Why would I ever be a communist?

Capitalist/petite-bourg (as you would say) here. Basically…

So, why should I not be allowed to be rich again? Because there are poor people? Who cares? You don't criticize fat people by pointing out there are people starving in Africa. Sounds like communists are just jealous poor people who want the lifestyle I have.

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You shouldn't want to, it is against your class interest. The fact you do not means you have class consciousness. The Communist Manifesto actually says that people like you won;t give a shit.
Though I beg you remember one thing: the tendency of the rate of profit to fall waits for no man,.

You don't.

But there is more of us than there are of you.

if i wanted the lifestyle you have while throwing the accusation of us being merely jealous, that'd mean i want to be in the position of others wanting me get tortured and killed, because that's sure what i'd like to see happening to you
you are a very stupid manchild, OP
think your posts through

sounds like it got at least one thing right, i guess
That's ok. I'm not really contributing to profit-making, I'm just burning up a little bit of cash while I'm young and able to enjoy myself.

Keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night

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Are you implying there aren't people who want to murder and torture communists?

You're correct.
You criticize people who waste food by pointing out there are people starving in Africa.

yes, but i'm not chosing communism because of some personal benefit for myself
you need to think before you post

nice bait faggot

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No shit. Everywhere I go it's poor people asking me for money, asking for jobs, etc. Leave me the fuck alone.

I don't waste money, I just spend a lot of it.

cease your existence and you will be left alone

No :^)
Im coming for your money, piglet

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Are you suggesting you wouldn't benefit more from a communist system than you would from the current capitalist system?

There you go, you found yourself a reason to become a communist

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If you don't care about poor people, then tell us why we should care about rich people. You gained your wealth from the plunder of the working class, and when the time comes, we'll not make excuses for the terror.

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Honestly user, you should read it: it gets quite a few thing rights.

Not exactly, he's suggesting not all people come to communist beliefs purely through calculated self-interest.

are you suggesting that we are under the illusion of the establishment of socialism being in close reach for us to actually benefit from it?
again, think.

Luckly I don't have to take public transportation or fly public airlines so I don't run into too many poors. But when I do, they go nuts. I think they see my clothing and that I'm a nice white guy and they think they can take advantage of me by begging and telling me sob stories.

Because they're the ones who give you a job, sweetheart.

i'm poor
i get asked and begged for money
fact of the matter is that you are too full of yourself and delusional

Whats your private jet number?
You know, for information.

We can have jobs without rich people, honey, its called a cooperation (and socialism)

Why do we need them to give us a job when we can kick them out and do the job without them?

You get money for nothing, why shouldn't they?
It's not like you earned it

Yeah, look at all those massively successful co-ops producing technology and medicine lol

if we kill them, there will still be a need for work to be done
except nobody will keep us from it
there is no benefit of keeping you, only gain
well, except for you
but you are too delusional and self-centered for this realisation

If you kill "the rich", then you just shift the scale down and create a new class of "rich" people, who were only kind-of rich before. You'll never kill enough people to "equalize" society. It's much easier and preferable to give people economic incentives, rather than kill people for being better off than you.

"what was the soviet union"

because life isn't fair, sweetie.


Indeed, so don't whine when we come for your shit, you leech.

because if you were smart and motivated and hard-working enough to run the company you work for, you wouldn't be a low-level, low-skill employee.

Hippity hoppity, gimme your property.

Exactly my point. This is really what communism is all about.

I was just correcting your analogy, nigger


your assertions are wrong, and that's again your incapability to grasp what we are about
it's not just disposing of you, my darling sweet boy.
you are not being killed for "being better"
you will be killed for being a parasite

Because your mother drank bleach when she was pregnant

Life isn't fair, sweetie :)

says the guy who wants to kill the people who produce 99% of the economic output of the world because you wish you had more money

The bourgeois class does not produce anything, they act merely as managers of capital

you said yourself that you don't produce
how can you deny being a parasitic drain on society after having exposed yourself?
you are either delusional that you dont even care about posts from just minutes ago
or you are just a comrade shitposting while playing pretend as a parasitic moron

Sounds like someone's never worked a day in their life, let alone run a business

Hey mods, maybe unanchor this, I think they're for real, and their responses make great agitation and propaganda for the cause

Well I'm not technically bourg, since I don't own any companies or banks or anything, I'm just a dude with a big bank account - and you all seem ready to kill me.

But we don't want to kill the workers…

no dont its a shitpost we get these all the time

I'm not a drain on society I'm a drain on my parents, genius.

Well the workers are only good at working, not managing and oversight.

oh, don't worry
it'll be other people and circumstances that will get you killed
you are very much ensuring this all on your own
we can pretty much sit back and wait for the dialectics to play out


who accumilated wealth by surplus extraction, from society
and withholding it to be wasted on you
you are a drain on society and a parasite
your lack of self awareness is interesting insight into the mindset of a leech

Sounds good. You guys keep waiting in your parent's basements for the revolution. I'll be waiting on my jet, sipping campaign off a hooker's tits.

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life isn't fair, sweetie

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but it's also amusing to see you move your goalposts, from deflecting talking about being "productive" and "better" to you being irrelevant for society and merely a drain on your parents, which also is still wrong but funny for you to at least admit to this much.

Ok, well thanks for your answers. In my short stint here in your shithole website, Ive gathered that
1. Communism is literally "gimmie gimmie" the ideology
2. You guys don't hate bourg for actual political reasons, you just hate rich people because you're jealous
3. You will always be stuck in fantasy/LARP mode because of your delusion and petulance.

Thanks for the inside scoop guys. I catch you later.

Have a nice day.
Also this is not our website but whatever, you mentally handicapped moron.

yes, you have it really figured out now, big brain boy

and now make yourself scarce back into your little echochamber

Byebye fag. Now go back to your parents' house and ask for some more gibs.

Amusing coda, the only difference between him and the people he complains about
Is that he gets the money when he gimme gimmies and they don't

i think u say these things without the slightest bit of irony.

u know what separates american and euro bourgeoisie? the latter knows they're rich assholes and don't try to pretend like it's fair or just.

Everybody who is not an ally to the working class is inherently an enemy.of the working class

Talking of which, have you asked your parents for a job?
They'd like that
Also clean your room


even more amusing
this is the people nutsack cucks are promoting to supposedly give a rats ass about "national solidarity"
this little scam is exposed repeatedly when one of their fellow white capitalists is speaking his mind
of course their nazi schemes are that of capitalists to further accumulate without resistance under the guise of identity fellowship
on the podium they will make promises
when they talk freely because they think they're mocking "the poor" consequence free the facade is gone

related to the topic:

Nice dubs, anywaiz dis bread is so burvect wif zat post that it deserves an archive for posterity

rebuked earlier on when people started pointing out how you're "I don't give a shit" attitude could easily be turned back on you

rebuked by ten seconds of googling, finding out we don't give a shit whether there's a rich bourg or a poor one.

rebuked because no u

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Not even judgmental of you, honestly. It's your upbringing that made you feel the way you feel, and your reaction is expected. Personally, I wouldn't even know what to do with that much money. There's only so much shit one can buy. I guess if I had bucketloads of money that I would start a cooperative in the US.

I never really got the whole. "I started this and expanded it all on my own!" When that's literally impossible. If not for the labor of others, nothings getting expanded.

We don't expect bourgies like you to be communists but it doesn't matter because their are more of us than you, we the workers create the wealth which bourgeois lifestyle derives, once we have all the power we will simply distribute the full value of out labor amongst ourselves.

Don't fa'get the six million!

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