Do you think thered be any chance the average american redneck would partake in class struggle.
I mean technically they are working class.
Do you think thered be any chance the average american redneck would partake in class struggle
yeah sure, redneck revolt exists after all
Oh i dont know why it doubled posted.
Is this bait?
sorry, is RR glow in the dark or something? i'm not american
I suppose it can be possible. But convincing them must be next to impossible tbh.
Maybe under some circumstances. Rural Appalachia it's regressing to (or at in some places) third world standards of living and I'm pretty sure people are aware of it. A socialist ideology focused on self-sufficiency, fairly conservative Christian social values, and mutual aid could definitely take root if lead by someone charismatic enough. It's overall pretty unlikely though.
A lot are small government libertarian types. An ML type revolution? not likely but a collapse of local government, forming country militia and a naturally occurring mutualist type economy is likely
Probably not unless you clothed it nationalism and libertarian socialism. It depresses the hell out of me as some of these guys are brilliant and experienced when it comes to firearms and self sufficiency to a degree and quantity Ive never seen the left even come close to.
They’re somewhat better than most American “leftists” since they do have a lot of focus on class struggle and they do advocate for armed community defense. However they’re full of urbanite idpollers LARPing as Colorado Coal War veterans.
This. Mutualism has a lot of potential in the US, and it’s likely to naturally evolve into proper socialism through market consolidation.
Isn't Mutualism just AnCap that works? We need to shrill that instead of ☭TANKIE☭ shit.
Pic related.
Of course they won't because there is no white proletariat
read settlers by j Sakai Ra.ce war is coming go away with your dumb communist delusions and idealisms
Mutualism is just Titoism (market socialism) without the ML-style one party state.
Kill Wh*tey
bye bye baboon
Also I would argue that the absence of porkies under mutualism would turn any country into a genuine democracy, and thus a DOTP. Obviously it’s not a desirable end stage, but as a step on the road to real socialism it can be highly useful. I basically view it as a sort of post-revolution NEP.
Daily reminder mutualism is glorified anarcho-capitalism
You need a better argument than one that argues against soft eugenics. If disabled people can't compete but capitalism is abolished, i won't care because it's not in my best interests to care. Moralism is shit tbh.
Mate, it's a meme posted on an image board. My argument lies in what I'm actually typing out.
Fuck off, liberal.
See , do these people look like rednecks to you?
Reminder Sakai said Mein Kampf is a good book
lol quality post
I don't really care to have a quality discussion on an anonymous image board with someone who doesn't mind ancapistan.
They stand a snowballs chance in hell. American white trash has undoubtedly the least revolutionary potential of all Americans. This nation essentially sucks as badly as it does because those people are as shit as they are.
Sorry, but the revolution will not be led by MAGA chuds.
I have gone and shot with one of these left-wing gun clubs and if you didn't know who they were, you couldn't tell them apart from the right-wing gun clubs. When I saw them as I was pulling in I was like "is that…?" It's LARP all the way down, though. The "redneck" image that's cultivated by the right is a media creation and a lot of those guys live in the suburbs.
Actual rednecks (some of my family) who live in incestuous villages in the rural South don't look so great. More like missing teeth and wearing hand-me-down Minions t-shirts from Walmart.
Personally I don't like the "Redneck Revolt" name though. Too edgy.
Ancap that works is, by definition, not ancap.
Mutualism isn’t socialism, but it isn’t capitalism either. Besides, you didn’t actually address my arguments in favour of it as a transitional stage towards socialism.
I’d take the black guy and the guy on the far right. Nigga in the middle looks like a thumb, he and the rest can go home, hit the gym, and come back when they don’t like like a bunch of retards.
the girls look all right
but your other picks are great
Physically they look to be in decent shape. A lot of soldiers can be pretty wiry and skinny actually. I just laugh at the "look at how badass we are" comic-book-cover pose.
As long as it actually benefits THEM and THEIR FAMILIES, sure they would. But you can't encourage most rednecks to be communist or turn them onto Marxism. There has to be agreements that they will benefit and still have freedoms to do as they please and see fit.
I live around more rural areas I know for a fact red necks love to work. You won't get them to not work, you could encourage them to join a revolt if they themselves would reap the rewards from it (in other words, more money to line their pockets). Otherwise they'll just ignore you and carry on with their labor.
do what the celts did and promise loot and plunder
I'm intrigued.
Start the revolution by robbing a Ford dealership and steal all the trucks.
They could at least be covering their faces.
America’s equivalent of storming the Bastille will be ramming an F150 through the doors of a Bass Pro Shop to arm the white working class.
Man, I hate rednecks and southern American culture in general. But I would fucking love to do this, holy shit.
No, they are farmers aka petty bourgeois. That's also why they're racists.
Pretty sure most rural people aren’t farmers. I live in a rural area of leafland and here they tend to be skilled workers or some kind, usually welders, mechanics, electricians, etc.
South Burgerland here. I've lived in small towns and yeah. I had a great exterminator who wore a cowboy hat and would warn me about new kinds of insects that "were coming." As in newly-introduced species of ants that were spreading from state to state and were going to be munching on my carpet in a few years.
But then you have my extended family who work at Walmart and live in poverty.
Saskatchewan was Socialist for a long time right?
The Canadian West was the birthplace of our socdem movement, but since oil took off there they’ve become the most reactionary part of the country.
Yeah, but it’s likely there class struggle would be prevented. Read this book. It explains why.
No. Burgerland is a weird country, everyone here knows that. But the weirdest thing about Burgerland is that rural ares here are MORE industrialized than the cities. This is because Unions are weaker and labor is cheeper in rural areas.
