Says who? Who the fuck are you to tell me this? Are you marx? Are you lenin? Are you the soviet union? Who the fuck gives you the autorithy to say that x thing is not communist?
X thing is not communist
myself does
How do I know you are not a cia officer?
It's unironically idpol
This is what happens when you lose an argument to someone that thinks China isn't socialist and you are so insecure about your self you feel the necessity to make this thread
The theorists and the theory, preexisting definitions, internal intentions and plans, the general consensus born from debates…
Reading a book fuck.
No, it wasn't. But was aiming at that and fighted for the freedom of the proletariat even at his most revisionist. They have every right to say x is wrong or right
Actually the opposite is true in this case. Why should I listen to anyone beyond ex socialist states or marx? Why can a fucking dengist call me anti communist?
Yes. I know.
Moving the goalpost.
The soviet union was not communist and it's not even around anymore. So to argue that "the USSR" has a "right to say X", is to argue that unicorns have a right to fly unencumbered.
I thought you meant "the soviet union didn't achieve communism" but you are saying that they were state capitalist or someshit.
Again, why should I listen to people like you? The USSR wrote a lot of shit that is still valid today, they are still around in my hearth why should I ever listen to you? Who the fuck are you to say that they were not x?
Your right, the USA is a communist
lmao too good m8
Fucking leftcom
It didn't though.
that vid is liberal cancer
It did.
t. Dengist
how is the successtory of 80 years through turmoil of wars, sabotage and conflict on all levels still creating a world super power that inspired liberation struggles across the globe a "miserable failure"?
in the end communists lost, nobody can deny this, but considering the conditions of this struggle and the achievements that were made it's anything but miserable or a failure
i feel like this is some kind of low effort bait by a leftcom, but might as well be a young overenthusiastic comrade that needs to seriously chill
What gives them the authority to say what is communist?
I'm an ML who's giving up every pretence of being communist since I discovered this board. I come to the realization that I just want Breznev era USSR back. My parents saying a lot of good shit and stuff. Never actually heard anyone complaining about it except "leftist". And you know what? Maybe they are even right, but I still want that shit back, plus all the bad stuff. I'm even ok with the more reactionary elements (call them reactionary but they were totally right imho) still I see unironic dengist, unironic anti natalist, unironic no border preaching, unironic polyamory ecc. Around the internet. I guess I'm not a communist, but I want to know where these people get the balls to call me, the people who miss it and want it back even for stupid reasons to call us names.
Lenin, stalin and the soviet people and ex socialist leaders have all the authority because they actually did shit.
Marx have the authority because for these guys he had the authority
even deng actually did shit.
So did gotha, so did hitler, so did mussolini.
Socialist did socialism tho, deng did capitalism
If you had literally even the slightest idea about theory, you would understand that certain things are what a Communist would believe and certain things are not. But yeah, #notallNazbols or whatever.
Just read a fucking theory book
The goal of the USSR was to push forward global socialist revolution. The USSR literally had a stated goal that they set out to achieve. They had not achieved this goal by the time the nation and party dissolved. They failed at their task.
Go fuck your self homo
Name a theory book that says that modern praxis and acceptance for faggots anarchist is good
Peak counterargument. Stefan would be proud!
eventually, sure
yet they took the furthest step towards it and showed us the obstacles ahead
we cannot value the lifes saved by the SU and the experience we gained to do so in the future enough
calling it a "failure" is simply to dismissive of that
boku no pico is social democratic at best
Shut up fag. People like you hate on the greatest achivment in human history just because of muh gays. Go to fucking canada to suck cock
why go to canada to suck cock? is there something i need to know about canadian D? tell me all about it
there's nothing like the Canadian D
Do I mean to say that the project had no positive effects? No. In fact I would say that the mass literacy programs largely forwarded by the SU was one of the most important projects ever undertaken in history despite how little recognition it gets.
It just needs to be put in the context of the concept of developing socialism. It was a massive project that failed at its intended goal, but that doesn't mean that nothing good came of it, nor does it mean we shouldn't try again, nor does it mean that nothing good came of it.
Remember, from the perspective of a scientific experiment, a failure can teach you more than a success.
Failure is often necessary.
A lot of socialist projects have failed of many stripes but that doesn't mean that they're wrong to have been undertaken or provided nothing valuable.
fair enough
Idk lad the thing I personally took umbrage with was saying that it "failed miserably", which is distinctively different from "failed", which I think we can all agree on re: global communist revolution, if you just take a look at objective reality. Even the most hardline "Stalinist" posters have to concede that. However the USSR had many purported secondary goals (really even what we define as a "goal" matters a whole lot here) and to just do this repetitive argument where neither side says anything and just argues about something which is outright settled seems unproductive. Seems as if one would do well to define their terms and from what position they are couched in or alternatively, just fucking get back on topic.
Wow you're a complete fucking idiot. ☭TANKIE☭ retards like you are what's holding the left back. If I didn't have real life experience with people as ridiculously dumb as you I'd think you were CIA plant or something, sometimes it's hard to believe idiots like you actually exist.
Sure, accepting fag will make global communism