What Syrian militias recruit Women?

Zig Forums, today I tried to join the SAA, but when I went to a recruiting station in Damascus, they turned me away because I'm female. after that I went and tried to join Haraket Filastin. they didn't even let me into their headquarters. Eventually I talked to some Palestinians outside the building, and one of them told me to go join the Kurdish whores in Qamishli. this nearly made my blood boil, but before I could respond another militiaman jumped between us and gave the thumbs up sign and tried handing me a small PKK pin. I tried explaining to him how the over a dozen US military bases in Syria were proxies for american imperialism and the PKK were useful idiots lead by ethnonationalism, but my Arabic wasn't good, and he just kept saying "Women very brave" and talking about being at Tabqah or something. Coming all this way just to be bombarded by more Zig Forums-tier talking points was infuriating, so I walked back to my hotel.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I don't have the money to fly back to the United Kingdom. This was supposed to be my final destination! how the fuck can I get home?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can you stop shitposting already?

you fucking retard. I thought you were a guy. Did you actually not foresee this issue? Go talk to your fucking embassy and go home.

This is what you get for being a tranny

fuck off, I'm doing more for socialism than any ultra-left ever has

Fucking Idiot, the embassy in Damascus has been closed and I can't go there.

This is such a stupid ARG/LARP but I'm laughing like a retard. Next OP will be caught by ISIS or become a troskyite and join the rebels

I'm pretty sure this is some troll playing the long con trying to make fun of ☭TANKIE☭s but it's still very funny so keep going.

I know it is summer and you are bored, but this thread is even shittier than the one about "kill cops eksday"

How did you get to Damascus? Through Lebanon right?
why don't you go to the Embassy in Beirut

He should go to Lebanon and join Hezbollah instead.

I told you, I can't go to the embassy. I'm out on Bail in the UK and wasn't supposed to leave the country. If I turn up at an embassy I'll be arrested. it was nerve wracking enough crossing the border and flying here.

This would make a interesting book though
Can anyone sum up everything that happened to OP
I wonder how this will continue
Not sure if real or not, nor do I care, but do go on OP.
Sadly I am not sure of any international groups that are fighting for the SAA, I know some exist but it's been a long time since I saw a post about them.

Here's what you should do

I think the Syrian resistance accepts women, I remember a woman in the organization was assassinated recently. why haven't you joined them? (warning, their founder is buddies with the PKK)

by the way, why don't you actually join the YPJ? they let white women with no arabic skills join all the time.


Is it possible to join the Naxalites a foreign woman?

Oh shit is it still tardanon?
And shes a girl?
You can stay over at my place if you become my gf, we will create a new identity for you, just claim to be a syrian refugee.

Post a picture out your hotel window or of your room or you are larping

Wait is this the same op
Wach out for icepicks
Haha its like boomerang
nice shitposting tbh

Man I fucking love this story
Next chapter you should become one of Assad’s personal concubines, and start influencing his policies to become increasingly socialist during pillow talk

This is gonna evolve into a cult, I'm calling it now. Not only does this story become more ridiculous but it is probably going to be something which those on this board who are still steeped in their childlike contrarianism and worship-potential are going to be drooling over.

Christcom will be the lefty Q

my bad

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You jest, but this is precisely what will happen. For all we know, it could be an ARG just like with Q, only with less boomer-tier 'insider' feels and whatnot. I believe that on this board we have an air of comfiness unlike on right-wing boards and this is tailored to that very well. What's more, the orbiters and theorists will come out to play. Do you feel the pull yet?

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timestamp faggot

Well I do kinda feel bad for saying
You are on to something, but be it true or not here's hope OP actually pulls through with whatever is on her mind really.


OP is a faggot

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lol, you are fucked
remember when failures like OP would cross the DMZ instead?

Oh come on
Imagine if she was arrested
StaliNEETism whould had never recovered

Mods, confirm it was plagiarism user?


so she posted fake pictures from trip advisor to keep the Damascus police from arresting her? why would they care, aside from nebulous accusations of spying or being a communist.

The balcony photo is from 2015. It's a larp, retard


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What no
I said it would be good if it was real

man, japs and chinks are everywhere. you can stop at a gas station in northern Ghana and find a japanese tourist.

and was OP the one to post it?

Only the mods can know that

I was right about this turning into a cult. Just please stop giving a shit.

OP posted the images and also made these two posts in the /leftytrash/ thread:

but other than that there's nothing related to plagiarism user in OP's post history. Obviously that doesn't necessarily mean OP is an impostor.

LARP confirmed

can people stop saying LARP when there is no live action component?

in your experience, has this been the best troll in Zig Forums history?

I think that was pretty obvious after she said she was gonna join the SAA.

don't mess with the big brains, they're solving the case.

Hey OP despite your lying I just wanna stay the offer still stands eh. Hit me up.


Larp has become practically its own word at this point, the live action part doesn't even really matter anymore

Don't know about that but I enjoyed it at least. Good job.

To join the Syrian Resistence, I would need to travel to Latakia. I'd like to know for sure they'd accept me before getting on the bus.

You absolute madwoman

Why don't you join the NDF?
They have woman battalions and protect their country from terrorists, foreign invasion,they volunteered to fight against Turkey (wich finally did not happen as the Turks stopped after the SAA and NDF entered Afrin)
And the Syrian Communist psrties supports them

If you want a more openly left-leaning option I suggest you to join the Syrian resistance wich are a ML group fighting against imperialist agression, and from what have heard ideological training as inmportant part of their work

hijack a plane and land in the dprk

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So it was a distraction, then? Thanks for wasting everyone's time. Unless you're here to learn and find resources, fuck off and find some orbiters who are much better at orbiting than the people here.

There is a difference between being in the PKK (YP*J) and over a dozen US military bases in Syria. the pkk (YP*J) isn't all that bad, just plase voice your concerns and advocate for reconcilation between Assad and Rojav*a because you are having trouble joining a Syrian military organization. You can also join the Syrian Resistance otherwise known as the Popular Front for the Liberation of the Sanjak of Iskandarun.

This too

I might be late to the party, but as far as I know the only ones that recruit females are Kurds.

Wrong the NDF and Syrian resistance, wich don't work for the US do too

Never change, Zig Forums

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Friendly reminder that Syrian Resistance supports the Y.P.G.
Also if there are women's brigades in the NDF I'd love proof, I've never heard of a single functioning one.

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the over a dozen US military bases in Syria proves superior as always

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WRONG the NDF has woman batallions, same for the Syrian resistance.
Stop lying and inform yourself before saying false shit

Even so yeah, supporting a legitimate goverment or a US asset, is IMO a much important part in deciding who to support,than if such armies has women on it or not.

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More like over 20 US/French military bases right now

Op this is totally a larp but the writing about him telling you to join a whorehouse waa god-tier. Very well done.
Sage for larp.

Have fun fighting alongside the SyDF OP.


Wait so youre basicly saying that you went from the UK to syria im prety much in what can be considered a one way trip and now youre without money to go back to your home.
My fucking god Zig Forums autism never seizes to amaze me honestly.

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How high is your Autism Level?

Im not even from Zig Forums my dude. But with the amount of brit larpers that went to the over a dozen US military bases in Syria i woudent be surprised if some person would be stupid enough to try and do the same with the SAA.

how can they be larpers if they really went there though

not any good ones

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show us ur tits slut

We respect women here cretin

You can leave the moralism on reddit, sweetie.