This thread is reddit-tier tbh no one here has even mentioned that the term redneck comes from the red bandanas wore by revolutionary coal strikers. One person even denigrated “white trash” as magachuds when it was highly-paid white professionals who voted for Trump and not so-called white trash
Poetic justice.
I live in that area and it's pretty damn awful, but everyone is spooked into hanging onto every word the GOP says, especially if it's Trump. If socialism were to take hold in those areas, it would have to be done with absolutely zero reference to gender, race, or sexuality.
The South gonna rise again.
To be fair Socialist Orgs like do a lot of reporting on industrial strikes, especially in rural areas. There is some industry in Urban areas, but it’s not that common anymore. Most of the factories are in rural areas. And most cities (including suburbia) main economy is trade, and consumption.
Most of what we call rednecks today would more readily support lolberts and fash. Even old hippies are more likely
But most of them are still prols. And idealism can never overrule material class interest.
Yeah, they can, have for over 8000 years of human history now.
The history of humanity is the history of class struggle.
Which is why class divide keeps getting larger.
They are racist because they usually rely on non-white labor for their profits. This is not even hypocritical. They want immigrants to be constantly terrorized so that they will never demand proper housing, benefits or better working conditions. I fucking hate farmers the most out of all the petite bourg.
As someone who grew up rurally, I would have to say no. I could see them getting interested in labor reforms advertised as leading to better working conditions at the expense of "the rich" but if there's even a whiff of typical liberal hijinks that would likely be the end of said movement's prospects. These people are happy getting married early, going to trade school (or inheriting a small business or family farm) instead of college, having a wife that stays at home with the kids (or BEING a wife that stays at home with the kids, as well), going to church on Sunday and promoting "traditional American values" in their children and communities. Their ideal life is basically a Norman Rockwell painting and that dream isn't going anywhere. Then you have the other side of the coin - white trash who peaked in high school and gleefully embrace negative stereotypes of rural Americans and who will never get onboard with anything more leftist than a union because "muh commies". Both varieties can either have money or be poor as shit, interestingly enough.
Watch Fahrenheit 11/9. A redneck revolution is more likely than you think.
That dream has effectively been murdered by neoliberalism. It sounds to me like a socialist movement could attract such people in droves as long as it didnt spout any SJW shit.
example of a socialist redneck
Get a load of these crypto idpolers
I’m not an idpoller, but unfortunately many rural Americans are, and we at the very least need to be non-offensive to some of those sensebilities. I’m not saying we go and endorse some white picket fence 1950s social conservatism to appease them, just that we do our best to not seem like a threat to that image that they aspire to.
Literal Judith Butler/SJW-tier argument.
Rednecks are lumpen scum.
Reminder that Marx said that a socialist society would care for people who can't work in Critique of the Gotha Program
They are the future of red necks. The gun-totting rightwing rednecks that hate the government, may wretch at the sight of them, but more could be swayed with time, technique and patience. Some WV-ians want what Bernie is selling pretty bad after all.
Vikings invented denim jeans?
is this bait? they look like teenagers
I'm biased in favor of short hair, but the girl should really shave the rest off. The side-shave looks ridiculous, especially if you're posing with a weapon. Call me an optics cuck all you want but people respond better to those who don't look retarded.
No Southerners never will
Americans never will
People in the first world never will and will settle for Left-SocialDemocrats such as Corbyn at best until the super profits that keep the Social-Democratic institutions floating dry up
And by then the world could be very much fucked
You mean like how it's supposed to? Left-wing ideology really is a white man's phenomenon.
*Stares at you*
Socialism is not going to happen in America until it loses its global empire. As it stands right now too many Americans (especially those in rural areas) receive a very large amount of benefits from America's exploitation of pretty much the entire planet. They will never join with any kind of real left wing movement until those benefits no longer exist. The same is true for most of America's urban "professionals" as well.
This might surprise you, but most soldiers are literally teenagers and in their early 20s. Once you start getting into your thirties you begin physically aging out of soldier stuff pretty fast. U.S. Marine enlisted cutoff is 28.
One of the amusing things about these American right-wing militias is how old the members are. They love to pose for pictures but a lot of the rank-and-file are old men engaged in a mid-life crisis. In wartime situations these guys would be the troops-of-last-resort to defend the besieged capital after the regular army has already be devoured.
To You
USSR was not "White"
China isnt White
Cuba Isnt White
DPRK isnt White
Socialist Burkina Faso was not white
Having white sking is clearly not an indicator of being able to build a Socialist society
American hegemony practically defines global politics of the current era, even where it does not hold significant authority. Collapse is necessary and inevitable, but whether it happens in our lifetimes is impossible to know.
Why are you citing a bunch authortarian states as leftist? USSR was pretty damn white anyway. Proudhon and others have been shown to have had racist or misogynistic views and freedom of association is more compatible with leftist FREE assocaitions than capitalism (ie "civil rights" legislation meaning people can't always choose who to assocaite with)
Even Hitler didn't think they were white, which is why he wanted to kill them and take their land. Really though whiteness isn't a real thing.
Photo attached: the most based and disciplined communist org the United States has produced.
You know Ben Franklin later apologized to the krauts right? Hitler also said slavs aren't white they're just not "aryan"
Cool, now where's their successful commune or contributions to leftist theory?
Because they were Socialist and "Authoritarian" is a Buzzword Vagueity
How were the means of production equitably distrubted in any of those places?
A private business created and run by people oppressing other people. The exploitive capitalist people are the enemy.
They were / are rub with the MoP being held by the Working class in Tandem with the DoP
Good your catching on
You don't read many books.
Even if it did exist you'd bitch it only lasted for a few years or whatever.
Muh reparations by some nigger
Fucken lol
Speaking of niggers, how are you still not banned?