Boi they did it.
Prepare your sides for the incoming seismic wave of right-wing butthurt.
Boi they did it.
Prepare your sides for the incoming seismic wave of right-wing butthurt.
Also, prepare for the definitely-not-Zig Forumsyps about to enter this thread to defend cheap racist statues as great historical and cultural artifacts.
What they'll say is "oh now you've really done it; now you've gone too far" and make wild threats, which if actually followed through, would be wildly disproportionate to what they're reacting to and thus counter-productive.
we cultural revolution now
i hate non whites so god damn much
And that's bad how?
Anyway all these statues were put up in the fucking 60s purely to fuck with civil rights activists and right-wingers pretending this is erasure of history are retarded
even if we were to go by the propaganda as the premise for what you're saying, it doesn't really compare with 50 year old statues without any historical value
don't pretend america has culture
I’ve seen people unironically claim that Sothern Gothic wouldn’t have become a literary movement without racist statues.
you mutts are truly the next step in human evolution.
They are old and basically irrelevant but that on its own Dosent mean they do not warrant tearing down nonetheless less
Also no participation statues for confederate losers LMAO
Cry Harder
different things
you bending over and taking my strapon would have meaning
it doesn't need to be publicly displayed though
/ourguys/ confirmed
I wouldn’t say it’s meaningless. It holds lots of meaning, specifically support for Jim Crow and segregation along with nostalgia for the Confederacy and thus slavery by extension.
Which is why it needed to be torn down.
Yeah that and another big wave (where this one was from) during the Wilson and Coolidge administrations which was an extremely lynchy period. At the time these were small towns run by mayors with names like John Todd Popcorn who were pissed off about jazz music.
There's one of these cheap statues in my town that went up right when the whites went full Physical Removal on the black neighborhood to make room for white expansion. At first they tried to use the Klan to intimidate, but the blacks didn't budge, so eventually the cops rolled in heavy and moved the houses away on giant rollers pulled by horses. Then the whites stuck a Confederate statue in downtown to remind the negroes as to who was boss.
lol @ at the black cop having a good time.
America having statues of confederates is like Russia putting up monuments to Vlassovites
America is the biggest cringe compilation on Earth
Lets not forget this one either
it is a statue to white supremacy, not a participation trophy
it's to remind niggers who their eternal master is lay off the boomer tier analysis
Honestly Zig Forums might be for the best because there are thousands of right-wing American retards on there and that's how they really talk when they're behind closed doors to each other. So everyone can see it for what it is.
I went over there to tell them their "oh it's just about honoring dah troops" was horseshit and quoted the industrialist and Klansmen who officiated the statue's dedication, where he waxed poetic about horse-whipping a negro wench on the spot back during Reconstruction for talking sassy to a white lady.
Immediately one went "WELL WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT?"
It is the way of things I guess. But I for one support the southern fight against yank imperialists.
yet WHITE supremacy continues on and lives rent free in the mind of every baboon on this planet
Doing pretty gud I thinks
The pure Anglo-Saxon USA is gone
Muh BAZED Rhodesia is gone
Zig Forumss favourite group of Pedos (Apartheid South Africa) are gone
White supremacy is gone fren
the only livable societies on this planet are the white ones (though of course that may be coming to an end thanks to your fellow co racials)
but it's not dead quite yet. as long as whites exist white supremacy will exist. good luck killing all of us your Autism Level is simply too low you are literally baboon peoples
USSR (1917-1991
Angola (Pre 1991)
Mozambique (Pre 1991)
DR Afghanistan (1979-1992)
Libya (Pre 2011)
Benin (pre 1991)
Ethiopia (Republican Revolution - Fall of derg)
Somalia (pre 1991
Most of the Middle East before the 90s
oh am I laffin
This insult literally makes zero sense unless your talking just about fucking china
Also didn't include Japan and Taiwan because of them being US vassal states and reactionary as fuck but ok
Those little islands in pacific and Caribbean that are basically just giant banks for porky
USSR Was obviously stronger then 3rd reich at least LMAO
every single country you listed was (and continues to be) an actual literal shithole with a fleeting communist regime that aped communist aesthetics for assistance from the ussr (which was pretty strong but was actually white)
hope this helps
Nazi weebs.
you're gonna cherry pick the handful of functional streets of Venezuela next aren't you
that first pic seems to be Manilla btw
top kek
the ruskies imposed a de facto apartheid system on the Asiatic republics via their internal passport system severely restricting their freedom of movement while russifying them hard core and giving them the worst jobs and worst military posts
"sovereign republics" HAHHAHAHA the ussr was a white supremacist state
Cuba recently passed laws allowing people to own private property btw
lol nice
Citation needed for literally all of that
The republics were soveriegn and in the case when they decided to declare independence (Balkans Moldova Georgia) it was recognised
Recognising Private properties existence (Which has long existed in Cuba) does not make a state any less socialistic
Why would I play up the success of some capitalist succdem state?
It’s not just that Japan has poor and homeless either. Do literally any research about life in Japan, you realize it’s a monumentally shitty place to live. It’s a repressive quasi-police state.
But they were literally traitors
A confederate monument can only celebrate three things: treason, criminal seccession and racism
Considering how much right-wingers screech and howl about the likes of Manning and Snowden, it's very ironic
more like NIGGERED
They mean something to autists like you, though, which is all the reason in the world to tear them down.
Great. What is Zig Forums saying?
Meanwhile capitalism still exists
No…no one here or there was talking about "owning white people"
Good way to give yourself up you retard
back to Zig Forums now
Not sure if Zig Forumsyps aught to be rewarded like this
Checked their thread (the 8/pol/ one at least)
They seem to genuinely believe that normal people will rise up against the left because of this, like anyone likes fucking Confederate statues who isn’t already far-right.
