Yeah he’s capitulated to neoliberals quite a bit much, he’s definitely messed up a lot. But let’s really think about it.
What do you think? Could he just be knee deep in the bourgeois Washington machine desperately hiding his power level?
Yeah he’s capitulated to neoliberals quite a bit much, he’s definitely messed up a lot. But let’s really think about it.
What do you think? Could he just be knee deep in the bourgeois Washington machine desperately hiding his power level?
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If hiding your power-level means completing cucking out to the Democrats, he’s shit. If he really had balls he would have BTFO Clinton at the DNC convention rather than capitulating and telling people to vote for her. Bernie is trash
WSWS thinks he did 2016 on purpose and never intended to stir up trouble for the DNC, but they're kinda crackpots sometimes.
I donno. He seems so sincere all the time and then he makes obvious errors with no strategic thought behind it. Maybe he's been threatened. All I can think of.
Ah, but before capitulating, he told people not to listen to him. And then he tells them they are the revolution and they should run for offices. But that was 2016, he's pretty trash now too, but is it on purpose, and for what reason?
But what if letting Hillary run and lose was better in the long run? It’s made liberals more desperate for someone to beat Trump, it’s made overall this feeling of not being able to trust American institutions of governance.
If revolution is just running for office, Bernie’s revolution is and was dead in the water.
1917D chess
I mean it’s not like some incrompenhensible thing. People were even talking before the election about getting Trump into power so that the right would appear even more insane and untrustworthy, and the moderate Dems even more spineless.
Doesn't that just mean they'll accept somebody even worse this time around?
I actually am in favor of lesser-evil voting though. There literally is nothing wrong with doing it.
Oh yeah, this I concede.
So you think he's a master accelerationist?
Never really bought into the personality cult or think he'd make 1917 happen again but I'd vote for him. Oddly, a lot of conservatives like him and respect him, and are intrigued when you tell them about his relatively moderate positions on guns. Of course that respect will go out the window were he to win a presidential nomination or become president.
But it doesn't lead to anything but more and more "evil". I used to ascribe to this Chomsky advice, but the 2016 election woke me up. No government will work.
Nice webm though
Hiding his LIBERAL power level, sure. Dude supports interventionism.
It can also mean they’ll support someone more radical this time around. I just don’t find outright dismissal of what he can do helpful. I think Bernie can be very useful in power, and keep the boot of American hegemony off the left’s back internationally for a pivotal four years.
I think perhaps in his younger and more radical days he was an ardent Marxist. However, with old age and the growth of cynicism, he retracted back into basic DemSoc reformism. I believe there was once a Bernie hiding his power level (and sometimes not hiding it at all) but that Bernie is long gone.
Bernie went from college straight into politics.
He is not a worker.
He never worked an actual day in his fucking life.
He never had a job outside of college and politics.
He never plowed a field, or harvested food, he never built a roof, or cut a foot of lumber, he never swung a hammer, he never forged metal, never welded, never packaged up a delivery.
He has never done any actual work or labor in his entire lifetime.
How the fuck is this lazy Jew a symbol of workers rights?
"Worker" is not an identity but a relation to production.
I actually think Bernie sucks but come the fuck on.
What the fuck has Bernie "produced" besides donations for Hillaries campaign and the DNC?
Friedrich Engels was literally the son of a wealthy factor owner which made him… bourgeois. Shocking, I know.
Vulgar workerism, ew stop
Please kill me
He was a carpenter. You didn't even check did you? Did you just hear this from somebody else and decide to believe it because it sounded good to you?
Bernie was a carpenter? I didn't know that lol BTFO'd
Melenchon and Corbyn are clearly commited socialists. Bernie isn't.
Bernie isn't great, but considering what he has to deal with, I honestly don't think a lot of his faults are unforgivable in my eyes. I still believe he is a good person after all.
How can we honestly be certain of either of these conclusions?
Mélenchon is not a communist, he said so himself. But his positions do include more radical things than Nordic-style socdemism.
i remember when you guys included syriza as "committed socialists"
I really hope so, and I really respect Bernie Sanders for some things he says, but he has multiple dark spots in his voting history.
Bernie sanders was a carpenter.
Neither did your capitalist masters, cletus.
I think he's the Richard Wolff type. He says he is a socialist but the most he talks about is setting up coops across the USA.
He's not just any socdem but he is still not enough
I'm more inclined to see Jeremy Corbyn as the one being radical.
He openly advocates for widespread nationalisation of energy and other industries
He talked about having social media and news as a state service
He always fights against imperialism even to the cost of being smeared as an antisemite
Not to mention the communists beside him and the communists in momentum
I'm glad eurofags are willing to do the experimenting so we don't have to.
This obviously isn't the ideal end-all-be-all but do you all agree it at least gets people thinking about alternative systems and is a step in the right direction?
This. Only Marxist-Leninist-Stalinism is the answer.
