Is Venom actually /ourfilm/?

Nazis are triggered over it:

Are they for real with this shit? First the Zig Forums article, now this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just how schizo do you have to be to believe shit like this? After the revolution we will re-establish corrective lobotomies for white nationalists

The article is full of lulz.

Is Eminem actually /ourguy/?
/mu/tants are triggered over it

Does this mean vore in general would trigger Zig Forumsyps too?

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The only ethical consumption under capitailism

hol up
what Forums-a-guide/

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if porky would in some way try to normalize cannibalism to justify "soylent-greening" the useless population away once automation and climate change start to put pressure on capitalist societal structure.
But it's always DA JOOS and some grand conspiracy for these people, innit?

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I feel conflicted on eating Nazis. On the one hand, while I'm normally against doing something so horrific to anyone, I'm totally supportive of doing it to them, and I'd love to mutilate some white nationalists thusly. However, cannibalism was spiritual for many of the tribes that practiced it, as they felt they were absorbing part of the soul of the person they were eating. I don't believe in shamanism or souls, but I can see how it could feel like that psychologically, and I want nothing to do with those repulsive losers. So maybe the right thing to do, would be to mutilate the Nazis and feed them to other people or animals.

I'd honestly love to get off to the idea of eating them but since I am a sub naturally I am the kind of vorefag who wants to be eaten as opposed to the kind who wants to eat others.

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As a degenerate diaperfag myself I will never understand vore

Reminder that any article offered by that page should never be read for serious analysis.

Its a dom/sub and snuff thing for most people who are into it these days, though women in peril and stuffing/gluttony are common angles for it too.

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I'd save eating my enemies for the ones I have respect for imo

Why did dom/sub shit have to get so out of hand
Why can't it just be somebody asking another if they're a little slut then hitting them in the balls or whatever why did it have to turn into literal titans eating the fucking sub or whatever

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Eesshhh that zishek meme really got me depreshed.

Well vore is impossible to ever act out so I don't really see the issue

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…wait so is the movie good or not?

Superhero movies are never good in the way they're meant to be with the exception of maybe Tim Burton's Batman

It's performing pretty badly with critics, currently worse than Suicide Squad. Make of that what you will.

seen the movie. they actually complain about it.

One could tie someone up and feed them to a giant boa constricter or a crocodile or hippo. Also vore isn't limited to swallowing whole it also includes normal chewing in pieces or just the process of cooking someone.

Sounds like a great site, tbh. Bookmarking it now.

I'd eat your clitty peepee bebe

You will be laid to rest comrade. Leftists can't understand the love of a rifle and thus they will always be inferior even if well equipped. *tisk. tisk,*

I Hope that capefag loving retards will get prion disease from eating human flesh. Perhaps they will become like zombies?


It was okay at best. Venom had 0 character development and goes from "We're gonna take this planet for ourselves and nobody can stop us!" to "I like this planet, I'll help you guys out" without any real reason to, almost as if there was a scene cut where he develops his change of heart.

The Day Of The Rope is coming and you—yes you! My /leftist/ scumbag are invited to learn how to swing. Faggot.


You're not far off, I mean Jefferey Dahmer said the same thing, that eating people he killed made them "apart of him"

Probably freudian shit, like seeing the mouth as a substitute vagina, and the stomach as a substitute womb, and then y'know, closeness, etc. I felt oddly turned on when I was a kid watching cartoons where characters vore eachother.

Some terminology:

Vore - Vorereaphilia, sexual attraction to consuming another
Pred - Predator, the one doing the eating
Prey - The one being eaten
Soft Vore - No chewing, swallowed whole
Hard Vore - Chewing, expect blood and severed body parts
Digestion - Prey is dissolved in stomach acid
Endosoma - Prey is not digested, they are alive and can be released later, or live in the stomach indefinitely
Full Tour - Prey is swallowed whole, goes through the digestive tract without being digested, gets released through the anus unharmed
Disposal - Prey after being digested is shit out by the pred, expect bones

CV - Cock Vore, prey is consumed through the penis, usually ends up in the testicles (yes, we all know that's not how anatomy works, but this is a fetish)
Cum Disposal - Prey is dissolved in the cum inside the testicles (again, biology liberties) and may be ejaculated, there may be bones
AV - Anal Vore, prey is swallowed through the anus
UB - Unbirthing, prey is swallowed through the vagina, may go to the womb
Absorption - As distinct from digestion; when prey is consumed by the pred without being dissolved in fluid: a biosuit or goo monster engulfing a prey and absorbing them into itself are such examples

t. furry vorefag

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You fucks really this blue pilled about the elites being cannibals?
Next you will tell me how Ted Bundy was just a psychopath.

kys vorefag, you are part of the cancer of the fandom

you want to eat us because you're a rabid baboon with rabies and aids

forgot flag

lol stay mad fgt
Oh yes, NOW the fandom is ruined. It wasn't the rampant animal sex, it wasn't the cub fetish controversy, it wasn't the YCH cancer and Paytreon rent-seeking, it wasn't the personality cults of the artists, it wasn't the ABDL, it wasn't the autistic "alt-furry" crap, it wasn't the recolors and adoptables; no, a cartoon character just swallowed another cartoon character, NOW my innocent, puritan, wholesome christian family values fandom is ruined. Curse you, vorephiles!

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Not even close they're trying to make it succeed to fuck over the progressive MCU. I don't like capeshit but I'll take liberals over Nazi's any day.
Nice try though Venom shill.


Notice how I said "part". You're getting the wall just like all the rest of them.

fite me fgt

are you a pred or a prey

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