Ban all religious delusions for anti-materialist delusions

Why are the religious here not banned for adhering to an anti-materialist worldview and desperately clinging, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, to their delusional misinterpretations of the world? The propagation of falsities and reactionary viewpoints and practices is all tolerated under the guise of "freedom of religion", something which could perhaps be better known as "freedom to be ignorant and reactionary". Daily reminder that religion will be eradicated in its entirety, your churches, mosques and synagogues demolished and your "holy books" tinder for the triumph of scientific socialism. Once past views have been proven false, we do not accommodate them in the name of tolerance, we fight them with all of our power. We do not take seriously views that the Earth is flat or the Sun is the center of the solar system. Neither shall the delusions of the past be tolerated by law or state.


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Other urls found in this thread:

wait what

This is just an imageboard though. If anyone is LARPing it's you.

Good luck with that, considering about 80% of the world is still religious. Also:

Someone hasn't studied revolutionary struggles in Latin America

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You can't do that goy.

Pic related

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People like that pic would be shot if it were my decision.

Imagine believing in a theory so completely groundless as 'Cultural Marxism' that your best evidence is some irrelevant rabbi's quote from 80 years ago.

Most autistic thread I've seen this week and that is saying something

Oh the jews have no intention of converting everyone. They intend to impose noahide law on all goyim so they can maintain their chosenness.

t. religious retard who still believes in misinterpretations of reality

Will banning be enough?

Who cares what they intend?

lol wut? Just love how right wingers project all of the left wing elements from Christianity onto Judaism. Shows how much contempt they have for Christianity. Also please provide links (not images) for these quotes.

I agree.

YAS! You will only be able to work and fuck and fight in the ideal society! Any thoughts to higher things will be squashed with brutality. What is that? Did you say the truths of math are transcendental and not contingent on empiricism? Did you also say that morality isn't purely relative and nominal?? True art connects man to the "sumblime"?? NONSENSE!!! ARGH! GUARDS! TAKE THIS "THINKING MAN" TO THE RE-EDUCATION CENTER AT ONCE!!!!

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this isn't a party board where we have to hold strict ideological discipline
liberation theology is a thing and religion should be opposed, however not religious people themself
argue against them, but they're still comrades regardless
there's a difference between them being religious or using their ideological retardation to call for and justifying NATO interventions

How do we stop religious people from breeding like rats?

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The only progressive force is force that want to rise above materialist world
leave it, and be ready for living free in higher dimensions of this reality
cosmic communes with other alien races

the lower forces are the materialist
they want you to stay in their prison cells, here with all corrupt capitalist system, false teachers and demons that rejected truth and progress and are slaves for Moloch aka Kronos aka Demiurge they bring more poor souls to sacrifice to feed the beast.

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Absolutely based if true.

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I'm an Atheist; not American, not from a Religious Family but sure, anyone who criticizes you is just butthurt opposition

You can't ban an idea.


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You can fight it with a superior idea. The truth will win

Mass sterilization

Wtf I love Judaism now

You seem like a huge faggot, but what books can I read about "true art connecting to the sublime", and maybe the other parts of your post.
Otherwise though, you are retarded. Who here cares for Brezhnev?


You are ridiculous and edgy. Geez.

Nice non-arguments

Read Lenin you fucking idiot.

I don't really care if people are privately religious but yeah attempts to infuse religion into Marxism should absolutely be opposed, especially given the historical alliance between religion and feudalism, monarchism, fascism
Gives off completely the wrong impression and you're never going to beat the reactionaries by pandering to their delusions, only by destroying the foundations of their beliefs

Ignoring liberation theology does you no good though

Liberation theology is just a petty booj illusion
the Catholic Church is probably the most rotten institution in the history of mankind and promoted the plunder of Latin America for centuries
any "liberation theology" is just a sop to prevent workers from embracing actual socialism

Somehow I doubt the ELN is a bigger obstacle for Colombian proles to reach socialism than the Government and its paramilitaries.

didn't say they were, obviously petty booj socdems/demsocs are less of a problem than narco fascists

Fortunately this isn't happening so you don't have to worry. In fact I think the opposite is far more likely to happen.

