Trump putin bolsonaro

All the eastern europeans, italy , austria and england and france could be the next in the 5 years
The left has proven incapable of solving nothing
What we need to do? What we did wrong? Is there any chance for a purely leftwing movement?

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red-brown alliance


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Why do amerifats think Putin is on their side? Don't they realize that America is the epicenter of "globalism"? Putin, together with Xi, will destroy American hegemony.

Putin only want to be part of the west but as important peace of it and not a puppet that could expoliate all their natural resources like it happened in the yeltsin era

Because he is. Russia is a neoliberal hellscape. Not really comparable to China.

The question is much deeper than that , putin see russia as a part of a more autonomous europe , that in his last cetemony as a president he put in the first line to a guy like that say a lot

Bolsonaro is legitimately America's bitch. Guys like him are common in Latin America. Putin is at least willing to confront America which is something that American hegemony cannot handle and will eventually force it to crumble.

You should not underestimate reactionnaries, even in France.

Nothing will change on the Balkans, nothing will change in Hungary and nothing will change in Eastern Europe.

Macron is a Rothschild plant and controlled oposition as a phoney right. The problem is that he is so obvious everyone can see it, so guard my words next election will see an even more right wing candidate arising to power

Bolsonaro is a total Caudillo, just like Porfirio Diaz

Fascists only take power after liberals ruin the economy

Everything goes according to the plans
The last war where mememasons defeat the iluminatis is about to happen

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especially if it's hyperinflation

Why do right-wingers suck up to Israel so much, and why do Zig Forumsyps believe that it won't be the case with whoever new they support?

This is coming from my chauvinist euro perspective but modern Russia isn't able to project power like the mighty Soviet Union was able to. They can barely control the countries directly bordering them. But it's also precisely for this reason that we need to abandon the common european delusion of Russia being a threat. The EU uses this fear to centralize and consolidate its power further, and it soon might actually form a powerful bloc independent of the USA.
I'm worried more about Merkel than Putin.
t. dutchie

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Seizing power to solve things and actually solving anything are different matters. Putin had almost two decades, but achieved nothing (other than personal wealth). Two years of Trump are equally devoid of solutions.

If you ask me, Right-wing is setting itself up to being slaughtered on streets without any discussions.

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Why not? Together with the saudis they are the main ally of western imperialism in the region. Israel's influence was crucial to breaking the power of the region's secular nationalist governments in favor of puppets and fundamentalists.
If you don't get your idea of right-wing politics from Zig Forums then it's clear as day that reactionaries in Europe and the USA are in bed with zionism and always have been.

You know is false stop adjudicating us crimes that we didnt actually commit

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Remove Putin from that picture. He is not Trump's ally. Bololo on the other hand would lick Trump's dirty butthole if asked.

I honestly think our best bet at this point is just dismantling global neoliberalism, help China become the new superpower and hope they spread the revolution and wait for technology to displace jobs en masse leading to massive welfare reforms that eventually fail and give way to socialism.


I wish we could have something to do