Are there any Khmer apologists here or can we unanimously agree Pol Pot was scum ?

Are there any Khmer apologists here or can we unanimously agree Pol Pot was scum ?

I don't see how anyone could sympathize no matter what angle you looks at it …

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Ironiclly: Nazbol gang
Unironically: No one. Not even nazbol gang.

No. Pol Pot was a true communist and upon the revolution of April 17th 1975 Pol Pot instantly ushered in the complete elimination of class differences and thus the creation of a genuine communist society. Bourgeois intellectual creations such as stages are foolish. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge knew this. There was little to no proletariat in Kampuchea so Pol Pot rightfully based the revolution on the Kampuchean peasant. The Kampuchean peasant was truly national and unpoisoned by the capitalistic urban life. The urbanites were rightfully removed from the cities and put to work with the people. Religion was abolished, Money was abolished. Pol Pot also warned of aggressive actions from abroad. The Vietnamese wanted to absorb and destroy Kampuchea through the Indochina Federation. Pol Pot knew this. He warned of this in the Black Book yet no one listened. The Vietnamese and imperialists have fabricated claims against the Kampuchean revolution, which was soon destroyed in its infancy and replaced by revionist leadership


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I don''t like Pol Pot but plenty of deaths attributed to him were caused by US bombing.

On the positive side…

Now the obvious bad shit

Why is that positive?
…and then receiving U.S. funds to fight Vietnam..

Read Marx

Who honestly knows
Little to know information came out of Cambodia for the 4 years the KR held power
It could be true could be Vietnamese slander

Because religion is poopy for stifling individual freedoms. Also has a way of harming class consciousness with endless barrages of identity.

10/10 copypasta material

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Sure, no sacred socialist spooks in this brain.

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not even the most ☭TANKIE☭st tanks to ever tank defend khmer rouge unironically

nice strawman. only estranged Maoists who cry about muh social imperialism support Khmer Rouge.

obvious fanboy here. unlike most of the left, I see him as a folk figure for the rural anti-intellectual left.

Even *I* have to say that one word: No.

I love how the first answer to this thread was my own personal belief aswell and a perfect way to answer and right after that we delve into the dogshit.

Most ☭TANKIE☭s are hardly interesting or transgressive enough to sympathize with the Khmer Rouge

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It's not slavery, it's the abolition of unemployment. It's not famine, it's the ending of commodity production. Uphold marxism-kafkaism!

Crush the urbanite.

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Ignoring the fact the Khmer Rouge was defeated by "tankie" Vietnam.

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Pol pot was the messiah but we didn't recognized him.

oh look, the buttblasted imperialism apologets are wrong yet again
their shit attacks fall apart on most basic fact checking
how truly pathetic and sad

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Isn't this the pasta one user wrote to try get into /r/kampuchea? Did he ever get in?

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i do like Agrarian socialism, but pol pot did some wrong things that i do not agree or support

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