Life a shiet.
I just returned from Russia. All the soviet stuff i saw was cool, but i missed you guys, since 8ch is blocked in Russia and leftbook is not a valid substitute being full of idpolers, so i thought all the time"wow such a fascist paternalistic state you have to be to block all kinds of porn" So i return to Italy, my homecountry, open and this happens.

Salvini filthy fascist, if you have to block thousands of boards cause there is cp on three of them so block also the entire facebook for the same reason dio lurido porco.

This makes me mad, now i'm writing from a shitty online free vpn, dunno what to do (i'm too prole to buy a decent one, and i feel guilty using precious tor band only to watch leftypol memes).
Fuck this shit i'm going out to start a riot with the first cop i see la madonna puttana slabbrata serva del fascio

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You can always post through tor

BO has tor posting disabled

what should be the Final Solution to the ?

Balkanization obviously, they can't figure out how to do a nation state

At least they didn't block your boorus yet

t. Russian

both the north and south want to split (although no one moreso than Venice)- and it's not a minority, it's not a fringe policy- they both hate each other utterly and always have. The unification of Italy was never meant to be, it was forced through by bloody guerrilla warfare, and has never been popular with anyone in Italy anywhere, except some northern nobles it briefly gave power. How that country holds together is a mystery to me. Just end the Italian union and be done with it, Jesus Christ.

fake and gay

So hard they'll start calling it Italization!

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what about I2P or some sort of VPN?

Jesus, that sucks
Fuck state web blocks. That's ridiculous.

I know Austria and Luxemburg are supposed to be part of Germany, and Belgium should be divided between France and Netherlands, but what's this about Italy?

fucking why?

Opera ftw. Attiva VPN nella barra dell'URL e vai. Io navigo così su questo sito e manco avrei mai saputo del blocco! E porco dio e soprattutto porca madonna. Comunque non farti scrupoli ad usare pure Tor se vuoi, anche se l'eccellentissimo BO non permette di postare qui se ti connetti con Tor. Altri board non sono bloccati.

Pretty much this. But don't expect things would get any better with five or ten or twenty petty states.

But I guess pussy is much better in Ruskija.

It sucks even more because the notice is written in this kind of legalese, retarded language no one uses in real life plus the English translation is full of fuck-ups and really silly.

Pic unrelated.

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I wouldn't know :(

I can tell some fun stories about Russian censorship though, one time they blocked wikipedia for articles about drugs and for hosting a single text by some islamist group, right when I was writing my thesis and needed both

Well, that's sad.

Anyway, the only time I remember I got that funny notice on the internet was several years ago, when I was browsing some site - a forum, iirc - looking for Japanese porn and I clicked on a thumbnail. You never judge a porn by its cover, so I wanted to check how the actress looked like in shots taken from the actual video file. And from time to time I got this fucking "reeeeeeeeeee, stop it! that's p@edo shit! we're the police! article x, clause y, section z" because someone flagged the site hosting the image - I think imgflip, imgchili or some shit like that - because someone found a picture of cheese pizza shit on it out of millions of pictures. Back then I was much more unsophisticated than now and I just used anonymouse or hidemyass to bypass the block. So I could check if the actress really had the boobs so big and so firm as they looked on the photoshopped cover of the dvd.
Btw, when I lived in England, sometimes the government had the ISPs block whole porn sites, but you got a generic message like wrong URL or shit like that. And then I had to bypass this shit not to watch just a thumbnail, but to actually stream the real deal… Fuck David Cameron and fuck that sociopathic mafia called the Cuntservative Party! But that's another story.

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We can't have people expressing their opinions without oversight, can we? It'll be like freedom of speech or something. Totally unamerican.

I'm guessing, the actual rationale is prevention of Zig Forumsyp raids.

Recently Russia tried to ban Telegram (IM service by's dev) for refusing to cooperate with FSB (our feds). Of course Telegram decided not to go down easily and started…well ban avoiding with some tech magic. What ensued is that they brought down half the internet trying to block it, most major Russian social media went down. Meanwhile some porn and gambling sites allegedly became unblocked. Eventually the Russian censorship agency (Roskomnadzor) managed to block its own website. Telegram still works I think.

Also Roskomnadzor has an anime girl personification, because of course it does.

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That's a lie. I'm italian an I'm posting right now

Ma che cazzo dici?

Posso confermare, socialdemocratici bastardi, oggi non è state la prima che hanno bloccato 8ch, ho paura stiano facendo le prove per lo spettacolo.

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I remember reading about this stuff on a thread about Russia a few months back - late spring, early summer, iirc. I don't know if it was you, but I remember that the gist of it was a lot of kids could have started riots just because their ability to play some popular online games was compromised… Kek!

Tutti a rapporto!

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All accidentally blocked while trying to get at Telegram. It was a truly revolutionary situation comrade

Chi sono stati? Lega o M5?
Perche socialdemocratici? È stata la boldrini??

Good old RKN-chan!

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Immagino salveenee, socialdemocratici era un insulto generico a chi diceva non fosse vero

Credo possa essere stata una segnalazione a caso alla postale o a qualche altra autorità. Francamente non vedo la necessità per l'attuale maggioranza di "censurare" un sito internet per il 99% in inglese e con l'unico board in italiano - mi riferisco a /ita/ - piuttosto allineato col nuovo corso politico.
Non ho la più pallida idea di come funzionino blocchi del genere in Italia e non mi stupirebbe sapere che sia una cosa fatta a caso. Del resto, dicono che anni - o mesi? - fa, qui su 8ch fossero tollerati board molto, molto al limite in quanto a pizza al formaggio. Sapendo come funzionano certe cose in Italia, potrebbe anche essere una vecchia segnalazione che è stata "azionata" solo ora…
Socialdemocratico, comunque, resta un insulto molto, molto pesante.
Ma per continuare a parlarne in italiano

Lol! You can start a revolution in two ways: by starving people or by pissing them off taking away some kind of toy they really like.

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just buy a VPN