Sailor Moon is a satire of the Spectacle and consumerist culture...

Sailor Moon is a satire of the Spectacle and consumerist culture. The bad guys are demonic porkies who live off the circulation of human energy. Their plans all revolve around starting a business and then creating a fad that allows them to control people and siphon off their energy. They create weight loss fads, pet fads, radio program fads, jewelry fads, and so on. Usagi usually falls for the fad as well, but then realizes what's going on (or her cat tells her) and then she kills the porkies and destroys their business.
I think it's a unique product of Japanese 90s culture that corresponds to the economic and consumer boom of that era. There were loads of gimmicky businesses that were started at the time and captured people's minds.
I can't find any analysis of Sailor Moon from this angle, as all of the Western literature on it is about feminism. Still, it is pretty obvious if you watch it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good post OP

Started watchiing it with my little syster a few days ago, pretty good show, I got a similar idea from it but your explanation is way better

Ah Sailor Moon, a truly nostalgic show, next to Evangelion, One Piece and other such 90s classics. I really miss the old, earthy, hand-drawn animes of the old times with their cool ideas and musings.
The new 3d animations are pretty trash and there are so many bad cell-animations with lazy designs that I feel like hurling up the rainbow after seeing it like Aqua after drinking too much beer. You watch the first episode of Evangelion and the first thing that strikes you is the detail; The visuals feel like you're there, you can SMELL the air, the cicadas aren't ringing on screen but around you; it feels alive. It's what really differs the original series to the reboot movies (aside from the horrifying shitty plot, see the links on that). Anime has also become just what was mocked in Sailor Moon. Thousands upon thousands of cheap shows spat out by money-starved mangakas at the behest of 'the market'.

Attached: aqua hurling out a rainbow.gif (419x455, 484.4K)

In this episode, one of the evil porkies hides out in a garbage dump full of consumer appliances and bows down in front of a pile of TVs that her master is talking through.

Yeah, Sailor Moon is one of the most beautifully-drawn cartoons ever made.

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The other funny thing about this show so far is that the evil blond guy never gets any flack from his own master for his failed schemes, like he's an angel investor or something.

but.. but aqua is from a post-90s anime

Yes, but she's from one of the few GOOD animes of the post-90s. A pretty good meta show and the Light Novels are engaging.


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What did you think of Houseki no Kuni? I think that it was pretty well executed there.

The animation is pretty good I don't deny there are good 3D anime but it's few and far between.
Plot-wise I'll have to watch the show some more to make a decision.

It's post-scarcity gay space Juche.

I forgot the comma, I meant to say that Land of the Lusterous has good 3d animation, and there are a few good 3D animes but it's blanketed by mountains of garbage.
Although i still have yet to get deep into the show, it sounds like a much better execution of the Gem-beings from Steven Universe, without the shit cal-arts animation and idpol/SJW bullshit.

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I really would check out douchebagchocolat's anime reviews of Evangelion and Kill la Kill. they're excellent analses

One Piece was once one of my favorite anime, and as I have a very limited number of anime I like, that's saying much, but recently it's been letting me down.
Sure the story is progressing and shit, but frankly, after the Dress-rosa arc it feels dead. All the new arcs are painfully reminiscent of a video-game where you keep leveling up and progressing through a quest map, except that there is too much drama, unnecessarily extended scenes and the animation isn't really as engaging. The original One Piece's hand-drawn animation was obviously hard, but it felt rich and artistic. Now most of the animation is like Marvel's ultimate spiderman series, which had generic animation vectors that while shiny and flashy but lack what made the original so great - the feeling of adventure.

You'd be invested in the fights because you didn't know if the Gang's story would end or not, you didn't know what characters would pull what, how they would get around their next tough opponent. Most importantly you'd feel the thrill of the ride; looking for treasure and places to explore, people to fight and getting caught up in the tragedies and struggles of others. The original had filler episodes but they felt like part of the adventure, just at another point in time, now full canonic episodes pull filler out to dilute the episodes and prevent it from catching up to the Manga.

