On the suggestion of the Board Owner and because of seemingly popular sentiment, I've decided to make this thread to for people to democratically ask for changes and rules. Both for volunteers, and normal posters. I guess you could also discuss anything you want Zig Forums as a community to do, like community projects. I was going to use the old moderation thread for this, but this might warrant a separate thread.
Collective Decision Making and Suggestions Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
how about everyone stop being a massive faggot and get back to shitposting and bullying IdPol losers and Zig Forumsacks like the good old days
Goes to show how little the majority of people on this board now, including the ones running it, actually read or study anything
How about we bring back another staple of old Zig Forums and have a thread to encourage reading books and shit?
I think some of the wordfilters are stinky and we should review which ones we keep and which ones can go
they ruin links and quotations of any kind
and the ⛏️rotsky filter doesn't even display on desktop for me, there's just a box
Yeah, it's really shocking socialists might want input from the community on decision making, I know.
absolutely reactionary, comrade
In all seriousness, that's what I personally would like, and I started this thread because if there's suggestions for anything users want to see happen, it's an easy place to organize it in.
I actually really want to get rid of the ⛏️rotsky filter and the "jacobin" one
not that I like jacobin, but as you said, it fucks with links
The two filters I really like however are Autism Level and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧echoes🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
I guess we should get rid of the R.ojava word filter so as not to keep old wounds open
I would like to petition to wordfilter ContraPoints to "Nigger Tranny" and Chapo Trap House to "Unfunny Social Democrats" to deter reddit
He meant that Bordiga said democracy was a meme and that it's a misconception by people who haven't read him, such as yourself, to think "leftcom=more democracy" just because they aren't ☭TANKIE☭s or trots.
As to your other point see above
All filters are okay except the ⛏️rotsky one. The latter one is just there to stroke the ego's of hard-line Stalinists, to label the man itself based on his (mostly unrelated) legacy, to allow circlejerks on the pickaxe meme, and to end actual arguments. ⛏️rotsky was as good of a Bolshevik as all the rest. There, suck my cock, triggered fucks.
pic very much related
actually read a fucking book
That sounds like a great idea, really.
also the image was a joke about doing absolutely nothing, which is what Zig Forums tends to do
I am aware about bordiga
The only place ⛏️rotskyists have ever done anything good is the UK and that's in spite of their ⛏️rotskyism not because of it
I am in agreement with this general sentiment.
please no, this kinda shit might "deter reddit" but it will attract a bunch of "i like stalin but hate niggers and fags and jews" type retards, Zig Forumsyps and unironic nazbols.
B-but Vol, how are we supposed to feel superior if our perceived enemies are not labeled with straw man memes and jokes at their deaths? ;_;
Seems like a good start
Also same with the square thing
And…..it was a matter of time
Plz stop
tbh the worldfilter was a dick move to a number of comrades
forgot my volunteer hat :)
Okay, so no R.ojava, right? That's a good idea. And yes, changing Contrapoints to "nigger tranny" is just edgy bullshit.
autism level and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 are gold, but it's about damn time we change it to the US flag instead
it's only fitting
and yeah, jacobin has to go cause of links
as much as I dislike reddit those are the kind of obnoxious and forced filters we don't need
I kind of like it being the UK flag in an "eternal anglo" sense.
How about a memeish compromise? Instead of immediately deleting the R.ojava filter, how about a rewritten countdown every day?
It's fun and a kind of signaling how much buttéhürté and banné this very filter has caused.
Nah, I think it should be instantly changed, really.
read bordiga, tbh
the pic wasn't related to the content of the post, i just needed a shitty meme
i'm not joking when i say an apology is due
enough face saving reformism: admit overtly that mistakes were made and apologize for those mistakes.
Works on Linux…
Thought about it, but the British *did* create 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧The USA🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, so…
Okay, to recap:
We need to get rid of the ⛏️rotsky, R.ojava, and any filters that might impact links
We should have another thread for encouraging reading, a la a book club, correct
We should apologize for… things?
and most importantly i am aware about the whole bordiga and democracy thing you can stop bullying me the post isn't related to the picture
muh chan culture
how undialectical
Earlier today a brave and true revolutionary reminded us of our historical duty to communism. He reminded us of the chains we have worn for so long we forgot they were there. We have grown accustomed to trodging through mindless threads, posting more out of a sense of duty rather than because we feel engaged with the topic or because we want to educate our dear comrades. The quality of our board has dropped drastically, not as a product of a diminished effortpostetariat, but because our revolutionary spirit has withered from a false consciousness of board unity enforced only through the ruthlessness of Owner.
