Well im thinking about this shit again

question is fuck do i do

briefly worked for a union in nyc, relatively involved in labor politics, attended rallies, etc.

am i imagining things or is this alt right nonsense growing? what can i do to actually get involved. where are the real direct action groups in this country, not talking about black bloc stand around at may day people

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Other urls found in this thread:


That’s more productive than this board

true. you're right. my hope for radical nyc politics died the day i stood blocking off the highway with hundreds, maybe thousands of other people and some idiot up front with a megaphone ordered us to walk around – not through – a weak police blockade.

didn't commit a crime yay.

wtf is that

Join a gang. AKA paramilitary group of "the communist party" of your country that is not owned by the feds.
For that I don't have much to offer you.


I think this is coordinated before midterms to stir up tensions. Proud Boys are tied up with Roger Stone – right-wing dirty tricks artist and friend of Donald Trump – and the P.B. founder Gavin McInnes was speaking at a Republican event before his goon squad started jumping people. There were also some 211 Bootboys in the mix who are a NYC white-power skinhead gang.

Don't really know how it shakes out honestly. Hard to predict. One thing to keep in mind is that conservatives – despite their pretensions to law and order – actually love violence. They live for that shit. Fucking Edmund Burke who cigar-chomping conservatives all over America love to cite (while also believing themselves to "reasonable" people) talked about the sublime beauty of pain and danger; expressed through the violent quest of recovering a regime of domination and rule.

On the other hand, they might have gone a bit too far this time. You can get away with this shit in Portland but the mayor, governor and AG are all calling for an investigation into this mess, and while Cuomo is a shithead he loves fucking with chuds even if they disproportionately make up the NYPD at the same time. Clashes like this have happened dozens of times in America in the past two years but are liberals now growing a spine? We'll see. This event also seemed to have spread into the liberal consciousness to an extent I haven't seen since Unite the Right in Charlottesville. That was extremely bad and this is not that, but it's pretty bad and the liberals are calling Proud Boys "blackshirts."

Worth noting.

I'll have some advice in a separate post.

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It's a serious problem. The police are protecting the proud boys at these events, and there is no political power willing to force state-level or local offices to control these guys.

Okay, as far as what to do:

If you're asking about "direct action groups," don't ask. But violence is sporadic and rare in any case. You see brief flashes of it and then months of relative quiet. So what I'd suggest is linking up with friends and locally-rooted left-wing groups, socialist clubs etc. and create dedicated anti-fascist groupuscles that can track and screw with these guys – because they are preparing and planning to screw with you. While people here think D*SA are a bunch of reformist socdems, the fash certainly do not and they don't make any distinctions between them and us, and have showed up at D*SA meetings and mass-peppersprayed them because it's fun for them.

Go to a gym. Get your shit straight, etc.

But 99 percent of this is also basic intelligence work. Because when these guys fuck up – and they might have fucked up in NYC the other night – then it's the info on them that will fuck them over the long term. So start building databases of info on these guys, who they are, how they're organized, how the crews overlap and do it in a local way and focus in particular on the local bad boys who are causing problems (think of those drug cartel org charts the feds make); and also make a map tracking every single incident (and I mean every single flyer, banner, Wednesday-night-fascist-bar-crawl etc.) in your metropolitan area or state – or multi-state region if you live in a less populated part of the country. You can use Google Maps and even create custom icons for different groups. Then share it. If you live in Florida, do this for the entire state of Florida for the year 2018. Then when 2019 rolls around, create a new map.

Here's a song to get you started: youtube.com/watch?v=1W9t45A1sxU

The reason the liberals are just now waking up is because this incident in NYC was particularly violent and on camera – and the Proud Boys seemed to be screwing with normies (maybe). But there are smaller incidents like that happen all the time that are not known by the general public. You want to look for patterns and you'll also start seeing known individuals pop up repeatedly. Just a few weeks ago in Houston, a fascist militia was using radios to coordinate attacking isolated protesters out of sight lines from the cops but got busted in the act. It also turns out they were using an unsecured radio channel and that got intercepted, recorded and leaked to the press. You see where I'm going with this. (And local papers are usually shitty. If you've really got something, bring it to bigger publications.)

But most importantly you need actionable information you can bring to community groups and the general public – y'know, the masses of people out there. People who are not radicals or leftists will spontaneously organize against fascists at the neighborhood level if they feel threatened by them, so it's the responsibility of anti-fascist groups to help them do it. But if they're not prodded and forced kicking and screaming into becoming anti-fascists, then they won't because liberals don't think of politics in terms of really building power or capacity (I know it sounds crazy) but *decorum* and a kind of ritualized performance of the "institution"; so they are quite shocked when the police are either lazy and don't give a shit or are even complicit – which is pretty much always.

