Oh wait it’s capitalism
Oh wait it’s capitalism
Oh wait it’s companies trying to appeal to new demographics
Oh wait, it’s the capitalist class

Is everything Zig Forums hates just capitalism but under a mentally ill, edgy disguise? It’s like they’re lashing out but not knowing the real problem. Instead of fighting the actual system they only see nebulous cabals of Jews pulling the levers and non-whites coming to breed them out of existence instead of just people looking for work drawn in by better conditions and wages

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah. Zig Forums is autistic and severely retarded. Big news.

yes, that's what they are about
take anything capitalism turns to shit and blame it on anything but capitalism
its what made them so popular with industrialists back when they shoved hitler money up his ass

Zig Forums is filled with literal 15 year olds. This isn't a meme. They don't know what the real world is like because they live in suburbs and only get to go out when their parents drive them to school and to other suburban friends' homes.

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user, trying to own Zig Forums with facts and logic is a fool's errand. Their ideology is 100% aesthetics and nothing else. Most of them know deep down that blaming the jews for everything is stupid, but they still do it because it's cool to have a big bad enemy like in videogames.


It's capitalism + NazBol Gang

you fucking moron just kill yourself, not even joking, someone this retarded shouldnt be allowed to live

So it's capitalism when jews whine about being eternally persecuted people and urging the world to let them and everyone else in lest they become an evil nazi?

Poor people come to rich places because they can get rich there. Not because we let them in. You can try border control all you like, anything short of shooting them on sight can't stop the drive of those men to send all the money they can get here to their families.

Zig Forums confirmed for projection every time they post a brainlet picture.

Also, again.
So it's capitalism when jews whine about being eternally persecuted people and urging the world to let them and everyone else in lest they become an evil nazi?

You don't actually think that's the reason for poor negroes to come here?
Do you think that there are that many people who listen to jewish people whining to decide whether or not to open borders?


Attached: 1200rabbhis.mp4 (640x360, 2.22M)

It's the other way around. First capitalists bomb third world countries and cause an influx of refugees, and only then they hire "sassy" pink-haired jewesses to tell you why diversity is good. And when there are too many refugees you guys get trotted out If you don't understand this you have a very small brain

haha, tfw eurofag. Don't pretend you have any problem with immigrants you stupid 56%-er.

Why can't it be both? Some people operate ideologically apart from Capitalism, because they think what they are doing is good or a form of social justice (vengeance), righting past wrongs, i.e Barbara Spectre, Soros, and their type in Europe.
Or Julius Malema in South Africa wanting to steal white property and kill whites as a form of reparations and vengeance.

Attached: barb.jpg (148x200, 5.25K)

This is actually what they want and they aren't hiding it in their media, in their "comedy sketches", in tweets, news papers, talk shows, and think tanks.

Attached: polish jews enrichment.mp4 (640x360, 3.65M)

why are Jews hyper-capitalists?


Capitalist can be both Jewish and non-Jewish good God man

But's wrong with not liking the jewish religion?

The real world is so much simpler and yet you retards have to insert Jews into constantly.

So u be saying the jews dindunothing?

Deal with it, I can't just tie you up and throw you into a peat bog, which would certainly reduce that amount of grabass I have to play over this thing wit you fags, but alas.

Zig Forums starts a discussion on the pathology of the human liver.

Thread fucking slides its way into blame the jew.

So you admit Jews can be evil as a group

The far right just wants everything to be genetic and essentialized. All behavior is determined by your ineffable "nature". It's literally laziness.

So you admit capitalism is evil

God, I hate the "Us Vs Them" mentality.

Not every Jew is evil, subversive or whatever label you want to pin on them and there is no inherently “Jewish nature”

was it just capitalism when the jews assassinated sheik stalin?

Similar thread here

So predictable. I wrote about this sort of nonsense here.


In other news: water is wet.

