New Gen Barrison, and boy are these takes spicy

New Gen Barrison, and boy are these takes spicy

I dont know what I like better, the blatant hatred for democracy, the fact that AOC seems to have turned into the Joker, or the totally not subtle happy merchant hands on Marx

Attached: blatant hatred for democracy.jpg (960x719, 275.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what did he mean by this

He must think AOC is cute, he drew everyone else as a fat old crapsack


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lol saved

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Good god, the state of education here. This might be Garrison's dumbest cartoon yet, at least his others are funny through their absurdity, this is just too ignorant to laugh at.

They literally do teach that shit over here. I remember having a government class where the teacher proclaimed that meme to the class and how “”left-wingers”” (i.e. Democrats) were those who want to regulate things and intervene in citizens lives while Republicans valued small governement, etc. If America ever went socialist somehow education would need a complete overhaul

I'm of the serious opinion that America is a decentralized totalitarian society, and has been since the 50s, at the very latest

This. How can you even operate in this environment? It’s like trying to explain physics to somebody who doesnt know what gravity or momentum are.

It’s a serious fact

Uhh no, Ben Franklin among the rest of the Framers first helped create a CONFEDERACY, and later a United, Federal Deomcratic-Republic. Republicans themselves only arose during the pre-civil war era in the first place.

Ben is a twat

Ironically Ben was most likely speaking against antidemocratic sentiments rather than for them. But perhaps I'm being too optimistic.

Anyway "republic" in the American mind is just shorthand for the ideal bourgeois state, one in which only the propertied classes have a say.

Do your best

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Haha John PEDOSTA rapes children and helps protect pedos. I can't wait to skin that nigger alive on twitch.

Post that in the OC thread so people use it.

He's finally taken le redpill xD

In mullerian terms, he is talking about how social contestation has severely declined in the current political scenario of the USA.

Confederacy and republic are referring to different parameters of state organization. Republic basically means that the power that sustains the country comes from the collective of the society, which may or may not be democratic, considering that said power can be controlled by specific individuals (oligarchies, dictatorships, plutocracies, etc…).
Confederacy/federation refer to the prerrogatives of the central government in relation to its federated entities.

meh idk

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NazBol Gang meme machines revving up
Prep ur butts

Made by Nazbol Gang

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Technically 2 other people are straight in that pic.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Surprisingly accurate caption though.
He was a proto-abolitionist actually.


Later in life he was elected president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society dedicated to abolishing slavery and integrating the slaves into society afterward.

See I remembered that these Quakers presented the idea to congress, and they freaked out and agreed to never bring the topic up again (they don't hear from the public anymore, like city councils do, because of this)

*They read a posthumous letter from Franklin in regards to abolitionism to congress.
Is what I meant to type [sleeps]

Yeah well they also read adam smith and he believed in the labor theory of value.

is it that hard to draw the hammer sickle facing the right fucking way

They’re not wrong, necessarily, they’re just omitting something.

The United States was designed after the Roman Republic and not Athenian Democracy. Of course, it would look bad to openly admit that your society was modeled on a militaristic slave society that developed into a dictatorship and coined the word “empire”, so they’re trying to redefine “Republic” to mean any society based on ancient Rome so they don’t have to mention Rome. American conservatives love to create new forms of political newspeak.

Of course, there’s also the obvious shit like “Republic = Republicans”, “Democracy = Democrats” and only the Republicans utilizing our definitely-not-Roman system as it was intended can keep the clamoring brown hordes at bay.

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You think wrong.

In fact, spread it far and wise. Democracy fucking sucks.

To further my point, the House of Representatives is still decorated with two big fasces. They were symbols of the Roman state (which the fascists would later use, and some people have mistakenly taken them as a secret endorsement of that ideology, even though they refer directly to Rome.)

Sounds like America.

And dude, nobody, nobody is going to take America = Roman empire as an insult. In fact, many leftists here are especially mad about that, since it implies le muttrica = the symbol of Western Civilization.

Rome invented fascist populism dictatorship.

What is wrong with that exactly? Western civilization has been terrible for at least 500 years.