Actually being at rallies squaring off with these jabronis is a whole other thing, and I'm not enough of a whiz on that, so I'll leave it to others.

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you can't do anything, you've already lost(USER WAS GIVEN 5 ROGER STONE BUCKS FOR THIS POST)

Lefties cant dominate the streets, even in their capitals.


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Lol I didn't even know proud boys were still a thing, imagine being proud to be a part of a group whose leader shoves shit up his ass live.

Sounds like a psyop.

Imagine RPing as a revolutionary and getting knocked out by them


believe me i'd love to. i'm just convinced that everything legitimately radical in the US is bound to be cop infiltrated.

we live in the panopticon. i'm sure cops have files on many posters on this board.

without revealing critical info does anyone have any suggestions for how to seek out these legitimately radical groups?

This, but join the SRA instead, presumably the "Rifle" part would keep out liberals.

i'd be interested in reading more of what you have to say. i agree it's worth noting that this event garnered some main stream attention. i believe things are just getting started here, and the proud boys policy of multiracial pro-western chauvinism is pretty frightening to me. it's a few layers deeper than normal and i think passing off as a harmless fraternal group is an excellent tactic for these fuckers

This. You can also use this paramilitary to take out heroin dealers

Attached: OfficialIRA1972.jpg (382x261, 26.09K)

eh. not sure about that one. oversimplification but how do you distinguish between capitalist drug dealers and those forced into selling drugs due to their material reality

Easy : you don't. No heroin, full stop.

Attached: RAAD.jpg (885x560, 102.26K)

Did you learn much from the War on Drugs? The lumpenbourgeoisie are a hydra, cut off its head and two will fill in the resulting power gap. As long as people want to buy drugs, someone will be willing to take the risk of selling them, and the higher the risk, the higher the payoff when less and less competitors are willing.

not my politics, i guess. there's a huge population in america engaged in drug sales who are not all apolitical. i'd argue the average poor urban male regardless of race recognizes the realities of structural racism, police corruption, inherent manipulation of electoral politics, false promises of politicians and necessity of armed struggle better than the lower middle and middle classes do. do you really think the response is to silence that group if many of its members are drug dealers?

this may be specific to american cities but there's a whole lot of latent revolutionary potential here


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The people who perpetuated the War on Drugs are the same people who pumped Class A drugs into Urban communities for the expressed purpose of weakening the Working Class.
They profited from the War on Drugs.

In Derry and Belfast, community-based paramilitaries (ie: Republican Action Against Drugs) have proven to be immensely successful.
Belfast has barely any homeless heroin addicts compared to Dublin.

All heroin addicts need to be sent to rehab ASAP. It should never be considered normal to be addicted to the point of debilitation.

Attached: drug dealers out.jpg (600x450, 33.48K)

Of course killing lumpens works in the short term, but drug usage is ultimately a symptom of societal decay. Groups like RAAD had no interest in class struggle.

It's the opposite. If they had power they wouldn't resort to street brawls. I think the deplatforming has made them much more desperate than before.

But isn't that the most telling expression of their power? They're suffering no consequences. This is just fun for them, it's not serious action. The fact that more and more people feel comfortable publicly expressing their fascist politics while committing crimes is a pretty bad sign imo

it was a subset of Provos-turned-Dissidents who formed RAAD for that one singular purpose.
People in RAAD were often simultaneously working with RIRA, who were explicitly Socialist.

Attached: drug dealers will be executed.jpg (900x1200, 210.58K)

What app is that image from?

Liberalism will always lead to fascism.

That doesn't mean they give a shit. A lot of these vigilantes are only interested in short term change and don't give a shit about any undesirable externalities.


Attach yourself to what you believe to be true. Start from there. / You’ll never see the hacienda. It doesn't exist. The hacienda must be built.

One funny thing I saw last night in Portland was two of the right-wing thugs beating each other up because they got confused in the melee.

The thing I would keep in mind about the Proud Boys types is that they don't have a political strategy, at least as far as I can tell. They're just goons working more or less on behalf of the Republican Party and their goal to the extent they have one is to cause chaos and get into bar fights. It's different from the alt-right in a lot of ways. Despite all this "law and order" crap, that's a smokescreen for a kind of low-level anxious and violent world they want to live in since that's how "men become men" and all that hocus pocus.

