"Privilege" doesn't exist

It’s a made up fallacy invented by Cultural Marxists and popularized by leftist universities and colleges.

Try to change my mind Zig Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


All opinions discarded. Learn what Western Marxism is before posting, dumbass

Why? We couldn't care less about privilege either.

But "cultural Marxism" is at best sloppy language, at worst a right-wing conspiracy theory. It shouldn't be used for a form of postmodernism which has rejected Marxism completely.

t. suburban mongrel


Fuck off, explain why I have a privilege.

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Okay, Penn Jillette.

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There is a legitimate difference here
Marxism is not a monolith



Yeah… their names.

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You’re obviously not here in good faith so I’m not going to waste my time teaching you the difference, especially when you believe in the Judeo-Bolshevism myth 21st century edition

Do Zig Forums natives create these threads just to reinforce our opposition to idpol when it seems on the wane? Or does Zig Forums keep on generating these know-nothing retards every other day?

I'm a centrist, and I'm just having a bit of fun after someone proclaimed all of my arguments should be shut down after he thought one of my statements was incorrect.

Don't worry, you have nothing to fear. I'm not from Zig Forums

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Through some hard-hitting dialectical materialism and a thoroughly marxist scientific socialist analysis I can conclude OP is right and anyone who disagrees with him is a liberal bourgeois first worldist who needs to read Marx and Hegel to understand the dialectic nature of historical materialism and scientific socialism and needs to reject idealist utopian anti-materialist reactionary liberal bourgeois first worldism.

"Privilege doesn't exist"
What is heritage, oh wise mentally handicapped boomer?
The rest of your post is nonsensical sperg about irrelevant crap such as cultural marxism and burgerdream.

One there was a an leftypolack a couple weeks ago but this guy is clearly just a mutt
When he is from here you can understand it


Being a college student myself, never before have I witness so many people I know fall under a single ideology. It's crazy.

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Maybe you should learn about Marxism before coming in here and demanding we defend liberalism
He says as he parrots a far-right conspiracy theory

Sure is a big coincidence that these people keep making these bad decisions, and that their children then make the same bad decisions. It's almost like there's a structural factor here, and that someone who grows up in poverty has a very difficult time breaking the cycle of poverty.

It was always a myth and never more so than today.

Colleges are cesspools of liberalism and constantly harp on identity politics. They are not leftists. I consider myself a Marxist and I have only had a single professor talk about Marx positively in my entire college career (and he wasn't misrepresenting him either surprisingly)
pic related

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This is not an unreasonable response to someone citing an actual conspiracy theory. In this case, propaganda made up by American paleoconservatives. Read up on the John Birch Society for an idea of what we mean.

what do you think?
probably both

I like how I came here wanting you guys to explain shit, but all you can do is spout "INCORRECT, INCORRECT, FAR-RIGHT CONSPIRACY!" without any elaboration on such accusations or why you believe that things you do.

Yeah, they do. I also grew up in Detroit (I know, really fucking weird amirite?) And after witnessing this shit, I firmly believe culture and what you're raised around has a lot to do with it.Maybe better parenting and education could help.

In fact, I have African American friends who are doing better than me due to their better choices in life, the work-field, education, etc.

I think what it might boil down to is percentages and statistics.

So then marxists look at this and say: "Well, it must be White Privilege! There's no other explanation!" The far-left has now adopted this mentality.

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I like how you totally read my post, lol.

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The latter.
If you wanted to reenforce anti-idpol feelings you would be better off showing off one of the many examples of liberal identity politics, rather than blaming the board for a vague notion of "cultural marxism", which is just a right wing dogwhistle.


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user, you're just a dumb nigger whose head is chock full of memes, conspiracies and ignorance about the thing you're arguing against and you're upset at us for not taking your retardation seriously? Marxism is not "FUCK WHITEY", it's scientific socialism, the study of capitalism, the theory of revolution and class struggle. Read a fucking book


Never said it was "FUCK WHITEY."

Modern marxists just came up with "White Privilege", that's it. Now, whether I'm right or wrong about this in your opinion is irrelevant: do I have a privilege? Yes or do?