We were today reminded of the horrors endured during the times of Owner's purges, reminded of the comrades that fell in the minefields of geopolitical discussion, reminded of our fear of posting, never knowing if that post might be our last.
I ask you, comrades: How free do you feel? Have you been able to meaningfully change what you are supposed to call your home as a revolutionary?
Owner has always had his own vision for leftypol, of emulating the book club of /marx/ at the expense of everything leftypol was and could have been, at the expense of everything we were.
Finally, thanks to our dearest comrade who worked in the ranks of the beast, we are given the chance to break with the past and build a new and glorious future for the postetariat.
Rejoyce, comrades, for a new era dawns.
Can you fucking stop?
While i find the change of heart the mods had interesting
Is better for us to start forgeting the old wounds and work for a better future
I can already tell this is going to make the board worse instead of better
Oh well might as well stick around to see how bad it gets
icepick the BO
Get rid of word filters (appart naz.i to not socialism) and stop bump locking threads unless someone asks.
One autistic LARPer retard doesn't mean the board's going to fall apart.
The reason we bump lock threads is generally because they're shitposts or deliberate bait. Unless you want the front page to be full of shitty Zig Forums bait, I wouldn't suggest that, especially when people neglect the report function anyways.
The board's been falling apart in slow motion for 3 years (or at least since the 2016 American election and Brexit) and everytime something is changed to make it "better" it makes it worse.
But really that's society in general right now so I don't really expect much out of anything anymore
OP, you realize that this board will never grow again so long as the BO is in charge?
This is the same lunatic who claimed in leaked PMs that leftypol was a mistake and that they hated the userbase. A week later they denied it. Today BO is denying ever having removed volunteers for disagreeing or banning people for sectarian reasons even though BO did both multiple times. The same BO who created the over a dozen US military bases in Syria wordfilter then pretended he just did it because he was drunk, then left the wordfilter up and mass-banned people who disagreed. The same BO who today asks, "WHY HAS OUR TRAFFIC DROPPED SO MUCH?" even though their permabans and toxic board policy have reduced leftypol from a peak of 1600 to a low of ~450 last week.
In all my time here I have never found evidence that BO is COINTELPRO or that the BO account was reassigned. The evidence does not exist. What the evidence does show is that BO is mentally ill and has repeatedly engaged in paranoid and narcissistic behavior. The effect of this behavior, however, means that BO has long had the same effect that COINTELPRO might - by encouraging dissent and sectarianism, by creating the irrational fear that "it will soon be illegal to be a socialist" or that "we're going to get knocks on our doors!"
Even the new traffic that came to leftypol - the ☭TANKIE☭s, MLs, etc who came after the split have mostly left the board since that time when it became clear that BO was bonkers.
Leftypolism will not return until we have GULAG'd the BO.
Then get rid of majority of word filters at least.
Fellow communist friend!
A few moments ago a martyr of ours, communist's, and true revolutionary such as we, gave his posting rights for our historical duty towards communism. He did what any communist would have done and shitposted a big one. It is in our collective interest to expand shitposting and interrupt the smooth functioning of our board, because we need to set an example to future communist's. The very reason this board is not good enough is because we aren't shitting it up to the best of our ability's. This is false consciousnes and it needs to be made intro true, communis' consciousnes.
Now that nothing was achieved we must move forward and make this board uninhabitable to teach the evil enemy a lesson. Let us not forget how the evil enemy (trans_body_odor_cocksucing.webm) made this board bad. We must unbad this board, right now, as it is our duty, as said by Marx. When each and any of us make a new post facing the ban, we must remember our ultimate goal: making this board a trashheap, that will ultimately will serve us right.
I ask you, comrades: How free do you feel? Have you been able to meaningfully change what you are supposed to call your home as a revolutionary?
Evil enemy has enslaved us for long enough, not it is time to make this board useless for Xir, at the expense of everything.
