Americans Talking About Socialism? It's not happening

Americans Talking About Socialism? It's not happening

Reminder from Jason "Roo!" Unruhe that social democracy is NOT socialism. He is getting tired of having to repeat this.

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he outright goes against Marx and Lenin on this, he should just go, eat shit and die already
now stop shilling yourself or post a proper link to not give that cunt views

If you can't handle the fact participating in liberal elections is an affirmation of liberal society you can just go back to reading Jacobin

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Maoism ≠ Third worldism

He explains that here

I think Caleb Maupin (who is a fucking retard 99% of the time) had a good response to Jason's take on this. (from 50m52s to 52m47s)

i honestly don't care, they're the same kind of scum in my book

Leninism reached its peak with Stalin, communism has advanced past then, the capitalist states have decoupled themselves from society at large, and thus, if the ballot box was a valid site of struggle in the 1900's and 1910's it isn't in 2018. The Shining Path and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) have had plenty of success boycotting elections. You should take their lessons.

read Lenin, you mautist little shite

also if anything your comment only shows that you have in fact not read Lenin
are you retarded? like, actually mentally handicapped?

"decoupled" meaning alienated from the masses you fucking shit, electoral politics becoming pro-wrestling is more than enough evidence of this. Name a revolutionary struggle anywhere near the size of either the Indian or Philippine People's Wars.

I was on the MLM train for a while. I read Continuity & Rupture etc. But plenty of success how? They just terrorized a bunch of peasants then split and disappeared when Guzman was captured.

Which is in serious decline…

and even if this was true, politics in third world countries are completely different from politics in western liberal democracies. Like, how the fuck do you plan on starting a protracted people's war in fucking Stockholm? Describe it for me in concrete terms. It would just end up being three or four lunatics managing to injure a cop or something before getting thrown in jail.

this is the most ridiculous shit excuse for this sort of leftist infantilism i've ever witnessed by someone pretending to be related to ML
you are a fucking joke

well obviously in the "first world" (retard speak for cunts that never read Lenin and dont understand imperialism) you just dont do anything and tell everyone how they should just die and feel ashamed because they're exploiters
maoists are a cancer and plague, they should get the bullet too

maoists are below ⛏️rotskyists and socdems with their shit "theory" and must be considered active anticommunist moles.

the reports of the SP "terrorizing peasants" mostly come from the Truth and Reconciliation report which was biased as shit in favor of Fujimori's terrorist government, most of the terror against peasants was committed by Rondas dressed as guerillas or government troops.
The PLGA was crushed before in the 70's, it reemerged in the 2000's, a lot of that thanks to Kishenji, who's death along with Op Green Hunt has set the movement back considerably, but is now starting to regain its feet, like it's done before.

yes mr PSL, keep losing elections and recruiting ex-mercenaries, surely you'll take over the US at any point now.

When Lenin said that we should not discount electoralism as a tool, Russian communists already had a strong party willing and capable of fighting for workers' rights. This was in opposition to "childish leftists" like Kautsky who commanded massive socialist movements but didn't want to participate in parliamentarism on principle. I don't think Lenin wanted Bolsheviks to tactically vote Cadet in order to increase taxes on kulaks 1% and reduce beatings for serfs. I don't know, maybe your country has a vanguard worth voting for but in mine the comparty is a joke. I still vote for them when I can but I would never do more than this bare minimum for them.

What does mr. MLM believe should be done in the US then? How do you initiate a PPW?

Serving the people directly, the Black Panthers had a pretty good system with free breakfast, gun lessons, and study groups for working people. Pushing against capitulationist union bureaucracy during strikes and just embedding oneself among the workers and the labor movement, giving that movement energy would be a start. Every revolution starts with the capture of key cities or pieces of land that the reactionary authorities are scared of, the "Black Belt", Native American Reservations, Puerto Rico, and majority Mestizo areas (especially in occupied Aztlan) seems reasonable considering the status of the US as a prison house of nations.

wew, that strawman really got me good, retard
and again you demonstrate that you're illiterate on the subject
keep going if you want to sabotage yourself

Why can't this be done while also running in local elections, as a means of getting exposure and potentially political power?

what an embarrassment
at least your fellow retard is "trying"
still a massive idiot that clearly lacks basic theory but i guess compared to you some credit must be given, he's slightly less retarded that it's just so noticable

epic argument my guy

because the resources spent in the election campaign are better spent elsewhere, why run in a local bourgeois election when you can set up a people's government free from entrenched reactionary power?

you mean five edgy 21 year old students standing around with guns, spouting slogans from the cultural revolution?

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Please point out where Lenin said that communists should vote for lukewarm socdems then. Everything that he wrote about voting was in context of an already established vanguard party taking part in bourgeois elections.

I'm not RGA, but there's nothing wrong with armed protest


all protest is larping

That's a pretty shit take tbh
If we go by that reductionist path, we might as well say that the way we act and behave in social situations is also LARP because we only act following the role we were given in society.

Is it me or Jason is really starting to look like Matthew Heimbach?

Is he gonna turn nazbol soon?

The problem with Maoists in the US is that they are too ride with feds. Anarkiddies and Maoists here are the most idpozzed people in the revolutionary left, and from what I've stated previously, it's hard to say that it turned out that way by design.


Fuck, I meant:

People protested the Iraq War when it was gonna start and it still happened. Only with the Gun can you achieve change.

What has that have to do with me calling out
being a shit take though?

