Requesting a cuba thread.
We all so often hear of butthurt liberal and conservative comments on Cuba, usually followed by a torrent of literacy and healthcare increases etc.
Under all it's embargoes, death of it's big brother, the SU; what were the accomplishments of Fidel and his government overall? and where is Cuba heading now?
Requesting a cuba thread
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They took my family's slave plantations and that's why we need direct rule by the CIA over Cuba, to restore freedom.
These ironic posts are just confusing
honestly i don't even know why right wingers bitch about "muh 50s cars"
aren't they the ones who wan't to return to the 50s american dream? shouldn't they be commending the cubans for conserving old cars?
i know it's not their choice considering all the embargos and the fact that they don't really have an industry that can produce it's own advanced cars but i honestly think it's nicer seeing these types of cars in cuba compared to what we have in capitalist countries
I really have trouble believing in muh literacy rate, muh healthcare when you look like the country has not stepped out of the 50s.
Us right wingers want constant advance of technology, but keeping the aesthetics.
Not literally keeping shitty 50s car as tourist traps.
An example would be power armor: knight armor, medieval aesthetics but powered by nuclear reactor with exoskeleton.
Did you literally just get done playing Fallout or something?
Behold Zig Forums once again thinking in Video game logic
No, Warhammer 40K.
Power armor is a very real thing.
It's just armor over an exoskeleton frame.
Nowadays I value video games over book even.
Allow me to adjust
Yeah, man, you are so fucking deep.
Meanwhile, power armor is cool as shit.
This is why leftists get nowhere. When everybody talks about how make a good steak, you are gonna talk about meat is le murder.
Please tell me some books where I can fight Civil War battles?
I think books are even worse than tabletop games.
Books about civil war. Just pretend you're the guys fighting.
So again, pretension, really? When video games allow you simulation.
You don't need books for pretension.
Man, I'm especially mad at this picture, wonder what cuck draws it.
You look at the Imperium, and you look at modern society, and you dare say Warhammer 40K is satire, this world is satire.
But we gonna make it right.
This post has got to be satire
Because that's exactly the concept of power armor.
Not necessary. That is how right wingers really think.
And what's wrong with what I think?
Reminder that the Nazis were literally Fantasy
Novel fanboys. Their first symbol, the Wolfsangel, was because of a Fantasy Novel.
Why do you think it gets posted?
To make people mad?
That's the only point.
Sounds cool as fuck, thanks for the recommendation.
Really? Funny because the ruskies are also making power armor.
And forcing your every Ivan to carry a RPG or a PTRD sound nice actually, it's gonna make him a bigger target and slow him down.
Gee, if only we could live in a society like that.
Which are also heavy and only issued for specific member per squad.
Yeah man, I wish I would stay here shitposting on this board.
Disposable launchers are also hugely inaccurate.
They have trouble hitting tanks, imagine now they try hitting 2m soldiers in cover.
Power armors are gonna be the next big thing in warfare with caseless ammo.
It's not necessary confusing or ironic. Please watch this video until the end.
That and/or robot.
IMO robots would be more efficient but the idea of AI apocalypse is too much to properly entertain.
RL "power armor" is basically a ballistic vest with an exoskeleton and some batteries to charge your phone and helmet display lmao, not 40k space marine armor. There are many very good reasons why troops do not wear full-body armor anymore. Ivan might be forced to carry more grenades, but every Fallot power armor of yours is a multi-million investment comparable to a tank with none of the benefits of one. You are clueless, all knowledge you have is from videogames
Yep, this is bait
This is literally what NutSacs want.
You fool, we are talking about the future.
Currently the existing power armor is very rough, and is mostly based on the exoskeleton, but in the future, when energy cell is better mini-ized and better ceramic armor exist, we are gonna have workable power armor.
Are you retarded? Your precious Ivan wear a shitload of armor, especially the elite troops, they wear goddamn ballistic plates and wear full coverage helmets. Are you still stuck in WW2?
Tanks would always cost more than power armor, and tanks serve an entirely different goals than power armors.