Finally, thanks to our dearest comrade who made a single shitpost and was demodded immediately, we are given the chance to get banned for ourselves as well.
This is a totally great idea, so follow me!
A lot of the vols want to, yeah.
stop being autistic about historical imperialism
arguing we should bomb syria now, whatever, sure, ban it, but it's stupid to get all autistic about defending the invasion of yugoslavia or grenada or some other stupid shit that has already happened and can't be undone.
intended to use this flag for that post but whatever
Also I support giving the ⛏️rotskyists their label back without the icepick meme but don't think for a second they're going to be any more civil with ☭TANKIE☭s because of it. I've noticed a lot of revisionism on ⛏️rotsky lately (and no I don't mean "disagree with the ☭TANKIE☭ line on ⛏️rotsky" I mean trots here believing everything he says about himself and about Stalin with no question at all) and I'm pretty sure they just want the next "era" of the board to be Trot-oriented. I know that's a cringey way to put it but there's always waves of general sentiment here, for a while it was anarchist (around early 2015 when i first started coming here) then somewhat Leftcom, reformist, (along with more minor ones like accelerationism, ironic Nazbol, and Cockshottism) and recently ☭TANKIE☭/ML. I'm pretty sure trots just want to have their day and they see the BO thing as some autistic "victory" in achieving that and now are working towards getting the word filter removed.
None of it matters really as this board has nearly zero impact on the Left IRL generally, I'm just pointing out that Trots aren't pushing for it out of the goodness of their heart but because they've been cucked on this board for too long and want to be king of the mountain for a while.
I'm not noticing an uptick in unironic support for Maoism and Third Worldism too which is troubling imo.
This guy is the revolution!!1!/coup LARPer who was removed as a volunteer btw
Whenever I come online after a being away for a while I report on average 3 threads and like 2 of them get bumplocked in 5 minutes.
I meant NOTICING an uptick in Maoism and third worldism not "not noticing". Jesus christ i need to go to bed
I don't really care much for ⛏️rotsky, I just want the filter removed because I think it's kind of annoying.
Third worldists are annoying, but at least they're not all dengists yet.
Good job!
You by definition can't be a Dengist and also a third worldist jesus christ dude how can someone as stupid as you be a board volunteer
Also delete any Red Liberal threads. I don't know if it's Zig Forums ebin memeing on us or legitimate reddit shit but I have seen so much liberal apologia on this fucking board lately and I can't stand it.
Unless they are legitimately trying to understand Leftist ideas and have a good-faith debate, just fucking ban all liberals and succdems on sight this board is going to become r/socialism
The whole "don't defend imperialism" has lost all its meaning. Don't ban people for saying shit like Iran is a reactionary theocracy or that Russia is imperialist. I don't think anyone here thinks Russia or China are more imperialist than the US but for fuck's sake, don't ban people for just stating facts.
Obviously one-line threads saying "REEE PUTIN IS IMPERIALIST" should be bumplocked immediately (don't think shit like that is ban worthy) but you know what I mean. Also, saying Iran is reactionary or a theocracy or whatever the fuck isn't denying that they are one of the most likely countries to combat american hegemony successfully, to which they still deserve some credit for.
The thing is we need to go all the way though, as in we need to use this as an opportunity to abolish all moderation.
How about Board Owner democratically leave forever?
t. leftpol refugee
*Liberal democracy
Please unban every permaban, if this wasn’t done so already.
I sugest a united Moderation team, where some Zig Forums mods get are allowed to become mods here.
Get Body Odor's Cock out of ur mouth.
As a person who has stalked and shitposted on here since 2015 I have some grievances, here they are as follows:
>don't ban people for stupid shit reasons like not being pro-iran, instead ban actual Zig Forums shitposters
This place has become /r/Communism 2 Electric Boogaloo under Body Odor who is ironically behaving like the COINTELPRO spy they claim is fucking with them.
also jimfags are annoying but right about killing BO
fat chance, BO still claims its not the moderation line they imposed that killed user count and quality of the board
he's right though
these, the imperialism rule is enforced randomly and doesn't improve the quality of the board in any way. And the idea that 'CIA imperialist propaganda' on this board leads to actual negative effects is preposterous - only slightly less retarded than BO's 'anti-imperialist flyer campaign' plan a while ago.