The electoral gains made by anti-Capitalist parties in the EU absolutely contribute to spreading Socialist ideas.
People become more open to the thought of nationalising industry when elected politicians from their local community are proposing these ideas in their National Parliament, they are not inspired by some Maoist in a basement.

Participating in elections does not inherently mean you have to abandon an armed struggle either, the Official IRA finished in 4th place in 1989. Pics related.
Obviously Marx, Engels and Lenin are the authority on the topic, but in a Western context I think the most important Marxist thinker to refer to is James Connolly. Let's see what he thinks:

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Nationalizing industry isn't inherently socialist, especially if the country doing the nationalizing is imperialist. Socdem shit can only be "revolutionary" in the third world.

It can be economically revolutionary in the first world imo also the ruling classes of those countries are religiously opposed to state ownership, so it does open up some political ground.

He's right. Millennial Americans don't want real socialism, that would entail giving up their bourgeois decadence and first world comforts. Hedonism that is made possible by extracting wealth from the third world.

back to Zig Forums

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Millennials may not want real socialism but it is unlikely that they will receive even the smallest increase in super profit financed gibs from any first world government in this political climate. The real problem is the boomers. Millennials and the rest of the first world youth are only going to become more radicalized as their situation deteriorates.

Decadence generally implies corruption and excess. That describes the first world fairly well. Not sure why you are so offended.

This. Especially with younger millennial and old Gen Z’s, you say you’re socialist and they smile. You explain what that really means, and although they’re skeptical, they don’t dismiss it the way some wrinkly boomer of mid-life crisis having Gen Xer would.

Go back to r/ChapoTrapHouse FALC fags

Most of the millenials and Gen Xers I know are right-wing though.

Who do you know though?

What else is achievable at this current time?
If the Provisional IRA could not achieve their aims, what chance does any other Paramilitary have?
The Provisional IRA was the largest example of civilians taking up arms in order to establish Socialism in Western Europe, yet it was an utter failure.

Elections at least give Anti-Capitalist parties a moderate increase in seats, it allows them to use their position to popularise Anti-Capitalist sentiment.
GUE-NGL Parties are likely to increase their seats in almost every Western European country.

Who is more effective, an elected Socialist politician speaking for your area or some basement Maoist?
If the PIRA could not achieve their aims, what chance does an imaginary, spontaneous Western European Proletariat Revolution have?

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Name one thing wrong with hedonism, more specifically Epicurus’ philosophu

Provos literally split with the OIRA because the OIRA was taking a route that they deemed too socialist and anti-sectarian you idiot. Also, OIRA was the larger of the two initially, but after the provos done what most Catholics saw as a better job at defending Catholic areas than the OIRA, many flocked to them. PIRA never had any intention to unite the working class, they were happy enough just killing prods. Shite politics.

"Hahaha hey fucking prison slave why not just be a HEDONIST bro haha xD"

X L R 8

Remember that famous quote from Marx and Engels "Do only what is achievable at this current time?"

I always hear this and yet turnout in the US is always and Republicans don't even hide the fact anymore that they'd like to keep it low

*is always low

Yes, I know. However, they were the largest group.
If they accomplished absolutely nothing, what chance does a working class paramilitary have in Austria or Finland?

I fully remember when they said "Ignore elections. They're useless. People's War now".
Ignoring one essential path to building support is (dare I say it) infantile.
It's good when an anti-capitalist party wins seats, and helps us expand into other non-electoral avenues.

Except even Roo himself doesn't believe your strawman
Not supporting welfare capitalism =! doing impracticale things

Data seems to suggest otherwise. I am not hopeful though. A successful socdem candidate could easily transform millennials and gen z into literal 30 year old boomers. Fortunately that is highly unlikely to happen. I don't have much hope for the current generations however

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I'll give you that. That could very well be true. The inevitable decline in the standard living could indeed trigger something meaningful.

Lol at you two dipshits. Yup, the blue-haired lesbian fat rights activists won't be able to consume 10,000 calories per day any more. The horror. Food rations, energy rations. They're all coming and we need them. That's right, no more bread and circuses. Sporting events, concerts, netflix, air conditioning, car shows, just naming ridiculous shit off the top of my head.

wtf i love democrats now

Why are you watching the inferior sibling comrade?

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actual peruano raised and born
holy shit dude admit that the SP had its errors , Gonzalo was over his head and he made too many mistakes and he alienated many peruvians from socialism, He was infinitesimally better than fujimori. I believe everyone in power in peru deserves a swift death but not seeing the errors in our movement is blind and a hindrance, this is coming from an ML

What can I do to help promote socialist discussion in the public space?

It must be a sign of the end times.

Why is that guy smoking a dildo?

because he has the gay

I didn't know that the PSL and WWP where Maoists.

Theory must be change to reflect the new material conditions.

off yourself, seriously you dumbass nigga make no fucking arguments and cry "it's different today so whatever the shit i pull out of my ass doesn't need to actually address basic ML principles" like the revisionist fucking twat you are
absolutely pathetic

no, we had this discussion with him, he rejects elections and frankly any action in general on the premise of his retarded third worldist bullshit that puts him in the comfortable armchair where he can screech "not true revolutionaries, you're all bad lol!" while doing nothing and declaring it "working really hard to wake up people"
wake up to what? to join his autistic third worldist retarded screeching where they can sniff each others brainfarts and compliment each other for showing those exploitative first worldist workers how bad they are
you are pathetic for pretending not to understand the context of the shit he's spouting, what a weak attempt, only a good couple of gulps from bleach can clean off that filthy stain this retarded reply you made left on you