Bump locking the thread and banning OP is one thing, but why isn't the consciousness of letypol users not high enough not to reply to piss poor bait.

[citation needed]

yes or no*

It actually is a conspiracy, though, this is not just an assumption on our part.
No, they don't. Postmodernists, the people at your college, are not Marxists. The movement literally exists as a rejection of old-school leftist ideas. Most of the same liberals at your college would call Marx an old racist white man if you asked. Jordan Peterson says they are the same because he is a pandering Dunning-Kruger blowhard that knows basically nothing outside of his degree: quillette.com/2017/06/14/whos-afraid-jordan-peterson/
Identity politics are a divide and conquer technique, plain and simple.

Don't worry user I've got your back

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This is the person you want to blame for the modern idea of "privilege." She isn't a Marxist. If you read her, her "theory" isn't based on Marxism but a combination of her feminism and her neuroticism.

There are endless sources explaining the problems with the Cultural Marxism bullshit.
Cultural Marxism doesn't exist. If you mean "new-left minority-oriented identity politics," then we agree with you that it's shit. Likewise if you mean critical theory and postmodernism as it exists in many American universities. Beyond that there's nothing to Cultural Marxism. It's a conspiracy.
It isn't white privilege. It's the patterns of poverty black people are stuck in. In turn the lingering result of slavery and segregation. We need to resolve the problem through a radical reorganizing of the economy, in which African American communities can start playing a vital productive function.
"White privilege" doesn't exist within Marxism. It's an inherently idealist concept that places responsibility with the white subject that is unwilling to give black people enough of a chance to make it in society, unwilling to acknowledge the economic realities of life for African Americans within the capitalist order.

OP, if we give you shit responses it's because we get sick of being forced to defend beliefs we don't even have. You aren't the first person to show up here demanding we explain ourselves. Cultural Marxism isn't a thing. Stop getting your information on us from anti-socialists, they have every reason to lie.

No one forced them to make bad financial decisions. While that statistic might seem appalling consider for a moment just how many black people are homeless in Africa and other parts of the third world. Being homeless and black in America is better than being homeless and Black in any other country of the world. Otherwise they would leave.

Wow, I guess you really are a privileged petty bourg piece of shit


Again, segregation was a while ago, and slavery was a VERY long time ago. I have black friends who are doing really fucking well in life, better than myself right now, and where's the white man trying to keep them down again?

Yes, homeless black people can always travel overseas, learn a new language, find good jobs to support themselves in their chosen country, and finally earn citizenship after many years.

wew lad you are either dumb amerimutt or bad troll

galaxy brain social analysis, you do realise that during slavery and segregation there were also black people who were better off that some white people?

Economic mobility is declining, you mong. Shit is in decay and this is an objective fact.
This may surprise you to find, but not everyone is American. "Workers of the world" is one of our slogans for a reason, the exploitation of the working class everywhere concerns us.

It's easier for you to find a job, you're less likely to be born poor, you're less likely to be harassed by police, less likely to be arrested for a crime that would get a black man arrested, etc, etc. I know plenty of cops, they are some racist motherfuckers and most are white. Of course there are poor white people, but there are more poor black people. This is the result of a long history or segregation and a racist judicial system and a bunch of other complicated things. American culture is very eurocentric. Most main characters in movies, video games, popular books, TV shows are white. Most politicians are white. I could go on and on and on and on.
t. white person.

A thread died for this sheltered bullshit. Not only have you never read a political book, but you’re probably a college freshman at you oldest. The kinds of people who talk about “white privilege” are of course obnoxious and generally deeply triggering and problematic racists who don’t even acknowledge poor rural whites exisr, but that doesn’t privileges of other sorts aren’t ubiquitous in society.

Doesn’t exist, you should either read a book or kill yourself if you believe this.

A myth by right-wingers with a persecution complex. Leftists and/or SJWs are an extreme minority in academia and relegated ethic and gender studies departments, and history and english departments. The overwhelming majority of SJWs on campuses are students, and SJWism usually begins in high school and is spread by students and tumblr, not faculty.

A worthless platitude, based on a multitude of unmeasurable values, devoid of any nuance about society, not the purpose or function of economics, and contradicted by boatloads of data. Experience and good work ethic are helpful and good traits to have, but they guarentee you nothing, and very rarely result is becoming rich.