De-anonymise the board log so we can call out mods who do dumb shit. Remove sectarian wordfilters. Stop moderating based on the poster's flag.
agree on all points
:( I like that one
IQ word filter must stay. No discussion.
the rouge volunteer reverted all bans.
no. the only other person I would trust to keep this shit running is me. unless we can arrange that, then no. this is an anonymous board, how is BO going to choose a non-autist, non-cia, non-sectarian, non-tyrant user, you fucktard.
unironically, BO, if you want to step down, please make me your successor.
yes please!
as a fag posting since 2015 you are wrong on basically everything, but
you're dumb as a brick
either both or none, it's equally cancerous
generally i'd say dont do permabans in general but whatever…
this shit is a myth and you very well know it
there never was any quality
what you call quality is retarded liberals shitting up the place harder, just way more frequently
quality my ass
Well it does feel like there's less efforposting these days.
it's really about the same, just with more discussion going on of course there was more "better" posts as well, however still in a way bigger ocean of piss
what's definitely gone are those few guys trying to create an image and attentionwhore, namefagging tripping all over the place with long ass opinion posts that namedropped rather than quote and source, this self important long winded say nothing crap that reminded me more of esoteric bullshit more than a serious attempt at making a point
i think that's what some call that glorious "quality posting", they even did so back then
this unbearable stupid shit, thank fuck this shit is over
Just make every single thread /leftytrash/. It would be a massive improvement.
yeah that sounds cool
No more (stupid) word filters!!
- the Ro.java wordfilter is just annoying at this point
- why the fuck can't we add new flags and banners?!
I've been asking for new flags for like 2 years, hell we even used to have flag OC threads. BO said something is broken and he can't add flags, but I think it's just bullshit
So my opinionsno one cares but ok
I am shocked with his (and the moderation in general) (positive) change
But let’s be honest, he/she/wtvr is not that great
With his weird leaks ,shity word filters, paranoid threads about how the FBI will kill him cause he runs a great revolutionary board etc..
But if the mods can contain him, I have no problem with the guy
While the B.O change will bring many leftpolyps back ( tbh most of them post on both boards and now with the “revolution” many have come back so…)
I agree with
Also can we stop deleting poltard post when they get BTFOed
also a lot less permabans
Leftypol was never really clever
Yet with the relaxing of the bans (especially towards leftists) and more activity threads (like another user said and we used to have) things will clearly improve
t. an old regular
I like this user and agree with all their suggestions
the anarkiddies havent even been back for a week and theyre already trying to shit the board up
wordfilters are F U N, keep them at the discretion of the mod/min team
this is leftist board, not stalinist. Create your own board and created millions of word filters there.
Wordfilters are fun
Keep neutral/anti-Zig Forums ones like 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, deeply triggering and problematic, Rated PG Parental Guidance and NAP Violation, Autism Level etc
Remove the sectarian ones like over a dozen US military bases in Syria and ⛏️rotsky, they make serious posts hard to read sometimes
false dichotomy much?
Oh, and let's replace some of the flags that nobody ever uses, like BurgerBux, Egalitarian, so on. We could use some more interesting flags instead.
like pottery
There is a lot of confusion as to what "quality" means in imageboard terms. Quality does not mean being the next Karl Marx and having purely intellectual discussions or simply posting long treatise. This is an imageboard, not blogspot. It is a medium for discussion. It is also in many ways a medium antithetical to such conceptions of quality.
So what does quality mean? Quality in short means being enjoyable to use. It isn't impossible for one element of this to be long-form intellectual discussion, but equally humour is a crucial element of quality, the production of content-items (i.e. OC, but i don't want to call it OC because "muh OC" is usually an imageboard cliche.) especially where those items are contextual and then forgettable. (i.e. MarxistMatey knockoffs.) Properly maintained these should generate a feedback loop of good posting and good posters which also increases the output of high-effort posts, while also quite possibly keeping lower effort humor posts isolated to their own threads. (i.e. NazBol gang aren't going to be posting in a long-form thread about Kapital, but with the current state of the board Kapital will be pushed off by a number of forgettable threads.)
