In order to create public awareness of socialism, I think we should make some kind of easily readable and easy to distribute manifesto that contains some basic facts about socialism that everyone here would agree with, as well as some arguments for socialism. The manifesto should contain the definition of socialism, the definition of capitalism and an explanation of why socialism works as well as a few responses to common anti socialist arguments.
While current socialist literature is pretty good, It is necessary to create an extremely simplified overview of socialism, as most people are too lazy to read ten thousand pages of theory. When the manifesto is completed, we should then print it out as much as we can and put it everywhere.
New communist manifesto
Other urls found in this thread:
Its called Why Socialism
Just make an infographic.
People only read poetry and social media in 2018.
make sure to write it in ebonics
Chapter 1: our aims
Free stuff lmao
Chapter 2: our process to achieving our aims
communism xd
Chapter 3: What is gommieism
When there is no class and everything is free
Chapter 4: How to get gommieism
Chapter 4.5: What is socialistism
gommunism but less
Chapter 5: How to get to socialistism
fugg capitalism
Cuz capitalism sucks
Chapter 6: Bix nood mofucka
We wuz kangz
Just tell them to read TANS.
If they can't handle a book, might as well look up "socialist mode of production" on wikipedia. We should resist presenting socialism for kiddies, it's a serious theory.
Presenting "Socialism for kiddies" is necessary. Most consumerist drones are too lazy to find books for themselves.
The only thing you will get by simplifying Marxist theory is smug liberal comebacks from years ago.
200 years ago*
haha yes praise KEK 🐸
user I don't know how to tell you this…
It should be written in a way to express the views of all forms of socialism instead of being sectarian. Also cite sources within.
Considering that orthodox marxists use communism and socialism interchangably, while leninists and MLs use socialism to mean the DOTP, while anarchists as a group have an even less set in stone economic definition for those words (as their anticapitalism springs from anti-hierarchy rather than the other way around), good luck finding a consensus on what socialism is.
Oh and sucdems also call social democracy socialism.
TANS is hardly heavy reading and if you can't handle wikipedia articles you have a lot more to be worried about doing first than studying politics.
Not an excuse for not wanting to educate workers who want to be educated.
Those same people are too lazy to even read a book, even if it's pamphlet size. They have the attention span of a fish.
I would say it's better to make a youtube video with pragerU editing style, something that can be passed at Facebook, something that even a child could understand the implications because it has nice drawings. Which alredy happened, but they were russians and shit, they didn't really explain what was socialism, but explaining different types of socialism, explaining what happens with china and shit. It's more focused to people who are already marxist than to people getting into socialism, and the style should be more minimalistic and fluent.
We must focuse both in educating about marxism and about addresing themes of actuality, like what's up with Bernie Sanders, the democrat party, what's really happening in Venezuela and explaining why idpol is bullshit. And to remember that this is not focused to people that are already marxist, but left-leaning people in general, to bring them to the extremist left.
This may be new for you, but we cant prevent Socialism for Kiddies, as there's already Socialism for Kiddies books, and some of them confuse value with price and worse, which is more reason to make a Socialism for Kiddies ourselves.
Meanwhile I think that Towards a New Socialism is pretty good to initiate yourself, I don't think someone should read it entirely, as it is more focused on how to manage a socialist country that to teach the core basics of Socialism, and it could put off someone who just want to understand marxist thought. I would recommend them to directly read Marx, with Wage, Labour and Capital and the Communist Manifesto, then they could read Lenin or Kropotkin.
Then how about we set what is the definition of socialism?
I would support to use communism and socialism interchangeably as Marx said that Socialism was the first stage of Communism.
Just call socialism communal ownership of the means of production, 99% of leftists would agree on this, Except left leaning liberals.
If anyone could write some stuff to add into the book it would be appreciated. Use simple to understand language and give it a good headline.
The spectre of communism weeps in the corners of depressed minds.
It's dying body stretches east to west across the globe.
Elites, unsatisfied with their exuberant wealth, feast alone on the future that once belonged to the workers.
Bet you can't get edgier.
Easy, just post this picture everywhere, then they will understand socialism!
Use the terms "lower-stage communism" and "higher-stage communism". This weeds out socdems, keeps orthodox Marxists on-board, and any Leninist or ML with brain cells to rub together will see what the terms mean.
Disregard anarchists you're not going to agree on much other than criticism of capitalism and absolute end-goals anyway.