Google Maps. You can create custom maps.

There's also ArcGIS and someone is already working on a map specifically on Proud Boys: arcg.is/4OGLb

I have some more thoughts on it. In a sec.

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So I thought about it some more and they echo the old-school Klan in some ways. And yeah, masking themselves as a fraternity and the goofy rituals like shouting out the names of breakfast cereals when they punch-in new members means people don't take them as seriously as they should.

Another thing is that the Proud Boys are not particularly radical in their politics at least compared to the alt-right. Bigoted and chauvinist to be sure. But their rhetoric is boilerplate conservative/Republican media soundbites for the most part. That's a lot like the second-wave Klan which tried to position itself as within the "acceptable" political spectrum of their day. Instead of being anti-Catholic they're anti-Muslim. And there's less anti-Semitism. Proud Boys are a fraction of the old-school Klan's size, though. What they share is top-down control by some sophisticated people. The NYC event occurred outside a Republican clubhouse, and Gavin McInnes I think now works for Mark Levin's production company.

As far as what to do, I'm thinking that it might be better to tie them closer to the GOP. They're trying to act like they're separate for the sake of plausible deniability, but if they want to be an armed wing of the GOP then force both groups (the party and the Proud Boys) into making it official while exposing the Proud Boys as the stupid thugs that they are – list their names. By pushing them closer together that will create friction; causes too much heat. And ultimately if they're just serving as functionaries then the solution might just be to beat the Republican Party. I know it sounds lame but what are the Proud Boys without Trump? It isn't a radical solution but what else can you do? It's a different problem.

Two of the guys in this pic are Joe Bola and Dennis Davila of the 211 Bootboys btw

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Manson lives!

What did he mean by this?

Holy shit lmao I just noticed that

He's a retarded Duerte tier faggot.
Ignore him



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This is all good advice. I'd add two things:
1. Buy a gun. Getting in fights is pointless 99% if the time, and when it's actually necessary you want to win.
2. Don't do anything illegal. You can get away with a lot of shit in the US that you can't do in most of the world, there's no need to go crazy and get yourself arrested.

New video shows tifa bois start shit and get beat down.

Come on guys you can't keep instigating and not expect this to happen

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I always forget that right wing children think that this is some kind of "war" that they can win just by beating some randos up. 10 years ago you didn't need to have Roger Stone financing these people because the cops were more than enough. Now they need you. Why do you think that is? It's because the empire is dying and there is nothing you can do to stop it or somehow save yourselves. This is what capitalism does.

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U wot m8.

I take this as 100% political LARPing entertainment.

Nice Loli tho

Move to Canada

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Yeah those three guys made a mistake trying to take on 30 dudes like that I have to say. Though these things also tend to come back around. There were some guys who were tanks at Charlottesville but then a year later the feds (who tend to move slowly) got around to arresting them. One is already squealing on his buddies and they're all facing prison time. The right has a tendency to use images of their violence as propaganda (like what you're doing) but you're sharing pictures of your own people's faces which will catch up sooner or later.

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Put it another way, you have three anti-fascists who got knocked around a bit with minor injuries (and who haven't been identified). But you also have a dozen Proud Boys with names & faces facing extended legal troubles since gang assaults in New York are a distinct crime with varying degrees of felony charges. The vertically-integrated and hierarchical structure also open up the possibility for civil and criminal charges toward the organization. It takes time but these things snap back – case in point are the neo-Nazi clubs after the Unite the Right rally.

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In other words, beware of overestimating the militancy of the situation (Lenin).

These aren't "my guys" I just enjoy watching them pummel antifa kids. I dont care if a few of them go to jail. Antifa and people who take "direct action activism" seriously have more to worry about with the current administration. Especially with the terrorist designation theyreceived.

Again, I fully believe both sides are LARPing.

Fair enough.
It's funny because the real neo-Nazis I read on Gab don't believe that. The bike lock kid skated with a no-contest plea because he shut up and got a lawyer (who represented him for free, mind you).

And the domestic terror classification is not actually a thing. There is no legal definition of domestic terror groups in the U.S. because it violates the First Amendment – funny enough. Right to associate. There are FTOs or foreign terrorist organizations but that's different (Hezbollah).

There was some mention of militant anarchist anti-fascists in a New Jersey DHS bulletin that characterized it as "domestic terrorist violence" but that doesn't carry any enforceable legal weight. That didn't stop Zig Forums from passing it around at the time – and sensationalist right-wing news sites – that antifa had been "outlawed." But the feds can't ban antifa or the Klan or the Proud Boys. They can launch investigations into groups suspected of engaging in criminal activity, however.