Originally the idea of One Piece was the enterprise of going out to sea and following one's urges. Now it's all about "being free" and "defying muh authority" and other libertine shite that gets on ones nerves. And then the pull back in the Revolutionary Army receding back to "removing the world government but leave behind the 'good' monarchs", a liberal delusion that was never present before. Even Sabo feels like a forced fanfiction "WUT IF LUFFY HED THREE BROs" instead that it's not a fanfic but real. After the Dress Rosa arc I have yet to experience a single arc that comes CLOSE to the Alabasta arc, let alone the Saobody-Marineford arc. Oda promises a battle of a scale LARGER than Marineford but that's the problem, we're just following the form of "more, More, MORE" rejecting the age old wisdom that "less is more".

Also surprisingly evangelion is popular in Russia with memes and references a-plenty

Enjoy this video:

Ahh the good old Red Herring video, loved that one. I uploaded some screenshots onto leftybooru.

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get that 8-bit shite out

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This video makes a lot of points similar to that. (though the last 4 minutes are bullshit about Pokemon's new character designs 'cause its using the same argument that liberals make to create retarded films like Ghostbusters 2016)

Zizek plz go

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have u watched the show though

I watched like the first few episodes of the Original series out of interest but thats about it
But its a show for (Pre)Teens and i think attempting to drag some sort of Political take from it is just straw grabbing

lol dude, Ikuhara was one of the main directors of the show. he deliberately puts all sorts of crazy psychological and political shit in his shows.

Have you actually… ever watched these shows?

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the fact that beanface coming from multiple groups needs to be compared to the art of literally only Hanna Barbera Cartoons proves the point rather than disproving it.

flip flappers is good

I know what you're on about…your pretentious rfessor at univeristy told you guys about Roland Barthes and the death of the artist so you came with this highly far fetched analysis.
Pal…Sailor Moon is just good vs evil. Simple as that.

Sailor Moon is a fckin bimbo

fuck off

No, just teens.
No dragging here, it outright is part of the plot iwth open symbolism. Children's cartoons shouldn't be mindless garbage like Gumball or SJW crap like Steven Universe. It shouldn't be bullshit conspiracies like Gravity falls etc. It ought to have thought put into it, because the children watching it will follow their main hero. You'r e following the idiotic idea that animations can't be for adults.

yes and they're all bullshit, that go to Rick and Morty levels of trying to pretend they have development when its all the same load of crap. And their animations are shit with only 1 or 2 charaacters straying distinctly from the cal-arts style, and most are dressed and act like hipsters. Cypher was literally the only character in Gravity falls that was remotely interesting in design and idea and even then There was predictable.
Steven Universe is complete and UTTER garbage. NOTHING is redeemable about it. It's back-grounds are on the level of a low-budget shonen anime, it's "songs" are garbage that are
Star and the forces of Evil had a good idea, except that it was literally the same plot as a dozen Anime shows about aliens coming to MCs huouse except that in Star Marco becomes a literal faggot. He's hen-pecked, indecisive and finally becomes "Disney's first male princess" FFS. This is fucking She-zow levels of idpol cringe. The characters are so bland that i had to look 1/2 their names up to write this rant.
What the hell happened to shows like Ben 10, Avatar the Last Airbender, Extreme-Ghostbusters, Godzilla the animated Series, Batman the animated series, etc.
Thunder-cats (even the reboot) was awesome. with characters you could really understand, with motivations and virtues and vices. Now? it's all fun and games and it's not like if they fail to defeat the main villain the world will end, naw it's all rainbows and candy and puppies. And even when there are dirty scenes the cal-arts style makes it impossible to take seriously

That little edit fails because all those characters are distinct, not to mention cherry picking them

Attached: cal-arts vs Orig reboot.png (1120x1260, 1.27M)

Or, or, or someone decided to use their brain.

Even Captain PLanet was better than this Cal-arts shite

Why people on this board are ignorant as shit when it comes to media and art?
We have constant "Muh leftie movies" or "muh leftie music" threads. It's fucking retarded. If you don't understand that everything can be read in a leftist key or fascist key if you try hard enough, stick to fucking anime.

Pic related. This is apparently a great anti capitalist commentary on alienation, lonely masses and mass media.
It is because daddy Mann is based as fuck, still I assume this would be the last thing you anime watching piece of shit would post in those threads

Basically death of an author and shit. Stop posting those fucking threads. Make a thread about Movies and get raccomandation on how to read it.

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anime is racist and sexist


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Would you retards fuck off

Steven Universe isn't that bad.
Bitch are you for real.