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Since some leftists here want to pretend Marxism = le western civilization.

And ironically ☭TANKIE☭s believe USSR = Russia = 3rd Rome.

Rome was a militaristic slave society fueled by conquest and an ever growing need for more slaves. It’s quite the opposite of what are supposed to be the ideals of the United States.

Nigger please, nobody is gonna be offended if you say America = the Roman empire, except liberals and cucks.

In fact, all the righties are romanboos. Hitler WAS a romanboo.

Also, I said that the United States was NOT based on Athenian democracy, intentionally. Athens was governed by councils selected through sortition and direct democratic votes by the whole citizenry.

Pretty sure only citizen can vote in Athens, and slave can't.

America should have kept that.

Either ways, Athens was one state/city, while Rome is many, its system is also way more efficient.

Still, one good dictator >>>>>>>> "democracy".

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American conservatives have not traditionally been Romaniboos. If anything, they claim to be the true inheritors of the liberal project.

Really, only fascists are romaniboos, and while the Republicans have been cultivating a fascist base, they’re still somewhat circumspect about ever fully embracing the ideology. They’d prefer to pretend to be uniquely American patriots who just really love the Founding Fathers and the constitution and keep the whole Rome thing on the down low. If they ever did fully embrace Rome, they’d alienate a significant portion of their base to appease a few bustposters on the internet.

The Roman Empire was still very much a city-state you dumb shit.

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Nowadays with the advance of video game and movie, nobody is going to be embarassed to be compared to Rome lol, no one. Unless they are liberals.
You have no idea how wrong you are.



In its early stages, maybe. It became gradually less so to the point where Constantinople and even places like Trier and Ravenna were just as important as Rome.

Wew lad. If anything, I think you should reevaluate how big your little bubble is.

Rome was still organizationally very much a city-state throughout its existence (with its biggest innovation to account for its growth being splitting into two city-states) until pretty late in its existence, when it began to develop systems that would later develop into feudalism (but too little, too late for Rome at that point)

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They are wrong, and so are you. The definition of republic is fundamentally, "not a monarchy", which the US isn't, and democracy, by definition, just refers to a political system where citizens, within a certain set of criteria, exercise political influence through a voting system, which is how the US political system functions. The US is both a republic and a democracy, period, there's no debate to be had, it's as simple as I just laid out.

Marxism was a product of the western intellectual tradition, so it absolutely counts as a part of western civilization.

You're clearly someone who probably doesn't even know about the practical realities of the roman political system and structure of its empire. Your a pseudo-intellectual LARPer and clearly from the most embarrassing generation of Zig Forums shitposters.

To add to the point makes, the Roman Empire did not last as long as anyone pictures, and was "efficient", compared to others societies in its era, primarily because of how distributed it was and how much independence its many urban centers and conquered provinces had, all of which was necessary due to its size relative to the limited communication and transportation technology.

I wasn’t saying that their definition was right, but rather that they were attempting to shift the meaning of “Republic” away from “a state regarded as a public institution” to “a state modeled on Rome”, but failing to mention the Rome part.

DURR apparently, everyone being a liberal in the US and hate being the modern equivalence of the Roman empire!
No, it fucking doesn't. Rome serves as the capital hub, but plenty other cities exist ever since the Roman republic era, you have no fucking idea what a "city-state" means.

So it's part of the jewish planted idealism arose in the 19th century, and I would have none of it in Western civilization.
Actually I do.
It sure lasted longer than the Republic.
The Roman empire lasted for 500 years if you count the WRE, and over 1500 years if you count the Byzantines.

Meanwhile, the USSR has only lasted for mere 70-80 years!

Apparently the idea of video and movie are not to be counted, people still think like it's the 1700s, and AMERICAN (of all people) still love being liberal!

Zig Forums is increasingly schizo at times.

what dialect is this?
wew jej

Weird, I thought americans are half fascist and neoliberals by now.

inb4 that still liberal boi

If so, Rome was LIBERAL!

get out of your bubble, this isn't remotely true
read a introduction to political philosophy or something, they tend to be only about 200 pages or less.
this has got to be bait, no one is this divorced from reality and ignorant of history

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Republic = no hereditary monarchy. Democracy = popular representation. Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate and Nazi Germany were republics, but they sure as hell weren't democratic. Meanwhile a bunch of modern European countries are constitutional monarchies, so (bourgeois) democracies without a republic. This WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY REPUBLIC shit by American reactionaries is retarded and cringeworthy, words have no meaning anymore.