Is everything Zig Forums hates just capitalism but under a mentally ill, edgy disguise?
No shit
That would actually require them to think critically and realise their precious """"west""" is one of the factors as to what caused those problems in the first place. But no, to Zig Forumsyp, ZEY VERE ARYANS UNT SHIZEN, WHO DIDN'T DO ANYSINK

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Tell me how open borders and the free movement of people, goods and money is not beneficial to capitalism

don't forget that migration from the third world is caused by imperialism in the first place.




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No it's caused by propaganda sold to poor people by smugglers, who are influenced and assisted by certain NGOs who believe they are saving the world by inviting 3rd world peasants into the developed west.

First you need to prove Jews are evil

They're evil cause I saw this pic on Zig Forums that said they were

Jpgs and blogposts are the pinnacle of research and argumentation

imagine believing any of those things succinctly pinpoints the causes of those phenomena

What did the capitalists mean by this?

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Imagine not rebutting them

Literally a fake account and I would not be surprised if that quote was fake as well given that stormfront made most of them during the late 2000s and early 2010s. Israel is cancer because all ethnonationalism is cancer. Not because of muh jews. If you hate refugees and migrants stop supporting capitalism and reaction.

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What did he mean by this?

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you don't know anyting about europe then. Next time actually research every EU member and read the policies of the major leftist parties

Why single out jewish religion? All religion is trash.


man Sam Hyde really does have a unique thing going, it's a bummer seeing how far he's fallen to the point where he now panders and actively interacts with 15 year old Zig Forumstards


Have you studied all religions and practiced any seriously?

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Class has nothing to do with it because Zig Forums doesn't operate in economic terms

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He literally is just Tim and Eric+edgy Zig Forums racism
If Zig Forums had never happened everyone would have just called him a shitty Tim and Eric rip off and resigned him to the trashcan of history
He literally only has any recognition cuz he said nigger and faggot on camera few times in front of people who got mad at him for it, just like the vast majority of other Zig Forums "comedians" because all it takes for Zig Forums to be entertained is "hurrr he said nigger in front of the liberal xD"

Nope, it’s all spooks and mentally-ill delusions from those in the past who misunderstood how the world works.

I was an Evangelical Protestant for most of my life. Fuck all religion, period.

I was an Evangelical Protestant for most of my life. Fuck all religion, period.

Well how can you critique what you dont understand?

Why did you convert and what did you learn from being evangelical? Who were your favorite christian writers/theologians?

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I don't see why we need to separate Jewish capitalists from other capitalists, all capitalists(both Jewish and non-Jewish) want to make profit, this is why we have mass immigration, globalization… etc. generally it's the profit motive that causes most of these things

Capitalism is an economic system, not an ideology. the ideology of capitalism is called neo-liberalism

Jews and capitalists want mass immigration because it's profitable not because they think what they're doing is righteous or good or whatever, again under capitalism it's all about money, ain't a damn thing funny.

Fucking kek, these lands were stolen by Europeans when they came to Africa, also

Not him but, There is a religious ideology they're aiming for, that is why it's not just about money, and you can see it in their industries with bombing or less than profitable medium. Media that is meant to send a message despite losing money. Disney wouldn't be where is is today without freemasonry backing up such a brand. immigration, globalism, racial mixing are pieces to their ancient globalism, money is just a means to achieve it. Also them and their arm groups are not just economical groups.

Attached: Jews are the apocolypse religion to Christians -Marching to Zion.webm (3434x2959 3.6 MB, 2.19M)

The bantu didn't own anything down there in south africa 400 years ago. They were nomadic, they fought other tribes, they often lost and retreated back north. When the europeans came they settled on empty, undeveloped land.

if you don't care about property you don't care about the means of production

Well yeah, that's why you turn them onto socialism by substituting "capitalism" for "the Jews"
And then eventually you make them realize what it was all along

A jew man might be evil, but another jew man might not be. Jesus fucking Christ how hard is it for you to get through your thick fucking skull that races are not a fucking hivemind.

yes, but we can't help but notice patterns emerging among subsets of this race.

vast majority of jews are in favor of multiculturalism/diversity and slack immigration for Western nations. They are the normies who get "good educations" at liberal colleges who are told the EU is fantastic and "Illegal alien" is a derogatory term,..these jews aren't malicious, they are just naive. But this group enables a powerful minority of jewish elite (professors, media pundits, politicians, lobbyists, movie stars) to push for more radical multiculturalism, the kind that is open borders, deeply triggering and problematic, anti-western, anti-christian . This same group of elite jews tend to favor israeli nationalism and very suspicious of africans/muslims immigrating to their homeland. This same group monitors hate speech everywhere very carefully, except when it is against whites/christians. And this group radically attacks anyone who critiques jews or israel with the famous "anti semitism" label.

