lot of alt-right guys I've encountered come from broken, poor backgrounds and they're afraid; and ultimately the people who live in gated communities (many of them white) don't give a fuck about them because they "aren't the same class as us."

It's also a self-destructive ideology. I do have an attachment to my "heritage" (German-American) but the way to support it is to build on it and open it up for other people, and not build walls around it. I'll even be helping sell heritage knickknacks at Oktoberfest this year. And reading about early German settlers here, many were socialists and early communists including Karl Marx's brother in law. And I tell Mexican socialists I know about it and they totally dig it. The real Marxists I know don't have problems with white people, but they have a problem with a white "mentality." And they're right about that because it's a bogus way to identify, and it's very shallow.

What do I have in common with some random "white" person. On that basis alone it's basically nothing.

I became much more sympathetic (I was originally one of those who thought "oh just ignore the Nazis and they'll go away") when I got involved in the left and saw what real white-power neo-Nazis actually do. Where I'm at, leftists were holding demonstrations and a neo-Nazi crew would show up 30 deep and roam around on the fringes attacking people. They were all wearing MAGA hats so they didn't "look" like skinheads, but the antifas figured out who they were and they were all cliqued up in neo-Nazi gangs.

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Still, I'm sure most (outside accelerationist dumb-dumbs) prefer the Bernie timeline over this one.

Uh idk, your life.

You prefer a life of alleged suffering over death.

This is what happens when you form your ideology based on posts in a Mongolian throat singing board. Read more books.

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Well, no.
Seize the means of death

Thank you for the well-mannered post brother. My only problem with your statement regarding those making under $100,000 is that some people simply do not deserve such salaries, under any circumstances. Im worried that those undeserving will be gifted livelihoods better than they deserved under socialism. On the other side of the coin, I agree that ideally no one should really be making behemoths sums over a few orders of magnitude over $100,000 either.

I suppose my confusion and frustration stems fom the misunderstanding of how far leftypol reaches. The blackpill here is that the distance is minuscule. I've mistake anc-com faggots in the wild for you guys and for that I apologize. As i suggested to an user above, I find it very depressing that you guys identify so much inequality but make almost no actual steps to spread such thoughts on a massive. I suppose at the end of the day, even the most misinformed antifa loser will get airtime on CNN if he does something dumb enough.

why not just be a socialist who thinks a lot of what passes for "antifascist action" isn't all that useful? i mean you brought up a tactical question here that socialists can disagree on in good faith. i assumed it was a matter of principle based on your OP

This is precisely why I requested reading material in my grandfather post. Perhaps there is material more oriented towards this situation.

forgot to not bump, fuck

Your first statement is exactly what this thread is for. Thank you for your contribution brother. Have a nice evening.

why not start with the pinned reading list?


You're right. I may be a smoothbrain grug but everytimeI try to read the classics (Das Kapital, Communist Manifesto) I can't overcome the reality that Marx wrote his ideas about a world entirely different to my own. I'll try again later tonight. Thanks.

I will try thank you brother.

However, knowing this, how do you not spend every moment outside of work, trying to dismantle and destroy the regime? I'm not sure leftypol is the best way to make other people aware of such discrepancies between the ideal reality and our own.


12 part series that explains Marx as he reads it. EXTREMELY USEFUL for beginners.

Well I don't know what the answer is but I think I know what the problem is, and the problem is capitalism. The rest of that I'd leave to the books.

My impression of the antifas varies. I'm not an anarchist. Some are totally incompetent rage-aholics. Some are serious people. It varies a lot from city to city. Witnessing it up close (and witnessing the alt-right up close) is much different from scattered video clips from livestreams.

Marx is hard to read and things have changed but the fundamentals are the same. I'm not the kind of guy who posts hour-long YouTube videos but I'd go with this interview with David Harvey: youtu.be/Pv1PNliOCBE?t=14m56s

There's some arcane disagreements Zig Forums has with him but that has to do with imperialism and labor theory of value stuff but that's more advanced stuff.

t. has never been to Sweden.

antifa helped to handle Charlottesville protest because a police report shows how incompetent the police there were at handling the event. Sometimes you need people to manage these situations.

Not really. People still work for a wage while others take their surplus value by dint of owning private property. The overall logic of capitalism didn't go anywhere.

Start with the Communist Manifesto, Lenin's Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism + State and Revolution and as a personal favorite, Engels' Origins of the Family and Private Property.

Seeing as how neither of us were there, the biased lenses through which we witnessed the events greatly influenced what we think of the proceedings. From my memory, police antifa plants as well as dernaged antifa boys started and escalated the violence. However, I doubt either of our cases are reality.

Hey guys,OP checking in again. You guys helped me remember why I was here in the first place a few years back. I've been blinded by the overwhelming nature of identity politics and the abundance of modern day blackpills. Even as I've strayed from here I don't think we stray on so many issues. However, my problem comes with the frustration of accepting Marx as fact. "So what?" is the only term that echoes in my mind. What I going to do with this information? As other anons have noted, no one sane is starting any movements to flock to, so what's the point? Why not simply do the best I can under the capitalist system (as I have) and enjoy my position elevated from others with varying excuses for why they do not share in my wealth.

what do you even mean by blackpills? i am behind on Zig Forums memes or whatever it is

Where redpills open your third eyes to see world-changing knowledge, blackpills do so but in a more depressing sense, where oftentimes the reader cannot do anything about the proposed injustice.

I meant the whole "third eye shit" in jest I don't really think trolls on Zig Forums are saving the west through shitposts.

Actually black pills are just Cyanide user. Why arn't you dead yet?

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Educate, agitate, and organize. Also get a gun.

marx's analysis of manufacturing and industry in 19c england is just supposed to show how his analysis holds in real historical examples. you can use his work to study how modern firms behave in the same way, for example.

questionable reading list honestly but otherwise good post, user

Vague and intuitive no? Doesn't really begin to press against the crushing truth.

What does one do when the government is either too complicit or incompetent to handle fascist uprising?

I'm not sure if you read my post. Even so I'll reiterate, where you see a fascist uprising getting heroically shut down by the neccesary hero, I see a awakening being put to sleep by government instigated lazy faggots. In order to discuss this you must admit that your interpretation is just as misguided as my own.

understanding the world in order to change it, my dude. you don't need to join a party right now necessarily but we'll only really be free when we're finally rid of this shit so it never hurts to figure out how to get rid of it