Anyway I am not american so I googled mentions of democracy by the founding fathers, and look what I found:

If a “liberal” is anyone who isn’t a bustposting fascist, then yeah, everyone’s a “liberal”.

And Rome being a city-state doesn’t mean it was the only city, retard, it means that, organizationally, the empire was effectively the hinterland to the eternal city of Rome.

Its nice how they don't explain what democratic centralism is so the reader assumes that the unrelated and inaccurate 'exposé' on vanguardism which follows is what democratic centralism is.

Marxism is materialist and therefore opposed to idealism. If anything, your Rome-loving bullshit is peak idealism.

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Oh boy, it depends on who you ask on Zig Forums, but America swings from reactionary fascist state to progressive liberal state.

LOL, and leftists are liberals too!
Rome is in about the same position the US is in now, in the brink of transitioning from a republic to an state.

No way you aren't underaged.

so Garrison finally went full circle

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Any more scathing hot takes?

This looks suspiciously edited.

it is
the point is that Zyklon ben is slowly coming full circle to the edits

He just knows his new audience. He is shameless. If we sent enough money to his Patreon he'd start drawing comics about Stalin.

Hegel was Jewish?

you know the byzantine empire(eastern roman empire)(and roman) were for the most part oligarchies not dictatorsips
Also how can we compare ancient empires to the modern world?

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This "we live in a republic not a democracy" meme just shows how politically illiterate burgers are. They unironically think it refers to the republican and democratic party.

you people need to read some History

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Didn't this idiot whine online about how Zig Forums usurped his comics to make anti-semitic memes? And how he's turned into an average Zig Forumsack, what a fucking joke.

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is that the penis that the BO sucked in the video?

That AOC is kawaii as fuck

It’s from this

Attached: MMyiffy2.1.png (1200x829, 468.16K)

America in the past could’ve been considerd a democracy, but it hasn’t been for a long time.
t Burger

Get off the Internet and actually come visit here. It’s a neoliberal / evangelical hellhole and nothing more. White nationalists are the fringe of the fringe and the only time you ever here about them is when the media is smearing them

Ben knows exactly what he did

sup Zig Forums



Kek'd at the Satan one

Kanye lyrics, should I do more?

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Why are literal reactionaries so stupid?

made 2 more, don't feel like doing the others

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Dunning-Kruger effect is real

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exploitable :^)

Did this boomer scum just talk shit about my waifu Cortez? That's it. He has to die.

Jesus, are Americans this brainwashet into literal nothing.
Democracy is a rule form
Republic is a type of country.

Its same as Kingdom has a King, Empire has an Emperor, Republic has Democracy.

Rome sucked

This might be the worst strawman I have ever seen on this board

If America is really going socialist the first step is to pull it down and start from the beginning

It literally is though. Enlightenment thought is really the only thing that distinguishes the West from other cultures. Of course western art and culture has its own aesthetic and style but so does every culture. I’m talking about something that sets it completely apart from everything else, no other culture has a set of ideals quite like the Enlightenment, in fact most of them share a basic set common to premodern civilizations. Any shit smeared savage can have “tradition” or various forms of tribalism, but only the West has modernism, and socialism is its logical conclusion.

Reminder universal healthcare is a Marxist conspiracy to make people live longer.

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I made an improved edit of that pic

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bahaha don't they know its not true capitalism.
Everybody knows the department of agriculture is there for the improvement of soil in accordance to the common plan.
Also the postal service works for the government.
Its pure communism I tell you.

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It's so blatantly obvious Garrison is playing with his fanbase.

Garrison is torn, and in a way that affects most American lolberts. He knows he is contradicting some of his values with this pandering, but he now knows that most "small government" types in the US are baffled monarchists, not well-meaning Dale Gribbles.