How is it petty booj exactly? And no simply saying that it is religion doesn't count.

The ELN are Marxist Leninists, at least read the wikipedia page


i would prefer to use security forces to go after violent counter revolutionaries instead of grandmothers with a bible on their shelf

religious socialism is something promoted by the bourgeoisie to attack actual socialism

they're ML in spite of liberation theology not because of it
FARC was far bigger and wasn't religious

The FARC capitulated and aren't revolutionary anymore, the ELN is still fighting

barely and they're in peace talks
they could fight for a century and they wouldn't achieve victory

Why should I argue with you? Seriously? It's interesting that you brand my insults as nonarguments. They also arent questions, book reviews, or magazines. Is there anything else you want to point out? Perhaps that they are words? It is such a stupid thing to do to point out an insult isnt an argument, especially when I made no argument with them. They are statements, because you are, in fact, an idiot. I have no desire to argue with an idiot today, so thusly any reason I argue will be a waste of time. Imagine I argued for other user's sake. If they didn't believe in what you said, I would be wasting my time, and thusly shouldnt argue with them as they already agree with me.
However, if they believed in what you said, they would be an idiot, and thusly arguing against your post to change their mind would just be arguing with an idiot through the proxy of another idiot!
the same would be said for any fencesitters here
Therein lies the rub, and thusly, you can have my nonarguments, my insults, and all of the other self-justification you want, but you can not have my arguments.
sage for useless and autistic post

Just because a struggle goes on for a long time doesn't mean it has no potential for victory, there have been protracted wars throughout history.

And how do we gain enough political power so that we can sterilize religious fundamentalists, and prevent them from taking up arms and rebelling?

Militant atheism had its place in the likes of Russia and Albania, where religious institutions had actual power and actively fought against the revolution. Today religion is fairly irrelevant outside of America and the islamic world, it's mostly harmless hobby clubs that will always go along with the status quo. We should promote scientific materialism but being viciously anti-religious is more trouble than it's worth and will make us look like silly fanatics.

Zig Forums christcoms are faggy larpers though. Except the third-worldist dude, he's cool.

Religion is called an opiate of the masses for the reason. Expect a top-down abolition of faith to go as well as the War on Drugs. The Soviets learned this lesson firsthand.

do you really think they wouldn't do the same today
countries like poland, india, america all have rabidly anticommunist religious institutions
even in russia the romanovs were canonised. they're hardly just gonna roll over

Here in Russia the church is just a money laundering front and a propaganda mouthpiece for the oligarchs. It has no independent power and only a small minority of the population is devoutly religious. If the church starts feeling that the shoe is moving to the other foot, they will change sides instantly. Compare it to the church in Tsarist Russia that had its own death squads, owned land and generally had massive amounts of influence.

It might be a problem in America though.

It's largely the same in the US. Protestant organizations are essentially huge "non-profit" orgs that exist to enrich their pastors. Smaller churches are the same way just on a much smaller scale. They have limited governmental influence (if any at all.) By and large protestant churches in the US adopt whatever ideology will get them the most members since more members means more money. Together with America's massive internal propaganda machine it has created a positive feedback loop wherein protestant churches reinforce reactionary ideology which in turn encourages the various other reactionary political forces to push their agenda's even more forcefully.

Everything in your country is a money laundering front. That's not how the rest of the world works.

OP is based and redpilled

death to the religious

I am just saying that you guys sound just as autistic over discussions like this as Zig Forums when trying to sperg about anuddah shoah.

I would say calm the fuck down with the keyboards if we were not in a chan, capitalism is more dangerous to you lot rn than my religion, hit the bear first before shaking the tree.