I don't think he is using chrome without adblocker, I think he just used it this once for the screenshot.
His power-level is irrelevant when he is spineless and supplicates to people who cheat him and abuse him. Sad.
Everyone in this thread deserves a permaban tbh. You are a bunch of filthy liberals.
Holy shit, all these succdems are supporting a closeted ML hahahahaha
Keeping the lowest profile possible nigga.
You should learn from him.
If your 20 proxys 56vpns and carrier pidgeon system fails you will find your way to a list as fast as you can.
What's wrong with slick entryism?
and that's actually correct, you shouldn't allow yourself to fall into sectarianism and exclude yourself from a movement while single handedly spearheading some delusional attempts of revolution like greek anarchists, but that doesn't mean you should be promoting cuckdems and falling for their shit like an opportunistic faggot either
The Redworld mod for HOI4 is kind of shit but Nazbol Bernie was the fucking best.
My personal favourite focus was "pacifists are traitors"
It assumes the system is capable of changing.
The people he hung out with in the 60s and 70s say he was by no means a Marxist or a socialist. The founder of the Liberty Union Party, Diamondstone or some name, said he was a social democrat. Michael Parenti (that famous lecturer) also said he was a left-liberal/social democrat while he knew him. Both of them broke with Bernie after his support of Yugoslavia and his voting record despite them all 3 being friends.
excuse me, support of war in Yugoslavia*
Which fits with what the typical left-wing critique of Sanders is; he's an imperlalist
Bernie is a New Dealer style capitalist, but he's about as close to a social democrat as we have. People like him, Keith Ellison, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ben Jealous, and the other "Justice Democrat" types are reformers, but they're good people trying to make people's lives more tolerable. Capitalism is failing regardless; I don't think their band aid is going to prolong capitalism. I do think it will make people's lives much better than the increasingly reactionary GOP, and for that, they're worth supporting. If I look at my actual values, I'm somewhere between a socialist and a syndicalist. What these progressives stand for is a milquetoast version of my values, mangled and distorted by a decaying capitalist frame. But that's still worth something, and that something's worth fighting for.
You compromised your beliefs, your understanding of the world, and what it even means "to fight".
He made a documentary about Eugene Debbs in the past. Eugene Debbs was a democrat then became a socialist later after being done with the Democrat party.
It’s really interesting, because if we take the same position towards other nations that we do domestically, how does one also be ‘anti-imperialist’? So it’s okay to support Assad, despite essentially being a social democrat economically? Or Iran? How is that not also opportunism.
I don't think I have. Maybe I'll get to the point where I check out of the system and push for revolution, but at this point I still have a limited optimism about the emerging progressive movement, foolish though that may be.
Because he's dead and can be easily molded into whatever it is they feel like?
I do agree.
I hope for a louder lefter messenger soon-ish though.
Not even reading the thread, or some kind of purist stingger?
It was implied above that he knew this would all lead to some kind of accelerationism.
which of those pics is supposed to convince us he's redeemable?
Trump is handling NK pretty well so far, better than most expected.
is this his actual position, lol, or is he just taking orders from the Dems/Clintons still?
every country should have nukes
they're the only deterrent against "democracy" and getting enriched with "human rights"
Are the french trying to wash their hand from Libya?
That was their shit.
And it was ,,socialist'' François Hollande who ordered the bombing.
Are you autistic. Do you realize how many countries other than France use french as the official language, with most of them being in Africa meaning they had nothing to do with NATO’s destroying Libya.
So why are they blaming the USA when it's the french behind it?
Voting for the lesser of two evils in the 2016 scenario gives me a visceral sick reaction. Even if I came to the conclusion that doing so would be good I couldn't do it because voting for either Hillary or Trump (I haven't decided which one I dislike more.) would have made me sick to my stomach.
Sanders is trash but we need to recognise his part in the revival of the left.
Same. I threw it to Stein. Last time I voted.
I think the lesser evil won/lost and is now president
Bernie got cucked by the party. I don't know what they have on him. Ari Rabin-Havt is his handler.
Two kinds of people in this world
They guy is a massive sheepdog.
He's had multiple opportunities to walk away from that rancid corpse of a party, and he still supports them.
Because Americans will never understand the true extent of how Antiamericanism serves as ideological window dressing for pretty much everything around the world.
Imagine a twisted image of your average MAGA boomer and you've got the ideological justification of pretty much everything.
That's why I laugh so hard at Americans making anti-imperialist posts.
Without America the rest of the west would have dramatically alter their foreign and domestic policies. It would end up creating an entirely different political situation, one that would be far less favorable to liberalism and fascism in Europe since they would be forced to further exploit their own citizens instead of foreigners via imperialism (or invest in their militaries, which would cause all sorts of problems for them.) American hegemony is indeed the bane of the world. Never even imply that it isn't.
Why do you hate America so much though?
It seems you are almost frothing at the mouth.