I've always wondered why would a human being oppose freedom, private property, ..etc
Now it all makes sense. The purpose of the thread is not to trigger/troll you, but to celebrate the end of this mystery for me.
I've always wondered why would a human being oppose freedom, private property, ..etc
Now it all makes sense. The purpose of the thread is not to trigger/troll you, but to celebrate the end of this mystery for me.
define these
Define “freedom”. Is freedom from being a wage-slave, ending exploitation and moving towards abolishing classes all together not moving towards a “freer” society?
Private property hasn’t existed for the entirety of human history. Private property is essentially the denial of the private property of others and finds its ultimate expression only in the relation of wage-labour and capital.
Exactly as programmed. bite my ass robot, we're coming for your fucking toothbrush
private property literally runs contrary to freedom
god you people are fucking idiots
to quote stalin
" But we did not build this society in order to restrict personal liberty but in order that the human individual may feel really free. We built it for the sake of real personal liberty, liberty without quotation marks. It is difficult for me to imagine what "personal liberty" is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment.
Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible. "
Beard man bad. Beard man invented communism which killed over 100 million people.
Capitalism is good. Slavery is freedom. Communism is anti-freedom. No private property = communists want to take my toothbrush.
Starvation joke #1865. Starvation joke #2636.
Not real communism. Not real communism. Not real communism. Venezuela.
Legendary how badly this meme has backfired on the right
The real NPC reveals himself
lol. OP btfo
fresh pickins from the meme farm
LMAO literally NPCs all over the thread trying to redefine the word freedom. Being poor or middle class doesn't mean you are not free.
consenting adults agreeing to do business with each other is the ultimate form of freedom. I was drafted to the military for a year. Monthly salary = $20. Holiday = 2 days every 30 days. Job = being a servant for officers. If you disobey any order, you get sent to jail.
beep boop
Freedom to starve or die from an easily treatable illness is not freedom at all.
If you really believe so, you can have this without capitalism. Plenty of us have a distaste for command economies.
employment is a trade, you trade your time and skills for money. THERE'S NO COERCION.
If the salary isn't enough for you, look for another employer, improve yourself, look for different career, move to a different country, ..etc
in my country, the average monthly salary of a physician is $100 because the market is fucking saturated with physicians, in a neighbor country it's $6000. that's 60x.
Lmao no it isn’t. Be able to express your life and exercise your capacities in whatever way you choose is the ultimate form of freedom, and it’s one that is directly inhibited by poverty and oligarchy. The idea that all market interactions are consensual is also bullshit, since if one party is threatened with grinding poverty or even starvation then they are making an agreement while under threat. Furthermore that threat is maintained by the institution of private property, which requires violence to function.
It's more about their blind worship of an ideology than what the ideology entails
Ah yes, a system so free that it forces you to completely uproot and redirect your life in accordance with largely unpredictable market fluctuations in order to have a chance at a moderately decent life. Truly nothing could be more liberating than a system such as this.
You sell your labour power and receive in return a fraction of the value that your labour creates, or you go unemployed and either rely on benefits or starve. This state of affairs is maintained with violence. Sounds pretty coercive to me, tee bee aitch.
Private property is good. Capitalist enterprise is good. Capitalism is just free exchange.
I like WalMart™. I like Pepsi-Cola™. McDonalds™ I'm lovin' it. McDonalds™ I'm lovin' it. McDonalds™ I'm lovin' it.
Being a wageslave is good. If I am a good wageslave then Master will someday let me have my own private property. I am free. I am free. I am free.
Under communism there was no freedom. Under communism everyone starved. Under communism 100 million died. Compiling SOURCES…
Fox News
Sargon of Akkad
Black Book of Communism
Except that's not just what capitalism is, dumbfuck, it's a bit more complicated than people trading things.
Except being deprived of your basic needs unless you submit to a master?
the value is decided by supply and demand. if the employer making you an offer below the market value, look for another one, if you can't find any, look for another country, if you can't, look for another career or improve your skills.
The employer isn't forcing you to do anything, if I offer you $1 to by my maid and you agree, that's your choice.
Plan ahead. Don't go in debt to get an expensive degree then complain. The market in my country is saturated with physicians so the wages are shit ($100 per month), yet the #1 dream of parents is for kids to med school because of the social status. Then they cry to government about wages.
employment is a trade, you trade your time and skills for money. don't like the trade? don't do it.
did your employer bring you to life? no. did the government bring you life? no. you are parents responsibility. if they die, you are own responsibility. no one owns you anything.
it's not the world's fault that your parents were losers and didn't leave you some money or raise good enough to make a decent living.
no one is forcing you to live, no once forced your parents to have you.
Capitalist-apologists, everyone
*you are your parents responsibility. if they die, you are your own responsibility. no one owes you anything.
Determines price, not value.
what point are you trying to make, npc?
No it's "Work and be scientifically exploited or starve"
why does socialism usually end up in blind worship of a political leader?
NPCs don't try to make points. NPCs only repeat what they are programmed to and if anyone is trying to make a point they are doing it thru the NPC. If you detect reasoning in the post you are responding to you are either talking to God or a PC.