There are two models for imageboard quality: The slow close-knit community, and less personal high paced anarchy. There is no middle ground, no third way, social democracy, market socialism or compromise. Zig Forums can never become the former because the weight of the past hangs over it. It probably can't become the latter again either, but that's really what it ought to be. A high speed interchange for the left dissatisfied with the abysmal existing online platforms for left-political discussion. (Incidentally, the increased post-countdown times are a large reason for 4chan's continual decline as well. You can't have that sense of high-speed anarchy in a crazy thread when you're limited to 1 post per minute.) Those who cry out for a close-knit community would better find it in those occasional recognitions of another poster in the chaos of a fast-board than in the constant grudges and petty sniping of our mid-speed morass.
mark of a moron. so long as people believe this sort of nonsense, the board is never going to be more enjoyable to use.
you say while using a tripflag, you walking case for permabans.
nice "arguments", fags
board has always been shit quality, you faggot whiners are simply delusional
Not that guy but you need to stop being so dogmatic. This is supposed to be a place for all radical socialists of all tendencies. BO may want to subtletly turn this place into ML only board and not tell us but until he says "this will now be officially a ML only board" you need to be pragmatic. Stop being so sectarian ffs, it really baffles me how historically MLs were some of the least sectarian socialists, it seems in this board it's the opposite.
How about instead you start respecting chan culture, stop crying for more censorship and deliver some OC, you boring turds?
Are you trying to prove his claim there comr8?
Quality post
I'm not sure about this though, I think it's quite possible
also as an aside, for anons accustomed to even higher paced environs, there was some sense even of it being that slow close-knit community cf. zizek on the use of obscenity to create camaraderie so on so forth
On the contrary what made the place real fun back then was having both liberals and nazis to take potshots at, while watching the anarkidd^H^H^H^H^H^H sorry I mean liberals combined confusion and grudging respect for the ☭TANKIE☭ halfchan pol veterans ability to make stormfags etc trip over their own shoelaces and generally bully them
for those who haven't yet, i'd recommend putting in some time on halfchan and fullchan's Zig Forums
Supporting this, knowing what the filters are and knowing how to work around them R0java Tr0tsky or riff off them an uncomfortable number of US military bases in syria icepickrostky can increase fun desu senpai
Nice try icepickroskyite, This board has always been and will always be a stalinist board
friendly protip to t.rotskyist cumr8s, stalinist actually started as a slur word
yes I know you're probably not a ⛏️rotskyite, I'm using your post to make a meta point
Support this, but don't think it's as critical as others think
We're still missing the acceleration flag, and an little green alien flag wouldn't hurt either
I've noticed over time that there's been a reduction in the ability to effectively bully stormfags and reduce them to sniveling grovelling messes, that's a definite reduction in quality and have concerns hence
pls consider,
deleting these posts doesn't allow for the education of comr8s to emulate and learn through example how to do said BTFOs
it's actually quite apropos precisely because this isn't really democratic in that sense, it's more deliberative consultation
They actually did admit tacitly through implying
Not sure this is wise, doing this also creates the possibility of mods being pressured to do dumb shit
It's already bad enough, that they're being pressured into deleting by overly enthusiastic post reporters
If you're reading this, and think this is you, you're the reason why mods are slow to respond to shit like idjits spamming dickpics and copypasta all over the board
I went ahead and reduced the char requirement to 75, since nobody seemed to care either way. If it somehow makes things worse, I'll just change it back.
This, I have never denied that I played a part in the split (splitting off about 200 IPs) and also a general shrinking (from about 1k, minus splitters, to 6-700).
one big US military base in Syria Autism Level degenerate anuddah shoah triggering nazi Not Socialist
We reached a peak of 1605 last september and have fallen to less than 500 as of last week. Even more than this, the board was spreading socialist ideas even further on the internet due to the number of e-celebs who visited this place. The damage you did was worthy of fucking COINTELPRO.
The only thing most of us want is for BO to be shot and replaced with a mentally stable person.
you haven't apologised either
Comr8d i am sorry to inform you that even at its worst this board had around 50% tanktards(active) And despite BOs documented plan, it has no rules on being pure ML But you are free to create your own board any time
This Actually the whole liberal/poltard old half chan veteran dichotomy is false The old board was chaotic with each individual holding extremly weird views