Let us have a thread in which we share pictures which are useful for converting and despooking. Share
Do not share
Let us have a thread in which we share pictures which are useful for converting and despooking. Share
What do you think the first two are? Just because it isn't captioned with Impact font doesn't mean it's not a meme.
cringe Stirner shit or dank gulag ☭TANKIE☭ memes
human rights are spooks though tbh
>Wants serious de-spooking info-graph memes
Emptying old folder. What do you think of Popper, cappy?
Neither makes any sense at all.
Stick to tank porn.
keep going
was a reply to
megaretard tbh
Donno what you're talking about.
That was a post on my own time, Christian.
i guess it's fine to use the same memes Zig Forums uses to mock communism as long as you're doing it because uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dey wernt really gommunists so id doesnt madder :-DDD
Nigga stop being salty and try handle the bants better.
oh please
Bants. Short for banter. I called you a cappy. Your flag is a cap.
surrrreee that's what you meant
so you admit it! finns are asian
anyways here's some garbage for you
Popper wrote a book on why historical materialism isn't scientific. What do you think the opinion of him here is?
Hmm. Good to know. I'm going to have to disagree till I hear more. I still like the paradox in the info-graph
don't give me that shit
knowing your opinion of MLs of course i'm going to take it as you smearing me as a capitalist (or an enabler of it, whatever)
Most of your images fucking suck. Go be a liberal somewhere else
I am almost in disbelief. History terrorises me. Anarchists have always been retarded.
They're not mine. They were gathered years when I was more of a fence sitter.
Pray to Stalin for the strength, lad.
Most people cannot meet the entirety of the first level on the hierarchy of needs. Not even I.
Meaning physiological? Yeah, I know, that's called capitalism.
Fuck butterflies.
anyone wanna draw a "Stalins hierarchy of needs" thing? guy already kinda looks like him
Imagine being this much of a Brainlet
Ok let me elaborate further
When the workers rise up and overthrow a Bougie goverment and implement a new workers goverment the workers that make up the administrative roles in the new goverment do not magically lose their class character and become "boss's" because of them holding these positions
How about showing to us how / when soviet officials would profit off of state enterprise in the way a capitalist does off of private enterprise
Its simple the administrators set everything up, redistribute the private property and then give the power to the workers council.
No democratic centralism or vanguard party required.
HuuuuRRR DDDDuuuuRRrrrrRrr
Still didn't answer my question btw
holy fuck cringe city itt
truly the left can't meme
Well you can still have a military I don't see why it has to be one or the other.
Oh yeah I'm sure the decentralised Militia Network would have done such a good job of fighting the Centralized Militaries of the nations surrounding them
no i mean having a decentralized economy and a centralized military.
Are they not compatible?
Parlimentary democracy is sort of decentralized in a sense.
Ever heard of the thing called war economy? Fighting external enemies without a command economy is something that you cannot do in total war scenario.
Yeah but there wouldn't be that much pressure if one side had nukes anyways.
Haha. Apparently it does.
Trash fires. ☭TANKIE☭s can't meme.
Oooh, how will I ever recover
It's a meme, you dip
And "tankie" is used as a shorthand to refer to any of the various authoritarian-socialists out there. Obviously Juche isn't Leninist so cannot be referred to as Marxist-Leninist
Yes, they're ☭TANKIE☭s.
imagine unironically thinking prague spring was socialist
dubček was a socdem and ever since 1968 the capitalists have been sucking his dick (Gorbachev praised SWAHF)
they make fucking movies, TV shows, and news articles every other week about him and it's always "HE STOOD UP TO THE EVIL SOVIET EMPIRE HE WAS THE LAST HOPE FOR DEMOCRACY AND REFORM"
he was nothing more than a capitalist scumbag who get's paraded around now by the media as another """freedom""" fighter, just like they did with the Mujahideen, Gorbachev, and countless others.
Literally nod an argument :D:D:D
I am once again asking
How did soviet Administrators and beuracrats profit off of soviet enterprises
When did I claim the people can not be trusted with reign of power?
I simply pointed out that DeCentralization will not work while capitalism is the dominant system on a global scale
Tankies are delusional reactionaries who undermine all socialist movements.
This is why socialism hasn't won yet.
Do your research.
Why did they not reform the right way?
When did the people seize the means of production? Ah, yes. Those that did where killed.
