I disagree with many of you on a lot of subjects. But here is a blueprint for opening the eyes of the right regarding the true enemy.
Blueprint for getting Zig Forums to question capitalism
some hot takes in that thread already
they're too focused on the jews and race but see the flaws in capitalism
The fascists and nazis on Zig Forums are by definition not capitalists and to an extent anti-capitalists. The problem is that leftists want to sperg over ideological purity whenever an economic philosophy includes a market, even if it could potentially present a better alternative to planning something as complex as a modern economy.
From the NSDAP program:
9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.
10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.
Therefore we demand:
11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.
Breaking the Bondage of Interest
12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.
14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.
15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.
16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.
17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.
18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.
19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.
20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.
21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.
lmao yeah look how long that lasted
Unfounded fearmongering bullshit
These cannot exist and because you can't realize it, you will always be nothing more than useful idiots for porky. Daddy porky will never care about you even if you make him swear on the Bible and Nation, get his dick out of your mouth
And what actually happened is that Hitler violently purged even moderate socdems from his party and jumped into bed with Krupps
Lmao what a bunch of fucking bullcrap. Who are you trying to fool with this shit. The only thing you fags believe in is playing vidya all day and jerking off to futa, between sessions of larping on the internet about how much you want to kill jews and non-whites. Oh, and ofcourse bickering amongst yourselves who is whiter.
I don't really care about fascist "anticapitalism" tbh. fascism is just war liberalism. nothing more nothing less.
What did you expect? Such general shallowness and poverty of perception, despite their claim to "spirituality".. They only prolong corporeal wars, like any other anti-spiritualist, in any guise.
Their obsession with common fate is already alarming. What common fate share the ox and the lion?..
yeah if they're insisting on clinging to that identity shit they're still capitalists to me
Is that supposed to be George Washington under "Anti-Imperialism" in the second pic?
outside of the autistic ancaps the more nationalistic Zig Forumsacks want national and international corporations to be brought under the control of a nationalistic state.
Im not saying its not capitalism im just saying its not the same thing as muh laissez faire free markets
It's still capitalism, ya dingus.
No flaws in either of my new Mercedes :D
jesus man, learn to exploit anti-capitalist sentiment where you can. If someone uses nationalistic rhetoric to shit on laissez faire capitalism there is an opportunity to apply the same logic to all forms of capitalism. My response to the OP was its not as easy as saying "capitalism support black football man so capitalism bad!" There is a bit more nuance than that.
most of those took place in states, which are inherently socialist, so there the responsibility of sociailsm
The most intelligent reply in this thread.
nice samefag retard
Nope. Perhaps the mods should turn on IDs to convince you I'm not the fag you are looking for.
Poltard here. Ive been saying this for years, although feminism has contributed to Pol problems too. I got over blaming kikes for every systemic problem and globalist capitalist problem, but unlike you faggots, I dont think a failed ideology built on outdated ideas will solve these issues, especially when the Marxist left have their own significant hang ups and cognitive dissonance that implicates the basic premise of leftist ideologies like Marxism and its application on modern society . I think Steve Bannons economic nationalism is probably the best alternative right now, but we need a new ideology that doesn't have the ideological baggage or the obvious contradictions of the Marxist left.
You sound like a fucking hipster tbh.
And what are those?
Have you actually read marx? Marx is completely seperated from the ideological shitflinging that later marxists took part of.
Read Social Theory and the Crisis of Marxism
Ive read Marx a long time ago, and it left me thinking that even if such an inefficient but worker friendly system would exist, it would quickly be usurped by aggressively capitalistic and heirarchial societies that manage to police its own self destructive impulses. Any society built on the principles of Marxism would be inefficient and uncompetitive in the short to medium term, and wouldnt survive long enough to see whether if Utopian communism would emerge out of the ashes of Socialism. It sounds like an ideology that is dependant on every capitalist hegemon abruptly dying, which is unlikely. Its dependence on humanism, in a time when humanism is a failing religion in the face of technological advances and progress in the sciences should also be a concern. Data and AI, not the concentration of Capital in the hands of the few, will be what determines power in the future.
So what is wrong with fighting the ideological enemy of capital who is causing all of this shit? Should we just roll over and die? If capitalism is doing this to us we must find the means to fight it through every theory possible and marx is the only one that even comes close to doing it.
you didnt read marx or youre a retard, one of his main argument is efficiency, especially since history has proven socialist state could be quite resilient to nazis attacks
Marx is built on the assumption that the prole classes will remain the force at the centre of wealth creation and economic dynamism for generations to come, and will hence hold the trump card against monpolising capitalists when capitalism starts to fail as a result of its contradictions. But this is a view will become outdated in the age of AI. Marx rightly asserted that proles derive their political power from their economic leverage over the capitalist class, which will erode from the forces of technology. Marxists appeal to humanism as the masses lose power and control over their fate as AI advances wont be convincing. The vast majority of humans will be irellevent by the time the structural weaknesses of capitalism becomes fatal , and we will probably move to an alternative economic system that will reflect the reality that workers aren't the driving force of economy, which will be bad news for Marxists. Something more alien will takes its place, but I really dont know what itll be, but it wont be humanist based systems like Marxism.
you didn't read marx let alone understood him, nor do you have a clue what communist, socialist and economics in general actually ought to do. you're just a parroting dumbfuck. the last sentence you parroted
is actually really worth thinking and discussing over though, however not with you.
i agree with musk on that subject: ai is uncontrollable and in the foreseeable future humans will be to ai what chimpanzees are to humans right now.