Batman the animated series was genuinely fantastic for the first two seasons though, before budget cuts and the DCAU killed it.

You are an adult watching mass produced piece of shit japanese cartoons made for children, fucking idiot.

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Anime is fascist.

babbys first deconstruction

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Sailor Moon opened the floodgates of women and trash into anime.

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If you don't like it then fuck off to some other thread, brain damaged idiot.

Has anyone else seen Angolmois? It seriously is coming off like right wing propaganda, but I can't help but wonder if 'm just imagining it.

it's what the artist intended though.

fuck off


Lmao. You are probably american or you've spent too much time on the internet. The fuck is wrong with death of an author you fucking brainlet?

Sailor Moon is just terf trash about incompetent sluts banding together to fight Stacies who are charming all the boys and have nicer things

Most anime is pretty reactionary, but if women like it you can bet its obviously reactionary. Inuyasha and FLCL is hot garbage too

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the author's intent matters.

They do, but they are not the only reading possible. Case and point is pic related, a movie about re-establishing christian moral values in society becomes a grear critique of capitalism. Also what if the author doesn't has a single reading for his own work?

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The world would be a better place if we could kill all humanities majors

That's stupid.

I'm a programmer.

You are stupid. You probably like anime too

Theres no difference between you and a wrench

Hanna Barbera was also garbage you fuckin pleb. They introduced "limited animation" because it was cheaper. Fred Flintstone is made of 3 separate parts - head, torso, and legs - so they can only have to draw the parts that move. That's why all the animation is so stiff and lifeless compared to Looney Tunes and the like. Hanna Barbera's animation was the OG flash tweening of animation.


Avatar the last airbender was based tho

humanities makes living on a desert island enjoyable, discussable and intellectually stimulating.
STEM makes living in what by all technological standards should be a futuristic paradise of near eternal life into a tedious mechanical slog.
you take pride in being useful to the system when it suits you, why so reticent now? you were so proud to be paid thousands for designing bombs that can actually hunt down the red cross signs on vehicles while all those humanities graduates were busy serving coffee…

maybe we should get rid of both of you

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No it's not bad, it's awful in every way imaginable. It's every SJW retardation there is, from "muh gender fluid" to "fat acceptance" etc. Pure ideology idpol.
Even though E;R is biased, his video on Steven Universe hits the nail square on the head:
This one, not the Hannah Barbara shit. It was pretty cool for a monster-fight cartoon.
Yeah the lower budget cut its later seasons down but it still outdoes most of what's made today.

You can enjoy animation without being infantile. Being an Otaku is the definition of taking things too far.

Brilliant argument.

You know nothing about anime, hell I'm not that into anime and even I know that most of the elements that are problematic in Sailor Moon were introduced far earlier and were caused by… CAPITALISM and the economic fall in Japan during the 90s. Your screencap does little, if anything to objectively devalue Sailor Moon.

fucking hell this is too true.

Nice bait, but that pic really fits you more.

*No argument* *No argument* *No argument* *no argument* etc.

Attached: unamused rias.jpg (720x405, 41.42K)

Not really. E;R's video takes a lot of post-facto rationalizations from third-party feminists and presents them as factual and intended by the authors. Some hints are there but they are quite mild and open to interpretation, mostly it's standard friendship and tolerance shit. SU is bad but not because of "SJW retardation".

Uhh no, he quotes the authors several times, not to mention that these 'authors' are liberal idpolers, and one of them literally drew gay cartoon kidd-porn of Ed Ed and Eddy FFS. That's not a person you want making your cartoons

That's a lot of salt right there
1) Miami Vice is over-rated in the way the film Leviathan is overrated. Everyone's harping about the symbolism and realism whilst ignoring the fact that symbolism and realism does not a movie make. Falling Down is a far simpler yet far more understandable and interesting commentary on capitalism.
We do understand but that't not the discussion here, Zig Forumsyp.
disregarding the fact that this thread was an anime thread and the fact that your own thread failed and that it would be far more relevant to post your copy-pasta in lefty-movie thread. Anime is a medium that can be used just as skillfully as any narratative film, since it is simply an animated film. Miyazaki's films are excellent examples of that, Evangelion, (as has been repeated here) also provides an excellent example, so on and so forth. Stop being stuck up.
Because it's over-rated and doesn't hold a candle to older films covering the same topic in far more artistic a form.
Taxi Driver, The Godfather, The Godfather II, Scarface, Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon II, Falling Down, Death Wish, Ben Hur, Spartacus etc.
As if we need an arrogant pseudo-intellectual like you dictating how to read movies.