Beginning in 1917 with the seizing of Buisness by the workers soviets (Which would later evolve into the goverment / state organs) of the USSR and continuing throughout the early 20s into the 30s ad 40s with the ending of State-Capitalism and Collectivisation of agriculture in the late 30s
Creating the perfect conditions for a capitalist restoration as Dubcek and Gorbachev did is not reform it is Counter-Revolutionary
The idea that the Prague spring would have ended with anything else but capitalist restoration is sillyness along with the idea that Dubcek was anything but a SocialDemocrat / Liberal
Krondstat was a peasant revolt in response to the effects of the War Communism economic policies
These concerns were mostly dealt with during the 20s and little revolt of this type occurred again throughout the USSR's history
It was Counter-Revolutionary as the only alternative to the Bolshevik led Soviets were the Left-SR's and Mensheviks who explicitly stated a goal of preserving capitalism
This does not invalidate the fact that millions of peasants and workers supporting the Bolsheviks / CPSU went about seizing the means of production
No u, lol.
Scroll down to #6
Besides political opponents completely fagging everything up within Russia, many foreign socialists and anarchists, would-be comrades, also shat on you at every opportunity, because they weren't the ones trying to govern that dumpster fire and condemned you for not dissolving the State on day one. One could say it was the Bolsheviks against the world, but it would be incorrect, because the most important side, the people, largely sided, or eventually came to side, with the Bolsheviks. Without popular support, they would have been annihilated, because they would have been completely isolated. Being the people's choice is what carried Soviet Russia to win a civil war on a country the size of a continent in only 3 or so years.
Given the chaotic situation he had to manage, Lenin was pretty much a fucking saint, even despite his occasional telegrams demanding all rebells to be shot or whatever. The philosophers' boats were his way of saying "you know what, I already put up with way too much shit, and that includes yours, so I'm getting you out of my sight before I'm tempted to do something worse". The political opposition that didn't take up arms nor exhorted people to do fight or sabotage were largely left alone and would continue living in peace in the USSR…
attitudes of anarchists around May 1917
Октябрьская революция и фабзавкомы, Москва,1927, 2 том, стр. 182.
Anarchists workers' collective actions, and why some Bolsheviks and Mensheviks disagreed, they did not want to scare away the experts:
Б. Шабалин " От Февраля к Октябрю" в "Бастионы револю-ции", том 1, Ленинград, 1967, стр.289-90.
There was a major vote on Economical policies in May 1917, Lenin got 297, Menshviks got 85, anarchists got 45. That was the moment I mentioned "Russian workers made the chose", read a bit for more detailed reasons.
Октябрьская революция и фабзавкомы, том 1, стр. 107.
Anarchists were very popular especially in poor ghetto areas, mostly due to the vast collapse of Russia industry, capitalists were abandoning the ship.
Октябрьское вооруженное восстание в Петрограде, стр. 52.
the anarchists vs orgnized workers fight were partially set up by Russian capitalists who fled the big cities, they thought they could took advantages of it.
Рабочий контроль и национализация, стр. 345-7.
The ironic historical facts of anarchists abused state power:
См. подробнее: Шубин А.В. Махно и махновское движение. М., 1998. С.С. 110—121. Собранные в книге факты говорят сами за себя, хотя автор даёт им свою трактовку в духе защиты исторической практики анархизма.
I said the right way. Not the right-wing way.
ML and all varieties of tankism is counterrevolutionary and that is why they are always failing.
and Mensheviks who explicitly stated a goal of preserving capitalism, which Lenin later agreed with.
At this point I can see that you are a true ankid.
No anarchist project has lasted more than a few years (at best). ML states have lasted for decades before falling and as first attempts did very well. Or would you judge that airplanes can't fly because the first planes would fly for a few minutes at best?
No anarchist groups today are taking major action or have any major influence, antifa doesn't count, they're liberal shills.
I don't deny that Krondstat was sad but was ultimately essential as the alternate could have spelled disaster for all Russian workers (Read the article another poster provided above)
No the NEP was only implemented because of the absolute clusterfuck russia had been reduced to by 1921
The policies were eventually cancelled out slowly and were fully cancelled by the 30s
Does this somehow invalidate socialism in the USSR?
Brilliant arguments brainlet, kys
I'm incredibly sympathetic to the ML tendency, but it's not a good look to post GOP Facebook group content to win at infighting
Those images may or may not have been made by GOPstriches but I took them off leftybooru for the most part. And regardless of who made them, they're true, Antifa are fucking shills who do more to harm the communist movement than help. They give the modern communist movement the image of "edgy teenage thugs" even if alt-rightist MAGA-morons are the same shit.
Not really. You're just using respectability politics to make a false equivalence between counterprotesters and literal Nazis.
If you care about looking respectable then you're just an uncle tom looking revisionist motherfucker, and you need to be lined up against the wall with the rest.
Wow you're fucking dumb, you are literally the exact problem with modern "communist" LARPers that I'm pointing out.
One of the biggest problem of the modern left is the open display of decadence and lack of discipline. The alt-right memes about leftoids and radlib effeminate soyboys, sexual deviants and limp-wristed middle class kids don't come from nothing, and it's pathetic that the left delivers right-wingers more and more material to mock us with, which transpires into the already problematic mainstream opinion.
