How JUST is he?

He's gonna kill himself soon right?

Attached: elon-musk-rocket.jpg (700x422, 23.81K)

god I fucking hope so

Dude seems like he's got a couple of screws loose

I worry that if he kills himself, he'll be elevated to like martyr status by retards, and we'll never be free of his specter.

Have any one of these fuckers gone to jail? No, don't expect Elon to anyway. Capitalism as usual, the porkies don't go to jail.

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The might go to jail, but they'll never go to prison. Worst case, it's a massive bribe fine, and/or house arrest.
..speakin'a which, how do these people live their lives off-screen anyway? I was assuming up until now that prokies were basically millionaire NEETs, they sit in their luxury mansions watching TV or internetting while servants bring them imported ramen.

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Isn't Shkreli in a cell right now?

Musk: $21 Billion
Shkreli: $26 Million

Shkreli was essentially a very small time nobody. Elon will never see a court even. I doubt Preet 'prison for the pigs' Bharara could put Elon away.

>He's gonna kill himself soon right?
that would be amazing

What happened?

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The moment he started tweeting this inane shit I knew that Grimes was getting him high.

i feel like him going to jail would be anticlimactic at this stage. an hero would end the story in a normal fashion, but if he lost his mind and wound up crazy and poor (maybe kept afloat by crowdfunding that's a mix of redditor fans who can't let it go and people throwing peanuts into the monkey cage to keep the show going), that would probably be the most entertaining ending in the spirit of restorative justice.

can someone explain to me why should he go to jail?
I'm out of the loop on this one, I do t really follow porky affairs.

He lied on twitter to make his stocks rise in price.

Another reason why stocks are absolute bs. Stocks never correlated with the success of the company, only perceived success.

He would only go to jail if he conned powerful US rich fucks too much. Apparently hes gonna con Saudis, well the worst case he will end up like Paul Manafort

I fucking hope he does.

IIRC Azalea Banks went on some tirade about Musk & Grimes and absolutely fucking smashed him

Bezos is A LOT worse than Musk.

Shut up Elon.

Except when youre messing with other porkies money, which Elon Musk is. Its part of the reason why Tesla is the most Shorted company in history, and why he keeps getting FUD from the corporate media. If Elon Musk achieves his 2025 goals, he'll be making porkies who invested in traditional ICE qautomotive/utilities/oil/transportation/telecom(Spacex starlink), and insurance poorer. Whole industries will have to change their business models if even electric cars gain a 10 percent market share. Elon Musk is a dangerous man to a lot of old money types like the Koch brothers and the Saudis. Slowing down the transition to Electric vehicles by attacking movers like Tesla would save these guys tens of biillions of dollars. Heck the Saudis now see the coming and of oil brought on by entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and are buying a makor stake in green companies like Tesla .

Making an electric car is something that all major manufacturers can already do. If they are shitting on Tesla it's because they want his customers to buy their electric vehicles instead. Also the corporate media has been shilling for Elon for years.

always get a cultlike vibe when people tell this story.

theyll need to change their business models so radically thatll itll shrink their companies initially by going serious with electric as fast as Tesla, and porky investors dont want that. This is the case in the US atleast. Its why all legacy US automative arent really that serious about electric vehicles for the forseeable future. Theyll need to start building gigafactories for that to happen, and stop relying on dealership servicing model for profit since electric motors dont need oil changes, and are basically bulletproof for a million miles.

I really hope so, elon musk is massive star and symbol of capitalism in Russian part of the internet. I also imagine he is idol in other poorer countries and symbol of success of capitalism.

narcissists don't tend to kys, sadly

What did he lie about exactly?

He said that he had a deal in place to buy out publicly traded Tesla stocks at a specific price using Saudi money. No such deal existed.

On the official Tesla blog he used the specific phrase 'funding secured'. He tweeted that as part of the deal, people holding stock would get bought out at $420 per share. In the absence of an actual deal, the tweet was exposed as a blatant attempt to boost the stock price ahead of a bunch of debt coming due.

Also I guess he was trying to organise a threesome with Grimes and Azealia Banks but fucked it up by tweeting on acid and committing securities fraud. Banks overheard him desperately trying to secure funding in the wake of the fraudulent $420/share tweet. I will leave you with her words about the man.

Wnat makes a gigglefactory different from a regular factory.

That's sad to hear. But I guess hs's the poster boy here as well because he's living the dream how most Americans would: marries and divorces actresses and pop stars, spends most of the day ranting on twitter and patting himself on the back.
He's like The Trump of Silicon Valley. I bet the democrats would run him in 2020 if he wasn't a damn foreigner. He might still end up the governator yet though, who knows.

kek Banks would fit in on Zig Forums

He clipped it down to. The real quote said:

But then she did say:

Attached: Funding not secured.jpg (483x770 70.53 KB, 77.14K)

What happened on instagram?