Anarchists and Marxists

Since most basic categorization of socialists is Marxists and anarchists, I was wonder what is apporox ratio here? I've seen a lot people on both sides so I'd say its maybe 55 to 45 for Marxists? What do y'all think.

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that used to be the ratio before the anti-Rojava rules were made here, now it's mostly Marxist. Zig Forums is generally considered to be the anarchist board.

A lot have come back since the mod mutiny though.

yeh remember when this board was actually interesting? I remember, i used to post here all the time, probably was one of the most regular posters, then that happened and it got shit. Since then i've also gone into IRL stuff and become more of a Marxist than anarchist but the board quality definitely died around that time

Fuck no, this board was way worse when we had anarkiddies and their "guyse look at epic cars on fire!!" threads

All theory, no praxis. Sad.

More variety, more debate (dialectics in motion) , generated more memes (and more amusing memes). I now see memes that originated on leftypol widely used, these mostly came from that period. The content was just more original and entertaining. I don't think that's because anarchism is better, I just think the atmosphere lent itself more to back and forth and therefore resolution of thesis and antitthesis in arguments, which led to more humour created etc

Also at that time there was a hugely noticeable drop in the amount of actual theory people had consumed, it was just anarchists that left, some of the most die hard, well read Marxists fucked off. I rarely see threads here now where Marx is quoted at length. Its sad, this place gave me so much really.

Leftypol is now a little stale.

Also the whole R.ojava position is ludicrous beyond belief. The funny thing is if you actually go and talk to one big US military base in Syria volunteers IRL they are mostly die hard ☭TANKIE☭s.

*wasn't just anarchists that left, some of the most die hard, well read Marxists also fucked off

Nigga how old are you? Like 12? Setting cars on fire doesn't do shit to subvert capitalism

Burning cars etc are also visceral and appeal to base instincts, bad praxis sure but again, entertaining for the entry level. Also it took reading all the anarchist books, then going out and practicing anarchism and realising its short comings in practice before i became a marxist, i'd rather have 1000 car burners than people who wrote the whole thing off as authoritarian 100 goriilion dead and didn't even get close

See how cringeworthy the anarkiddies are? Good riddance.

what about this is cringeworthy?

literally anything is better than a circle jerk. now the only arguing that goes on here pretty much boils down to ML ☭TANKIE☭s vs Dengist ☭TANKIE☭s.

Nothing like this ever happened and the board was of significantly higher quality when there were more anarchists than marxists.

exactly, "scientific socialism" science has detractors and stuff gets revised.

Circle jerks are the least marxist thing possible.

also FYI IRL I am involved in trade and tenants unions as well as building up a left wing gym and other things besides things you might refer to as "communisation"

shut up newfag

99% of that shit was contained on 0chan

if there is one thing everybody can agree on it is not trusting trots.

I am sorry for throwing you under the bus after you agreed with me.

Trots IRL are DEVASTATING to the movement as a whole.

Remember: Anarchists ruined OWS.

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it did happen, and, it was a good thing. Riots are objectively cool and appeal to primal instincts. How do you think they start out in the first place? They are a release of untapped aggression, looking at riots lets you do this a little, like porn. Making this place somewhere you can come to jerk off your violent tendencies a little bit is no bad thing.

i mean, without anarchists it wouldn't have existed, but it was ultimately impotent in the first place "we will do a sit in until capitalism collapses" was never going anywhere, although the images beamed all around the world probably went some way to radicalising a new generation

Anarchists didn't help much, but they didn't hurt either. It died because bourgeois college kids swarmed in and started screeching about identity politics. When the well-meaning people left and the liberals became the majority, the whole event changed from the right wing's elephant in the room to their favorite topic of discussion for them to wave around as proof that everyone who disagrees with them is a manchild.

this is just total bollocks. This place has never been pro identity politics unless it has drastically changed in the month or six I have not been posting but I highly doubt that. Besides even if that was the case it was dead before that

Can confirm. I was 11 when the crash happened and watching Occupy unfold helped radicalize me against capitalism.

The Occupy movement, you autist.

soz bbz, yes you are probably partly correct in this case

With Leninism or some variation of it you get a shot at communism in the long term

With anarchism you get communism for about six months at the most then it's over

Something like this:
- 10%: Fascists
- 40%: Liberals
- 20%: Social-Democrats
- 20%: Anarchists
- 10%: Communists

Wow good job at aiding the class struggle, participating in capital-managed organizations and whatnot.