There are several issues that we can deal with that would fix this, and it's not being an Uncle Tom or whatever slur you want to use.
- Sexual deviancy and promiscuity. Who you fuck and what your kinks are belong into your bedroom and nothing else. Get your pronouns and self-proclaimed sexual fetishes out of your bio, it's nothing but idpol. Put that shit on a private account or on Tinder or wherever else if you want to.
- Scruffyness. Groom yourself and work out. Get decent clothing. Do not associate with any of these types publicly: Ugly basement dweller with acne (Libertarian Socialist Rants), so-called "traps" (Muke), obese creeps ("anactualjoke"), etc. - don't agitate against them, just ignore them, do not associate with them. Why? Because taking care of your body is important, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
- Behave in IRL political events. Don't show up intoxicated, don't use leftist events as a excuse to party and chill, do not aimlessly riot, whatever you do try to outcompete your political opponents, the libs and the right-wingers, in terms of respectability: If they drink a beer and sit in a camping chair, don't drink a beer, and don't bugger yourself into a camping chair. If you want to have fun, don't use your politics and do this with your friends.
- Anti-work rethoric. Do not ever try to make you look like you want free shit. Reduction of the work day is reasonable, nonsense like "abolishing work" will make you look bad and it is utopian, it straight-out ignores the material conditions of production, especially the reliance of the material wealth of the western service economies on Third World labor. Wage labor isn't "work". Wage labor is a historical phenomenon. Nobody abandons the ideals of communism by working within the framework of what is materially possible - see Cockshott's schemes of organization of labor in socialism. You won't get your Star Trek replicators anytime soon unless you want to greatly reduce the living quality of everybody.
- LARPing/sloganeering. Self-explanatory. What we need is actual relevant political knowledge, we need to equipped with actual modern data and statistics, so we can uncompromisingly maintain our claim to be scientific. Saying shit like "you… ought to be lined up and shot" is just edgy LARPing and nothing else.
- Disciplined public behaviour =/= no fun whatsoever in your life. You can easily have three beers later in the evening, with your comrades, or maybe with some people who got interested in you, just don't start bingedrinking while still in a political sphere or shout shit like "kill all white people tbh XDDD fukkk I want trap dick LOL".
Go fuck yourself polyp
This is the response of a typical edgy pseudo-leftist LARPer that doesn't have an argument.
Yeah, it's too obvious
You can fuck off at any time
Where did I say that? Not being a scruffy, edgy faggot doesn't make you automatically conservative you moron.
Ehem to quote, "Behave in IRL political events. Don't show up intoxicated, don't use leftist events as a excuse to party and chill, do not aimlessly riot, whatever you do try to outcompete your political opponents, the libs and the right-wingers, in terms of respectability: If they drink a beer and sit in a camping chair, don't drink a beer, and don't bugger yourself into a camping chair. If you want to have fun, don't use your politics and do this with your friends."
Keep screeching you LARPer faggot
Cleaning your teeth is a basic hygenic need, is eating vegetables wrong because Hitler was a vegetarian?
Healthy minds live in healthy bodies. Also I'm interested how "le based revolutionaries" like you are going to do against trained soldiers if you've never trained in your life. Sorry, but unlike cops, you don't see a lot of fat soldiers on the front, and in a revolution those same in shape soldiers are your opponents. This is literally like the retarded rad-lib argument for banning guns
Unlike Antifa who thinks that anyone who doesn't follow their lead is a patriarchy/racist enabling shitlord.
Yeah too obvious, you can go back to >>>Zig Forums anytime
I'll read your posts when you find something of value to add.
Unlike you with your 'cutting' commentary response that is literally a set of LARPing memes and a "no u"?
Infographs are too Zig Forums tier honestly. It would be better spent towards disseminating actual educational resources (i.e. Marxists.org) rather than some meme-tier infographic along the lines of "AMERIKKKA KILLS", as understanding the material conditions that led to development of the American empire is more important.
wtf, I love tomoko-fag now
I second this, but I feel as if I've seen this before WORD FOR WORD
Hey, you finally made a post that was considerate of people's time!
Now you just have to work on your moralizing, patronizing post content and then we might even reach a point where you aren't embarrassing yourself by posting Nazi propaganda and Jordan Peterson level self-help tips for how to protest in style.
Not if they're well done. And they're useful for short-hand sourcing and explanation when rewriting out paragraphs is pointless.
Well not quite, I edited it… severely because it lacked some essential points that - last time it was posted - got salty children screaming over.
Literally you
Being against antifa retardation makes you a nazi… wow what a leap
fucking christ you're dumb
Why would you just bend over like that though?
They are still meme tier and try to invoke emotion, when socialism MUST be strictly scientific.