What is the problem with eugenics? In communist society, wouldn't it make sense to regulate the quantity and quality of the global population? Ressources on this planet are limited, so humanity can't expand endlessly. It would be useful to regulate the size of population. Beside that, no one wants to be born with a genetic caused disorder. From a scientific perspective, there is nothing wrong with eugenics. I don't say we have to kill people, but preventing that people get born with disorders, what is wrong with that??
Eugenics in communism
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There is nothing wrong with that. Killing is wrong, yes, but abortion, sterilization, and vasectomies are perfectly fine. It just hurts peoples' fee-fees, is all. If a fetus has downs, nothing wrong with aborting it, but if the baby is born and the parents want to keep it, it'd be perfectly fine to let it live (so long as it won't ever have children of its own).
Thank's man, I'm glad I'm not the only one with this position. In leftist circles this is a taboo topic and you get immediately called a fascist.
The problem with "old eugenics" is not only that they are unethical, but hamfisted and unreliable. There is no point in bothering until gene therapy is mature enough for the general populace to access, and even then, it's extremely risky unless you can guarantee universal access so the ruling class doesn't engineer itself into a race of superhumans.
Youre not fooling anyone.
Voluntary genetic screening, gene therapy and designer babies should be allowed in a communist society though. It must be equally accessibly by all though.
Down syndrome is not neccecarily heritable.
The problem is that it's unethical. It's a weird, biologically reductionist and zoological look at humanity, often rooted in malthusianism.
Biologically reductionist? In agriculture it is standard it works. And what kind of marxist argues with E T H I C S ?
You are interpreting stuff into my post and then you reply with the same argument, which I was talking about. Great job!
It's an interesting debate. Eugenic programs are already in place in a lot of western countries. Denmark does screening for downs via the public health program, resulting in 98% of children testing positive for downs syndrome getting aborted.
Why would that be a problem? If the parents can have a child with downs, then why should not that person be allowed to have a child?
Just because marxism does not take an ethics view on economics doesnt mean you have to completely throw the concept of ethics out the window if youre a marxist.
Also its biological reductionism because eugenics in all its iterations postulated that criminality and other "unwanted negative behaviour" was genetically determined, whereas we as marxists know that behaviour of people is fundmanetally laid in their material conditions and that the genetic inclination towards certain positive or negative behaviour is not significant when taken together with all other factors that contribute to it, such as socioeconomic factors, culture, support, opportunities, stability, nurishment, etc etc etc
Because, although a child being born with downs is undoubtedly a mistake, it should not be a mistake made twice.
Not a satisfactory answer. That approach restricts peoples right to self determinaton depending on their genetic status. It's not egalitarian, and opens the door to other types of discrimination.
What "right of self determination" are you talking? To put a burden on a person, just because you wanted a child? The child is forced to go through a painful life, not the parents.
Nobody should procreate. This is the correct eugenic position.
I agree with both of you and the way I see it, one way to present eugenics in a manner that people won't immediately shun you is by not using a "only allow the strong to survive" or some shit like that, but say something like "we would prefer if humans with more desirable traits and genes are given a way to pass on their trait while humans with more undesirable traits (how undesirable and what qualifies as undesirable is up to debate) are not killed off but are in a way suggested to not pass on their genes".
also what are your thoughts on state sponsored I Q tests and bonuses to people with high I Qs to have more children?
"The free choice of one's own acts without external compulsion". My problem is not with the external compulsion per se, but the notion that a person with downs should have restrictions on procreation that their parents did not. That the rights of citizens should not be universal, but dependent on their genetic status.
>To put a burden on a person, just because you wanted a child? The child is forced to go through a painful life, not the parents.
Thats an argument against letting people have children at all, not against letting downs people have children. It also assumes the life of a person with downs is more painfull than that of a normal person, there is no reason for that to be the case under communism. To each according to their needs and all that.
its pseudo baloney.
fuck off op
The argument on that pic is retarded. So we shouldn't strive for human betterment? So being morbidly obese and wanting to improve yourself by losing weight is undesirable? Fuck off
Eugenics shouldn't be imposed on the population. Improve female reproductive rights and population will decline naturally. Give people the means to diagnose disorders in their embryos and they will voluntarily choose to abort them.
Selective extermination isn't eugenics, though.
There isn't any problem. Man was domesticated and subject to eugenics forcefully and for his good, not oppressed like the postmodernist/marxist narrative states.
Are you trying to make a case for eugenics by showing how retarded you are?
Minority groups and deviants where sterilized for their own good? Can you perhaps specify what you are referring to?
Fascist position.
How about taking it one step farther, and giving people the ability to create a bunch of zygotes in vitro, and screen them to choose the best for implantation.