What are your thoughts on voting? Does it help? Does it hurt? Does it matter? Other than "Its a waste of time" what other arguments do you have against it? All my liberal friends are posting and sharing "Don't forget to register to vote" on facebook and instagram and I wanted to know what you all thought. This is within the context of US politics.
Voting in the US
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It's largely neutral, but can be a force for good. The context around voting is what is really important. When you vote you only get to say yes or no.
Lot of us voted for Trump back in 2016.
Ought to do the same nowadays, tbh, Trump is destroying the US in a rapid pace.
And republicans are our guys tbh, remember the Civil War?
It's a spectacle, not just in the US btw. Any threat of systemic change posed by a socialist electoral candidate will result in the facade of bourgeois "democracy" being swept aside. Bourgeois "democracy" exists only insofar as the level of threat to capital is low. See Allende and Mosaddegh for examples of this. Pic unrelated.
Thanks for the advice Zig Forums
I'm not Zig Forums but okay…
in a acceleration sense, sure, but the thing about accelerationism is that you dont actively promote it. you observe it. Everyday material conditions of today must still be kept in mind or else what are you even doing this for? a tomorrow that might never come?
Like half a dozen people you meme
my point is that at what point is an accelerationist just not a coward reactionary that thinks he's so smart and just "pretending to be retarded"? Vote for the best observe the worse.
So accelerationist don't do shit but just wait it out?
Just vote for a fringe Party like the American Part of Labor, or write in the name of some dead historical figure like Eugene Debbs. Voting in Burgerland is basically a nation-wide shitpost if you don’t vote Dem or Repub. Also it’s fun to piss of centrist Dems who say you let Drumph happen by not voting for them.
Fam you should just draw cocks on the voting paper if you are american. It's what the people on my country do.
This tread needs a poll
Who would win if only /leftyburgers/ voted?
Not a burger but hey might as well. I would vote for the PSL, not that it would do anythimg but fuck it. I'm not an ML either
American Party of Labor is better tbh.
It does because nothing has changed. Those were just historical examples that illustrate the same futility of electoral ambitions that occurs now. Also put away the all caps, you fucking nitwit.
This kind of voting sucks. This is how democracy fails.
Bourgeois democracy is a scam. It can be good if there are legitimate anti-capitalist parties but never forget that in a system like ours with universal suffrage the bourgeoisie rules THROUGH the people by manipulating them through mass-media, the power of money and all other common ways. I wouldn’t say “never vote” but I would say don’t waste your vote voting for either of the two parties of the bourgeoisie
its cowardly to legitamise a corrupt system through participation out of fear of the possible results should the system fail. that being said I am forced to live in the US and if the system gets much worse i'll be homeless long before any real progress is made so i embrace my cowardlyness and vote for my own survival over the good of humanity.
some real good can come out of local elections if youre lucky enough to be somewhere with great candidates running, so while the national side of things is fucked its definitely good to pay attention to local and state politics.
Its just another tool, i think once a year or something you can spend time on it, no matter how useless it actually is.