Could the conditions be ripe for Argentina having a revolution or far lefts parties take over the government?
Socialism in Argentina
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Michael Hudson's take on it
Completely talking out of my gringo ass so take this with a grain of salt. I imagine Argentina is going to experience a similar crisis to Greece I imagine, ML has never been super popular in Argentina, but Trotskyists have (as far as I know they were the left spearhead in the war against the military government). I could see Argentina eventually on the road of Bolivarianism in league with ya bois Maduro and Morales
Good take, way more likely if Haddad takes power in Brazil (since the two other large LA Economies, Mexico and Brazil, will be cordial at the very least). The pink tide is dead, the red tide cometh in its wake.
Let's hope the CIA don't try to do another 9/11
No, but Cristina Kirchner is probably going to return stronger and will be a new Peron. Or no. I don't know, I just live nearish argentina.
It'll not be a red tide, but rather another pink one. Haddad will most likely try to defuse the crisis and conciliate everyone, it'll fail. I'm still voting for him though.
Posadist gang renewed?
any place on this map that is blue has little to no revolutionary potential. (the inverse is not always true however.)
the best argentina, or any other first world country, can hope for is social democracy.
I’d be funny if the only successful Trot revolution occurs 30 years after any difference between trots and M-L (end of cold war) became irrelevant.
k e k
Agree about the rest though
Learn to read
This is unadulterated autism
The HDI is measured using data given by the countries' governments. Do you really think that a government that gets rid of a health minister for updating the child mortality rate will give accurate information to the UN?
please. they have endured nothing compared to post-soviet eastern europe, and their gdp (ppp) per capita is still more than twice of china's. greeks will settle for syriza's austerity program, they will not overthrow the capitalists.
iran's political future is heavily dependent on the US and EU's future actions. if the US declares war or if the EU sanctions iran, then yes the political situation would change drastically over the coming years. iran is just barely above 0.700 IHDI (blue in the map)
IHDI is not to be used for analyzing all the intricacies of an economy and overall public health. that should be really obvious.
IHDI can be used as a reasonably accurate reference for figuring out which countries cannot have a proletarian revolution.
Left "unity" is so fucking ridiculous in practice and in theory. The workers party is several smaller parties. When will people realize left unity is just left division but worse? Hope they overcome this soon before two seats have to be split into 365 seats.
Iran already had its revolution in 1979 dumpass
I appreciate them resisting Western imperialism but you are a reactionary if you think that this is where they should stop. Daily reminder that it’s illegal to be a communist in Iran.
What mod?
Reminder that Greece has a 20% unemployment rate and a 40%(!) youth unemployment rate. That's way higher than any Eastern European country.