Nigga why is there a need for a "left wing gym" just hit the weights faggot. You sound like a cop.

I'm pretty sure you're a larper who doesn't have a job so I wouldn't expect you to communize anything anyways.


Participating in the struggle against wages in a union which calls for the abolition of the wage system, pushing for my own class interest for my own job to have a higher and more consistent wages. Organising strikes, which make up a broader picture of increased strike action in my country i.e. a more militant proletariat.

Also participating in a grassroots volunteer lead tenants union again, to push directly against capital, winning actual concrete gains for tenants and pushing back against the rentier class.

Solidarity, discipline, not getting fucked up by neo nazis. All things cadre need. I DO hit the weights, and the punch bag, and my job is physical.

I sound like a cop? You are the one actively discouraging militancy.

So a total ad hominem then, I have two jobs, three sometimes when my mate wants me to do extra shifts at the bar he manages.

I also organise reading groups and no doubt read more theory than you do. The difference between me and you is I do what you do just so, so much more.

The "communisation" i refer to is the reclamation of space for use for the community, communally, and the organised distribution of food to the community, communally.

What then, in your opinion, is effective praxis?

How long ago was this? I remember browsing here at the start of 2017 and even then it seemed to be ☭TANKIE☭ infested.

It feels weird, but from time to time we have like an influx of autistic ☭TANKIE☭s with scorching takes, and then they vanish for a couple of months, just to be repeated later.

I wish there was an anarchist board as active as this one, I'm sick of these illiterate Stalinists.

I don't think there are that many marxists on this board. Just people who shout about how everyone is less left than they are, despite not really knowing what that means. By the way youre a fucking trot so you ought to love that.

You faggots are literal children

only retard anarchos who actually think its an anarchist revolution think this.


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Good God you are one angry faggot. Exercise more

So that isn't what happened? You cucks literally went and started your own board, what happened? You couldn't stand each other either so you had to come crawling back to have "le ebil stalinists" to scapegoat?

Board discussion was 10/10 til you retards came back btw

show me one shred of proof
exactly which leftist space on the internet is better?

im not sure if this is pro or anti. The naxal revolution is bigger

Since you're obviously so much smarter and superior to all the ebil ☭TANKIE☭s why don't you go back to Zig Forums I don't understand why you would cry until you're allowed back to a place just so you can bitch about it every single day


People loyal to actually existing socialism started a board where the mods weren't fucking retarded.

All the good posters left this board also, you'll notice the traffic is way way down from what it once was, before all this shit hit we were up in the 1500's, the BO got autistic

I am a ☭TANKIE☭ you fucking cretin.

I havent posted here in months, i've come back cos iim bored as fuck and i wanted to see how the place is doing, im saying its objectively worse




"actually existing socialism" as opposed to theoretical socialism i.e. socialism how it plays out in practice in an actual revolutionary situation applied to the actual real world material conditions.

You aren't going to get any actual arguments from me because I don't consider non-socialists intelligent enough to be worth debating. That includes anarchists since you're all closet liberals and college larpers

go back to >>>Zig Forums

I'm a maoist you fucking moron

what is it that you do outside of the internet? I am actively engaged in all facets of the left Lenin advised and more…

It was going on for a while but it climaxed when Trump sent the Nukes to Syria. everything fell apart after that.
If you want an exact date just look at the time Zig Forums was created.

idk why I said nukes

Tankie NPC meme needs to be made.

I can hear the clicks of the mechanical keyboard just from reading this.

Comfy thread

I wonder what Ketchup is up to these days.

The media would only talk about it as a confused bunch of "far left" liberals, so that's all you probably saw. But then they sent in the cops and no one had to ever refer to them again. Someone even claimed they made congress pass some bank regulation and that was their victory.

Like burning the limo, it was a signaling action. Good praxis, up to that point. They need organization as usual though.

Which literally never happened in real time. Zero shot.
It lasted four years. That authoritarian-socialists dance on the graves of those that fought for the Spanish Republic just to slur the successful social revolution of ordinary working folks is as sick as it is baffling. Why not look into what went wrong and see about modern applications?

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There are shit ton of other anarchist experiments, often looked over, which lasted much longer than Ukraine or Catalonia

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