Again, contradicted by boatloads of data and a basic glance at history.

So wrong it’s the second dumbest thing you said after the “cultural Marxism” statement. It was a lie when it first popped up, and its an even bigger lie now.

White privilege exists and I will fight ten deaths ensuring I have it and keep it

adios apes, back to the jungles

forgot flag


Semi-relevant suggestion: If you want to learn of real-life political and educational subversion read up on the Powell Memorandum

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Again, a lot of my friends have fallen victim to this shit. Ever since I started, I've see them fucking everywhere.


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Nobody cares about your privilege.

Doesn't really change his point. The social justice cult is largely a defect of American culture, which is something that no one really wants to address.

hol up a sec, I thought it was because of their low I.Qs and racial inferiority?

"Privilege" isn't a thing. Yeah, black people and women have it worse, and white men have it better, but this doesn't arise from white men being "privileged". Stating the fact that there exists a relative advantage of some over others by stating that those are "privileged" is a tautology; basically saying that some people are better off because some people are better off. "Privilege" theory neither explains anything nor does it provide a practical solution beyond soapbox moralization about how evil bad people white men are, which isn't a real solution, it's just a backdrop for tailing behind liberalism. The fact that the notion of privilege is so prevalent among college liberals shows nothing of the influence of Marxism in academia, but the opposite - of an unwillingness to confront the economic realities of class by obfuscating the dynamics of class with moralist mystification.

Racism as a system of oppression should be separated from mere "racist" prejudices, because racism as we understood it arises from historically specific experience of the Americas, and become incoherent outside of that context. Racism is the historical legacy of colonization and slavery, and can only be understood within those limits. Culture arises from the organization of economy. There is nothing inherently oppressive about "whiteness" or inherently emancipatory about "blackness", what matters is the economic struggle of the working class against capitalism.

We, as Communists, take the side of the proletariat in the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. The proletariat are the class of wage-laborers, while the bourgeoisie are the owning class that control capital. In simple terms, the proletariat is the class of employees, and the bourgeoisie is the class of employers. The fact that workers are dependent on the existence of capital, that you cannot have employees without employers, masks the fact that they are two separate classes with conflicting interests. The only means for the working class to fight against the capitalist class is to establish its own independent political organs; the fundamental principle of Marxism is the political independence of the working class in advancing its own interests separate from the interests of capital. In fact the real problem with black nationalism (and all nationalism, no matter how "progressive"), which is the liberal take on racism in the US, is that it leads to the political subordination of labor to there interests of capital. If you were to enter into any local "community", what is the political leadership - small business owners. "Community organizing" on the basis of race means subordinating the workers politically to the interests of small capitalists, the petty-bourgeoisie. Black nationalism is black capitalism, and identity politics and campus political correctness serves as their ideological justification.

The historical foundations of capitalism was built on the backs of black slaves. The emancipation of the slaves was translated into Jim Crow. The oppression of the black slave translated into the oppression of the black wage-worker. The history of slavery is embedded into the dynamic of capitalism. According to Lenin, the Communist must become the tribune of all the oppressed, not merely participating in the the class struggle in its most immediate expression, the trade-union struggle, but to participate not only in all expressions of class struggle, but of all that are oppressed by capitalism - for even capitalists can be oppressed by capitalism. The struggle of the working class against capitalism necessarily becomes a universal struggle for the emancipation of all of humanity.

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Tell me what study you're doing? Mine is infested with liberals, very rarely do I meet leftists outside of the party I'm in.

that phrase was a wordfilter
BO worldfiltered a n t i w h i t e into that because it makes nazis look like SJWs
as funny as the wordfilter can be, its just another example of the BO being a shithead

True. also factor in manipulation.
Also true. some just want to live like savages
partly true

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OP doesn't even need to read a book, even reading a Wikipedia article would show him that what he's saying is bs but he's to stupid even to do anything other than parroting buzzwords

testing 123

deeply triggering and problematic

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Lmao boon poster strikes again.

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It's all so tiresome, isn't it.


privilege = money
privilege = class

ty comrade