There is no "third-position". No matter how much we press you idiots for an explanation of your views on economics, you either dodge the question or sheepishly admit you don't care about them because you are pure idealists. Every right-wing populist government in practice is little more than neoliberalism with pogroms.
sides = gone
you fags don't get Zig Forums at all. Zig Forums as a collective doesn't care about capitalism, only some of the americans are rabidly anti-socialist. Zig Forums cares about having more white faces around and no icky gay stuff or feminism. that's it.
Im not talking about socialist countries militarily defending themselves against hostile powers. For post industrialised nations, wars are fought through economics. Look at Cuba or any other sanctioned socialist state. These countries have lost most of their talented engineers because theyve fled to the west, where their talents are being utilized in exchange for financial compensation, and in return theyre enriching the west. They couldnt care less about their socialist shitholes that have been left to rot, and lacking a proper intelligentsia to help modernise their ailing industries thanks to western sanctions and a brain drain, which theyve contributed to . They will remain shitholes for decades to come .
Modern Marxist states wont have the financial incentives to lure the worlds tech talent against capitalist states, when Marxists dont believe theres a difference in value between a top software developer and a carpenter. Capitalists will have accumulated enough capital to attract the best talent, and those who are in the 99.9th percentile born in Marxist state, will be be motivated by self interest to flee, and claim asylum to capitalist countries, just as millions of USSR most educated citizens have done when Soviet propaganda about the west began to fail. Monopolising capitalists will always attract the best talent compared to egalitarian socialist states. Marxists are ill equiped to deal with a world where talent is as permeable to borders as capital
Zig Forums uses icky brown people to deflect from serious issues so they don't have to act on it.
The central theme of Zig Forums is hypermasculinity.
I'm not sure how anti capitalism fits into that, besides un an ad-hoc or idealistic manner.
Pol=reactionary social/cultural politics.
Theyre basically Tumblr for right wingers
Yes because they build their politics around their hypermasculinity yo feed their ego i.e they oppose communism almost entirely because they believe it to be feminist, or weak or whatever and this goes against how they wish to see themselves. This also explains their obsession with "logic".
Getting a rational political thought out of them when they have this mental illness is basically futile.
they dislike communism because they associate it with jews
The core of Zig Forums is made up from labor aristocrat/petit-bourg scions with no connection to the MoP. Best case scenario they work gigs and Uberized jobs, but unlike the precariat there is no real financial risk involved for them. But likely many of them are just NEETs who live off their parents' money while calling themselves capitalists because they browse /biz/. Because of this they have atrophied class interests and are uninterested in economics. Their politics revolve around preserving the familiar stimuli of their suburban Newgrounds copypasta lifestyles forever. They kind of feel that capitalism is eroding it but they are unable to question capitalism because of the above. They can only respond to unfamiliar and alien stimuli such as black people.
The same broadly applies to tumblr SJWs but I kind of feel like their demographics are more urban. Zig Forums is Newgrounds copypasta, Tumblr is vegan potlucks and poetry reading in ethnic coffee shops.
I think we are looking at a new intermediary stratum, the Superlumpen. Someone who neither has a relationship to MoP nor any material need that could push them towards solidarity with the proletariat. They're apolitical and driven by media consumption, nostalgia and aesthetic simulation. I don't think they'll survive the next major economic crisis in the West and will be forced to proletarianize. The Zig Forums ideology will die with them. But right now they are unsalvageable.
It's the cyberpunk timeline, friendo
Everything you said is wrong.
Care to explain?
oh yeah i forgot the nazis never invades anyone nor did they ethnically cleanse their country sorry man
inb4 holocaust didnt't happen goy xdd
inb4 muh saving the germans from the evil poles
Neo-Nazis and traditionalists are a fringe group of hateful bigots, which makes them despised by most members of the society, especially those that are most likely to join the cause. They are a lost cause and should be ignored until they change their worldview and stop subscribing to their hateful beliefs. If you really want the anti-capitalism movement to grow, it is much better to radicalize the socdems, liberals and centrists, most of whom are already compassionate to the idea of equality, and who will show at least a minimum amount of respect towards fellow leftists and other people in general. Nazbols will only push away most of our potential allies with their hateful rhetoric, associating anti-capitalism with hatred and xenophobia. Do you really think that you will, for example, manage to convince a black person to join the cause, if you are allied to people who want them dead?
I know that the intention might be good, but it might create a Trojan horse within the left, which will discredit us and associate the anti-capitalist left with the most hateful ideology. I would rather have ancap or lolbertarian Nazis, at least it would make them even more pathetic.