We all know exceptions exist and no race is a hivemind, but that doesn't mean subsets of races don't get together and form mini-hiveminds and lobby for their interests.

This is literaly just ONE fake account. Israel is 21 percent Arab and it's rising.




In Israel like in every country there are different people with different political views.

That's just one person, hitler.


Jews make up 2% of the US population and own basically everything

Porky = Jews
That's why Jews don't eat pork it's cannibalism

based and redpilled

Also for some reason I can't use the Nazbol memeflag anyone else having this problem?

Care to back that up with facts (not poorly sourced jpegs and headlines)?

the nazbol and s.trasser flags were removed during the great purge of leftypol, also being an unironic s.trasserist or nazbol would get you banned now. enjoy

And yet it's still perfectly permissible to be a regular 'ole Nazis.

BO's priorities are all sorts of fucked up.


On Zig Forums we prefer to blame formless Porkies rather than naming Jews. Explicitly stating perpetrators or proposing solutions is NOT OKAY.

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thank you for contributing your opinion, you seem a little lost however. Are you okay?

I'm just tired of people saying things explicitly. Leftism is about theoretical ideas, not practical policy. When you start doing things in reality that's on the road to fascism. NOT OKAY That's how Horst Mahler went from being a Communist to a Nazi. The only way to avoid that is to avoid praxis. Theory all the way.

woah, this is worse than I thought. You've let your mental faculties degrade this much? shoot yourself in the head please

That's the sort of Fascism I was talking about.

Read Marx

hmm, even when you're egregiously wrong about most everything you say, an inkling truth slips out - that fascists are incapable of thought.

why does Zig Forums run cover for the jews and ZOG Occupied Government? I know you're not supposed to divide the proletariat by ethnicity but nobody said anything about dividing the bourgeoisie by ethnicity. so what gives? you spend a lot of time it seems talking about how it ISN'T the jews or whatever. are you jews yourselves? considering how much of the bourgeoisie is Jewish and how thoroughly ZOG Occupied Government'd up our governments are you shouldn't be so hostile to discussion about Jews. you should probably be indifferent at best.

im thinking you spend so much time talking about how it ISN'T the jews is because you're jews. Jewish power and Jewish privilege is real and you can't be racist against jews because racism is power + prejudice, and the jews have all the power.

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Stop pretending you care about class.

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Because it literally dosent matter what race a bougie is individually as the goal is the eventual abolishment of the bougie class overall

Oh wait most of the capitalist pigdogs are kikes
Oh wait capitalism is a global venture
Oh wait it’s companies trying to appeal to new demographics
The kikes are porky.

Citation needed
Bougie is a Class determined by relation to the MoP not ethnicity

So they don't have an ethnicity?

That vid only proves that US Jews are more attuned to classical american values than rightwing retards are.

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An individual can have an Ethnicity but that Individuals class character is not determined by this

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Of course but there is a higher proportion of high end capitalists that are Jewish.

source: my ass

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A. Citation needed
B. Even if true this is no issue as the abolition of the bougie class remains a goal so there is no reason to target all Jews including Jewish Proles Because of this

There is a disproportionate amount of whites too. Your point?

okay it doesn't matter. so what does it matter to you if we point out how wealthy and powerful and influential the jews are? we are simply shining light on a subset of bourgeoisie.

back to reddit newfag, the fact that ZOG Occupied Government is word filtered in such a disparaging manner should tell you everything you need to know

where? certainly not in white countries, if anything in terms of wealth and overall power whites are chronically under represented.