These niggas serious?

are you the gamergate guy

What's the problem?

No, are you?

so are you me?

Sailor Moon, while fun is by no means flawless or a masterpiece.

Sorry, whenever I hear "problematic" I immediately think of either SJWs complaining about shows or people complaining about SJW themes in shows. If we're talking problems relating to plot, effects, storytelling then alright, yeah it's not perfect at all.

I was indeed referring to the latter. On leftypol you need to relax, 90% of the time people talk about problems in a show or media, it's referring to the quality of the art itself or in terms of dialectical materialism. SJW shit is heavily disapproved of here.

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Lmao. Why are comparing those to Miami Vice? Also Some of them are shit. Btw I wasn't even taking miami vice as a better movie. I just thought it was the last movie you'd expect on a lefty viewing list.
Literally no one liked that film until last year a group of Mann obsessed fags rewatch it and didn't compare it to heat for once
What are you on about? No one here is talking about symbolism in the movie. It's all about how is shot and what it looks like, and you know, since the fucking talking is buried under layers of noise it actually makes sense that you are not expected to follow the story. The whole motor is image fam. Which is what a movie is supposed to be. You onfusing symbolism for images (which is literally what movies are about)
"Not what it about, how's about it"
Ever asked yourseld why Zig Forums and Zig Forums have similar viewing lists?
Also Falling Down is not a good movie.
You literally got no reason to assume this and you literally got no reason to answer in general since you put lethal weapon and falling down as example of good movies for fuck sake. First Blood would fit in that list too at this point.
Pic related is what a good movie about going fucking ape shit and self destructive in a capitalist wasteland looks like. This one and Taxi Driver.

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computer science > "programming"

This is called making assumptions, assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups.
Sure, whatever you say.
Yes that's the realism, I was mentioning the symbolism in terms of your remark about anti-capitalist critique within the film. That's all fine and good, but it doesn't make it that good a film.
Yes it fucking is. It covers a critique of capitalism and existential crises of human beings under it very well.
It's called hyperbole. For someone talking about movies, you don't seem to understand that.
They are good movies, and objectively so. And First Blood, while with flaws is also a good film.
Fuck off

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leftypol finally showing its colors

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The reasons these are good films is because of what they are meant to demonstrate.
Falling Down remains one of Hollywood’s most overt yet morally complex depictions of the struggles of a white man in US capitalist society. Roger Ebert in his review at the time of its initial release (1993), pointed out what strikes the viewers of the film, "the film… is actually about a great sadness which turns into madness, and which can afflict anyone who is told, after many years of hard work, that he is unnecessary and irrelevant."
He acts out on this by releasing his anger in more than just words. He was taught to believe that he was doing good, and fighting an evil empire. And under his infantile, capitalist social upbringing his love for his family is twisted into wanting a submissive wife, underscored by his own insecurity at being unable to provide for his family while a plastic surgeon made millions doing superfluous 'work'. The cop played by Duval is also an example of this. He wants to quit because he loves his wife, whose whole life had been based on her beauty that she no longer had, leaving her with nothing to be proud of, no self-fulfillment, not even a child. In the end the most telling part is where D-Fens learns that he's "the bad guy" and Duval's character points out his selfishness, inadvertently pointing out the sectarianist individualism of D-Fens' actions. And the suicide-by-cop at the end is a proper finish, that an individuals ravings against social injustices would result in nothing and that to change the system one would need organize proletarian movement.

t. Falling Down is a masterpiece
Go check out whatever review from 2006
No it's not. It's called being a fucking movie
It's not what it about but how's about it.
What kind of fucking hyperbole is that? Look like an assumption to me, you know, the mothers of all fuckups
No they are not. On what basis are you saying this? You are one who's thinks there is a detachment from how's a movie (a visual medium) is shot to its quality

Dude literally what is taxi driver if falling down is a masterpiece? Also I'm not american.
Everything you said in your post and ebert said was said in a totally better way in Taxi Driver and some other movie I can't think of now because i'm fucking driving while posting. Naked, is another movie that does the whole "falling down" better than Falling Down. Zabriskie point too.