Also some shit about vandalizing an MLK statue and the Lenin statue in Seattle.
t. assblasted polyp
How many more confederate statues need to come down before capitalism falls?
lmao I bet they don't even know the history of the Seattle statue and think that le evil SJWs legit put it there to celebrate communism and anuddah shoah
There's something desperate in statue removals like this, as if the campus left can see no further effective course but has to "do something". For lack of ability to address the real, this "something" attacks symbols. Generally, the attack is being justified by petit bourgeois moralism rather than Marxism. There's no reason to support it, although in this case there's no reason to care about the statue itself.
It makes morons mad, that's enough reason to support it for me
Black IWW dude made my day
All of them. And more.
Of course, that’s just one element, but when socialism rises, all Confederate monuments will fall, including a few other monuments celebrating this nation’s odious history.
Retarded fucking reasoning you dumb american.
No it really doesn't. The soviet union insisted in preserving a lot of shit. If they have cultural and artistic value they shouldn't be destroyed.
They tore down statues of the tzar.
Well can't blame them for those. Plus cultish shit like that doesn't have artistic value
Confederate statues don’t have artistic value.
No they don't. Pic related does tho
I'm just glad that we can't and will never get lynched for this.
Cause that would be against the law, so we're safe.
The reward of ever working with jews.
As Vegeta would say:
Tsar was disliked by everyone
Wre you under the impression that people wanted to burn every copy of Birth of a Nation?
Because whoever told you that lied.
The only people who would lynch us are overweight boomers.
>by everyone
A meaningless term in the context of media, propaganda and who owns and creates it.
Confederate and Union statues alike were mass produced by the same few companies in the north east
They're more garden gnomes than culture
Well that’s good, once the Bolsheviks has overwhelming support in the soviets, the local worker councils that popped up in Imperial Russia prior to the revolution and were largely grassroots.
Last time people took down the statues in berkley or some shit some blackflag poster said to burn them all.
No Confederate monument has artistic value nor do many of the other statues that promote cults of personality around former statesmen and military figures, especially the “Founding Fathers”.
And Birth of a Nation isn’t a monument. In fact, it doesn’t have any artistic merit either, being literal KKK propaganda, its importance lies purely with the filming techniques it innovated.
Birth of a Nation is the equivalent to the invention of the wheel. it's not cheap and it's a great historical artifact
It didn't innovate them. It fucking invented them
No, It's a good movie. It's the second half that is the one with KKK shit. People do forget this. Still it had artistic merits, and even if it doesn't it should be preserved as a landmark.
I don't give a shit about statues, I just don't want this to become some slippery shit where everything racist or percived as such gets obliterated
The USSR saw it dialectically. Some things were preserved, some were destroyed (Church of Christ the Savior might have had "cultural value" but no way a huge religious monument could be wasting so much space smack dab in the middle of a socialist capital). Cultural value alone shouldn't be a be all end all measure.
You’re just continuing the cultural assault that the Union has done on the south since Reconstruction
So revolutionary
It's a symbolic act born of political impotence and driven by petit bourgeois moralism, not Marxism. That was my point.
The twit at seems to believe that anyone who regards symbolic "left" actions like this as impotent posturing is secretly Zig Forums. Unfortunately, Zig Forums is getting more and more of these radical liberal types.
Good. Sherman did nothing wrong. New Freedmen's bureau now. Glory Glory Hallelujah.
One can both regard it as impotent posturing and laugh at reactionary brainlets whose feelings are seriously hurt by it. If you carefully read the thread nobody sees it as some revolutionary action but is simply pleased at the bootyblastage from the right.
Why are americans are so obsessed with laughing at and mocking reactionaries?
I really don't get it
Generalplan Ost never existed
Because they have no revolutionary potential
Amerikkkan leftists are too worried about owning the Nazis and instead of bringing revolution
lol. Give me a serious answer please.
Your country is a joke
Because the left has no power in the US. All it has for "triumph" is mocking the right when it suffers a minor or merely symbolic loss, since they become apoplectic over it. I don't see this ridicule as in itself bad, but one should recognize it for what it is, which is to say: meaningless.
Me neither but you are absolutley right in the last. That said why I find kind of sad is not even their total impotence but the way they sacrifice goals and actual chances just to mock them. Being anti reactionary is suchna generic thing that even liberals are jumping on this trend. What amazes me is that no one in this groups, even people waving red flags never thought that this red and liberal alliance is probably much more of a failiure than something worth celebrating.
It's a question I asked my self during the unite the right 2.0 thing they had a week ago: These assholes were outnumbered and you basically had the platform to say whatever you wanted, insteas you chanted good but memey slogans and started calling yourself queers and fags just to offend the boomer.
I'm starting seriously to think that it's not just the goverment fault if there is no left in america
Yes it does.
Do you know why statues exist? To venerate sand honor the thing being immortalized. To make a monument to something is the highest honor it can be given. No one fucking venerates Birth of a Nation outside of some of the film techniques it invented. It’s existence isn’t a social endorsement of the KKK. These monuments are big social endorsements of white supremacy, that is their primary if not only purpose. No one is going to take the flying leap from bringing down large public endorsements of white supremacy to destroying some old racist film that no one watches anymore outside of film school.
There’s a lot of shit that isn’t starting the actual revolution that’s worthwhile. Strikes aren’t starting the revolution, protests aren’t starting the revolution, aggitating, educating and organizing isn’t actually starting the revolution.
Stop it.
Amerikkkan Left has its priorities out of wack so bad