I was going to say this is also the reason why the U.K. could ban National Action, a domestic neo-Nazi terror group, but U.S. authorities can't do that to the American equivalent Atomwaffen Division, which is this deranged turbo-edgy cult. I think they both emerged from the same forum.

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It's not growing it's already dead. You're witnessing the corpse of a movement standing by the noose it hung itself with.

In what way exactly?

I'm not exactly sure other than, well… pics. He seems to be working with them somehow. This guy is a dirty tricks artist going back to the Nixon administration. I'm working on theories.

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The other thing I want to know is more connections between these guys and the UTR terror crew at Charlottesville. One of the skinheads rolling with the Proud Boys in New York is Irvin Antillon, who was at UTR – which is strange because he's from Guatemala but okay. He was rocking a FOAK logo which is a defunct group but at the time was marketing itself as the "militant wing of the Proud Boys" or something like that.

He was rolling in the same bloc that included Taylor Wilson and James Fields, who were standing next to each other. Wilson also marched in with this white-nationalist nerd crew called Identity Evropa and waved their flag. Wilson was recently sentenced on domestic terrorism charges (different from being part of a "DTO," which like I said doesn't exist) for trying to derail a train in Nebraska. Fields is currently awaiting trial on vehicular manslaughter charges for the vehicle attack.

Also, the four guys with the Rise Above Movement, that neo-Nazi fight club from California I posted about a few posts up? They were rounded up by the feds and are in trouble – and those guys have ties to Identity Evropa too. Then you look at the connections between these various groups and UTR's organizers… and then to Gavin McInnes.

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is this the group that belongs to that 40 yo hipster who worked for vice and made news programs where he shoved stuff up his ass?



Proudgoys vs tifas

Tifas run while their comrades get beat down by fagboys. Kinda fucked up. Atleast they didnt stomp on the poor guy.

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Yes. Leftypol unironically thinks that guy's a fascist. The larp has been really fun so far though.

He's a useful idiot for them, but probably not one himself.

This American strain of Rugged Individualist "Left" is closer to Murray Rothbard than Socialism, and you do not care enough about the health of Working Class communities.

Attached: ass.png (141x211, 56.79K)

I you think Duterte tier tactics towards solving drug problems work, you really don't care about the health of the working class.

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brawls are what they want, people join these sorts of groups to get in fights, their end goal is to become street thugs. Unless you plan on killing hundreds of them and become part of some authentically terrifying leftwing death brigade mafia that the government can't even touch then all your doing by tussling with them is encouraging them.

I honestly think the best thing to do is basically become a prepper and wait for them to seize power, see if we can't eradicate fascism and bourgeois democracy with one stone.

This is why the left should invest in some fucking pepper spray. Sends the fash home crying to mommy as well

The fashies already spend a non-trivial amount of time pepper spraying themselves in the face and snorting onions to make victim bux on yt, so you might as well.

Really no reason not to get a taser or other less than lethal deterrents either, as long as your local laws allow them or you are willing to take on the extra risk where it doesn't.

As a political street violence connoisseur, the left has been using pepper spray frequently for the past 3 years. Antifa used pepper spray that night where those 3 guys got stomped out. The right has also adopted the use of it though

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I already said they were RAAD tactics, implemented in communities which are likely more Socialist-leaning than the one you live in.
Communities which likely needed to be defended far more than the one you live in.

I am not against smoking weed, I do not think people who pick Magic Mushrooms in the forest should be stopped.
I am against individuals who sell heroin, meth and crack cocaine.
Our communities should not have to suffer under such disease, and pro-active military violence (sometimes even just threats) is proven to be an effective way of cutting down on this disease.
I don't care about whatever HST lifestyle you have, but I am against your Ron Paul "I should be free to choose" nonsense.

There is a systematic, Government-funded initiative to pump Class A drugs into Working Class communities. The people who are behind this should be identified and taken care of.
A woman who was instrumental in introducing heroin in London, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh was executed in Belfast.
That is objectively a good thing, as Belfast today has less heroin than those cities.

Attached: dealer caught.jpg (968x619, 72.47K)

Sorry bud, unless you ID some people that doesn't really mean anything
Surely you understand this as a "connoisseur" though, right snekfriend?

So real question. If these guys are wanting to fight then why do you guys wanna go fight them. All you are doing is giving them what they want.

I mean, for fucking years Neo-Nazis have had rallies and shit like that and no one gave a fucking shit or did anything and it didn't result in 4th Reich rising.