I'm not even denying the anti capitalist nature of the film. I'm denying that is anything but unremarkable.
Which was not even my point intially.
What I was saying is that you can read virtually anything in a leftist key, so threads like this and ones where people reccomend stuff are bullshit.

First Blood is not a unique story; it's the generic story of a veteran returning home to his (capitalist) country only to be treated by trash, after fighting a war that was justified with the idea of 'freedom'.
More specifically it referred to Vietnam and the generation of young men who fought there in vain.
Now the other Rambo films are garbage, I'll give you that.

WTF is a porkie? Sounds gay.

it is

please show some respect for the job creators sweetie

Never said that, stop making strawmen
This is exactly the fucking problem with people today EVERYTHING that is a fucking video with a hint of a story is now a 'movie' regardless of how its made. A movie can be realistic but that does not define it AS a movie. The Blaire Witch shaky-cam shitshow isn't a movie (despite what people call it) but it is realistic in many areas.
Thatsthepoint.jpg Your post starts off the bat by bitching about how "lol all you pleb weeb fake-lefties don't understand movies, look at my copy-pasta about this movie I'm obsessed with" You're literally assuming things just because there is no specific post about your favorite fucking film. Your words reek of "muh dumb lefties" and therefore I made a tongue-in-cheek hyperbole of you being Zig Forums based on the joke of "everyone I don't like is a fascist/tankie/jew/etc. Literally lurk more you twat.
Brilliant, fucking brilliant
I said no such thing, how a movie is shot is important but does not define it. Look at Amazing SPiderman, it has excellent shots, yet the movie is shit.
I never said Falling Down is a masterpiece, I said it was a good film. Taxi Driver is not perfect , but it is a good film. I wouldn't call it a master-piece however. But then again, I'm telling that to someone who keeps reposting the same copy-pasta everywhere.
Can you just keep masturbating to those and stop posting here? They're not better or worse, they cover similar subjects with similar levels of quality. Ironically you fail to point out why your favorite 3 are objectively better.
No, you can't. You can make a Marxist analysis of almost anything but you cannot objectively read everything as Marxist. Your logic is literally the same logic right-wingers use to say fascism is the same as socialism.
Sailor Moon may have some anime cliches but its over-arching plot is a veiled critique of consumerism. Anime writers are also human beings with thoughts. You can't say the same of every Mahou shoujou anime.

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Hope you are not the one justifing falling down because it's every bit as not unique as First Blood. Neither of which is some sort of masterpiece as you guys are selling in this thread

This is porky:

I never said it was unique, I said it was a good film. Unique =/= good essentially.
You are a liar. No-one in this thread stated these films as master-pieces. Only stated that they are all good films covering the subject. Regardless FUCK OFF. This is an anime discussion thread, you want to discuss movies so bad? Make your own fucking thread, cunt.

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Also ethical consumption under capitalism doesn't exist.

So let's enjoy all the fruits of capitalism while whining about it.


The first Sailor Moon anime is okay. The manga is shit though.

That's not really up to us at the moment.
Criticism and analysis isn't whining. It's called discussion.

Attached: let me break it down for you.jpg (205x140, 58.4K)

Yeah, it's up to you. No one forces you to watch anime or any capitalist entertainment.

Attached: muh iphone.png (1199x605, 429.57K)

It's true doe.

Don't like capitalism? Stop using it.

You are like those gaymers who can't stop talking about how shitty EA is while shelling money for Mass Erect: Dildomeda.

Not anime in particular, but some entertainment for sure, inadvertently or not.
Your logic implies that homeless people are 'choosing' not to use capitalist built homes. We don't really have a choice to isolate ourselves from society, therefore we have to, instead, be selective of what content we consume, because consuming nothing is not possible in a society where survival itself is built on consumption.

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Entertainment is not essential for life, and no, the homeless does not choose to not have a home, it's that they are incapable of having one.

Big difference.

You, meanwhile, are capable of not watching shit.

You are using a capitalist meme, m8.

Film and anime are not inherently capitalist entities.

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Sounds like someone's a bit of a pussy that can't handle criticism.