Funny, what do you know exactly?
Man, and it's why nobody is worried about Zig Forums, they don't even know what their modern Ivan looks like/equips.
It's not to say Nazi, this has been the doctrine of militarism since the beginning.
Peace is just a prelude to war.
Russian troops don't wear KNIGHT ARMOR you autist, they wear plate carriers and helmets like everyone else. Not full body plate armor. Future warfare if we ever get there will be about track-based UGVs supported by infantry in light exoskeletons. Mecha, 40k power armor and other animu shit is impractical and will never be used by anyone. Well, maybe future nazis will make them for larp purposes ruining their economy and getting btfo by communists, like Nazi Germany did with its autistic prestige projects lmao.
Hey stupid, the point is they do wear FULL coverage armor, and they are gonna up increase armor at the tech improves.
So the future is gonna be Space Knight armor, it would be a combination of Armor + Exoskeleton + Astronaut suit, until projectile tech gets a massive boost.
Yeah, because communists have never had wunder programs that failed, yeah, nope.
Nor they tried to build super tanks or super powers, no.
Okay, I'm done here. Zig Forums really does live in a videogame
Those ideas are not from video game.
But who cares anyway, you will be long dead before you can see any of that.
50s cars look cooler anyway
You don't believe it because feels are more important to you than facts. You don't need developed industry to provide education to people, its literacy race is completely legit.
As for healthcare, if you don't trust Cuban statistics or anecdotal evidence of people who've lived there (I know some who can confirm the claims about its healthcare) or the fact that cuban exiles frequently come back for vacations or surgery etc. then you can simply find the World Bank, CIA factbook and other bourgie institutions where you can indeed find that its lifespan exceeds that of the US with healthcare spending per capita being over 10x lower
Personally I would like to visit it and see for myself.
Cuba is easily one of the most based countries today, even if they aren't socialist anymore. That being said so, when they were they were easily up there with Vietnam, the USSRA, etc.
North Korea is the closest thing you'll find IRL. You can worship the Kim-Il Sung the Eternal President who's been dead for over 20 years but still somehow maintains his post.
Any news on what the new Cuban President is doing?
Since no one watched it here the punchline.
People complain about their deported relatives, who as we learn had a lot of land.
According to his twitter Cuba is preparing for the Hurricane Michael.
Or you can live in America and worship the founding fathers who died over 200 years ago
that's the oldest pseudo-meme of communist Cuba on this board. Gusanos complaining that Castro took their slaves. It's not confusing in the slightest.
Even eating fucking meat is illegal for the average person in Cuba. You fucking jackboot thugs are too stupid to know what the hell you ask for, or you're just EVIL, narcissistic sociopaths. Fuck you and your tyrannical dogma. Move to CUBA you ungrateful shits.
I've heard boujee sources refer to Cuba as market socialist, did Raul take the Titopill or is it different?
they have small private businesses like hairdressers, resteraunts and taxi drivers but st least now they haven't really implemented large scale market reforms.
Are those private businesses co-ops or profit sharing at least?
Some are co-ops and some are bougie businesses.
petty bourgeoisie at most
i don't think it's far to call them straight up bourgie
Is this board really so easy to bait that a single autist from Zig Forums can derail the entire thread? I forgot this was a Cuba thread
Taking the bait feels so good
Why, why does this have to exist?
Russian hentai 10x stranger than jap hentai
So I can cum to it duh
Not just this;
Well actually it was made by a right wing furry burger…
Holy shit, you autists can't be serious.
military body armor is NOT made to turn people in to mini tanks, its purpose is preventing casualties.
99% of all modern troops just have a plate carrier or high kevlar vest on the torso and a helmet that is not resistant to most rifle shots since helmets are used to protect agains debris and bomb fragments, which are the main source of casualties in all wars. This is all you need to prevent most of the potential lethal injuries in warfare. Full face helmets and extra armor bits are used only in specific missions by specific members of a squad, usually frontline in a cqc conflict. All forms of additional armor add extra weight, heat and volume to the wearer making them less agile, more cumbersome and gets troops more tired. This is a huge fucking problem since movement is everything in warfare. Facial armor also makes it harder to aim. Overall increasing current armor in most troops will not increase their chances of survival but will hinder mobility and carrying capacity.
