What's the point of this board anyway?? Having a board talking about a garbage excuse for a "ideology" where it cause nothing but murder, slavery, hatred and poverty. Fuck communism. You leftypoltards are just nothing but degenerate sub-humans. The mods/board owner of this board is a tranny so it makes sense because you're all bunch of sissy faggots anyways.
What's the point of this board anyway?...
Other urls found in this thread:
If you check the leftytrash thread really is full of subhumans.
nice bait, although meme understanding of communism. accurate assessment of this board
not a fair comparison.
Nice black & white photos.
Oh man they are fat they are so bad.
Only a few of them are fat, most of them are fucking dweebs.
left wingers in the united states are also degenerate.
but most 'radical' people are gay in the first world.
You're more than welcome to fuck off back to reddit, OP.
What does that even mean?
You don't know what a dweeb is?
Leftypol already has a home it's called Plebbit.
I don't know how to describe it if you don't know what dweebs are.
I guess kind of like nerds and geeks, but less likely to be playing D&D or some obscure video game and more likely to cite the dictionary or report you to the relevant authorities for some minor infraction no one cares about.
socialised medicine protects the hippocratic oath, this is essential for a functional healthcare system
just look at the american opiate crisis, all caused by overprescription of expensive highly addictive painkillers like oxycodone
ideology that pushed your shit in, bud
Et cetera. What did OP mean by this?
I've literally never seen anyone unironically claim this on this board. Who the fuck made this?
You know what's hilarious? Every time commiecucks bring up Stalin's indutralization and life expectancy growth, neighboring Finland was never mention.
At the time of the revolution, Finland was also a very poor agrarian nation with little industralization. All of Finland was less industralized than the Moscow region near the end of the Tsar's rule.
So commies tried to pull a revolution in Finland and they lost. Finland remained a capitalist nation and kept private businesses and property. Then fast forward to WW2 where Finland lost territory but still retained its independence and stayed capitalist.
For most of the 20th century, living standards became better in Finland in the USSR. Now Finland is a developed first world nation, while ex-ussr Russia is a failed shithole. Yeltsin even tried selling Karelia back to the Finns in the 90s and they refused, because the economic cost to modernize that ex-ussr shithole woule cost more than any economic benefits it would reap.
Really makes you think.
bunch of fucking 5th column russkies aren't worth it, just look at estonia/latvia
Do you have any facts to back that up? Considering life only got shittier for the USSR after it fell. Actually come to think of it, most countries became shit after the USSR fell.
This is because of it Dropping socialism
Also the Fall of the USSR also fucked Finland economically because their main trade partner ceased to exist overnight
Thats right the Fall of Socialism ALSO caused a drop in Life quality in Finland
corruption was endemic top to bottom it was just how it worked
gommunism btfo
You can get into conpiracy theories of how putin got into power and immediatly protected the yeltsin family from presecution, after a series of tower block bomings with FSB agents getting caught putting semtex under another tower block in Ryazan which they claimed was just sugar in an exercise
that's what happens in communist countries, everyone's equal but why has that cunt got a dacha and I'm sniffing glue in a crumbling commie block
Imagine living such a sad existence LMAO
I mean all of the emmense state industries where privatised all at once, what the fuck do you think that leads to
What exactly does privatising statues have to do with anything user?
Thats Capitalism :D:D:D
Your own article says that the main reason were banking loans from the 80s economic policy in the first paragraph. It does say that the collapse of the USSR also played an important rule because it was responsible for 15-20% of forein trade.
It's not like Binland was the only nation to go into recession in the early 90s in the western world: en.wikipedia.org
Then after the depression "bottomed out" in 1993, the economy grew at one of the fastest paces until the 2008 recession: en.wikipedia.org
So really, what is your point? Are you suggesting that if Finland adopted a socialist economic policy like the USSR, it'd be better off today? Fucking laughable.
Yes because on Average socialist economies have been much more stable and less Prone to Market crashes and fuckups
See the USSR not even being phased by the great Depression
See the DPRK and Cuba not being Phased by 08
and see the Eastern bloc during the 70s Malaise
The alumium wars are a pretty good example
Also when something is made public they get to choose the value of the shares and by undervalueing them and buying them all up at once millions are made instantly when the reach they're real value
What is communism to you, oh wise triple Digit I.Q. redditor?
Constant economic decline and stagnation is the only price
Also capatilist poland was completely unaffected by the 2008 reccession, explain how that fits into your theory
Again, it was also a poor, agrarian nation like the Russia at the time of the revolution. What do you think went differently?
Stagnating shitholes? Your delusion is palpable. Yes, Finland could been even better off today if it followed socialist economists!
we are talking about the death of communism in one country here and it's lasting effects, at least I am
Inevitably I'm talking about state assets that were privatised under shady circumstances, and commies generally have a lot of state owned assets yes?
I bet you use Windows.