Dude had some pretty out there views

I despise religion but I'd never call for the death of any proletarian follower of religion
the fascist nonces that run most religious institutions on the other hand


Why the whole demolish churches thing tho? They are still architectonical beauties and cultural antiques.

On Zig Forums, under the present leadership, these topics are forbidden:
1. Topics on the "Q" conspiracy theory (a famous namefag). This even included stories that were in the mainstream press, where they reported reddit had banned Q sub reddits.
2. Pro-Trump color text of any kind, regardless of the story. Pro-Trump topics are generally forbidden (he touched the kike wall, plus he hasn't actually turned into literal Hitler. Hilariously, some people actually thought he was Hitler in disguise, apparently)

Here, lots of topics are forbidden, which is no different from how things were under the USSR. Indeed, where may the intellectual find a home?

There is no home for the intellectual, except in no-land.

Checked. Well, you must understand that the communist, in the West, is a useful idiot who has had his mental faculties divorced from his command-control center of the brain. The effect is very much like a zombie, and there can be no personal inner direction, illuminated by reason. What is left is a kind of depraved animal, except where the overlords, who speak in terms of the command systems installed, is over them cracking whips at all times. You know the sort of little key phrases they issue.

Remember how Obama, a type of watered-down communist, spoke of putting antiquated and racist statues in museums. These were essentially the cakes of "let them eat cake." It was a rhetorical fantasy, a ruse. There is no cake, and there are no museums.


It's the same animal anti-intellectual poo.

If you spout shit like "liberals get the bullet", do everyone a favor and off yourself.

Liberals do get the bullet. The act of shooting people alone is not “Nazism”. You are stretching definitions until they mean nothing. Also, where did I mention mass executions for the religious? It seems as if your imagination is running a bit wild with edgy fantasies



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Edgy but also wrong and completely non-biblical.

Christcoms > anyone who buys into marxist social theories

Most people into Satanism are just trying to scare the Christians of course.

Naw. Not condoning Orthodox Marxist occultism, but, no.

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No matter what board I hit, it's delusions of grandeur.

Sounds like you think you're pretty hot stuff.


bump for golden thread

It's sourced from a left-leaning source. Don't idealise States, comrade.

But OP communism is anti materialist.
What can be more anti materialist than a system in which people only work for their mere basic needs.

Flaming hot take

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There is no reason to become a cringy fedora. Religion, overall, has been a net positive for humanity, with out it civilization may not even have formed in the first place. Socialism is not anti-ideological, it is a-ideological, it is an economic system for managing resources. This doesn't mean it opposes ideologies, on the contrary it leaves things wide open for any ideology which is itself a-material. This is in fact why its material nature is such a big deal, it is pure for its purpose as it uses materialism to manage material. This is opposed to other economic systems which depend on ideology to prop them up. It is ironic that the people claiming communism will fail because of 'human nature' are themselves attacking the only system that does not depend on people 'doing charity' or having some unifying 'belief in racial identity' to function, and is why its material nature is stressed - not because it hates its parents because they were forced to go to church and 'religion is christianity'.

If a religion is opposing socialism socialism opposes the religion, otherwise it doesn't care. Going on some crusade against an ideology just because 'its an ideology' is dumb.

I never was and I still hate religion lol
Socialist appeals based on religion are weak

I was never religious and still think it is delusional and a negative force in our society. It’s not just “le fedora”

They are pointless. But thats no reason to be anti-religion.

The only negatives i can see is when it becomes a bunch of social larpers. When i think of religion i think of the system of thinking with the embedded mysticism, dogmas, theological debates, and philosophical concepts. Not a bunch of people doing some specific thing on specific dates or days of the week because thats what they have always done because someone told them to do and a society replacing its absent minded secular greetings and expressions with ones containing religious themes even though nobody saying them is even thinking about them and its just reflex.
My own frustrations with religion are exemplified by those late night TV commercials advertising collections of new age christian music showing a bunch of people swaying around with stupid expressions on their face with their hands held up. Ive always been repulsed by this.
I still think religion is a net gain for humanity.