With current tech we are still far from the super fast, strong, compact, precise, hyper responsive, resistant, AI enhanced servos that would be needed to keep an extra armored soldier on par with standard kit levels of agility comfort and endurance. Even if we get there you are still adding
hundreds of thousands extra dollars to prevent a casualty, because your power armor will not make GI joe or even Spec ops joe an immortal walking death machine. Still, imagine what any sort of malfunction, damage or EMP to the mechanical parts would do, 1 bullet and you have a million dollar soldier with a bunch of heavy malfunctioning junk strapped to him. The benefits are minimal. And either way if your tech is so advanced why not just using a killer bot or nano drone warfare.
If you want your soldiers not to die just make sure they don't get shot and they will keep killing things the same way an expensive space marine would.
99% modern troops do not actually fight in war, the actual ones that fight? Yeah, they do, they wear the most armor that they can afford to.
Yet that one is happening because one less human casualty is better, you are losing a shitton of money with one soldier here and there.
We are talking about the FUTURE, retard.
Because it would be hard to control in an AI apocalypse scenario where robots gain independence, but robot soldiers would indeed be a better alternative to human soldiers, cost-wise.
Because a Spec Op soldier dying is already costing hundred of thousands dollar already, thus the better investment is to protect him so he's LESS likely to die. Same for "light infantry".
Why do you call people autist when you can't even read?
I ask again, ARE YOU RETARDED?
We made warhammer 40k so we could laugh at you.
I don't think "you" made Warhammer 40K my friend, I don't think "you" did at all.
The fact it gains popularity over Star Trek & Star Wars are outside your calculation as well.
well for starters, it's stupid. You probably get all news from infowars, clickbait, and /v/; you have absolutely no concept of real warfare, plus you don't understand the most overt and obvious themes of a fantasy series. son you just plain stupid
I'm not a soldier, but I doubt modern soldier knows jackshit about the possible future of combat (or maybe they do, plenty of books/movies/vidya show that future, I read that US Marines were forced to read Starship Troopers), point made I can see where this trend goes, and every big countries do also, exoskeleton and robots are definitely going to be the big thing in the future, even the tanks were less feasible in their shorting, and they were improved upon in mere 15-20 years to be combat beasts that totally change warfare.
Out of the two, exoskeleton is definitely the more ethical and moral choice.
Discuss Cuba you fucking mongoloids
No, talking about Power Armor >>>>>>>> Cuba
Power armor is cool.
Trash taste.
Brutalism applied to a walking tank > Stupid fuggin shiny ass plate armor
Lexus/Toyota has an interesting design language. Aesthetically, it's garish and overwrought, but it makes perfect sense as a reflection of capitalist excess. Until the 00's, cars had been getting sleeker and more blobbish, but at the end of the decade this posed a problem: there was nowhere left to go. It was hard to become more bloblike without sacrificing manufacturability, and besides consumers were growing tired of it. And yet something had to give: Not only must technology advance, products must also look more "technological" over time. The conclusion of this conflict is just a mass of bayformers angles with razor-thin gestural lights that are harder to manufacture for no real improvement in visibility.
Tanks are just modern knights, same role.
not true, knights were mostly cavalry and the cavalry of the 20th and 21st century are the air force when the planes are manned that is
But user the future wars will literally fought in power armor like in my vidya. Scifi is the best way to predict the future.
And what exactly is wrong with conservative thinking? Cuba is a shining example of a failing government institution. Fidel Castro and his policies ruined Cuba.
Man your going to need to back that up with some sources but then again most conservatives are only semi-literate, so that will probably be hard for you.
two good articles by 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧the guardian🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 debunking this recent sonic weapon conspiracy propagated by the ameriKKKan government