Oh the irony of your post. Finland became independent thanks to the soviets
Then they tried to make it a socialist state and a puppet of the USSR, numbnuts: en.wikipedia.org
The DPRK's economy is actually growing at quite a pace to the point that even South-K financial institutions have had to admit that the Sanctions havent worked and that the economy is growing
binns always piss off the marxists
You are on drugs.
Cuba was one of the richest and most developed nations in the hemisphere under Batista. You are on drugs. It had the third highest living expectancy in the western hemisphere.
Why do commies, NEVER mention this? They act like Cuba was fucking Rwanda-tier in development and life expectancy before Castro.
Slave state vs crillo/mestizo ex-US protectorate
Ah yes, Finland. Remember how the Entire capitalist world united to crush Finland economically, militarily and culturally and the United States didn’t even recognize the Finnish government until 1936?
Yes, such bigly growth. Very nice.
cuba had more potential than any other carribean country and had fascist growth but still growth
what about the famine???
Sure, Finland lost more territory than expected but the ultimate goal was achieved. Independence and not becoming a puppet satelite socialist state like Estonia. That land it acquired by the way? Total fucking shitholes. Karelia is a dump and Yeltsin tried selling it back with the Finns refusing. Enjoy that clay my man.
All the wealth was concentrated into the cities the living standards of basically the entire Prole / Peasant class outside of Havana lived in a absolute shit existence
Well AFTER castro its got a Universal healthcare system a Regulated education system a Lower Infant Mortality rate then the US and has basically extincted Illiteracy
You are only making it sound cooler
It's almost theraputic chatting to hard boiled commies, helps you forget all the horrible crimes commited by communist regimes focusing on one autist with a meme flag
It still had the third highest life expectancy in the western hemisphere under Batista. Cuban healthcare has always been relatively well-developed my man.
True, so my question to you is do you have any statistics regarding the MEDIAN income in Cuba under Batista then Castro? Did the median income of Cubans rise, decline or remain stagnant?
Cuba was not this complete africa-tier shithole before Castro. It objectively had one of the highest living standards in the western hemisphere at the time.
Retard. It's on the Maddison project. You can also view historical trends on the world bank or the CIA site.
"Some of the soldiers laughed as they beat the children against the trees, as not laughing could have indicated sympathy, making oneself a target."
Pol Pot was backed by the CIA and was ultimately overthrown by Vietnamese communists.
the CIA are commies you statist cuck
Chimps to zoo
Fixed your retardation
Which also thankfully never happened.
Holy fucking shit.
Dein Körper gehört dem Führer, cuck. Better start working out, I thought you guys were Übermenschen?
Stop replying to bait good God people
The CIA is a very pragmatic purposeful organisation, they funded heroin drug lords and gave them weapons along the vietnamese border,
this lead to heroin flooding into america during the 60s early 70s with a massive addiction crisis
But strategic aims are it's one focus, they are governmental functionarys and do what they are told like any other alphabet agency
Bait is fun bro
Yeah yet you support the side that invited the Germans for that.
Yeah, nothing says being an ardent communist like being a reactionary obsessed with restoring a legendary feudal past and getting CIA backing.
It still serves the interests of the American state, which rather famous for its opposition to the establishment of communist states. As I said above, Pol Pot was a reactionary obsessed with restoring some glorious prelapsarian past, his ideology could not have been any further removed from Marxism if he tried, though he masqueraded under a red flag to try to win Chinese support.
Arguing about what communism is and isn't bounds upon a theological discussion of what utopian economic model is the most efficient and correct
Every commie has a different interpretation of what communism is, it's undefined because it cannot exist without unspeakable cruelty and death shouldered under cloud of sheer believe in something greater, it parallels neatly with fundamentalist christians
Good article on Thatcher and Pol Pot
I gave you three different sources faggot. Maddison Project is by Swedes.
How? I support Finnish indepedence. The Germans were useful allies which was probably necessary to win.
Regarding the civil war though:
Why did you guys treat your veterans so badly? Kek. Stalin was more efficient at killing other socialists than anybody else.
*Vietnamese social-imperialists
democratic oversight is a meme, the federal bureaucracy runs itself
dodgey dealings with commies to win them away from chinese/soviet infuence was an integeral piece of foreign policy for most western nations
the world was nearly destroyed by nuclear annihlation by sheer error, both times it was just another man who by luck stood in the way of nuclear holocaust, imagine having the world on your shoulders making a decision like that
I know man, ruby ridge, waco not to even mention black sights
Inevitably they became a psudo-coporate organisation living to perpetuate it's usefulness and power and willing to act beyond the knowledge of the governent itself
Marxism is anti-utopian.
One of its defining features, though, is the promotion of progress, of developing society into something greater than it was before, not jerking off to the past as some sort of paradise lost.
Yeah, imperialists, imperialists and imperialists.
Fucking Mozart of all people?
this but unironically XD
The literally who blog cites the Hyundai Research Institute run by South Korean capitalists
Well that failure made Stalin realize he wasn't remotely ready to fight Germany, after that he agreed to sing the non aggression pact to prepare for the inevitable war. Also the reason why Hitler thought invading the USSR would be a cake walk.
So in a way that defeat was needed.