How's it going, Zig Forums?
How is your depression? Are you still upset that Hillary lost? Have you found a job in an autonomous commune yet or are you still relying on the capitalists for sustenance? I know these are tough questions and i understand that this board is a safe space, but i worry about you, your PPH are down again, the quality of the posts is declining and everyone seems to be in low spirits. Why is that?
Datamining thread
weak bait
>>>Zig Forums
Did you miss that comrade Bernie endorsed her? If that makes her a woman of the people i don't know what does.
Please, go and stay go
Who did you support? The socialist workers party candidate? lol
Why can't we have some good bait once in a while? It's always the same shit, completely oblivious to what people on Zig Forums support. Lurk for five minutes before posting so you can come up with some better bait.
Donald Trump as most communists did
lol retard
… is this the best you can do?
I don't know about you, but I got a very good laugh when Trump got elected.
I am just trying to be nice and chummy, comrade. Btw, non-voters are my favorite commies.
You are not laughing anymore, are you?
Jokes on you ultra, Donald Trump is the closest the US has ever been from Communism
I literally supported Trump, as he'd provide the greatest possible shitshow –which he has– and isn't competent enough to sustain the cloak-and-dagger "capitalism with a human face-mask".
Hell, the electing Her would've been the worst possible outcome there is.
Forgot to sage.
thread is anchored mate. happy shitposting.
Correct. However, anchored or not, I tend to stick to certain principles. You see, sage is a message, an attitude, a flavor-strengthener if you will, on top of being a function.
hell ye dude
what a shit thread
nobody here likes hillary, and there were giggles when trump was elected
fuck off
I let trump creampie my boipussy
Trump and Hillary are equally bad on almost all issues, except for climate issues which are handled even worse under Trump, which is why Hillary is probably the lesser of two evils if I really had to pick one.
no drumph is going to be impeached any moment crackah ass whitey nigga