Why would i want to ID anyone? I just want everyone to fight, and then go home. And then do it again next week.

The thing about reactionaries is that they fight like they argue; always in bad faith.
Pepper spray is legal in most western countries (last I checked) and is pretty affordable to the average person. It's an easy go to option for self defense. However if you want other non-lethal deterrents I say tread with caution as your mileage may vary depending on the situation. There should always be options though. Thankfully murica is pretty lax on things like pepper spray so it should be a priority to get

It's a useful tool that causes confusion and pain to the opposing side. Of course both sides will utilize a good tactic.

You claim that people are using pepper spray, but actually just show a video of some person in black pepper spraying some chud's daughter
For all I know that's a video of Elliot Rodger or baked alaska doing a terminator cosplay. It doesn't really prove anything or back up your assertions unless you ID some people.


That sort of shit is from Salvos, he was an edgy Uzbek kid who thought that the NBP in Russia were a bunch of fucking pussies (they would go and do some attacks on Russian Oligarchs) so decided to create all the Actual Neo-Fascism you see. He made a forum called IronMarch which volunteered people to fight in Ukraine and places to get combat experience. FSB only shut down his forum cause of AWD's antics in MURICA because some of them were Muslims who supported ISIS. Didn't want it to look like the Russian Government was supporting Islamic Terrorism in the USA.

I should note that they hate the Alt-tards and would gladly kill them all if given the chance and there is a legit chance that some people who are involved with them worked with the actual DeepState in the USA.

1st video I believe is of bitcoin girl getting maced, its from the 1st MIlo Berkeley speech protest. Macer was black block girl. This event is partly responsible for kicking off all the political Larping we've seen these past 3 years.

2nd picture was from Trump rally in Huntington beach California. Antifa protesters, standard black block garb. Not much to explain

And 3rd picture is either Battle of Berkeley 1 or 2. With a patriot prayer/ biker dude letting it fly towards antifa.

At the August 4th right wing protest in Portland Or, the police found a weapons cache on the rooftop placed by right wing protestors.


thats not true, antifa have always counter protested, they just used outnumber the nazis

Anybody here moved to somewhere with a large antifa or communist presence? I'm starting to seriously debate it.

Like moving to portland ?
Or one big US military base in Syria?

Really mods?? God you guys cant even support your own guys.

What are you hoping to get out of that?

Looking to support (an)communism instead of just posting memes all day. It seems like local groups are insanely important, but there's no chance of one being around where I live.


I have friends in Portland and what they tell me is that it's very much a local conflict even though we're sitting here vicariously consuming the content from it. Portland is a liberal city but it's in a very white state and surrounded by boonies with lots of white supremacists and this isn't new. Trump getting elected certainly fired things up, however there were battles between different skinhead factions back in the 80s so much so the town was called "Little Beirut." There's a lot of meth in the area.

I'm not from there but they also consider the cops to be in league with the fascists. Yeah ACAB but this shit wouldn't happen in Philadelphia or Boston. Most of the cops live outside the city in the suburbs or exurbs and act like an occupying force. The region is full of fear and donuts.

It's also amazing to watch Joey Gibson. He lives across the river in Vancouver, WA and regularly issues threats towards the Portland city government like he was some Al Qaeda cleric making video statements from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas while having ties to local warlords, and is waging a kind of militant commuter insurgency – staging attacks and so on. Crazy but that's Portland.

I'm intrigued.

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you may defeat us, but only if you consume more soy

Combine with rice and you have the Viet Cong diet.

And some rat meat.


AnCom says NYPD 9/11 deserves to die to elderly widow. Immediately pussies out and runs when confronted by son.


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One Proud Boy got arrested yesterday.

A dozen more to go


Larping has to stop. This is just some New Yorkers doing what they always do to each other.

But I love watching people LARP

He's smart, get in then back off when the heat gets too much. I see nothing wrong with any of this. Just because she's an old woman doesn't mean she isn't a fash

You do though

Looks staged, isn't that the Asserite fascist in the background?

Guy actually works for AK press. akpress.org

Get what in? What did he do other than make leftist look like edgy retards and pussies?

In short, the movements are pretty much occupy 2.0 without learning any lessons from the past. If someone spent the time actually organizing, it could turn into something good. Instead it's mostly a mob and people who read on the side going oh no, oh no no no.

The media narrative is somewhat wrong, and the protester narrative too. If you go there you'll feel the air of "waiting for something to happen". It's a spectacle, people want it to be one.

lurk more faggot

I did. And the BO is a huge faggot